Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 82: Physique

There is only one human body Dantian. Of course, there are also practitioners who put forward the arguments of Shangdantian, Zhongdantian, and Xiandatian; moreover, this argument is very marketable.

But the true practitioners know that the human body's Dantian foundation is, at its root, only one. Because here is the place where all the energy of manpower is gathered, and it is also the source of human power!

No matter what you want to do, you want to force, they are all mobilized from Dantian.

But now Chu Yang Dantian split!

Dantian splits... This is a situation that is hard to imagine by imagination alone. The dantian of Chuyang today, or should not be called Dantian, but should be called ‘Dandian Group’!

A group of Dantian?

What is going on here?

Hongmeng silk, which was already densely packed in Dantian, is now scattered because of the split of Dantian; it is divided into nine parts. In each one, there are only a few dozens of Hongmeng silks, which are unusually empty, or empty.

Up, down, front, back, left, and right...

Well, exactly nine, looks like half of the arrangement of the nine palaces!

Chu Yang took a deep breath, and suddenly his hands and feet were cold!

As everyone knows, if you want to make a breakthrough, you will continue to store your infuriating and vital power in Dantian. After you have repaired it to a certain level, you will compress it. After compressing it to a certain level, you will release a brain and let the surging force open up the body. If the meridians that have not been opened before, if successful, the repair will be promoted to a new level. If it fails, it will be re-accumulated and will start from the beginning.

Throughout the ages, even if the gods are to the world, there are no exceptions.

But... Chu Yang has appeared in a total of nine Dantian.

This means that others only need to fill a dantian, and they can be upgraded, while Chu Yang needs to fill all nine, and then they can go further.

On the surface, Chu Yang's promotion is at least nine times more difficult than ordinary people.

But in reality, this layer of difficulty is far more than nine times! It is not surprising that it is ninety or nine hundred times!

of course. This insurmountable difficulty is actually the biggest reliance on his ability to leapfrog. Because the repairs he can save are far more than the repairers of the same level, as long as they are reached, the absolute peers are invincible! But the problem now is that there is a hindrance to the order, and as long as you fail to reach that order, you can't get the mysterious meaning of that world.

This has nothing to do with the amount of cultivation.

At the current level. Chu Yang can be invincible at the prefecture level, even if it is a high-level at the prefecture level, Chu Yang can win the battle with one force! But with Chu Yang's own ability, it is absolutely impossible to beat any heaven-level master. This is the limit of realm and level.

For example, like a newborn baby, I ate the best Tianbao. Fortunately, it has not been blasted by the real yuan, and it is full of real yuan. This baby can definitely sweep all the babies. But is this same newborn baby able to win an adult in his twenties?

The answer is: absolutely not!

Even if you are arrogant, you are still a baby. Want to be stronger, you must grow first!

You have to go through the human weather and experience to get the corresponding feelings, and you have your own mind wisdom and judgment.

This is not something that can be done quickly.

And the skill is repaired. Also.

You are in the order of the human level. You can only touch the feelings of the human level; it is never possible to appreciate the Holy One, what the saints are aware of!

and so. This is an insurmountable gap! It must be step by step through the step by step.

Of course, the same is Dantian, it will still be good or bad. The speed of progress is fast and slow, and the achievements are high and low.

As for the nine Dantian...

Sure enough, it is a garbage body, and it is the bottom of the super garbage.

The conclusion is yes!

Chu Yang came to a conclusion about his current situation, and snorted, almost did not faint.

Heaven and earth are in the body, both yin and yang are ready; the power of the five elements is in the body.

Well, Chu Yang is a complete understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

I didn’t understand it before, but now, after seeing it with my own eyes, I don’t understand it and I understand it.

My body is directly equivalent to a universe. Others are mostly just a small lake. You only need to fill a small lake to upgrade. And I have to fill a universe to upgrade!

After someone else upgrades, they will gain new insights and have the strength to overcome me.

And I... as long as I am not satisfied with this universe, I can only stay in the same position.

His mother's, even if the shark's sibling is invincible!

A cat teacher can play with me. According to my progress, at least he has to play for another hundred and forty years. Of course, this is a conservative estimate! If it is not conservative estimates, it is also dripping for thousands of years!

Chu Yang is cold.

If this is the case, is it not this life, it may not be able to break through several levels? If so, what is the hard work of breaking through to the nine heavens?

"I **** ~~~¥¥%t%##&&**%$xxxx......"

At this moment, Chu Yang’s cursing voice shocked the sky, shook the earth, and even shocked other men in the man’s church!

Countless swearing words, continually rushing out of his mouth, the excitement of this moment, is truly earth-shattering.

Even the snow and tears are also paralyzed.

If it weren't for this bastard, how happy it was to die. It can be done now, and the card can’t go up here...


"What's wrong with him?" Yan Ruoqi asked the cat very strangely: "Why is it so exciting? Although I have been with him for a while, I can confirm that he is not an excited person. How can it be uncharacteristic?"

"I didn't expect this day to come so fast. He went to the prefecture level and found out that. It's no wonder that he would be so kind and considerate." The cat greasy and reveals a smile that is more ugly than crying.

"Hey? What do you mean in the end, the more I listen, the more confused I am? At the prefecture level, it is a good thing to break through the original boundaries." The words are like a mountain of fog: "What does he do? What the days are, it is really ......"

"That is because he finally found his own physique." The cat is greasy and weak.

"Is it worth that? His physical condition is not good? Can't, with his age as it has reached the level of the prefecture, even if it is worse, it will be worse there!" What is the name of the mountain, there is some understanding in an instant, But there is still some doubt.

"Oh, his physique is not too good, but it is too bad." The cat is greasy and languid: "It can be said that it is **** in the garbage, the dross in the dregs... the inflow into the stream..."

Some words are very interesting: "What is the constitution? Can you describe it to such a terrible day, the sun and the moon?"

The cat was tired and sighed.

At this moment, his heart is uncomfortable for Chu Yang.

There is also an interest in answering questions from others.

"What the **** is going on? You said half of it doesn't say half!" The words are like a mountain guess: "Is it like the super waste material in the rumor. Do you have three Dantians that contain each other?"

Exploratoryly say this guess. The face of the mountain is also heavy, I hope not to be so, if this is the case, Chu Yang is equal to no future!

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a super waste material that wrote a legend. His legend is not transmitted to the world by the strength of force, but because of his special physique shocked the entire Nine Heavens: he has three dantian!

This also shows that he is completely impossible to go further on the road of martial arts.

There is absolutely no ability at all. There is no special ability, but purely with his own special endowment, left a very rich and colorful stroke in the Nine Heavens, leaving an immortal legend, since ancient times, only one person!

Because before him. No one has ever found that a person can have more than one dantian, and his appearance has created a new page in the history of the nine heavens!

Therefore, it is known as the wonder of the wonderful!

"Let's stop!"

The cat greasy and long sighed, said: "The wonderful miracle in that wonderful, at best, only the sun, the moon, the three lights, Dantian, three Dantian only, compared with Chu Yang, the three Dan Tian is a fart! ”

"He's awkward!" The cat grumbled and screamed: "Three Dantians. Compared with the situation of Chu Yang's kid. It is simply a genius of martial arts practice!"


This is the true shock of this story.

With three super-wastes from Dantian, can you be a great genius compared with Chuyang? What is the situation in Chuyang that is so bad? !

"Is there still six Dantians in Chuyang!?" When Ruoshan said this sentence. The face is gray and defeated, already a little desperate.

Desperate for Chu Yang.

"Six Dan Tian is a fart!" The cat was greasy and screamed.

"My day!" The first big man of the Nine Heavens vows to the Secretary will be unable to help but be shocked. It is a vulgar slogan. If these two words are heard by colleagues, the salary of one year is at least one year.

Who doesn't know that the vows is the most innocent place?

"What is the physical condition? You said so quickly, don't let me worry!"

"I don't know what his body is." The two ears on the cat's greasy head were pulled down. As the child died, he said: "The kid has... the heaven and the earth are in the body, the yin and the yang are ready, the five elements. Forces to go... There should be something that shouldn’t be there, and it’s all right to him.”

The cat greasy and looked up, looked at the mountains, and said with sorrow and sorrow: "Our Chu Gongzi has nine dantians, and they are different..."

"Hey?! My day!" Yanshan slammed up and did not notice the physical pain caused by the incitement. After a long time, he said: "My grass!... I am doing it! I am... I am A mother-in-law, God!"

If you let the people who are familiar with the mountain hear these swear words, you will definitely lose your eyes and you will not believe it. This is actually a statement that has always been serious and meticulous.

Because even if you are a dream, you can't think of it. You have tried your best to guess the situation in the worst and most severe direction, but it is still a hundred thousand miles!

............(To be continued...)

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