Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 162: Battle of the swordsman

Suddenly Chu Yang’s words about the purple evil have been thoroughly understood: the master fights, and the entire city will suffer!

Chu Yang is amazed, what is the strength of the three vague figures in the battle?

It’s just... According to Duan’s sky, the three people who fought here should be three people, such as Thunder’s Knife, Giant Knife, and Lightning Snake. On the same day, the elders of Lingxiaomen’s sea elders blamed the lightning snake. Calling the battle on the spot, the lightning snake does not say that the battle, it is a swearword, did not dare to blame, it is not difficult to judge, the repair of the lightning snake is certainly not as far as the sea elders.

In the past few days of exchanges, the sea elders were not as good as the snow fairy. It seems that the gap is quite small. The snow fairy itself is a master of the red dust, such as Mengxuan, but it is still only a few masters on the bright side. There must be a lot of stronger masters in the back. On the red dust like Mengxuan, there are also the first and second Zongmen in the nine-day Scorpio. The master is like a cloud...

Such a way to go all the way, Chu Yang just broke through that point of excitement, completely gone, it turns out that he is still an ant, the road ahead, still need to work hard!

It’s just that the high-end thing is not very meaningful now. Let’s take a look at it now. These three are already high-level ones that you can’t measure. Those higher-end ones are still put down first!

Chu Yang is no longer thinking about it, focusing on the situation, looking at it, but seeing -

Every blink of an eye has at least dozens of times, or hundreds of knives colliding and knife collisions. And during the period, countless times of punching and kicking!

This is no longer like fighting between humans, but the devil who is wielding the death sickle is fighting!

Chu Yang is still far from the place of engagement, no less than a hundred feet, the voice of fighting and the voice of the voice there is only very vague.

"...git! You dare to go!"


"Many things... ** What?"

"Oh... have to be!"

"Go to your grandma, when I am really afraid of you?!"


"And I!……"


Chu Yang was amazed, what is going on?

Now the three people are getting more and more fierce, obviously they have already sent sex, and they can’t get close.

any idea?

Chu Yang frowned, and between the thoughts, the whole person suddenly disappeared in midair - he stepped into the space of nine robbers.

Which of the three people who are fighting is not watching the six directions? Of course, I also paid attention to the movements here. I was surprised to see someone coming in and constantly approaching the battlegrounds of the three of them. I was guessing who was coming, but without warning, the one is approaching here. Whoever disappeared so silently.

This amazing change made the three people unable to hold their hearts.

Is this what is going on?

How can a person disappear from the sky?

Even if the person is very high and high, even if it is higher than the sea elders of Lingmen, or as strong as a snow fairy, as long as we leave, we can still be aware of it, unless... unless the guy’s repair In order to reach the realm of the legendary nine emperors, only the realm of that level can completely overcome the perception of our three people!

But this thought was just a flash, and although I was thinking about it, I didn’t stop at all. At this moment, the war is in jeopardy, the crisis is in jeopardy, and there is a danger of life. It is especially difficult to concentrate on it. Wherever it can be managed, it will be possible to encounter a crisis. Then the spirit of the three people will once again concentrate on the fierce battle. The only concern is There are only two other opponents.

Fortunately, it was just three people who were distracted together. If only oneself is so distracted, a great opportunity has been turned into a meat!

When I think of it, everyone is afraid of a while, more concentrated, and no longer have to look around.

Chu Yang has been driving the nine-robbery space and came silently to the top of the battle. At this moment, although Chu Yang is within the space of nine robbing, he can still clearly see the progress of the entire squad, and even see it completely. The expression on the faces of three people, the twitching of each muscle.

But the three could not see him.

If it is an analogy to the times, it is like a single-sided glass in the police torture room. Chu Yang is on the observable side, and the other three are on the other side of the observation. More advanced, not only single-sided, it is simply a full range of random sensing and even moving.

Chu Yang looked at it, it was very refreshing, and suddenly a thought rose, just want to slap a few slaps of his own: it seems that this function has long existed, so the function of using it so badly, I never found it before. Come out. If you have known this for a long time, how many powerful enemies can you die of such a silent and sneak attack?

This is clearly a peerless, unparalleled peerless assassination method!

However, after thinking about it, it seems that before I got the eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword, at best, it is only the soul of the soul that can enter the nine-robbery space; and after getting it, there are not many fighting opportunities, and the application is less, naturally it is difficult to explore deeply. Now I find out where it is late... immediately relieved.

Now Chuyang has a broad vision and there is no difference between watching and watching at close quarters. Although the three people are moving at an amazing speed, far beyond the current cognition of Chu Yang, it is still possible to distinguish three people who can barely do it. Among them, there are two people who know Chu Yang, and even can say that they have dealt with a little. As for the third, although they have not formally recognized, they still know who it is.

The one who is in the middle is full of burly, stunned, and looks like a thunder. The knife in his hand is the holy knife that he just auctioned out. This person is undoubtedly the winner of the day’s knives. .

Another burly man is the giant knife that also participated in the auction on the same day.

As for the last body, the most dynamic, stupid, unpredictable, and mixed with a sinister taste, it must be the lightning snake that auctioned the sunrise but did not show its shape.

Three big swordsmen, a lot of people gathered here.

Unlike the "money fight" in the auction house, here is the "fighting" that has been turned upside down!

At this moment, the lightning snake is screaming with anger: "To say that the Thunder attacked me, it would be fine. We had a beam before; and the kid was a little favored to him, but why are you?" What are you doing? What are you doing?"

The giant knife smirked: "The stupid worm is quite good for you. There is nothing like Laozi here, but Laozi is itchy. When you see you fighting, you can't help but want to blend it all at once! How about dripping?"

Speaking of a sharp knife, fluttering to the lightning snake, the lightning snake flashed a block, the knife of the giant knife is a little bit off, and the moment has changed direction, and then smashed to the Thunder.

The Thunder screamed and screamed, and the two of them slammed against each other without a flower, and then they flew in the air, flying and flying, each killing a lightning snake!

The lightning snake is mad and screams loudly: "The **** mad knife, is that Chu Yang doing it for you? Isn't it a word for the auction? Is there such a big love? You are not White gave him 50,000 Zixia coins. Isn’t it enough to top the words? Actually, for this, I’m playing with Laozi! Are you stupid?”

Thunder mad knife laughed like a thunder: "Even if you don't want to divide this point, just say that you maliciously carried my price on the same day, I can't easily let you go! Stinky worm, today, you are destined to become a dead worm! ”

"Grass!" The lightning snake roared, and then it was frustrated to resist the two men.

The situation in the war situation is very different. When the lightning snake is about to support it, the giant knife will turn to the thunderbolt and let the lightning snake have a breathing space. The battle will be instantly changed into a lightning snake and a giant knife. The siege of the Thunder is a knife, but as long as the Lightning Snake recovers, the Giant Knife will turn to attack the Lightning Snake with the Thunder.

In more time, there are three people who are separated from each other and fight for each other. Anyway, it is a melee that completely confuses the mind.

After a while, Chu Yang finally understood: Thunder mad knives and lightning snakes, these two talents are really desperate opponents. As for the giant sword, it is purely chaotic, and it is still the kind of harm to others. The smugglers are arguing that they don’t want the war to end early, so they continue to slap his mind.

Who is this? !

"Giant!" Lightning Snake screamed: "If you don't quit, don't blame Laozi for killing. Today's business has nothing to do with you. I advise you..."

"Advise a fart, chaos is fun!" Giant knife screamed happily: "The three powerful swordsmen with similar strength have this opportunity, so fighting, there is no way for me."

This sentence makes the other two people relatively bitter.

Yes, in this world, the practice of knives is higher than their realm, absolutely many!

However, it is said that the strength is so close, at the same level, the entire nine-day Scorpio, how can not exceed 50 people.

The number of fifty people seems to be quite a lot, but it is unusually small in the vast crowd of people who are distributed in the population of 100 billion people. Some people, even if they are masters like three people, even if they are searching for each other, they have a long life...

However, the biggest possibility is still: you can't meet each other for life!

This is fate!

Under such circumstances, it is really commendable that you want to find a rival with the same level. It is no wonder that the Giant Knife is so excited, and he will not hesitate to descend his identity. He will try his best to continue this weird battle. It is only a good fight.

Lightning snake hair straight up: "I am going to kill!"

"Killing?! Come kill me!" The other two yelled together.


The battle of the three people is getting more and more fierce. The lightning snake has obviously been provoked by the real fire. The mad knives have a murderous heart, and the remaining giant knives can’t do their best. This will already be exhausted. It’s incredible. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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