Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 96: Brothers and wives

Seeing Chu Yang coming in, Xie Danfeng, Gu Miaoling, Hu Yan Aobo, Xie Danqiong's wife, and the two wives of the proud evil cloud, all greeted. Proud evil cloud two wives, one surnamed Huang, one surnamed white, are beautiful and graceful, and the body is awkward; Xie Danqiong’s wife and surname Mei, several people are all beautiful women.

This point, Chu Yang is still very appreciative of the eyes of several of his brothers.

Chu Yang smiled and said hello one by one.

I dare not neglect, never scorn, never scorn, and smile from the heart.

These can be their own younger siblings, brothers and daughters; so in front of them, Chu Yang also pays special attention to their own image. Can't help but pay attention to this, this big brother is a bit of a drop...

And Tiebu Tian is smiling at them.

"I don't know when I can go out to play?" Xie Danfeng pouted.

"That is, let's go out for a walk! The nine heavens are coming, but you can't really go out, it's too troublesome!" Hu Yan arrogantly strode around, the majestic body, so that all the girls have a heartfelt The feeling of oppression.

Although the other girls did not say anything, their eyes were also clearly expected.

This is the human nature. In this inexplicable space, although it is soaring every day, women are always women, and women always stay in such places, and certainly will not live very fast.

This kind of place, if you are a man who is a cultivator, you will be amazed!

But women are different.

Among all of them, there is only iron and iron in the heart. Because she knows that she is in the field of her own man; this is an absolute sense of security and a sense of belonging.

This is the absolute trust of Tiebutian to Chuyang.

Even the iron-filled days are very satisfying. In the past, I could only miss them, but now I can meet every day. What more demanding is there? Man, can't be so greedy.

In addition, Tiebu Tian’s emperor’s education from an early age, and the constant formation of the world in the past few years, also allowed her to remain as calm and calm as the deep water in most cases.

Absolutely not impatient!

This is the real aristocrat, superior, and the gap between ordinary people! - She can make herself fit into any group perfectly, so that everyone around her can recognize her, but when outsiders pay attention to this group, no matter how insignificant she is, the outsiders are the first to look at the first time. Always notice her!

"Ha ha ha, don't worry, don't worry, this time, I am afraid that you are so upset, specifically to invite you to drop." Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, his eyes turned: "I am doing a big thing outside now. It is an important matter for the future of all of us, and we need a lot of people to help..."

"Go! Go! Go……"

"We are all going!"


Chu Yang has not finished, it is already a warm response.

But then, the eyes of the ladies looked at the iron-filled days and became very careful to ask: "What does the younger sister of Tiantian mean?"

In these women, in addition to Xie Danfeng, Tie Butian is the youngest of all, but the girls are faint and have a meaning of iron-filled heaven. When speaking, there is also a faint Respect the taste.

This has nothing to do with the woman who is the iron-filled day of Chuyang, and has nothing to do with Tie Butian once as an emperor; it is entirely the personal charm of Tiebutian.

These brothers of Chuyang, the proud and evil clouds are also good, talk about it, Xie Danqiong or Ji Mo, or just one is the existence of the eyes above the top! A woman who can make these brothers of Chuyang look good, and which one can be ordinary goods?

Every one is a dexterous, one-time choice.

Including the screaming arrogance of the appearance, it is also a person who is cautious and inside.

However, since the appearance of the iron-filled days, it is in the daily life, the most common way to get along, her kindness, tolerance, and grace, let the ladies dump it.

Moreover, she was far-sighted and far-sighted when she spoke, and she also let the girls feel the gap between them.

Slowly, Tietiantian did not make any deliberate efforts, but it has naturally become the core of the women, the only core.

Seeing this situation in Chuyang, I couldn’t help but feel a bit wrong.

Being able to make so many arrogant women convinced, this wife is really a bit of a skill.

Personal charisma and personality charm are different. It is a personal charm that you can gather your brothers around, and Tiebutian can easily conquer the girls, but it is his personal charm.

"Every sister is a family of brothers, we are a family; now that there is something in the husband, you need to rely on your sister to help, but also ask your sister to lend a helping hand." Tiebu Tian Wenwen smiled, said intimately .

"Well, good!" Hu Yan Ao Bo took the initiative and turned to ask Chu Yang: "When are we going out? Is it going now?"

Obviously, the girls really can't wait.

"I don't want to go out now, but there are several conditions that I hope everyone will abide by. After all, this is not a nine-day. If there are some unnecessary troubles, it is not a good thing." Chu Yang touched his nose and told the truth, he I really don't plan to let these women go out.

Light jade is not a problem. He has bought a lot before, but he has not made up his mind to let the girls go outside.

Zixia City is only a small city in the marginal area. If there are so many beautiful women suddenly... Chu Yang can imagine what kind of impact will be caused...

This time, if it is not urgent to have a reliable manpower to help, Chu Yang will still not let them out, and it is much better to be bored than to be in danger.

Come out and play, but stay outside for a long time...

Just as Chu Yang came up before the worry: the nine-spotted satyr, but quite a lot...

Chu Yang always feels awkward, if there is only a woman of her own, then there is nothing, and her own woman protects herself. But it involves the wife of Gu Ding Xie Danqiong and other brothers... Chu Yang can be very cautious.

It’s hard to say that the brother’s woman protects herself!

These women, no matter which person has a problem, are the responsibility that Chu Yang can't afford.

"What conditions?"

"The first condition, you must listen to me after going out. Do not act without authorization!" Chu Yang's voice is very heavy.

"This is no problem, we are not people who don't know the depths."

"The second condition, after going out, to be easy to change, to make yourself ugly." Chu Yang proposed the second condition.

"How is that going?" The women suddenly protested.

Women, no one cares about their own face. Not only does it not allow the dress to be beautiful, but also deliberately disguise as an ugly woman.

Women's attention to beauty may even be higher than life!

"I think... this second is the most important thing."

As soon as she spoke, the girls immediately shut up. This change made Chu Yang shocked. Chu Yang had already been besieged by the women, and she had to tell the truth, reason, and explain the repeated explanation. Or in order to let the girls obey, did not expect to add a word, full room silence.

"In the first place, the husband just came up with the nine-day scorpion, and the foothold is not stable, but the beauty, in the inappropriate time, the inappropriate place, is a source of disaster..."

Tiebu Tianming circulated, said: "Secondly, the so-called women are pleasing to the self... The brothers are not here now, sisters, even if you are dressed up in the sky, but who do you want to see? Do you want to give us Anyone who has nothing to do with it? It’s not worth it if you are cheaper than those outsiders!"

"There is a lot of truth in the words of Butian’s sister. Isn’t that the case?” The women all meditated and nodded and agreed.

Yeah, my beloved is not here, who do you dress up for?

When I said this, I suddenly accepted the opinion of Chu Yang: "When they come, we have to recover."

"That is natural." Chu Yang quickly promised, touched a cold sweat.

Wife is out of the blue, no fight!

After a brief introduction to the outside situation, Chu Yang gave each person a light jade, wearing it on the body, and then carried out detailed and easy work in it, which brought the ladies out.

Now everyone's body appearance, the phrase is very popular - look at the back, want to sin, look at the side, want to back, look positive, want to be legitimate defense.

"Then, I don't have to be easy, it's too much trouble." Hu Yan said arrogantly.

The girls were speechless for a while, and it was indeed a move.

In all fairness, the wavelength of Hu Yanao is absolutely not ugly, and even can be regarded as a beautiful woman. And there is a kind of British spirit that no woman has. Well, that is... the skeleton is a little bigger.

It’s a few more than the average woman.

Such a woman is very beautiful in itself, but she looks like she is even more embarrassed than a man on the road. The average man is definitely far from it. Who wants to be beaten by a woman?

Chu Yang’s mouth hurts like a pout, and recognizes: “Cough... If it’s arrogant, it’s okay...”

"Do you mean that I am very ugly?" asked Hu Yan.

"Hey~ this..." Chu Yang was dumbfounded, what did you say? !

"The old lady is not good at all!" Hu Yan proudly snorted.

Chu Yang sweats dripping.

This sentence is too difficult to explain...

Fortunately, Hu Yan’s arrogant does not care...

After the girls came out, they only used a little time, that is, they did their jobs.

During this time, Tiebutian touched the spleen of the sisters clearly, and with an appointment, everyone was happy.

"Miaoling sister, you are the most stable, you are affected by our family's big butler, to ensure that everyone listens to your command."

Gu Miaoling was originally the head of the family, and now it is an official reinstatement.

"Well, as for the two embarrassed..." said to the two ladies of the proud evil cloud: "Please ask the two of you to be responsible for the inner court. All the women's servants, prostitutes, all selected by you, and then reported to my sister, well arranged. ”

"it is good."

"Dan Feng and Aobo sister, you two are responsible for the outside world, including a series of matters concerning the arrangement of procurement, the proud of the sister of the proud, the assistant of Dan Feng."

"it is good."

"no problem."

The partners of the two men also complement each other.

"Xie Jiayu, how are you responsible for those children?"

"Very good." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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