Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 63: Guardian of the big cat

There is also a mistake in the voice of the host: "Amount, yes, it is a big cat tiger... um, big cat tiger..." Listening to the sound, the host knows the words "big cat tiger" The intestines should be entangled into a ball.

"...Now, the fierce battle is about to begin, please wait and see! And see if the gold one-horned dragon is leading the way, or from the unsuccessful big cat and tiger to continue to write unbeaten myth!"

In the stands, in the box.

Suddenly many people smiled and smirked.

Big cat tiger? What is this beast? Has Jiu Tian Tian had this name?

From the big cats without defeat?

Losing the host can also come up with a 'mighty and majestic' word, it is really an export, and it has never been defeated. After all, this is the first game of this big cat, it will be defeated, it is estimated that it will not If there is a defeat, it is likely to be accounted for here today...

Is there a fierce battle? Where can there be any fierce battles? With the fighting power of the gold unicorn dragonfly in the status of the middle class, I am afraid that a sprint will swallow this ‘big cat tiger’...

The host is really talking with a conscience.

Unbeaten myth? !


In the long-awaited expectation, this unprecedentedly exciting game of the beast has finally begun.

"The two sides agreed that this is the battle of victory and defeat. It does not matter to life and death!" The host shouted loudly; the two sides began to end. Chu Yang stood on the side of the tiger brother, and on the other side, the big net showed a hole, a whole body of gold color, a white jade-like unicorn python on the forehead, which looked like a gold sculpture, the gods are abnormal!

I was screaming at the snake letter and wandering in.

A cold atmosphere, leisurely.

A few dozen feet apart, Chu Yang can even feel the chill of the cheekbones, in a kind of killing that can make people creepy. Just like the night and half walking in the mass grave, it suddenly makes people feel like a zombie.

The prefecture-level spirit beast is really a small one! Just an appearance, gave everyone a down!

Chu Yang estimates. Take your own current repairs. If you do not use the nine robbery sword, I am afraid it is not the opponent of this big snake!

Jin Shengxin stood outside the net, gently stroking the earth-level beast gold unicorn dragonfly with his hand, muttering something, seems to be confessing something.

Only wins and loses, regardless of life and death.

This is a request from too many people to Jin Wugongzi. The number of people is too large to be eaten by Jinwugong. Can't afford it!

"Golden son, you can't always eat a single food. If you suddenly kill a talented beast, how can we win?"

"Yeah, yes, Jin Gongzi, your family has eaten meat. How can we get some soup?"

"This kind of opportunity is too rare. It is best to let the big cat and the tiger fight for a hundred games in a row. How can you kill the money from him and then kill it? This is like a word!" ”

"That's right, it's ah... It's better to be happy than to be happy. You have money to earn."

In this regard, Jin Shengxin is actually very helpless, but it is really unable to parry so many lobbyists.

In fact, the prefecture-level beast gold horned dragon is a very killer, and is also the most favorite of the devour target; if not explained in advance. I am afraid that when I go up, I will swallow the opposite ‘big cat tiger’. If so, it is bound to offend too many people...

However, this gold unicorn dragonfly still does not buy gold five sons account. Jinwugongzi is not the real master of it. If it is not this special event, how can it be qualified to have a prefecture-level spirit beast with Jinwugongzi... In this regard, Jinwugongzi is really worried.

Don't make a lot of anger. Although the Jin family is a big family, if it is a group of people from other big families who are present, it is quite a sinful thing.

The Jin family executives may not care or care, but Jin Wugong can not care.


Chu Yang reached out and gently stroked the tiger brother. He said: "Be careful. If you can't beat it, you can escape. Money, we don't care. If you don't have it, you can earn it again. There is only one life, your own life. The most important thing is to remember that everything is based on a small life."

Tiger brother nodded.

The tiger brother who has always been arrogant and bloody, suddenly appeared very docile at this moment.

The gentleness makes Chu Yang a little uncomfortable. Does Tiger Brother actually have such a side?

With the majestic drums, with the caress of Chu Yang, especially the sentence, the tiger brother suddenly has a feeling of turning back time.

It seems that I don’t know how much time and space I have been separated. I once again returned to the scene where I participated in the beast at the Colosseum.

At that time, I was helpless and fearful. I could only listen to people's mercy. Many of my peers and seniors grew up in the Colosseum and eventually died. There is no exception.

All died, no, it is dead in the same kind of fighting, where the life of the beast can never be described by life, when it is alive, it must be drained of all the value, once it is dead, it will be worthless.

I thought that I was also incapable of avoiding this fate; I don’t know which day of the beast, maybe I will become a rigid body, and may fulfill the wishes of some people, but also hollow out some people’s wallets at the same time. Those who are arrogant and venting their anger...

However, the benefactor appeared at that time. No signs have appeared before!

With so many similarities, he has chosen himself alone.

His hand, gently stroked over his back, the uncomfortable comfort... At the same time, the breath that changed the trajectory of his life, he entered his body from the hands of the benefactor.

In the blink of an eye, my body mutates and fundamentally mutates.

That breath makes your ability grow innumerable times, and your potential is directly extended to infinity!

After the hand of the benefactor is taken away, he has become the king of the same kind, and is absolutely the undisputed king.

Opponents who once had no chance to fight each other can only sway and pity when they face themselves again, and dare not have the slightest incitement.

That is the fear that the lower person faces the soul of the upper king from the depths of the soul!

At that moment, I clearly knew that I had been reborn and my life had been completely rewritten.

But the benefactor did not take him around, but let himself go...

Since then, the mysterious power has been left in his own body, allowing him to be promoted again and again, once and for all, and eventually become the Beastmaster, the Beastmaster, the Beastmaster... until the infiniteness of the beast.

Even the space of that day was broken because of the magical power that the benefactor gave, protecting himself and floating in the infinite space. If it weren't for that power, it would have been a pile of white bones, or a pile of powder, as long as it was countless years ago.

For many years, I have always wanted to return to my peak state, and then to find the benefactor, no matter how many mountains and rivers, regardless of the ends of the earth, regardless of the wild universe, always go to find him, but, but can not always do so. Finally on that day, I suddenly felt a smell like a benefactor appearing in this place...

So I rushed in the night, I don’t expect to see the master this time, because the breath is too weak, it may not be a benefactor, but there may be information about the benefactor. If there is hope, I will try it, even if I want to hide it. In a low-lying trading market...

Because benefactors seem to like to visit this place...

The benefactor seems to have a natural good feeling for the beast...

So I hid here, I don’t let anyone find my own anomaly, and then I look around every night, but I don’t hesitate to do it. However, I’m holding my hopes, but I’m always fruitless, that is similar to the benefactor. There is no trace of any more.

However, on that day, this person came to himself.

What he holds in his hand is clearly a sword made by the benefactor!

Because of that breath, I will never forget my forever, it is impossible to admit mistakes, it is the breath of the benefactor, the taste of the benefactor!

I am not qualified to follow the benefactor, but I will follow this person who is related to the benefactor, guard him and grow up. I believe in being with him or having the opportunity to see the benefactor again...

So I am willing to recognize him as the boss.

At least, I will protect him for the benefactor.

Fortunately, this boss is just as good as the benefactor. It is also very good for me. Since I can't find a benefactor now, it is a good choice to stay with him.

Especially now, before the beast was on the court, I touched the gentleness of my back, and the feeling that the benefactor gave me was very similar...

Listening to the screams of the surrounding ears, seeing the sly face of a circle of people, the tiger brother suddenly felt the infinite warmth in the memories. This kind of place can best remind me... In fact, I really want to spend more time on this occasion...

The original memories are so warm and touching...

"Ha ha ha ... that is invincible, from the unsuccessful big cat tiger seems to be scared..." Someone shouted.

"That is, why didn't you move it? Is it because the pressure between the beasts and the beasts is so shocking that the direct linkage of the big cats and tigers can't move?"

"Grass, this time, the Golden Five son wins money is really too easy to win, swearing, and refraining..."

"That is, the gold one-horned dragonfly is almost coming to the front, and this 'invincible' big cat is still in a daze... It’s not a series, it’s never been defeated, it seems to be opening... ..."

Everyone has a lot of arguments, and no one is optimistic about a tiger anyway.

Jin Wu Gongzi smiled and opened his mouth, his fingers squatting, seemingly ready to collect money.

Do not blame him for this. In front of the situation, one hundred people must have one hundred people who believe that he can win. One thousand people must have one thousand people to be sure that he can win. Even if it is 10,000 people, there must be 9,999 people. I believe he can win!

Except for being talented!

Even many people are staring at Kim Gongzi with envious and hateful eyes. This is really lucky.

However, at this time

The golden one-horned dragon rushed over.........


I bet you can't guess who the big cat is, and you can't guess who the benefactor is! (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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