Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 98: Hundreds of waste

The cat is greasy and ruthless. The two big men open their voices. As the wine gets more and more, the tongue grows bigger and bigger, and the topic naturally goes further and further.

On the other hand, when Chu Yang came out with iron to make up the sky, everyone's eyes were very strange.

When Tiebutian came out, he had already tried his best, but the two legs were still very soft. Sitting there, it seems that it is not much stronger than a mud...

All the girls are coming over, and it is very meaningful to keep looking at the face of Tie Butian.

Tiebu Tian hangs his head deeply, and his neck is red...

Then the faces of the women were all red... So, there was no one talking in the meal, they were eating silently, drinking silently, silently picking dishes...

After eating the meal, the girls ran away.

Iron-filled Tianzhu’s squatting Chuyang, shy and mad: “I’m blaming you for blaming you for blaming you...”

Chu Yang laughed.

At night, Chu Yang once again called a group of women to meet.

Each person has distributed a few medicinal herbs that have been cultivated. Chu Yang’s approach is naturally to break through the cultivation of these brother-in-laws to the supreme level in the shortest possible time.

With a minimum of self-protection, the stronger the better.

In the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, there are restrictions on the heavens. It is not advisable to increase the damage to the sky. However, in the case of the Nine Heavens, this restriction is much less. At least until the human level is reached, there are not many restrictions. At the very least, there are too many buffers to dilute the drawbacks of this speed increase.

The sky is endless.

This is the evaluation of the repair of Jiuzhong Tianzhu.

In addition to increasing the repair, but also to change the original qualifications, Chu Yang's fountain of life, as well as dazzling Yin burning bones and other precious materials, in this nine heavens can truly reflect the original role.

This night is an unknown night, but it affects the far-reaching night of ascension.

Chu Yang has decided to invest all the resources on hand at all costs and in an all-dimensional three-dimensional model.

In order to achieve the best and best results!

Everyone is quietly improving in their own room.

On the roof of the core of the Chu Family Courtyard.

A little white shadow quietly squatted under a hidden eaves somewhere.

Although the white shadow is only the size of the palm, but at the moment it is full of attention.

Tiger brother!

The huge spiritual power released by Tiger Brothers completely blocked the entire Chu family compound. Here is its home! If it is a coincidence tonight, someone dares to come over and mess. The tiger brother will completely kill the unrelenting!

Even more coincidentally. The two men who are exquisitely cultivated are like a mountain, a cat is greasy and drunk, drunk than a drunk cat and drunk, and once again missed the opportunity to feel the horror power of a brother...

Why do you say it is "again"? Anyway, it is missed!

One night, it was quietly and quietly passed.


The breath of a breakthrough broke into the sky; but it was suppressed by the powerful spiritual power of the tiger brother, and it was not allowed to be emitted.

Under the support of Chu Yang, the girls broke through.

I heard the noise of the women below. The tiger brother on the roof disdainfully grin: Is this achievement also worthy of joy? What are you doing? ! Have you seen the world? A little insight? Can you still have a little bit of interest? What a shame, lose a share!

Tiebutian, originally Chuyang gave her a very deep foundation. In the last three days, the strength has also broken through the supreme one; this time in Chuyang, he did not hesitate to give birth to the blood, Tiebutian directly and continuously Third order.

Although this progress is still not comparable to Chu Yang. But compared to other people who have just risen in the mainland, they are already considered to be strong.

The same is true of Xie Danfeng and other girls.

The weakest foundation is probably the two wives of the proud and evil cloud. After this night’s promotion, it is now barely able to reach the holy level... Well, this holy level is the holy level of the nine heavens, not the nine heavens. Holy position...

Early morning hours. Chu Yang gave the needle to the mountain after the waking up again; this was slow to go to the kitchen.

Many people are busy in the heat.

I want to cook more than a thousand people at a time. But it is a difficult guy. In addition to having enough people, there must be enough cooking equipment. And the venue.

On one side, it is ten cauldrons. The big pot is the rice soup specially requested by Chu Yang.

Chu Yang set the rules: Every person, every meal, must drink soup!

Do not drink, permanently expelled.

To be honest, these rice soups are almost delicious for these poor and poor teenagers. How can they not drink?

Watching the rice soup has been buzzing and bubbling, it seems to be ripe.

Chu Yang walked around the ten cauldrons, some special things, silently added to the spring of life in the cauldron, and, in every cauldron, a Jiuzhong Dan.

These young people may be the development targets in the Chuyang plan and the key assistance for future development.

The qualifications of these people, it is really not good to tell the truth. If it is a good qualification, even if it is a beggar or an orphan, I am afraid that it has already been gathered into some sects...

Bad qualifications?

Not afraid!

Because Chu Yang has something to do against the sky, Jiuzhong Dan!

This is a treasure that can be upgraded!

At the beginning, Mo light danced but a Jiuzhong Dan, the physique was turned into a treasure.

These little guys, although they have a total of 1,000 people, but should also be a few days later, the qualifications have become very impressive, at least there are more than the qualifications of Chinese people, good, good quality is not much Rare things...

Breakfast; the scene of thousands of people dining in the eyes of Chu Yang, the sound of thousands of people eating together in the ears, can be described as spectacular words. Even with Chu Yang's calm heart, there is no feeling that there is a cold sweat in the back.

Half size son eats the dead.

This sentence is really a famous saying. Chu Yang feels that this is too reasonable.

Before these little guys, basically everyone was in a hungry and cold atmosphere. Nowadays, there are delicious dishes in their hands. Not only do they let them eat, but they also have enough. The speed of eating and drinking is naturally good. It can almost be compared with the martial arts masters. .

Everyone's gaze is to look at Chu Yang with respect and gratitude; age is not a problem, to survive in this world of cool and warm people, so that these little guys are very familiar.

Everyone knows that if there is no such Chuyang brother in front of him. These people still don't know how to make a miserable end. Everyone is also grateful from the heart, the help of life, the grace of life...

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yang almost did not say anything, but it has already won the heartfelt love of these little guys.

When you are full, you start to work on your own.

In addition to the little guys under the age of ten, other half-sized sons with some physical strength have been assigned different positions.

Watching a few women command the assigned tasks. Chu Yang couldn't help but want to laugh.

One team and one team left the dining hall in a well-organized manner.

Chu Yang returned to the Senate and immediately went to find someone to push down the land and house that he originally bought on the side of the man’s church to build a unified courtyard.

It is good to have money, and with the money in place, new projects have begun. At present, Chu Yang is still quite a bad money, and the money spent can not be saved!

In the past, the Li Family Courtyard, now the Chu Family Courtyard is still in full swing, all the garden pool rockery, all flattened, and a building rises from the ground.

The wall of the courtyard was thickened to the maximum extent and heightened.

"Chuyang, this stuff is not much useful even if it is thicker and higher." The cat is full of suspicion: "I met a master. I punched a hole in a punch. For example, if I am, a few slaps can blast." collapse."

"I have my own plans."

Chu Yang is faint.

I was thinking about it. Make a hole in a punch? How many slaps can collapse? It was so easy. The wall that I was supervised by Chu Yang was not really finished. After finishing my idea, even if you are a heavenly master, you may not be able to make a hole! Wait and see.

Between the chats, suddenly a big bang came from the door: "Chuyang! Chu Yang! Chu Shen doctor! Chu brother! My good brother..."

Then I saw a large crowd coming in.

When the first person, the owner of the city, Wendong, saw Chu Yang, three steps and rushed up two steps, grasped the hand of Chu Yang, and swayed again and again: "Brothers... Brothers... Brothers, you are too... ..."

Excited, overflowing with words.

Chu Yang was shaken by his instability, and his heart cursed. Hey, repaired to be awesome, you wait for Laozi to cultivate, and don’t shake your frame!

The city master is really unable to be excited, then can not be excited, last night, after taking the medicine of Chu Yang, the master of the city restored the glory of the past, overnight, will always look down on himself for some reason, 'self I didn’t dare to face the 'smelly girl'... I picked up the night!

Seeing that she was finally seeking for mercy under her own body, the comfort of the owner of the city did not know how satisfied she was.

In the end, it has become an interrogation: Do you dare to look down on me? Still dare... What? Still dare... is that what?

It was only in the early hours of the morning that I got up from the muddy body of the mud, and the lord of the city shouted!

Laozi...again! Laozi is even more powerful, really his mother's cool!

Once again, I tasted the happiness and satisfaction of this limit. The city owner came to thank Chu Yang in the first time.

If it’s not Chu Yang... I’ve been in my life... I’m thinking of the lord’s horror.

After fear, fear, panic, the feeling of sad reminder must not come again!

"You don't have to be polite." Chu Yang laughed: "Healing the injured for the city's adults is also my duty as a doctor." He said, lowering the voice: "It only lasts for half a year, and every half month." , don't miss it..."

"Right right!" The big man laughed happily. He was very incoherent. He waved his hand and said: "Today, I brought people to congratulate the brothers on their move. The Chu brothers officially settled in our Zixia City. what……"

"Ah? That's great... please, please, please, please come here, it is the honor of Chu..."

............(To be continued...)

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