Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 115: Red dust like a dream!


The other side.

Ji Mo slap in the face of a large Han fan flying out: "Miscellaneous things, we Tianbingge never robs the women! You guys actually act behind the ruin of Laozi's reputation, so that Laozi can not look up in front of the brothers! Dogs yell! Grass! Laozi limits you to three people within three days, and fight for your old man to agree, immediately the house is a candle! Otherwise I will let you not touch a woman in this life!"

"There will be such things in the future, without saying anything else, hacking directly! I heard no!"

"That's really against you! The dog is screaming! I am a big dog!"

"One by one, give me jingshén!"

"Is not going to do things, wait for what?!"

"Who is there, I will let you step on the big rich man, how are you doing?"

"Dog is awkward! You use this waste! I can't do this well before this afternoon. I will dry it on the flagpole and hang it on the flagpole. wbr.>



Another intersection.

Many people are pressing the goods, and they are on the road of high mountains and dense forests in Tongguo.

The flag of the government is inserted above.

Anyway, these are official goods.

In Donghuangtian, no one has dared to rob the official goods. So everyone is very relieved.


"嗷呜~~嗷呜~~" A wolf rang through the air.

Then there were countless wolf howlings echoing around.


Don't be too surprised, it will never be a gathering of the wolves.

Because as long as you pay attention to it, you can see that only a lot of people are stretching their necks to learn the wolf.

Immediately, a guy who was in the air had already swayed out of the jungle in front of him, standing in the middle of the road, looking at the sky with both eyes, and the sword slammed into the ground.

"Oh... this mountain is me, this tree is my plant, I want to go through it, leave a road to buy money!"

"Oh..." The wolves screamed again.

"Oh..." a guy groaned. Suddenly woke up to God. Close to the teenager: "Boss, this is the official goods ... can not grab it, grab a big trouble!"

"Grass! What official goods! Who are we afraid of in the Tianbingge group?!" This guy is of course the enemy of Rock, the big head: "Take the old man! I have more official goods! I can take me. Desperate? I am anxious to Laozi, and later specialize in grabbing official goods!"

"Up! Grab this batch, and quickly go to the next place to grab the medicinal herbs... How to cultivate without a solid foundation? How can I improve without medicine? 嗷呜嗷呜~~~ The little ones rush..."


Luo Erye robbed the batch of official goods regardless of the situation.

But this also smashed the horse honeycomb, and since then. Luo Erye took his wolves into the life of the four sides of the song...

Well, this is not to mention later.


Another place.

A splendid flower petals flutter in the air.

Full of dreams of glamour.

However, every time the beautiful flower rotates, every time it floats, it brings out the bright blood and takes away a fresh life.


Brilliant world. Get rid of the world!

Xie Danqiong flew with both hands, and countless Qionghua bloomed in the air.

"Fast! This is the first action since the establishment of our Tianbing Pavilion! The hands and feet must be clean!" Xie Danqiong ordered loudly.

"This young master is called Xie Danqiong, who is the helm of the Tianbing Pavilion!" Xie Danqiong Junxiu’s face has a shackle that he did not have at the time of the Nine Heavens: "The so-called 冤 has a debt, and if you disagree, we are at any time." Waiting for your revenge! Go!"

A dry person brought this harvest and quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle, not knowing where to go.


the other side.

Faced with countless villains, a wolf-like smile. A beautiful little girl with a pearl is shivering. The face is full of fear of color.

"You... don't come over..."

"I have drawn this line. Don't come over... It's best not to come over... If you come over, you will die..." Is the little girl asking for mercy or wēixié?

But no matter what. It doesn't work for the guys who are smug in front of them.

"Oh... little beauty, my brother is coming..."

"What are you afraid of, peony flowers are dead, ghosts are also romantic, people are originally ghosts, color ghost brothers are coming!"

"Little beauty, my brother hurts you..." I rushed over my face and rushed.

Just after that line, suddenly someone shouted: "Ah~~ What happened?"

Someone caught their eyes: "My eyes, how can my eyes be invisible?"

"My legs, my legs are not intuitive..." There are people who fall inexplicably and can't climb anymore.

Dozens of people have no exceptions, and although their symptoms are not the same, they are not in good condition.

Opposite, the little girl with a beautiful pearl of the Ming dynasty smiled awkwardly: "I have sincerely advised you before, let you not come over, but you have to come over, I can't do it, you have an accident, but not My fault..."

"Hey, my big poisonous Miss, can you be so bullied? You don't have to deal with you..."

This little girl, of course, is Chu Leer.

Everyone is rolling on the ground, pleading, cursing...

Chu Leer turned a deaf ear, smiled and stared at it, and after a while, to make sure that everyone lost their resistance, Chu Leer’s money came over and took all the wealth of everyone and threw it into his own space. Ring.

"Hey, it’s a bunch of poor ghosts! There are no good things, people are really disappointed! There is no money to dare to chase beauty, it’s really a price drop!" Miss Chu is obviously not satisfied with this harvest: "I am very disappointed, I will, you are all going to die!"

With a wave of hand, I will go to Tingting.

A group of black smog came out like a void, and quickly spread to those people. The screams screamed and screamed. After a while, there was a blood in the ground, slowly infiltrating into the mud. As for the big men, Fǎngfo evaporated in general, completely disappeared...

The observers who were afraid of getting into trouble around, or who had thieves and thieves, saw this scene burst into cold sweat, and they were scared.

Miss Tiandu, why are you?

Suo Luosha also!

then. The name of Miss Tiandu is not awkward...


Another place.

Dance the city and walk on the road.

In the jungle behind him. A piece of corpse is seven and eight.

"We must improve our strength as much as possible in the shortest possible time, or else what should we meet with our brothers?" Wucheng whispered to himself.

"If you want to have strength, you must accumulate a lot of wealth."

"You must also have a cure."

"This... at a critical moment, some means that should not be used have to be used..."

The movement of the dancing city is getting faster and faster, and the meteor generally disappears in front...


Distant place. The clouds are filled with aura, and the aura is like smoke.

Obviously. Here is a real source of the source of the gods, and, there are super strong people sitting in the town, has formed a vast natural source of heaven and earth.

Aura has become purple due to excessive intensiveness, showing that this source of God has existed for at least 100,000 years, even. Time is longer...

The same is true.

Here, it is the first major gate in the East Emperor's Heaven and Earth, and the place where ‘Red Dust is like Mengxuan’.

The red dust, such as Mengxuan, has always been the world of Megatron, and it is firmly in the top of the East Emperor Tianzong.

The red dust, like the head of Mengxuan, can even have an equal dialogue with the East Emperor.

It can be seen that the red dust is as powerful as Mengxuan.

A group of hundred and ten people flew out of the red dust, such as the Mengxuan Mountain Gate, and swept away toward the red dust.

"They are going to check out the soul of the town... I will be back soon."

A white woman like a snow gently said: "Do not worry about your uncle."

In front of her, there is a beautiful woman in red and blood, although she is still a little young. It is the embryo that is already a peerless beauty. She is standing here. It is like a flower bud of a fascinating flower, blooming in this misty mist. The eyes that provoked a lot of love and enthusiasm were intertwined.

But no one dares to have any slight sway.

Everyone knows that this little girl is the pro-disciple who has just received the first elder of Zongmen. The qualifications of the qualifiers can be said to be the only genius of the entire Nine Heavens!

Such a woman is a true arrogant woman.

Such a arrogant woman of heaven can not be matched by anyone. Even any bit of jealousy will bring disaster!

It’s just the first elder of the sect, you can’t go!

Although she had only arrived in Zongmen for only half a month, the super-extraordinary beauty, the development potential of the ancient and the present, the holy temperament... almost all the male disciples who have seen her have been conquered!

The red dust is like the name of the first beauty of Mengxuan. Although this little girl has just arrived here for half a month, she has snatched the past, not even she took the initiative, but everyone recognized it.

The older ones took her like a pearl, and she was afraid of it in her hand, and she was afraid of it in her mouth...

Congenital spirits... my god... even if it is as strong as a red dust like a dream, there are no such genius disciples for hundreds of thousands of years...

As for the young disciples who are just married, they are even more fascinated, dreams and dreams. At the beginning of the meeting, I had already thoroughly worshipped under the red skirt.

However, she is not a fake character, always a cold and glamorous face, with a faint scorn on her face.

But the more it is, the more it hurts...

At this moment, the peerless little beauty is scornful and softly whispered: "Master... I was thinking, can the teacher uncle find out the whereabouts of Chu Yang's brother..."

The white woman turned her eyes blankly, and her heart burst into a whisper: What kind of thing is Chuyang’s brother... It’s so fascinating that my apprentice is so fascinated...

Fortunately, I have left a little more attention. I don’t want to inquire about Chu Yang this time. Even if I accidentally hear it, I will never say it. After all, it’s just a fly-up, maybe it’s already dead, it’s best to die. Save the future of my baby apprentice...

Love desires, but things that greatly affect the progress of cultivation...

............(To be continued...)

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