Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 94: It is torture and treatment!

"Xuanyang fruit is the thing of the world to the sun to the beginning. When you take it, you don't start practicing. You can't really use it for your own use. It is because the power of the fruit lurks inside your body, and because you were old at that time. Young, naturally do not know the things of men and women, power is difficult to release, nourish in the body, gradually function, I can assert that the city master in the youth, cultivation speed is far more than ordinary people, although there are hardworking and hardworking reasons, this lurking Xuanyang Fruit power can also be of great help, but this situation has been until the city owner knows about personnel!" Chu Yangdao.

The face of the city owner changed again, and lost his voice: "It is true. The practice of the gods is the result of my practice. The progress speed of my practice was far more than that of the seniors. However, as the doctor said, this progress has gradually slowed down!"

Chu Yang smiled slightly: "Xuanyang fruit has great efficacy. In the human body, even if it is not used for its own use, it will not form a hazard, but its attribute is masculine. After adults first taste the personnel, there is little self-prohibition, resulting in The body is heavily depleted, and the Xuanyang fruit hidden in the body replenishes the body for the adults. However, because it finds the passage of catharsis, it is transformed into the energy of the essence. Therefore, the excitement of the adults is, to a certain extent, just to vent the body. Some kind of external force hidden in the body is not a true nature requirement."

The city owner heard a glimpse, "This is the case, then, what is it for me to be a violent thing?!"

Chu Yang is a smile again: "This is a matter of opinion, and the words are turned back. The effect of Xuanyang fruit is grand, but it is not endless. It has its limits. In other words, under your squandering for decades, Xuanyang fruit The power has been completely exhausted; and those forces have been inseparable from your own yang in these decades, and the power of Xuanyang is exhausted. What you consume is your physical instinct, but you are ignorant. If you want to do it, the manpower is sometimes poor, and under excessive consumption, the power of the city’s own power is overdraft, how can it not..."

Chu Yang sighed: "Now it is only reflected in the affairs of men and women. If it is over the past few years. The situation of yin and yang imbalance is getting more and more serious. The whole body life may collapse, and the body is far better than ordinary people. Also useless..."

The owner of the city is white and white.

Because this result has been said before, and the person who said this result is still a very famous doctor, but the **** doctor failed to peek into the mystery of "Xuanyang fruit." Also failed to give a way to adjust the body.

Because of this, the city owner is dubious about his diagnosis, and he hopes that the doctor can not heal himself and exaggerate the difficulty of the disease, but at this moment, he heard that Chu Yang said this again, naturally it is no doubt.

Worry about life!

Actually there will be life and worry!

Originally thought to be the disease of the widow. Now I have to catch up with my life!

It’s gonna!

"Little brother, but I don't know if I still have to heal this disease?" The lord of the city is now a "little brother", and he is really different from the previous one.

It is full of hopes and a cautious pleasing.

"There is hope... can cure!" Chu Yang frowned. "But if you want to completely cure, completely recover... even better, it takes a while, after all. It is always a loss." Pei Yuan, not available in the evening. There must be a period of recuperation."

The master of the city held his breath. Looking at Chu Yang with hope.

"How can we get half a year?" Chu Yang gave a time limit.

Just now, Jianling has already given him prescriptions in the space of nine robberies: if you change to others, even if you know the cause and know the method of treatment, you still have to do nothing. But for you, it is a piece of cake.

Because, Chu Yang's body has nine great odd medicines of the mysterious ice jade cream and Xuanyang chalcedony.

These two things are the nourishing yin and yang, solidifying the Peiyuan, regulating the yin and yang of the gods, and searching between heaven and earth, it is difficult to have a better medicine to win these two things.

In fact, although the illness of the urban master is also tricky, it is not necessary to use these two kinds of exotic medicines. It is only necessary to use some Xuanbing Yuxin and Xuanyang Yuxin to treat them. This is the root of the cure, it takes a certain amount of time. If it is a simple treatment, it will directly give the blood of the point, and it will be arrogant...

As for treating both the symptoms and the root causes, it is even simpler. As long as the three are combined, one day can be cured! This is the original words of Sword Spirit.

But now, the black-hearted Chu Shen doctor has to maximize the use of the lord's disease, and actually expand the pathological cycle that can be cured in one day, and directly expand the lion's mouth to half a year! It’s half a year to bet with the cat. If it’s cured now, then what if the **** doesn’t appreciate it and doesn’t give it to face?

and so……

"Half a year..." The city owner said with a long sigh of relief: "Not long or not."

It is not long.

As long as it can be cured and saved, don't say half a year, even if it is ten years, it is not long.

For a senior warrior with a deep cultivation, ten years is really nothing, half a year may be just a small retreat, really nothing!

"Dongda brother does not have to worry too much about this disease. I give half a time limit to cure this disease." Chu Yang smiled and said: "In fact, after starting treatment today, Big Brother can regain his glory. That is It can be continued completely, and it is as brave as before. As for the half-year time limit, it is mainly used to adjust the balance of yin and yang, to solidify the yuan, and to let your brother return to a stable time."

"Really? The brothers are not joking with me!" Wencheng master stood up fiercely, and now, even the voices trembled.

There are also tears in my eyes.

God, can I be tonight... I, I, I... I want to cry... Oh, don’t cry, let my brother cry at night...

"Medical is a benevolent technique, the doctor's words have a false reason!" Chu Yang vowed.

"Great... great..." The lord of the city happily wiped his tears: "Hey... brother, you are my reborn parents..."

"Oh... you don't know what my brother had been in the past two years... Your nephew is really like a wolf, no, it is better than a tiger and a wolf... I have to be a thief every day. ...... oh, that kind of resentful gaze, as soon as you see it, your heart is a guilty conscience... Brother, the feeling you know, brother? Do you know brother?"

The urban master's speech is incoherent, and it is clear that some emotions have gone out of control.

Chu Yang almost smashed the mother: fart! What is this nonsense! I can tell that feeling? If I knew it, wouldn’t it mean that I wouldn’t do it? Do you think that you can't, the man under the sun will not work? !

Laozi is not only OK, but also very good!

"Amount... Big Brother, let's take a look at the situation first."

"Right right." The city owner agreed.


After half an hour.

After preparing three large tanks filled with water. Start the treatment procedure.

The master of the city drank a bowl of medicinal soup arranged by Chu. The bad taste of this bowl of medicinal soup. Let the lord of the city really enjoy the ice and fire, and add 18 layers of **** to hone.

In that medicine soup, Chu Yang was very careful to put some Xuanbing Yuxin, Xuanyang Yuxin... As long as there is a little bit of elite power, um, only a few broken pieces are enough, the dynamism is catalyzed in it, and finally a few drops of blood are added, and they are alive...

But these are put in the same bowl. It is a scent of medicinal soup, but it is absolutely tempting to die, to die.

After drinking the first bite, I still didn't swallow it. The urban master felt that his body suddenly entered the Wanxuan ice, and even the blood was frozen in an instant.

It’s so cold that I can’t fight all the snoring, and the frost and snow are fading in my face.

then. Continue to swallow down; but suddenly felt an extreme heat rise, and in an instant it was like the sun ran into his stomach. The heat of this moment made all the snow and ice "brushes" of the city's adults become sweat.

Then I felt that my body was dried. I can’t even call out...

But then the next moment, it’s cold, and the next moment, it’s hot...

This cycle, continuous!

Ice and fire nine days!


And it’s still ice and fire!

Such a hot and cold alternate, the city owner adults have been able to bear dozens of times. When I arrived at the last half of the bowl of soup. The master of the city is based on the principle of long-term pain and short-term pain. Just squeeze your nose and drink it.

This is not a good thing. It freezes immediately before, and it catches fire at the last moment. Then it freezes again in the next moment...

The master of the city has hardly been tossed to death.

Finally, these two feelings are supported by the past. After the end, the ultimate stench, the ultimate acidity, the extreme spicyness, the ultimate suffering in the soup, and so on. .

The master of the city gasped and gasped, his eyes white.

After a long, long time, it was barely regained the strength of speaking. The first sentence was: "My God... my lord of the East..."

I realized that I could speak, and the city owner burst into tears.

I didn’t want to scream, but I’m not even screaming...

Nine deaths, life is better than death, death escapes, death and overturned, how much life is!

Under the guidance of Chu Yang, the urban master immediately exercised the power, and then the "bang" was thrown into a large water tank, Chu Yang constantly splashing water inside; the city owner adults, a kind of hot and cold alternate level The feeling is more obvious.

Constantly drinking water, constantly sweating, constant evaporation, constant freezing...

Chu Yang is also constantly pouring water in the outside, always keeping the water in the big water tank is nearly full...

After a long time.

The water of the other two large water tanks prepared is about to bottom out.

The master of the city is finally absorbed.

Just drinking water and then sweating and evaporating... This process consumes two whole tanks of water.

The face of the city owner was very strange after coming out.

In the course of the treatment, I had a lot of sweat, and many of my own drinks in the process were my own sweat. This does not matter. But the real problem is... Only the masters of the city know for themselves that when the extreme feelings alternate with each other, each time, they are very shameless and unable to control the incontinence. Popularly, it is the spirit of shaking, peeing...

Well, that is... I will drink my own urine... (to be continued...)

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