Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 102: The superior?

Moreover, it is also at the end of the micro. It is also the end of life, and it also faces an embarrassing future. Still two people, facing the storms of the whole world!

Chu Yang and Tie Butian, both men and women, feel that this human thing is really amazing...

Can not help but have a feeling of backtracking time, it seems that I saw the hardship and struggle of the time in Tieyun. Both of them have a warm current slipping through.

Chu Yang and Tie Bu Tian know. The current Tianbing Pavilion is just a combination that motivates people to increase their cohesiveness; what they really want is not a simple Tianbing Pavilion.

Both people have great ambitions: what they really want is a dynasty! Underground dynasty!

And everything, start here!

Therefore, today’s top position of Tie Butian is full of a kind of ‘the crown of the emperor’!

Because both of them know that our achievements will never stop there!

"Tianbing Pavilion, it is yours! Your achievements will determine the achievements of the Tianbing Pavilion! Your glory will cast the brilliance of the Tianbing Pavilion!"

Tiebu Tian only said two words: "I will wait and see, with our common strength, let Tianbingge rise up! On the list of Tianbingge Heavenly Soldiers, I hope to see each of your names!"

The next mountain is a tsunami!

Once upon a time, this was a good thing to dream and dare not think. I couldn’t take my chance in my life. Now, just in front of myself, as long as I work hard, I can get it!

Starting today, becoming a Tianbingge Heavenly Soldier will be the goal of these little guys for life!

This is the supreme glory!

Everyone is shocking and has a feeling that it is a wonderful sense of belonging! And this 'ownership' is not a family. In the family of others, even if the grace is like a mountain, it is also the slave of others!

However, Tianbingge Tianbing is a great honor! And it is a loud organization. Moreover, it is an organization that relies on all its efforts to maintain.

This is our organization!

my own!

No one can understand how much the sense of belonging of the owner of ‘own’ will make much of a motivation for these little guys!


On the evening of the establishment of Tianbing Pavilion, Chu Yang was called the past.

"Chu brothers, who is that person?" The words like a mountain eagle look at Chu Yang.

The appearance of Tiebutian is not as big as the shock of words.

He even felt the threat that today's events may cause to the emperor's rule! If this Tianbing Pavilion really develops, it will be the most terrible organization!

This is a mountain of intuition!

Because of the natural atmosphere of the iron-filled heaven, it is too imposing. This kind of momentum is definitely not something that ordinary people can have!

Faced with a dilemma of choice, it is only clear that everything is spread out!

"My wife." Chu Yang did not hide. There is no meaning to concealing words, and it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Your wife?~" The two eyes of the mountain are really falling out.

what? Is this natural queen your wife?

Chu Yang is too strong, and can actually put such a royal person under his body, um... wife? This person is a man... Is Chu Yang actually... my gosh, is it going to leave him later?

Another sudden thought, so utterly chilling, finally could not help but back two steps!

Chu Yang can clearly see that the two eyeballs of the mountain slammed out suddenly, and they completely highlighted the eyelids, and then they were taken back by his slap. It can be seen that the moment of this moment is the shock of the general.

This is also a kung fu, very high-level effort... Chu Yuzuo sighed in his heart.

"What's so strange? My wife used to be an emperor! It's normal to have this. It's so far away from me, I can eat you, well, you are not thinking about it, you. Misunderstanding, in fact... my wife is a woman..." Chu Yang is very disapproving of the fuss of the mountains, and explained the things about himself and Tie Tiantian. It is very solemn to explain the disguise. After all, it is not good to be misunderstood by the newly recognized big brother.

It’s like a mountain, but it’s a relief, but I can’t help but sigh: “Brother, I have to say, your wife...the younger brother is a natural superior; at this point, you are far worse than her. Altogether..."

"Amount?" Chu Yang grin.

"Since you want to build power now, and you have to control... then you have to learn to be a qualified superior! Your wife has already done very well, but you haven't gotten started yet!" The words are taught by the mountains.

"The superior..." Chu Yang muttered to himself.

"What is the superior?"

Chu Yang suddenly burst into words.

Yes, what is the real superior?

"What is the real superior?" Chu Yang muttered to himself.

"The superiors are never a kind of title. In different places and different environments, the superiors have different definitions. In the blink of an eye, the ordinary people are the superiors; in the eyes of ordinary people, the rich are the superiors; In the eyes of the rich, the officials who hold power are the superiors; in the eyes of the officials, the more senior officials are the superiors. In a gang, the helper is the upper-ranking person..."

Yan Rushan said slowly: "But, can these people really count as a superior? Not counting! Because they are in the eyes of the real superiors, nothing!"

"The true upper class is that there is no action, no words, every move, every word and time, the grace of the world is with you, maybe just sitting and standing, only words, can make people surrender. Even the subtle mentality of allegiance."

"Even as an enemy, in the face of such a superior, it will be full of appreciation and respect! This is still the enemy of the same level. If it is not at the level, it will produce a long-term fear and even a hostile collapse mentality! ”

Yan Rushan said: "For this kind of existence, sum up a saying, called the emperor's gas, there is another saying, it is called the king of the tyrant! Do not laugh, this momentum, indeed exists!"

"In fact, the momentum that your wife walked from the stage to the stage today is the most standard of the superiors, the power of Wang Pa!"

As the mountains say, "The true superiors can often fight against the millions of troops with one person!"

"Those who have been in high positions for a long time, although they are above the 10,000 people, are not necessarily in the true sense of the upper class. There are also people who feel mysterious and not superior."

Chu Yang nodded deeply and slowly said: "I seem to understand something. My understanding of the superiors is too superficial."

"For the real superiors, they are distance, they are lonely." The words are whispered: "These words, you have to understand, when you understand, you really understand what is the superior." ”

"The upper class..." Chu Yang muttered, suddenly smiled and said: "The superiors... need distance, I know; for example, everyone is together, I am high on myself... but that life, I dislike."

For this, Chu Yang really has a lot of understanding. On the same day, he was in charge of the Tiange Pavilion. This is the case with Chu Yang, and he always keeps a distance that is difficult to draw with his subordinates. He is always alone and alone.

But on such days, Chu Yang did not like it.

He always likes the brothers to play and laugh together, and it’s full of fun, even if it’s a nest of pigs playing every day, every day, the nose is swollen and the heart is satisfied and happy!

He smiled freely and laughed: "In our family, there is such a standard superior, it is already very good. As for me... although I am not such a standard player, but who dares to say, I am not a superior? My wife is a superior, my husband is not?!"

Words are like words in the mountains.

After hesitating for a long while, he blinked and said: "If you are a person like you, if you really go to the top... At best, you can only be a person like the emperor, but you will never be a person like the holy king!"

"People like the emperor! People like the holy king!" Chu Yang jumped in his heart and said slowly: "I can understand your meaning, that is to say... Jiuzhong Tianjun Shengjun... is in the standard sense The superior?"

It’s like a mountain: “Yes, that’s it.”

Chu Yang faintly said: "It is because there are such people that it has caused everyone and all forces to watch the purple sky being destroyed without sending troops. Just for a delicate balance of power? You think like this Is it?"

As the mountain looks like a black line, he said: "I didn't say that."

Chu Yang said: "What you say is not important. Should I understand this? The so-called real wounded person can do things for the purpose, at the expense of ... unscrupulous means, only for the benefit? And the sage is such a person. So you think he is the most standard superior, is that true?"

The words are like sweating in the mountains, and angered: "I didn't say that! I never said that!"

Chu Yang laughed and said: "If this is said, the Holy King is not the real superior!"

The words slammed into the mountains, and then carefully thought about it, but suddenly grew a sigh of relief.

Is the holy king not the superior?

Yan Rushan suddenly felt this sentence... It seems that it is not unreasonable...

At least, compared with the superiors like Tiebu Tian, ​​the body of Shengjun... seems to be really lacking in a grand atmosphere! ?

The words are confusing, silent...

Chu Yang also suddenly silenced.

I was shocked by the words that I laughed.

"The holy prince is not the superior!" Chu Yang almost reflected the feeling of thousands of lines in his mind, and then did not know where he thought of. I only feel a lot of things, and I have a complicated mood.

Hidden, there are still some fears.

The two looked at each other, and Chu Yang and Yan Rushan discovered the trace of fear in the depths of the other's eyes.

But neither of them asked, and no one spoke.

At the same time silenced.

This debate about the superiors seems to have no conclusion at all, but it has far-reaching implications for Chu Yang, Yan Rushan and even the entire Nine Heavens.


PS: An incident of a family dispute occurred in the wife's house... oh, it is not possible. When I went home, I was forced to fly into a washbasin when I entered the house. I was kneeling on the calf, like a flying saucer, **... stitched the needle, and now I am still squatting...

There are still many other wounded people... Now I am running at home, in the hospital, and my wife’s family. It’s better to spend more time in the hospital than to fight for it. I am speechless...

Even with pure persuasion, I was also smashed by the fish. After a busy day of washing, I found that my head was broken, and my neck was also scratched two times. I don’t know when I was playing... I didn’t notice it.

Yesterday, I was so embarrassed to ask for leave.

Why is it always easy for me to take time off at this critical moment at the end of the month? ... speechless... ask the day...

Can't help but think of a song: life ~ ~ like a group of hemp ~ ~ (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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