Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 117: Light dance, evil spirits breakthrough

Red dust is like a dream.

Mo light dance quietly, but a smile on his mouth.

"Yes Master, Chu Yang is faster than my practice."

"Yes, Master, I only need all the pure yin body here; these treasures are all sent by a magical high-ranking person, but that a few pieces of pure yang are taken by Chu Yang."

Mo light dance believes that this sentence, for the red dust such as Mengxuan, the master, must have a strong impact!

Red dust like Meng Xuan does not prohibit marriage.

However, such qualifications have become treasures, and the martial art will never easily allow such qualified disciples to marry.

But when everything is yin and yang, it will be able to play its biggest role. Although there are many Tianmudibaos that Moguang dances, there is only a little bit of Xuanyang chalcedony. Far from being able to make the body yin and yang reconciliation, heaven and earth to pay Thai.

Although his qualifications are fast enough, far more than half of the people, but if you can get more pure Yang baby, it will be even more accelerated.

And the baby that matches it perfectly, is in Chuyang.

And Mo light dance stressed: Chu Yang has taken it!

As a result, as long as there is a bottleneck in your entry, or if there is any obstacle, you must have Chu Yang to help.

Therefore, the red dust, such as Mengxuan, will not hurt Chu Yang anyway, only to find.

She can feel it, after all these words are finished, the ugly and contradictory expressions on Master’s face are tangled.

Of course, no matter what this is, the purpose of Mo Mo Dance is to go to practice.

Mo Qingwu has come to Jiuzhong Tianzhu, but for a month, he has a conflict with a local gang. After killing a lot of people, Mo light dances and flees.

I met this own ‘Master’ on the road.

The white woman saw a group of big men chasing a little girl, and the instinctive shots helped each other. After killing the group, they found that the little girl was really cute.

After some contact, I was even more shocked to discover that this little girl is actually a rare innate spirit!

Suddenly, I couldn’t move. I have to dance and worship myself as a teacher.

But Mo Qingwu already has Master, how can I promise?

The two sides have been entangled for a long time, and the white woman has made concessions again and again. Later, she even made a 'Give Ning Tianya and Bu Qingqing Dust as the dream of the Xuankeqing elders, with their peers, and to tell the world'; and they are still doing the work Light dance of the 'Three Masters'...

This made Mo-Music nod to reluctantly. At this point, there is no way to lightly dance without nodding: the repair of this white woman is really a high horror! Even if she wants to escape, she can’t escape at all...

After the red dust, such as Mengxuan, Mo light dance knows that he came to the first door of the nine-day Tianzhu Donghuangtian!



In an elegant courtyard.

"Aunt, I am a bit discouraged now. I really feel a little inferior." A handsome young man from the Yushu Linfeng stood next to a middle-aged woman, and his face was full of frustration.

The beautiful woman is also a bitter smile.

Inside the yard, a breath that broke through its own realm is rising.

Is being distributed outside.

"The purple evil is really an alternative to the whole Yaozu... Her original strength is extremely high, only because the injury did not fully respond, and because the forging was a man, it was a big drop, but the realm has not lost... So It’s not unbelievable that the speed of entry is faster..."

This sentence, even if she does not believe, is purely comforting her own nephew, it is a good faith lies.

This handsome young man of Yushu Linfeng is naturally a demon prince.

Since the purple evil sentiment has arrived here, this guy who is admiring the purple evil spirits is here, and even if he can't kiss Fangze, it is good to have common faces. Do you not say that you have a long time? I have been relying on it, I don't believe that I can't melt the iceberg!

But as time goes by, it is more and more lack of confidence. It turns out that there is still a frozen iceberg in this world.

"Auntie, don't comfort me..." The sad reminder of the demon prince's face: "When she first came here, it was only a prefecture level. In less than a month, she broke through the heavens and less than half a month. It broke through the middle level of the heavens. Within three months, it broke through to the Holy Position. After half a year, it reached the peak of the Holy Land... Now, it has already broken through to the heavenly level..."

The demon prince has a feeling of madness: "Even if she is only recovering the original cultivation, but this speed is also unprecedented in the nine-day scorpio, is this human being comparable..."

"And I remember clearly that when she injured me 60,000 years ago, she was definitely only a middle class..." The demon prince’s face was green and white: "Now it has broken through the heavens, how is this possible? ,How can it be……"

The white woman can only sigh: "Hey, I don't know what to say... Just see if your infatuation can touch her... but according to the current situation, it is unlikely, of course, this is just my personal view……"

It is indeed a personal opinion. In the eyes of others, it is impossible to stop it. It is simply impossible!

Knowing his own situation, the demon prince sadly lowered his head, and under extreme sorrow, there was actually a tail under the robe and he pulled it down and dragged back and forth on the ground: "Difficult... awkward, aunt, pursuing a woman, how Is it so difficult?"

The white woman gave him a white look and said: "If it is not difficult, then you will not cherish after you catch up with your hand?"

"It’s also..." The demon prince suddenly renewed his spirits: "I will definitely touch her! Sincerely, the stone is open, must!"

"Well, then I wish you all the best to move her!" White woman smiled and said: "But you should also practice the pursuit of chasing people's progress... Can you become a pro in the future, but you still have to be beaten by your wife every day?"

"Amount..." With this terrible fact, the demon prince suddenly looked ugly on his face and bit his teeth: "Good! From now on, I have to work hard!"

"This is a good boy..."


It was a mess outside.

But at the moment, Chu Yang is in the Chu Family Courtyard.

Since the wind and waves have already started, Chu Yang will no longer worry more.

Now the wind and waves are still rushing here in a faraway place, Chu Yang is naturally more assured.

Even the original singer actually gave a poem on the spot.

"Inadvertently, the wrath of the sky, the fart directly slammed! The heroes of all walks of life come, the wind is like a dragon, the cloud is like a tiger.

Everything has nothing to do with me, just the beauty. Let him wind and wave, I walked in a leisurely way! ”

It is said that this poem came out, several brother-in-laws inadvertently heard, all of them directly smiled and had a stomachache.

Chu Yang and Tie Butian walked the courtyard and came to the courtyard.

Now inside the big yard, there are a bunch of little guys chasing the fight. In the distance, the average size is running, punching, and there is no chapter, just pure exercise.

Xie Danqiong’s wife, Mrs. Mei, is taking care of her.

I am afraid that one has been injured.

I have to say that Mrs. Mei is full of gentle motherhood and is the closest to children. It is also called affinity, in addition, Mrs. Mei is very patient and very fond of each of these little guys.

So everyone is willing to be close to her.

I don't know who is shouting: "Chu Big Brother... The owner is here!"

Suddenly a bunch of little guys flocked. Infinitely eager to see one by one, the face is envious.

"Chuyang brother..."


"You are here, you are finally here, I want to die you..."

"When are you teaching us to learn Kung Fu? I want to be a Heavenly Soldier..."

"I also think that I also want to... Hey, think about the prestige, Tianbing hahaha..."

"Cut, you are, or I am the strongest..."

The little guys are in a mess.

Chu Yang smiled from the heart, accompanied the little guys to play for a long time, without the slightest impatience.

Tiebutian was especially touched by emotions. Who said that the emperor was ruthless, although he had only been separated from his son for more than a month, but it has been in the heart of Tiebutian for a long time. As soon as he saw that there were so many, he was almost as big as his son. At most, the little guy who is only three or four years old can’t help but be red.

Knocking down one by one, softly soothing, hugs and hugs. The movement is gentle, just like holding your son...

The children are worried about the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law is a thousand-hearted child. Although the iron-filled day is a qualified king, it is also a kind mother.

Chu Yang looked in his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

The little bastard, not to mention the squatting position, will also drive away the maidens early...

Little conscience, wait for Laozi to go back and hit your ass.

When Chu Yuzu thought so, he forgot all about these things, he was involved, and he was still a mastermind, an accomplice, and even to a large extent, he simply confuses Xiao Chu.

Chu Yang stepped forward and gently grabbed the arm of Tiebutian, whispering: "Relax, our son is a enchanting, more enchanting than me, if he wants to come up, I am afraid Come up. It’s just that he hasn’t finished what he’s going to do. He’s coming over whenever he’s done.”

"Really?" There are some tears in the eyes of the iron-filled eyes; this moment is even weak, and the king at the moment is actually a mother who misses her in the distance.

No matter how powerful the world is, no matter how the king's style, at this moment, she is just a mother who misses her son.

"Really." Chu Yang said very positively, even a determined tone.

Tiebu Tian enviously looked at these children and said: "If you are always around, how good..."

Chu Yang sighed softly: "You also know that our children... If they are always with us, they will not grow up, and there is no restriction, no limit to the environment, so that he can grow up best..."

Iron-filled days sighed, but they also agreed with Chu Yang.

Tiebu Tian is certainly a qualified king, but it is not a strict teacher. When she is facing her, it is too kind!

Since ancient times, the mother has lost more.

Although every mother wants to keep her child in her arms for the rest of her life, but for the future of her children, she still has to let her go, let her son go solo, go through the experience, and have her own life.

The tenderness in the eyes of Tiebutian quickly conquered the children.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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