Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 73: Knife genius

"Check his origins thoroughly!" Li Jiajia screamed: "All those who are related to him, I want them to die like death! Outside the Jilian and the Nine, all life and death can not!"

The Li family guardian warriors flocked out.

"Homeowner, the city government seems to have already intervened in this matter, we are not..." A goatee beware carefully.

"Prepare a thick ceremony, I personally went to see the city owner! This matter, we are solved by our Li family privately!" Li Jiajia witnessed: "With the government revenge, there is always a layer, how not happy. I want to personally concoct him. !"



Almost all aspects of the forces are closely watching this little man's church.

The opening of the previous period has attracted the attention of many people, only that time because the goods store and the emperor said that the treatment of widows, inevitably caused a great sensation, of course, as a sensation of laughter. This time, attention is somewhat interesting, or it can be said that it is a real sensation and a de facto sensation.

In the minds of some ordinary people or ordinary warriors, the maker of this incident, the legendary Chu **** doctor is worthy of sympathy. His behavior is more recognized by these people. He has done a lot of things that he wants to do but has no ability or no courage to do!

For many years, the three families have been arrogant in Zixia City. Why have anyone dared to say anything? Nowadays, this person has helped everyone to get a bad smell and even eliminate a big evil.

Everyone’s heart is naturally toward Chuyang; but they are powerless to help him. It can only be a pity and pity to watch the follow-up development of the situation.

After a break in Chuyang, he came to the room of the mountain. The sound of this mountain is already much better. When I saw Chu Yang coming in, he didn’t get up when he was lying in bed, but he nodded and smiled to make a gesture.

“How would this feel? It’s estimated that it will take a few days to recover?” Chu Yang asked.

This should have been answered by Chu Yang as a medical practitioner, but at the moment, it has become a question.

"There is nothing wrong with it." Yanshan smiled: "I estimate that there will be no more than ten days, and it will be roughly restored. Such an injury, as long as it can be cured, will recover quickly."

The remarks of Yan Gushan are also very weird. For example, the doctor. If you go to the word "I", it is definitely the answer to the standard doctor's diagnosis.

One question and one answer, turned over.

"That's good." Chu Yang smiled.

"For the outside, you... don't worry at all?" Yanshan looked at Chuyang with a very interesting eye.

"You are not worried? You are not worried, I am still worried about it!" Chu Yang smiled.

Chu Yang’s remarks seem to be upside down. In fact, the meaning is good. If Chu Yang is unlucky. Can you stay here to cure the disease? In fact, the reason why the mountain is not worried is naturally that there is confidence in Chuyang. Even outsiders have confidence in themselves. How can they have no confidence in themselves? !

It’s like a mountain laughing. Dao: "The knife that you brought back is very interesting."

Chu Yang Huo looked up: "Oh?"

The words of the mountain are really somewhat unexpected, because Chu Yang really did not find that the Wang knife has a special academic talent. The reason why he was willing to bring the knife back, it is still very pitiful to feel that the knife of the knife is really poor.

Especially now, the Li family is full of anger, and he is certainly the number one enemy. However, the initiator of the Wang knife must have already been included in the roster of the murder. For a time, he moved the heart of the sin, and accepted the person, but it was actually Didn't feel that guy was interesting.

"You didn't pay attention to it." The words are like a smile and awkwardness: "This king knife, but a good embryo for practicing a knife. Although it is starting now. Because his body has been roughly shaped, it is a little late. But... after I recover Let me teach him about it. I still have time. I believe that the kid should have considerable room for development."

Chu Yang looked up, and there was a strange look in his eyes: "A good embryo for practicing a knife?" Recalling carefully, before the Wanghuai's every move and his physical condition, Chu Yang did not find anything worthy of praise. Of course, he did not have a thorough investigation.

Although Chu Yang was a man of both worlds, he was superb, but the life of the two worlds has not been more than fifty years old. He has always lost a little experience, and experience has always relied on time accumulation. There is no quick method. .

Another very important factor is that in Chu Yang’s mind, only people like Dong Wu’s injury are the embryos that are truly born with a knife! As for this king knife, it is not like it.

This preconceived idea has somewhat blinded Chu Yang’s mind. There are a lot of wise men who think about it and must have a taste of loss.

"You are still young, experience is relatively limited, and you are not mistaken for a moment. It is not a big mistake. Besides, the knife that is really suitable for the knife is very difficult for ordinary people, or it can be said that it is not a knife of ordinary meaning." "He had kneel down to you before, then took the knife, violently, and slashed Li Mingyue. In the whole process, the orientation changed twenty-seven times. However, his movements have not changed at all! It’s your personal experience, you may wish to recall one or two!”

Chu Yang carefully recalled it, it seems that this is true.

But what does this mean?

"This Wangdao has never practiced a knife, but it has a legendary anti-gong bone, a knifeless wizard with no double-edged sword!" Yan Rushan slowly said: "The so-called anti-uterine bone, equal to the arm, only need less exercise, The bones can be flipped at will, unlike ordinary people, only forward, or small swings. He can go left and right anytime, anywhere. To prove this, it is the last knife he cuts to himself. That knife has the most vivid performance of his traits."

Chu Yang’s heart swept through the scene at that time, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: “Yes, his arm was not moving at the time, but the knife was cut back! If the warrior can apply this knife, or Maybe, but the King's knife is an ordinary person who is uncompromising. I completely ignored this point!"

"After all, it is difficult to have a few ordinary people with the martial arts." The words are like this: "This trait is the so-called anti-uterine bone!"

"As for the double-edged blade, it is the tendon on the arm. There is only one person in the body, but he has two. So, he should be born with divine power! I believe that since he was a child, the power is much larger than the average person!"

As the mountain whispers: "When I recover, I am responsible for helping you to teach a master. This kind of material, it should not be wasted. If it is successful, there will be another power-type knife known in the world!" Knife. God is scared and afraid. Demon fears the devil!"

Chuyang Road: "Thank you!"

As a mountain, he smiled: "In advance, I am helping you to lay a foundation for him, but it is not an apprentice. This must be understood."

Chu Yang smiled: "Or in the future, you will regret the confiscation, who knows this?"

It’s like a mountain laugh, saying: “What are you going to do this time?” But it immediately turned a topic. obviously. He can help, but he is jealous of ‘recipient’.

"Just feel that this Li family's reaction action is really slow." Chu Yang listened to the outside movement, and some did not care smile. Far away, there have been neat footsteps coming from time to time.

But this footstep can only be the city guard in the city, not the Li family. If it is a Li family. The footsteps of the coming people will never be so neat. Only a regular army that has been trained regularly will have such a style.

"It's not that they are slow, but they are investigating your details." The words are very meaningful and smiled: "When the investigation is clear, there will be no hand and tail after the confirmation, and the shot is a fatal blow! And they have to look at it. The actions of the city government, after all, are still the legal system of the East Emperor! So they have to be slow."

"A fatal blow?" Chu Yang smiled. Touched the nose. ,

"This world is still a lot of good people." Yan Rushan said: "The movement around. I listened to it... With the Li family mobilized, with the government moved. Many people are sympathizing with you, there are many Thank you."

Chu Yang laughed and didn't talk.

"You just killed a few people and did one thing, but you have already won the support of the people here." The words are as light as a smile: "Not bad. After all, people always have a conscience."

"Oh, huh..." Chu Yang didn't know what the taste was laughing: "Speaking brother, you said this sentence, I don't agree with it."

"Oh?" The words were raised like an eyebrow.

"Conscience, of course everyone has it." Chu Yang said slowly, every word bite very clearly: "I am convinced of this point. But I am here to ask my brother, that is, now these sympathy to me People, people who thank me, and even those who have mercy on me... I will do a hundred things for them. Can they stand up for me?"

The words are gazing at the mountains.

"Their hearts will admit that I am a good person, or will be in the back, only when their own family or reliable friends are present, they will praise me two sentences, and the three big families will be a few words, but after that, they will still fix me. If I am finally killed, I will be completely forgotten by them soon. In the face of the three family sluts, I still want to swallow, or flattering."

"I am more convinced that even if I do 10,000 things for them, if I am killed by the Li family today, tortured to death, and dare to be for me, there is absolutely nothing. At best, I can only sigh in my heart, regret, when the night is quiet, Say: I want to have strength, I must avenge him! Then, more conscience, will give me a scent, can do this, it is already the limit."

Chu Yang sarcastically asked: "But what is the use?"

If you don’t talk, you just sigh deeply.

"In this world, conscience or everyone has it, the difference is only how much, but the weak heart of the person is more able to inspire the movement of people... among the sentient beings, ninety-nine percent of the people will be arrogant!" Chu Yang faint The way: "So I am doing things, never for the sake of martyrdom, not for the benefit of the people; but for myself, the peace of mind, the place of righteousness, conscience, and that is all."


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