Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 40: Where is the big fish?

"Half a year, only half a year..." The black man on the left thought thoughtfully, and said: "Is the doctor, is there a way to completely heal from the doctor directly, and there is no future problem? I mean to say ... even after treatment, how indulgent, unscrupulous..."

Chu Yang shook his head and said: "I mean what you said, I understand that there is a way to achieve that effect. But it is not the two Zixia coins that can be solved. And, still, the manpower is sometimes poor. Even if it is completely restored, even the ability is greatly increased, but if it is a sigh of indulgence, one day, one day, it will repeat the same mistakes. In this case, if it is re-occurring, if it is to be treated, even if it is me, It is very tricky and costly. Therefore, if you can control it as much as possible, the patient can suffer less, and I can also have less trouble. Please think carefully!"

"I understand, when you remember the doctor's embarrassment." The black-eyed eagle on the left looked at Chu Yang and immediately waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Two people set up the black patient in the middle, and the three people went out like a whirlwind, and then disappeared into the night.

The departure of these three people is as strange as when they came.

The cat was greasy and looked at the two purple daisy coins that Chu Yang was throwing. The eyes were wide open and the mouth was cracked.

"Actually, really... OK?" The cat's greasy face was pumped: "It's so easy, two purple coins will be available?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "This is nothing, only two purple coins, only 95 million, there is still a distance."

"It can be just one night...two hundred million...water cloud coins!" The cat greasy and licked his six beards, and his face was incredible: "This is also fast, unbelievable, it is simply shocking..."

Chu Yang’s eyes looked very deep outside and said: “The incredible, shocking real big head is still behind! My plan is just beginning now... or just the first step! But this is the first One step, still very successful!"

In his eyes, there is no such thing as a strange speech.

The cat greasy and shook his head and sighed: "The real freak..."


In the dark night.

After walking out of the good fortune, the three people turned left and turned into a secret yard. Then when it came out again, the black black cloak was gone.

A middle-aged man with a eagle-hook nose on his face is cold and cold: "Go to the jiyuan!"

The three people instantly turned into three flowers and asked Liu, and they strolled out and rushed toward the nearest jiyuan.


After a long time.

"Sure enough. This guy has already confirmed that it is a complete waste person... Now it is possible to even have two women in the night... This is probably because of his weak body, if there is a military body, or It’s going to be a few more times, saying that it’s not a recovery...”

"It's cheap, this bastard!"

"Take him out to eat, replenish his energy, take a break, and bring it back."

Until the sky is bright.

The bearer nose middle-aged talent satisfied the hand from the ji courtyard, behind him, followed by a pale but can not help but excited color of the thirties; face Revealed weakness.

On the other side, it is a fine man.

"What should we do now?"

"Well, raise him first. I will bring another one to the future, and I will see it alone, or use it with all things. Everything is careful."


"This thing must be handled well. Is it possible for us to build a line to make a fortune? From then on, we may have to count on this **** doctor. I thought it was a completely hopeless problem. I couldn’t think of falling the stuff in the sky. The cake is coming...hahaha...I really help me!"

"All are the main family Hong Fu, even if there are obstacles, they have their own help."

"Ha ha ha..."


The middle-aged man with the eagle hook nose looked at the squatting body and the weak thin body. The eyes showed impatience and boredom. The voice said to the fine man: "This kind of scum, barely alive is just a waste of rice; After a guy with different conditions, as long as it is all effective, immediately dispose of these three people cleanly, remember, don't leave any troubles."


"In these few days, let this guy continue to be happy and happy in the brothel. One is to continue to observe the effects of the drug; the second is to help us to help, always give them a little sweetness, it is before dying. The emperor is soaring...hey..."

In the laughter, the middle-aged man with the eagle hook nose carried his hand and strode out.

In the man's hall.

Chu Yang has closed the door and the man hall is no longer open. It seems that he waited all night to wait for the arrival of these three people.

The cat greasy followed Chu Yang to his room and shook his head and sighed: "Chuyang, I found that I still stunned you after all, I really can't see you."

Chu Yang smiled: "Oh? Brother, have you seen me?!"

"The reason why you opened this man's hall, the original intention is just for fishing?" asked the cat tired.

"Not bad." Chu Yang nodded and admitted.

"But how do you know that there must be fish here?" Cats are greasy about this.

"A lieutenant said that it is worthless, but I think about it." Chu Yang’s face was bright and said: "Cat brother, do you think that there is something wrong with the disease of the widows? people?"

"Poor people!" The cat is very greasy and said: "In the Nine Heavens, the life of the poor is too tired. Although the East Emperor's world is relatively strong, it seems that the tax is not too light. In such a strong survival pressure Under the circumstance, the poor must overcome their physical strength in order to survive in a family size."

"And the nine-day Scorpio is full of spiritual strength, so the average life expectancy of people is basically between 150 and 200 years old."

"If you don't do such overdraft work, you can still live for a while. But because of this, the poor people find a wife when they are young. After working for a while, they are basically around 50 years old, and the body begins to gradually Degraded, by the age of seventy or eighty, there is basically no desire in that aspect. Slowly over time, it has formed a so-called wicked person. However, at that time, no one will care. All that remains is the responsibility of feeding the family."

"Because of these responsibilities, people will be desperate, they will overdraw, and they will die early because of fatigue..." The cat grungy and sighed long.

Chu Yang nodded silently and said: "The cat brother has a good analysis. However, compared with ordinary people, we practitioners have not had a lot of pressure to come. In one case, we also have to support our family. Second, We must always face the life and death on the rivers and lakes. Although it has powerful power, there are too many people in the world who are stronger than us..."

The cat greasy and nodded silently.

"Also, even among ordinary people, as you said, the poor, the widows have a lot of illnesses, but basically they don't care much. Because they are too stressed, they can't even care if they want to care. Care, you can only listen to it."

"Even if you are very young in your twenties, this is already the case, but most of them will choose to endure; of course, some people will not endure, it will lead to tragedy... The cat brother should understand what I mean."

The cat is greasy and sighs.

"But the rich are different. Because the days are comfortable, there is no pressure at all, so there are more opportunities to indulge in sensuality. Especially those who are rich and second generation. The second generation has a sui, three generations have aristocrats. This is The laws of the world, no one can reverse, no one can avoid."

"The second generation is unsettled, the world is the most. Because the poor are rich, the mentality is out of balance. And a generation of entrepreneurs often have a mentality, that is: I have eaten so much bitterness in my life, now developed, my son naturally can not let him I still eat that kind of bitterness. I don’t know, with this kind of thinking, it is the beginning of loving children, and love is to ruin all the future of his son!"

"At this time, what kind of money is beautiful, rare things, the second generation of children are generally at your fingertips; over time, it will become a vicious circle. And Yuanyang is the ultimate source of men, if not restrained, will inevitably lead to false losses Therefore, the poor or the 40s and 50s will only begin, but the second generation of the rich family is often less than twenty, or in the 20s and 30s.

"And I am here, it is for this situation."

"And the threshold for setting a threshold is, of course, to let them vomit some of the money they have done. If I am so poor, it will be a catastrophe."

Robbing the rich and helping the poor... The cat teacher turned a blind eye.

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "Of course, this is only a few small money. Because the object is just a small fish. The real big fish will come after the small fish. So, to give the fish some sweetness is ""

"So who is the real big fish?"

Chu Yang laughs without saying.

The cat is tired and greasy: "After you step by step, you can understand clearly in advance?"

Chu Yang smiled and pointed his finger at the outside and said: "The outside is dim, so if you disguise it, you can't see who it is, so you can provide them with better cover. So patients will come at night. But I didn’t actually think about it the first day, and it’s still so anxious...”

Chu Yang faintly said: "The first day I was able to make a small amount of money, and finally it was a good start."

When the cat was greasy and heard the word 'small money' again, she couldn’t help but rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, this is just a small amount of money compared to your goal. If it is just the speed of money, It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of years, and you can also get what you need. But I still don't understand, where is your big fish?"

"My big fish?" Chu Yang smiled strangely, full of pride. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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