Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 112: After you have finished your work, are you still not going?

"You said? You don't care? You don't care if I clean up this mess?" Chu Yang jumped up instantly.

"What do you say in this way, you can't clean up? You didn't have the plan and the means to implement it. Did you do this? Is there a problem with my understanding?!"

Snow and tears looked at him strangely: "You have to know, if it is really shot by me, then I will solve the problem with one shot, but the realm of this source will be completely wiped out in the next moment." In other words, no matter what plan you have, it will be completely lost..."

"Ah?!... What should I do?" Chu Yang frowned, but it was a big headache, but can he have a trick? !

"The authorities are fascinated, don't you have a nine-robbery sword?" Snow tears contain a faint smile. Smiled and said: "You have these things, how come you want to ask me?"

"Nine robbery swords?" Chu Yang's big eyes: "Nine robbery swords have this ability? Isn't it a joke?"

"Just kidding? I really don't have the time and energy! As for the ability of the Nine Robbery Sword..." Snow Tears smiled softly: "It's absolutely impossible for you to dream... even if I... face this sword too To..."

Snow Tears did not finish this sentence, but suddenly changed the topic: "Well, since I came, I will help you once again! This day, if the thunder is handled, the bombardment will eventually destroy it... Nothing to look at!"

Chu Yang turned over the eyelids.

This product will not be jealous of me? Or is it the guy who is in charge of the thunder of the day?

But listening to this tone, it seems that maybe it should not be jealous of me... Hey!

"Since you have to provoke the incident, then I will help you again." Snow tears faintly said: "You release the sword of the Nine Robbery Sword."

Nine robbery swords and swords.

Since I got the sword of the Nine Robbery, Chu Yang hasn’t really used it. It’s very good, but it’s useless.

The words immediately waved, and a sword screamed out.

Snow tears cold, the right hand draws a circle, and says: "Go!"

The sword slammed suddenly and brightly, and violently flew up. The cockroach rushed into the sky like a dragon, and suddenly a clear sword screamed; the dark night sky suddenly brilliance, the light shines, the glory shines!

The night, at this moment, completely changed into a day.

A magnificent sword light that stretched thousands of miles in the air, immediately smashed the dark clouds, forming a bridge of light that connects heaven and earth, and rushed down!

In the air, it is clear that someone is shaking in the teeth.

Sister, this horrible sword is just falling on me...

I heard a majestic voice in my ear: "I don't know if it's bad, don't roll it!"

Hearing the infinite majesty, and the infinite familiar voice, the people in the clouds squatted, and even dared not say a word, hurriedly waved, the sky was like a fart, and the moment disappeared without a trace...

Going out of tens of thousands of miles, I just had to breathe a sigh of relief, and the voice catches up again: "The whereabouts of this seat can not be leaked at a half! If it is violated, the Muir 9! If you have doubts, try it!"

The man just had to breathe a sigh of relief, and he heard the sound. Suddenly he trembled and he planted it from the fainting head.

Directly fell a seven-hundred-seven, nasal and swollen face.

The people around me hurriedly helped, and asked about the concern: "Adult, you are awkward, why?"

It’s really strange to be home, and the adults who are in charge of the thunder and lightning can actually fall off the cloud head, and they’re still smashing like blood.

This is really... I saw the ghost!

The grown-up man climbed up from the ground, and even the blood on his face could not be rubbed. He hurriedly explained and cut off everyone’s suspicion: "I was just exercising, um, I have to fall more every day. A few times, it is good for physical and mental health... Look, I will fall again..."


"One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, once again fell..." The adult pitifully fell from the cloud head...

All the subordinates saw that the eyeballs suddenly fell out...

In the face of such a situation, it is true that there is no doubt that all the people have a new idea -

When we are finished, we are crazy...

The reaction here is not to mention, not the point, but to say there.

The Jianguang suddenly fell into disarray, and was entering the hole that was constantly braving the power of chills.

At that moment, it was really like a thousand miles of rivers and rivers were suddenly intercepted by the waist!

The arrogant gas that was still rushing out of the sky suddenly lost its source, and the fierce gas that overflowed was also rapidly disappearing.

At that hole, there is a long sword that is full of snow, full of the majesty of the world, and slanted there.

Not moving!

The fierce anger of the chilly air does not completely disappear, but can only continue from the sides of the sword, screaming and screaming.

Although not completely cut off. But there is no such crazy rush.

At least now, the sullen air is coming out. When the sun comes out, it will gradually dissipate in the wind and no longer cause any harm.

"Now, the sword smashes the door, the chilly air can only slowly dissipate; and at this speed, after ten days and a half, it can also dissipate cleanly. And to this extent, as long as you see the sun and yang, Can be completely resolved, no harm to the human world." Snow tears faintly said.

"Great!" Chu Yang sighed.

The ability to get the heat on the spot is so accurate, it really is the next generation!

"From this moment on, this sword, only you can pull it up." Snow tears and raised eyebrows: "I am satisfied with the arrangement for me?"

"Satisfied with satisfaction, one hundred satisfaction." Chu Yang nodded, and immediately said: "Well, this way, let the sword spirit also have this qualification, some things, I am not convenient to come forward. Hehe..."

"You are a sinister guy!" Snow tears a cold smile, Chu Yang a mouth, he knows Chu Yang is what to play; could not help but smile.

The sword spirit was called out, and the snow and tears were seen. The snow and tears were hand-fingered. A black gas emerged from the sword spirit and merged with the long sword formed by the sword on the top of the mountain.

"Yes." Snow tears cold hand said.

"Thank you."

"Well, you don't have to be polite... To tell the truth, this chilly anger is a pure dead air... but unfortunately my cultivation can't be used... If some sects who practice sneaky sects get it, I am afraid I will For the treasure..." Snow tears and some regrettable said.

"Well, purely dead?" Chu Yang felt a move.

Think of your own nine dantian, that yin and yang dying Dan Tian... ah? Is it... what?

When Chu Yang’s eyes turned, he immediately said, “Yes, what are you doing here?”

Snow tears stunned, a bit dumbfounded, is this goods still do not know who they are for now?

"You don't want to go soon." Chu Yang actually squinted his face with a cold face: "Isn't this all done?"

"You... I...?" Snow and tears pointed at his nose, some unbelievable: "You rush me away?!" Suddenly I felt a little messy, the world is really upside down...

I am the master of Donghuangtian, and I was ordered to leave the order in Donghuangtian?

Even in other places, no one dares!

"Yeah." Chu Yang's face is taken for granted: "There is only you and me here, don't chase you, can I catch up with myself? Don't you tell me there are other people here? Even if there is, I don't knew!"

"I only helped you, you have to drive me away? You guys..." Snow Tears has an urge to beat this guy in front of him.

"You are here, I am in the way." Chu Yang is arrogant: "There is a flaw in my development, so I will not send it slowly."

Snow tears and cold noses are stunned, pointing at Chu Yang’s fingers are saying: "You... hello! You are really good! You are so good! Good boy... you have kind!"

"Of course I have a kind of kind, just don't show it to you?" Chu Yang smiled, then actually squinted: "You still don't leave? Is it because I really have a species?!"

Snow tears cold face to look at the sky.

Never look at Chu Yang again.

I am afraid that I will see his face again, and I will punch it in the face!

"Well, yes, fortunately, you haven't left yet, I almost forgot an important thing." Chu Yang scraped the past, his shoulders touched the shoulders of the snow and tears, said: "I said, your wine still has no If there is, then leave me some more points... my drink is gone... no fun!"

"嗖", the snow and tears disappeared.

There is a word floating in the air.

"Why don't you die!"

This sentence is clearly said to be gnashing, and it is definitely broken out of the teeth.

Immediately, the air returned to silence.

After a long, long time, there was no movement anymore. Chu Yang was relieved: "It seems that this time it is really gone. This cargo is too stingy, even a pot of wine is reluctant to give it, hehe..."

Turning his head, he saw the tiger brother staring at himself with his eyes wide open, and his eyes were full of seeing the revered expression of the living god.

"Oh, what are you?" Chu Yang waved in front of Tiger.

"You are my boss!" Tiger brother said with a kind of tearful voice, "You are my boss... I served... Tiger brother, I have not admired the third person in my life, you are the second I have... I served... I really served... You are too good! You are so powerful! I never dreamed that you were so powerful!"

"Amount..." was a slapshot by this guy, but Chu Yang couldn't stand it any more: "Is this awkward? Eat the wrong medicine? Nerve??"

"No, no... No, there is no way to describe my admiration for you." The tiger brother clearly has some collapse: "The man who was just strong, the strength of strength, and my life, is my benefactor." Five or seven plans, the rest of the family, no one can compare with it, and then the image is a little more comparative, you know the strength of the Lord, in my heyday, the strength is at least ten times more than the current, ..."

"But even in my heyday, he can slap me to death. His strength level, you understand now... You just dared to talk to him just now, and dare to catch the flies, regardless of the fly, regardless of Is the ignorant fearless, or I don’t know how high the earth is, but you have always done it, and you have done it successfully... Oh, my God, my land, my god... you are so powerful..."


Buy a guaranteed monthly ticket! ! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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