Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 121: I am with him!

After seeing this battle, the cat is greasy and has no contempt for Chu Yang, and it is full of admiration.

If you are now working with Chu Yang, you will definitely win yourself; but if you are alive and dead, the one who died will definitely be yourself!

This guy, desperately fighting has become an expert hand!

"I thought you would keep his life!" The cat grinned and said: "You are not curious who sent them?"

Chu Yang gasps, wants to stand up straight, but has no strength, just sitting on the ground, hehe smiled: "No need!"

"No need?" asked the cat with a greasy question.

"Well, although this level has changed its body shape, but the middle class of the prefecture is definitely the one that was treated with the ill of the ecstasy a few nights ago." Chu Yang smiled: "This, I absolutely I won't admit it! So, naturally, it's not necessary!"

In fact, in addition to this point, there is still a point that Chu Yang did not explain, nor is Chu Yang not wanting to subdue this person, but it is powerless. If it is not just a bang, it kills the two prefecture-level masters and collects a lot of life and death power. Chu Yang's current cultivation is impossible, and it is impossible to display the power of the thirty-six swordsmen. The victory of this battle is of course the careful arrangement of Chu Yang, but it is not a bit lucky!

"It turned out to be that person?" The cat was greasy and discolored: "Is this not to say that Jiangdong Huajia wants to start with you?"

"Of course!" Chu Yang said: "Is there anyone else?"

"Wang Ba light! Mix things!" The cat teacher jumped three feet high: "They used you to get in touch with the city government; when they used you, they came to a good enemies? This is too much!"

Chu Yang grinning: "Yes..."

The cat teacher glared at his own hair and sighed in the sky: "The human feelings are really complicated... It is only when people use them to kill people... or we are good..."

Chu Yang weakly bowed his head and said: "This is awesome... Hey, it’s too cool, people are humans..."

Cats tired of thinking for a long time, angry and difficult to disappear: "You rest assured, when I see Jiangdong's family, I must slap them one by one! It is really a deceit, too, a wolf, a dog, a lung, a backward, ungrateful, pig The dog is not as good!"

"Wang Ba Lamb!" The cat teacher vomited.

The cat teacher was really angry this time. The furry big tail windmill is generally swaying, and there is a word in the mouth, muttering to himself. Listen carefully to the original: "Awkward! Awkward! It’s just awkward..."

Tiebutian slowly came out and helped Chuyang to get in.

The cat was tired and turned over and couldn’t help but said: "I said... brother-in-law, you are a lady, and you are very calm."

As a big brother, the cat teacher can say a word, it means that he has been very dissatisfied with Tie Tian.

The husband almost finished playing outside, and his wife was so calm?

Of course, changing people will only be dissatisfied in the heart, but the cat teacher has a temper, but he is thinking about what to say, no scruples.

Of course, this will make Tiantian a dress for women, and the cat is greasy and doesn't know that this is the former Tianbingge throne.

Tiebutian didn't think that he was embarrassed. He turned back and smiled and said: "Cat big brother, do you think that with Chu Yang's cultivation as a talent to participate in the battle, I figured out what can I do?"

The cat is tired and greasy: "Even if you can't help, but..."

"I will come out, he will only be confused and confused. Because in this battlefield, I don't even have the power of self-protection... I am coming out, he is distracted by me, his heart will be chaotic, is it because I came out to help the enemy? What about him?!"

Tiebu Tian quietly said: "So I don't come out, just wait for the end."

"My husband is a river and a lake person. People in the rivers and lakes can't avoid being killed. But I am a wife, only watching, only waiting."

"He won, I bandaged the wound for him, soothed and tired for him; if he was defeated, he died, nothing." Tietiantian calmly said: "I will accompany him!"

"What's the matter?" Tiebu smiled and smiled: "I think the big cat thinks, what should I do? Standing outside the door, I look worried? Then I yell at the tears: Fujun, be careful... Is this? ”

The cat is greasy and flushed, and he is helpless: "Sister, I am wrong, my brother and sister, I am wrong..."

Speaking two wrong words, with a tail "嗖", escaped.

Throw away the dead.

It is really a dead man!

The cat is greasy and swears: In the future, those biographical novels, drama scenes and the like will never be seen! More absolutely not believe it!

This time it was really a shameful loss.

As Tiebu Tian said: What do I do out? Come out to kill your own man?

But those stage plays are all played... ah ah ah... The cat teacher is full of tears.

Laozi was cheated again...

Yan Rushan is changing the rotten clothes in his room. Well, it should be those pieces of cloth, suddenly heard the greasy question of the cat, it is really dangerous to jump out and give him a big mouth.

Then I heard the iron-filled day's questioning, and suddenly smiled.

Too enjoyable!

It’s so enjoyable!

This kind of dead cat with a sense of justice and super burst, finally someone let him suffer a big loss.

Grinning, my heart: Although this brother-in-law is not very good-looking, this friendship is really admirable.

Tiebutian’s sentence ‘dead, dead, nothing, I will accompany him. ’

The sound is very calm, very stable and very calm.

Yan Rushan can hear the perseverance of the stone in this sentence. It’s too common, this is the couple, the real feelings.

He is born, I am with him; he is dead, I am with him.

What else to say?

As the mountain sighed, facing the lonely lamp on the table, it was a bit dull. Looking at the candlelight on the table, my eyes became gentle and gentle...

After this mission, I must go home with my daughter-in-law to play and talk, even if I am walking with me, and sightseeing around... These years are busy with official business, but it is really cold.

It shouldn't be!

In the room.

Tiebu Tian will help Chu Yang to stay on the bed, saying: "To tell the truth, is it hurt?"

Chu Yang smiled: "No, really!"

"Well," Tiebu Tian did not delve into it, said: "You have a good rest, I will give you a massage."

"We are able to enjoy the service of your majesty, how can you be so embarrassed..." Chu Yang blinked and looked yin.

"Hey!" Iron fills the face with a red, and finally I am sure that this shameless guy really does not matter, this is relieved. Help him to release muscles with his heart. As for the wound medicine, she knows that Chu Yang has her own, and she is sure to take it early, but she is not worried.

It was pinched by a pair of soft little hands and swam halfway. Chu Yang was comfortable and straight. The so-called fullness of thinking and yin desire, the skin contact was much more, Chu Yuzuo couldn’t stand it anymore, for a moment, he wanted to Continue to a big project before, said: "Your Majesty, in fact, I am not tired, or else I will take off my clothes, you are above..."

The iron-filled sky is like a red cloud, and a piece of soft meat is twisted around his waist. The woman’s talent for dealing with men’s talent will be imposed: “You can’t talk nonsense...”

Chu Yang body moved, while screaming, but moved some important part of his own, reached out and pulled, the iron hand of Tiantian touched up unexpectedly, foreign objects start, can not help 'ah' A scream, the subconscious wants to retreat, but a big hand is outside the small hand, covered with a porcelain.

Then the lights in the house suddenly went out.

The sound of Chu Yang’s voice is a bit evil in the dark night: “Don’t move! Try again?”

The meaning of the words does not seem to move, but in reality it is full of temptation, but it does not move, can not stop.

Iron-filled day panic shy voice: "You let go!"

"Don't dare to move!? Then move Laozi to you!"

"That... you don't move either..."

"Well, this"

[Next 3 million words omitted]


On the second morning, Chu Yang found a few splashes of skin as usual, and continued to collect all kinds of news from various parts of the city.

These guys have long been obedient to the posts of the officials of Chu, especially before Chuyang, when they were born in a public, they lived one person’s skin, and after killing two, there were still people who were still swaying. There are absolutely no words in the hundred words.

As soon as I heard the sound of Chu Yang, these splashes were almost trembling, and I couldn’t even say anything.

They said that it is the head snake. The bones in the bones are always only flowing in the city of Zixia. They usually fight and fight, and bullying the people in Pingtou is naturally a good show. In fact, even the lowest rivers and gangs are not considered. How have you seen such a means?

Chu Yang is using such a guy to pick up the news, has to say that there is a magic that turns waste into treasure.

These people are very familiar with Zixia City. If there is a brick change in any place, basically it can be said that it is a local snake but it is never too much. Now I am inquiring about the news, and I am more diligent.

In general, the high-end customers in the rivers and lakes should be more vigilant to the same kind of people who are the same as the warriors. They are not too concerned about these hooligans. In this case, the ones have actually inquired a lot of news.

What they inquired is undoubtedly extremely one-sided, and some have only to say a few words, a scale and a half-claw; but after returning, Chu Yang and Tie Butian both speculated based on these news, reclassified, refining, and inferior, so Often, things are inferred to be seamless.

To this point, even the words of the mountain have to admire the fact that the couple are somewhat ridiculous.

In general, the Jianghumen School and the officials of the government cultivate a relatively qualified information spy, which is not exhausting their minds. But what did it think of being so easy and even taken for granted in Chuyang?

I can't hear the message and die.

Report a fake message, a finger.

Fabricating the message, Ling Chi!

Hearing good news, eating spicy and spicy, there is no other reward: it is good to live.

But under these most basic conditions, everyone is eager to fight for each other: God! It’s good to be alive under this man...



Lost the dead, my wife returned to her family for several days, I found that the underwear did not change, so I grabbed three hundred pieces to buy underwear. I went to the supermarket and chose a very comfortable one. I just took ten. As soon as I open the bill, I am dizzy. Three thousand six hundred and eighty!

Three hundred sixty eight one! Panties!

I am holding three hundred pieces, and I can’t even buy one of them at a discount...

The ugly excuse of urinary escaping escaped, and honestly sold ten ten-dollars...

God, earth! The underwear is three hundred and eight... This makes people alive... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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