Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 48: Promise knife!

Duan Cangkong’s voice is low: “One day, I was crowned with the name of “Broken Knife”; that is to say, my knife is the best in the world, and it’s the most ancient. The old man is proud of it, his mind is confused, he actually thinks It’s not okay, but it’s smug, but I don’t know if it has angered a person...”

Duan was empty and stunned.

"Who?" Chu Yang asked.

"Liu Yongxiang!" Duan Cangkong smiled: "A very ordinary name, but it is extremely powerful. His nickname is 'the Promise of the Promise"; after hearing my nickname, he dismissed and said: 'The frog at the bottom of the well, unknown to the big river, dare to claim to be a knife?'"

"After hearing this sentence, the old man rushed to anger, and went to the challenge not far away. And all the way to threaten, if anyone loses, he will automatically cancel the word "the knife" in the name."

"It turned out to be the battle of the name, the battle of loyalty, the martyrdom of the martyr." Chu Yang sighed.

This kind of thing is really too much. The nine heavens are like the same, and the nine heavens are like that.

Who is not famous when life is alive?

However, sometimes, for the sake of a name, it will pay a heavy price, or life, or lifelong hardship. The sky in front of the eyes is obviously the latter.

Moreover, the injury still makes people say nothing: because this is his initiative to find the door to go, by this, can be said to be self-seeking.

"After meeting on the same day, Liu Yongxiang said: I didn't want to fight with you, but I saw you with a knife. If you can get it, I will recognize your position."

"At that time, the old man was very proud and said: 'If I can't take your knife, it's not as good as me to die here! But if you die in my hands, don't complain." I said this after I can clearly feel that Liu Yongxiang has moved to kill."

"At this time, Liu Yongxiang's wife said a word and said: 'Can you kill people, or you don't want to kill people, it is always a life.' Liu Yongxiang said: 'Well, since you said so, I will spare him. One life is."

"He finished the sentence, and then he kept his posture and took a knife. After a knife, he immediately closed his hand and said, 'Let's go back, solve the knife and come back to me. If it is even my You can't solve the knives, then you just want to die." Then, their husband and wife swayed and disappeared."

"At that time, there were still many people watching the war. The old man stood for a moment, but he didn't feel any discomfort. He was laughing and saying that Liu Yongxiang was just like this. The waves were so imaginary, but suddenly he felt the visceral slash in the moment, and repeatedly vomited blood on the spot. It turned out that the fluttering knife had already invaded my guilt! I didn’t know it, it’s so horrible!”

Duan Cangkong smiled: "I was thinking that my knife was invincible, but I didn't want to be able to resist even the fluttering of others! And the bitter fruit of this knife made me fully taste it today, three More than a hundred years!"

"With more than three hundred years of pain, three hundred years of life is not as good as death, to repay the original arrogance...hehe..."

Chu Yang took a breath of air and asked: "What time was it that you were repaired?"

Duan Cang’s fascinating look said: “I was at that time... it was a saint.”

Chu Yang wrinkled his brow, the saint is the next product, it can be said that it is a master of the world! Even in this nine-day scorpion, it is considered to be a hero of the party; but it was banned by the eternal knife Liu Yongxiang for three hundred years and tortured for three hundred years.

Then, what is the height of Liu Yongxiang, the infinite knife? "Wait..." Chu Yang suddenly frowned and frowned: "This is the infinite knife Liu Yongxiang, how do I seem to have heard of this name?"

Duan Cangkong smiled and said: "The Promise of the Infinite Knife Liu Yongxiang is famous for the earthquake. It is also one of the few unique singularities in the world. It never relies on the super power of any power. In the Nine Heavens, it is said that there are countless legends, with me. The knife is indeed a non-existent language. If you have heard of him, it is not very surprising."

In the seemingly dull voice, there is always a little bit of acidity.

Hey, I heard about Liu Yongxiang, but I have not heard of me...

This **** boy, is this want to be sincere and disgusting to die? !

"Well, you are afraid that it is a misunderstanding. I really don't mean this. In fact, I am just a newcomer just before the ascent. I know very little about the famous people of Nine Heavens, even if it is no matter how The legendary legend is really strange to me. The person who the old man said just now may not be the one I know..." Chu Yang meditated and asked: "Dare to ask this Liu Yongxiang... specifically What are the words?"

"Writing knife Liu, forever eternal, auspicious Xiang." Duan said.

Chu Yang frowned and meditated, finally clap his hands and said: "I remembered it, I actually heard it there. Fortunately, my brain is still enough to use."

"What do you think of in the end? Can you still know the Promise!" Duan Cang was nervous. He had a sincere fear of the Promise, and even began to fear everything related to him.

At that time, the sword that was like a demon, almost smashed his confidence together!

Chu Yang did not speak, but the cherished color of his face, but it was caught in long-lost memories.

I remember that one day when Master Meng Chaoran talked about himself and talked about the legendary characters of the nine heavens, Meng Chaoran said so.

"The nine-day days are tens of thousands of years, but there are countless legends. However, the legends that really live at the peak level are only a few people. The rest or the strength is also strong. The ordinary people are up in the mountains, but they are not in the real power. level."

Meng Chaoran first listed the wind and the moon, the cloth stayed in love, and Ning Tianya and others, but then began to trace back, the legendary legends long ago.

"Morning Wind Supreme and Flowing Cloud Supreme are naturally legends of a long time ago, immortal legends; but before them, there is another legendary classic character." When it came to this, Meng Chaoran had hesitated. One time, said: "This person who wrote this classic is very strange to say. No one, no record to prove whether he was before the morning breeze or after... In short, his records are blurred."

At that time, Chu Yang asked: "Who is that person? Even if the record is vague, there is always a name?!"

Meng Chaoran said: "This person is a promise knife... Liu Yongxiang."

Chu Yang’s memory has arrived here, and there is a subtle deviation from the reality.

Because, he clearly remembers that the "Liu Yongxiang" that Master Meng Chaoran said is actually 'Liu Yongxiang'; Liu Liu's willow, flying Xiang Xiang. Instead of a knife, Liu, auspicious.

Is it true that these two people are actually two people, but the names are similar?

But why are the nicknames infinite? If it is a coincidence, this coincidence is a bit too coincidental, right?

Is it the same person?

At that time, Meng Chaoran once said: "This infinite knife, the knife has no limits, people have no limits; power has no limits; the future has no limits; it is for the Promise. The blade is the best in the world, and the knife is the best in the world. It is a knife. It is named as "The Promise!"

"The whereabouts of this person are most erratic and difficult to ponder. Many of the brilliant classics left are buried in the wind as the years go by, but the people who know it are called "the living Wusheng"!"

This is the original words of Meng Chaoran on that day.

However, Chu Yang has fought against the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, but he has never encountered it, and he has never heard of any related deeds of this person again.

If it is not today, I will hear the name again, or the name will be annihilated in the memory of Chuyang forever!

However, who can think of it after the arrival of the Nine Heavens, but unexpectedly heard the name again, and reawakened the long-lost memory.

Chu Yang is now thinking, if it is the same person, then, the so-called "live Wu Sheng", in the end refers to the "holy level" of the nine heavens continent? Or is it the ‘saint’ of the nine heavens?

Or is it... saint?

The last one, Chu Yang feels unlikely, it seems a bit too exaggerated...

However, the one that is centered is still quite possible. After all, the ‘Holy level’ of the Jiuzhongtian continent seems to be insufficient to compare with the two strong and strong people of the morning wind and the torrent. Too much difference!

However, even the seat of the Nine Heavens! The strength of this predecessor has also reached a considerable height!

Moreover, in front of this 'extreme knife' segment, the sky has been a saint under the predecessor before the battle with Liu Yongxiang, then, this stepless knife can be relaxed and happy, seemingly casual, sitting and smashing out that knife, enough trouble Duan Cangkong three hundred years, and even more likely to trap it until death, this strength at the very least, it should be the sacramental level.

Or it is already at the peak level.

And this repair is still three hundred years ago, after three hundred years, it is possible to break through the limit of the Holy Position, and it is not known to reach the level of Heaven!

"It turned out that I still have such a powerful fellow, accident..." Chu Yang muttered to himself: "What surprised me even more is that this fellow is similar to me, but also with his wife..."

"You are a fellow? You are saying that the Promise is your fellow countryman. Is he and you from the same place?" Duan Cang was dark.

"Well, it should be possible... but it is not certain now, or Feng Jingma Liang may not be able to." Chu Yang nodded: "Let's take a look at your old wounds, why shouldn't today's theme be What is the endless knife?!"

"How, can you cure?" Duan Cangkong suddenly felt the spirit, the attention was brought back, and the inquiring tone could not hide the hope.

The old man is more or less embarrassed.

I paid attention to the original intention of this kid. I wanted to compensate him a little, and then I kept the true color of my own world, disappeared silently, and realized the kind of thing that went to the body and hides the name and name. Dark and refreshing.

However, until now, it has been completely changed.

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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