Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 119: Battle against heaven

"Let's relax!" Another high-level master of the prefecture level finally couldn't help but swear.

It’s one thing for us to kill you, but what you are embarrassed is just a pre-level level, how can you not be so arrogant!

Even if you are anxious to reincarnate, you are not so anxious!

"Let your grandmother's legs!" Chu Yang screamed, no longer nonsense, nine robbery swords volley, and said: "A little cold and sorrow!"

This move, at the beginning, was once a sword to kill a dozen masters of the Li family, the power is huge, Pei Mo Mo Yu. Two of the three men were present at the scene, and naturally knew the benefits, and said: "Be careful!"

Three people leaped at the same time and attacked.

Since this guy is so illiterate, he still kills it early.

You are really unprofitable when you can kill some of the ants. We are all big masters who are far above your kid!

However, Chu Yang is also a person who is unwise. How can he commit the mistake of ruining his skills? Although his mouth is read as 'a little cold and sorrowful man'; in fact, it is a trick of nine swords and swords. Out!

At the same time, a sharp burst of sound, in the place where the eardrums of all the people are full of whistling sound of the sword, full of entanglement.

The three moments have been drowned by Haoran Jianqi.

"Breaking!" The heaven-level master is full of confidence, and consciously uses his own ability to deal with a small pre-level, which is not easy to get.

Holding a long sword, it is a savage sword!

Intention to strong bullying, to force the power to force the trick!

Instantly, a sturdy blue sword gas rushed straight toward the sword of Chu Yang.

He is very confident that this sword can definitely dispel the temperament of the sky and the two swords of Chuyang!

So he didn't let the other two shot: to deal with such a junior, he took it by himself...

Even the cow knife kills the chicken, and the cow knife has a small test. Is there an accident? !

However, the final result of that sword surprised him.

Chu Yang’s sword was really opened as he expected, but his own sword in his hand was at the same time he became a four-fifth festival! This is a weapon of the gods that has accompanied me for many years!

If it is not a quick contraction, I am afraid that even the arm of the sword will turn into a meat sauce.

The strength of the heavenly master is not strong, but it does not mean that the soldiers are not hurt. If you encounter the weapon of the true meaning, you will still be hurt!

Immediately, the swords that had just been scattered before were actually scattered and not destroyed. Instead, they reunited and the powers would fall down.

For a moment, the underestimation of the enemy, actually fell into a dangerous situation in one face.

But the heavenly master is a heavenly master. After he wakes up, he quickly responds and immediately picks up the whole body. A layer of faint blue light flashes and his skill. In general, the tide of the sea is rising wildly, and it is full of counterattacks!

Although Jianguang of Chuyang has enveloped everything around him, although it seems to be incomparable, after touching this blue light, it is like a sword in the sea.

And this seawater has an unusually sticky force!

Every time you squat down, you will consume a certain amount of power and speed.

At this time, the other party has long since avoided.

More than three hundred swords in an instant!

"哗", the heavenly master jumped backwards; at the same time, Chu Yang’s sword retreated.

Chu Yang chained out 356 swords, only the last thirty swords were strong, and the other's clothes were drawn, but there was no scar on the body.

This is still the day of the master of the day, the body of the mysterious power gradually can not keep up with the frequency of each other's consumption, suddenly shocked, and let go.

At this time, it is precisely the last moment that Chu Yang will use all the four strokes of the sword. Under the other side of the thick protective body Xuan Gong, before the reminder of a real yuan has also consumed seven seven eight eight, barely Support will fall into a downturn and also retreat at the same time.

No more retreat, my repair can't keep up with consumption, I will die under this sword. The heavenly master gasps and his eyes are infinitely different.

No more, my skill can't keep up with consumption, and I will die under him! Chu Yang was slightly breathing, and he tried his best to absorb energy from the space of the nine robbers and restore himself. His heart was inexplicably different.

The master of the day, really worthy of the name.

This is the first time that Chu Yang has really played against the master of heaven.

Although the other side has always been at a disadvantage, and there is no room for counterattack at all, but Chu Yang knows that this is caused by the other party's deliberate enemies; when they came up, they were cut off by the sword, and then they were completely passive. .

If the other party really let go of their own fight, I am afraid I will still be defeated.

Chu Yang took a deep breath.

When I was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, I would be able to take advantage of the two products to the highest level.

But here, I am close to the middle level of the prefecture, isn’t it a day-level junior opponent?

The gap is almost a few times that of the Nine Heavens continent!

If it is purely in terms of cultivation, I am afraid there will be more than four times the gap.

This gap is almost a multiple of the gap between the order of the nine heavens and the order of the nine heavens. It's not just the difference from the level to the heaven!

This person is only the first stage of the heavens.

If it is the middle and the middle level, what is the difference between the high level and the higher order? Compared with the holy level?

Chu Yang’s heart is getting more and more cautious.

Nine Heavens, it is not an ordinary place.

"Kid, it's really good, there are a few points worthy of arrogance!" The heavenly master finally got a sigh of relief, and his eyes appeared blue light.

The swordsmanship of the other side is really strange and sharp to the extreme; if it is not self-cultivation, the body is full of suffocation, and the life potential is erupted. As long as one is not properly coped, I am afraid that it has just become a piece of ground meat. Now!

A younger brother who has just broken through the level of the hierarchy can push himself to this level. This is a shameful shame for this heavenly master!

Chu Yang took a deep breath and decided at this moment.

Through his own knowledge, Chu Yang knows that the mountains and cats are greasy at this moment, and they are watching the battle here.

But Chu Yang never wants them to shoot.

This is my own battle. Although the other party is a heavenly master, the normal meaning and the superficial meaning are beyond the scope that I can cope with, but today I must kill him!

Rely on others, what is the ability?

How can the land level not be able to make the heavens, others can't, does not mean that I can't!

The nine robbery sword masters have always been the creation of legends!

It is impossible to make it possible, and today is the beginning of the legend of the Nine Robbery Sword!

Chu Yang looked up, cold and cold: "Since it has already been said to kill me, don't say anything nonsense! Let's go together!"

He stood up with his sword and his eyes widened.

‘Let’s go together’, these four words, facing the three masters who are a lot higher than themselves, actually speak full of enthusiasm, throwing the floor!

When the three of them glimpsed, Chu Yang Jianguang flashed, and once again took the lead in launching the offensive!

Between the light of the sword, the yellow light is more and more obvious, and even the three enemies are covered in the attack!

This kind of extreme contempt, let the heavenly master directly blow up the chest.

With one hand pointing out, he said: "No one is allowed to shoot, I want one to kill him!"

In the face of a first-level head boy, as a heaven-level powerhouse, he has to join hands with others to attack and pass it out. He no longer needs to mix in the rivers and lakes. It is really impossible to lose that person. .

At this time, Chu Yang’s sword suddenly changed.

Just now, it is the move of Jiansui.

Light as a dream and a dream, blood sea bones dance enchanting.

Focus on a light, dance enchanting.

The sword is filled with lightness and grace; but it is full of deductions and dripping.

But at this moment, the sudden change of temperament, the temperament changed sharply, and became a fierce and arrogant two-handed slaying sword! It was like two lightnings, suddenly illuminating the night sky. Let all the people who see it be blind at this moment!

Just now is Jiansui's famous trick. At the moment, it is the style of Jianfeng. The ‘whistling winds are in the west and the ‘the sun and the moon are the thunder.’

Obviously, one person is out of the sword, but sees two swords and lights split up and there is no distinction between the master and the slave.

At the foot of the glory, the snow-like ghosts of the snow-like steps have already bypassed the heavenly master who is guarding the whole god. This guy said beautifully in his mouth, but in fact he was not at all daring. Step by step for the approximation of the camp, but just for the unintentional Chu Yang easy to break through.

The real goal of these two swords is two others!

Two other prefecture-level masters!

The master of that day, the real strength of itself is far above Chuyang. It can be easily solved without a stroke and a half. But the other two are only the level-level strength. Although they are still above Chuyang, they can be killed in Chuyang. within.

Since you are here, don’t leave one! It’s difficult to solve the problem before, and then it’s safe to focus on the day’s master!

"Gao Ming! Good tactics!" Yan Rushan could not help but sigh: "The change of this sword is absolutely beyond the expectations of the other party, but it contains the mind of the enemy, and the wonderful The sword hood; a smug of intentional or unintentional, but it really cuts the human mind; makes the three people take the initiative to separate, one person is alone. The other two know that there is no one's own things, the preparedness of the heart is flawed. But that Although the heavenly masters said that they were independent, the previous four tricks have made him frightened, and then they saw an unseen shocking sword, naturally choose the defense, or whole-hearted defense; he wholeheartedly defended him, naturally There is a lack of counterattack energy; and Chu Yang is taking advantage of this subtle psychological change, killing the other two! Good strategy!"

The cat is greasy and has a round eyes, saying: "But... I just want to be desperate."

As the mountain said: "This is the case, in addition to desperate tricks, there is no chance to kill the two men. And he only has this opportunity. If this opportunity is not achieved, we must immediately shoot. !"

Having said that, the Chu Yang sword in the field has changed. Become ghastly, like a ghost!

It is a complete life!

Ning will be completely hidden in a lifetime, but it will change the savage and kill the madman!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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