Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 42: Spirit beast game field

Cat tired and tired suddenly feel one thing: that gambling, Chu Yang really ... may not be able to win...

This kid actually guessed, inferred, and reasoned out so much content with only a little bit of clues, and then made a series of plans, which is not only highly feasible, but also the planning is closely related. The dripping water does not leak, and the human heart is counted, and it’s true...

I have become a teacher of a family, and I am afraid that it will not be as good as this kid!

Hey, if you think about it, you can’t let this kid know that Benedict thinks so! Moreover, Benedict is only teaching, not studying conspiracy... oh.

I finally figured out all the consequences of the cat's greasy and almost want to treat someone as an idol. Although I only thought about it, my mouth is absolutely unwilling to admit the drop...

and many more……

The cat was tired and tired and suddenly felt like he was being stalked by himself.

"Hold it, I interjected, how do I listen to your kid's statement, even if I don't play this bet on you that day, would you still do this? This plan has already been determined to start?"

The cat is greasy and says that he is more depressed: "In other words, this is actually a windfall for me? No, I plan to do it, I am still like it, but I have a little more profit, is your kid so designed?"

Chu Yang hurriedly smiled: "Look at what you said, how can it be. Who are you, the teacher of the Yi nationality, how can you still have you without you? At that time, I did not intend to buy Zixia Wangfu. ""

The cat greasy and nodded, and thought deeply: "It is also said that Benedict is a person who counts people."

"You are too embarrassed! Ha ha... Although it is a rabbit in the 30th year, there are also Chinese New Year, no New Year, but if there is, after all, there will be more rabbit meat fragrance, how do you say it? Yes, the grasshopper is small and meat..." Chu Yang reveals a sly smile.

The cat is greasy and greasy: "You!"

Can not be angry, is likened to a rabbit, although it is also boring, but the rabbits are good and the same level of the Yi, but how is the grasshopper?

"I am like? You said that I am like?!" Chu Yang holding his arm, suddenly raised a feeling of sighing, previously ridiculed, now the anti-sweet back of the cool, let him feel fluttering .

The cat was greasy and flushed, and her eyes were full of arrogance, full of glory, full of joy, and the young man who was squatting. The tail behind the **** was almost erected under the robes, and a hateful snoring. Go and walk away. Just leave two words: "Today's joy, be careful to pull the list in the future, do you think you won? I see how you cry when you lose! Hey!"

Chu Yang looked at the cat's greasy and go out, the mouth twitched, and smiled completely without a sound, then turned around, and somehow, the whole body's posture was so inexplicably changed, and the face was also In the true sense of "unrecognizable", it seems to have changed from person to person.

The next moment, the whole person floated out of the window silently.

The cat was tired and just returned to his room. Suddenly his brow moved and he said to himself: "So late, where is this guy going? Don't be sneaked by someone, his three-legged mouse The repair is really not enough to see..."

Then it floated out silently.

Of course, the strength of the day-level master is not only by mouth, but the veritable difference, such as the cat teacher's hidden trailing, according to Chu Yang's current cultivation is absolutely invisible, but it is not noticed.

The cat was tired of looking at the front of Chuyang, and the figure that became wretched and abnormal was turned seven and eight turns. He slowly moved to the front of a large building. It seemed that he had bought the money after he had taken out the money, and then Shi Shiran went in. .

The cat teacher took a closer look and saw a big sign at the door: the beast game field.

"The original Chu Yang guy actually came to gamble..." The cat teacher shook his head and hated the iron sigh: "The young age is not good, only when you have two bad money, you can't help but ruin it. It looks like this. There is no risk... It’s serious that Ben is going back to bed early."

It doesn't seem to go back to sleep. The people's beast game field is the place to buy gold. The entrance fee is very expensive. Someone can't afford it. Since it is possible to roughly determine someone's safety, it is natural to look back. .

This kind of beast game field can be equivalent to the place where the nine-day-old children like to run around the dog, but there are many high-level games. The object of the game is to use the powerful beasts. If one is placed in the Nine Heavens, it will cause a sensation, but unfortunately it falls into the Nine Heavens, and it has to become a prop of the game.

The game of the beast is the favorite way of gambling for the nine-spotted warriors. The way of the game is very simple. Put your bets on the beast that you are optimistic about, and then through the competition between the spirits and beasts, the outcome of the battle is a gambling method of winning or losing. The fundamentals are not much different from the cockfighting in the ordinary sense, but the fire between the spirits and the beasts, the stimulating and entertainment performances are undoubtedly far from being comparable to other gambling methods.

In addition, to be able to enter here, it has already proved that the superior is first-class - the warrior!

Because only the spirit beasts that you have chosen or captured by yourself are eligible to enter the venue; and, at least, the warriors above the level must be qualified for entry.

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the door.

In this regard, the primary taboo is to prohibit any fights; even if they have the hatred of killing their fathers, but as long as they enter here, all hatred must be put down temporarily before going out!

Of course, there is a time for anyone to stay in it.

Under normal circumstances, below the prefecture level, it is not allowed to stay in it for more than three days. At least the warriors above the prefecture level are eligible to extend their stay, but even if they are strong at the level of the heavens, they are not allowed to stay in them for more than three months.

Chu Yang Huaiyu has just earned two huge Zixia coins, and he has entered the game field.

Just as soon as he entered, he was almost stunned by the sound of the sound.

It’s almost a slap in the face. The guests here have a lot of strength. The sounds that come together will naturally have a considerable impact. If ordinary people can’t afford it, some kings can’t take it. , a little out of ugly!

It sounded silent from the outside, but I didn’t expect it to be a tsunami!

Fortunately, there are no acquaintances around you. You said that people who are known to be in a hurry are almost stunned by the sound of the sword. It’s hard to say!

At the sight of it, countless people are blushing, bulging their necks, screaming and screaming: "Bite it! Bite it! Hate bite!"

"Tear it!"

"Flash! Hey... my money..."

"Ah... I lost again, I am XXXXX..."

"Wow, hahaha... Lao Tzu is returning this time. This is the eye of Laozi..."

Chu Yang listened to these sounds, and looked at the venues everywhere. The staff were full of blushing necks, and the pupils were almost screaming.

Can't help but sigh.

Also said that this is the most high-end gambling venue, in this case, what is the difference with the average ordinary casino?

Chu Yang finally understood the truth: gamblers are gamblers!

Even if he is a billionaire and Megatron world, as long as he is still a gambler, then when gambling, it is no different from a martial artist!

At the next moment, Chu Yuzu’s eyes turned, and suddenly there was a loud cry: “Wow, it’s good to be wow hahaha... Grandpa, I’m here! Hehe...”

Immediately, he rushed in with a kind of eagerness to wait for 'can't wait' and 'no longer wait'.

Full of red face and dancing!

This kind of gambler's attitude close to madness is like a super gambler who has been lonely for tens of thousands of years. Suddenly, he has once again entered the excitement of the casino. This is almost a kind of selflessness and selfless spirit!

Forget about gambling! No me because of gambling!

Seeing the madness of a king, let the people who are screaming and cheering be shocked.

I am a grass, is this guy not exposed to gambling for hundreds of years? Looks like you have to be excited to have a heart attack, but don't fall beside me, really his mother's suffocation...

At this point, the staff of the two beast games field had already greeted with a smile.

Such people, casinos are generally very common: only know to bet, do not know to close, do not lose light is definitely not going out!

And any casino, it is always welcome to such people!

Money is coming!

As for why it is not fortune, the God of Wealth can be endless, and the money God sends money but it is poor.

This kind of person can't be a **** of wealth, so he has to be called the **** of money!

“Welcome to you, what kind of gambling do you like?” asked a middle-aged staff member.

"That still asks? Naturally, you have to try!" Chu Yang looked at the surrounding eyes, then tilted his toes and looked at the distance, listening to the noise, and looked intoxicated: "Come on me to bet!" Delayed the time to win, Lao Tzu can't spare you!"

"Oh... this..."

"What is this one?" Chu Yang blinked; the triangle eye that had been disguised as a moment was actually aggressive, or it was arrogant: "I have money! Today is the money to win money!"

Saying, reaching out and screaming, a dreamy coin appeared: "See you? See you? What is this!"

When two people saw it, they suddenly kept their eyes.

Purple Xia coins!

Actually it is Zixia coin! ?

In front of this, from the inside out, the super big gambler, who is completely out of the box, actually intends to use Beige coins to bet!

For so many years, gambling directly with Zixia coins, even if we are used to the casino, have not seen a few.

This silly* is actually a pretty rich guy?

Looking at that virtue is estimated to be a nouveau riche?

People who look like this are really cute...

I saw that Chu Yang took out the Zixia coin, and felt more self-sufficient. She screamed at the sky: "I have money! I lost the money, I will take it when I win! I will take the money! Who can win? Lao Tzu, that is his skill! Lao Tzu is willing to gamble and lose! But whoever loses to me, wow hahahaha... that is the most appropriate!"


Recommend a book of my brother: Ao Yue's new fantasy book "Imperial Saints"; interested brothers and sisters go and see. In addition, this book of Jiaojiao is being recommended by Sanjiang, and there are brothers of Sanjiang Ticket in hand. Please support one or two. Thanks to my brother for thanking you! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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