Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 194: Chaptery everywhere [fourth more! 】

Chu Yang imagined the sage of the saint at the beginning, could not help but burst into a heart, one! If this saint is me...

"After a sword was cut, along the huge force of the coming force, the entire first half of the hill flew out and fell to the side, not even deliberately!" Jian Ling looked at the distance between the two mountains. The expression on his face was twitching and continued to tell the horrifying facts.

"The sword master may not know that there is a master on a mountain. It is very different from a master." Sword spirit muttered: "At that time, the hardness of this mountain was only a thousand years of hardness. More than double! Especially when it is against the enemy, it should be even more terrifying."

Chu Yang opened his mouth and burst into tears.

What kind of strength does this have to be done? Can I really go to that level?

"Those past events are too far away for us, or we must first search for the foot of the mountain." Chu Yang took a breath and expelled all kinds of shocks in his heart.

There is already an intuitive understanding in my heart: Fucking, I am coming over every day, the snow and tears of the past, is it such a terrible existence?

I can't really see it without comparison...···

The two went down the road and saw that some places on the top of the mountain were covered with grass and some shrubs, but nothing was surprising.

On one side, there is a mountain road, white jade railings, sapphire steps, and squatting down.

Chu Yang and Jian Ling went down the stairs.

Just after two orders, Jian Ling suddenly burst into a shock, looking at the dense trees on both sides, burst into a daze, muttered in the mouth: "The coffin? The whole mountain species are all coffins?!"

"Yumu? What is that?" Chu Yang asked curiously.

"Beech, before 150,000 years ago, was once an extremely rare piece of wood. It is said that the tree itself is not unusual, but its texture is hard. Don't say that ordinary steel is even Star Steel may not be able to match the hardness of eucalyptus; therefore, as long as conditions permit, the average person will use eucalyptus as the handle of the weapon."

"However, however, everyone began to realize that although the hardness of the coffin is sufficient, it is easily corroded, so it is gradually eliminated. But it is coincidental that there is an unexpected discovery, the tree of the elm The heart, all of them are purple, very dazzling, and not like other parts are generally easy to decay. Based on this, the tree heart of the coffin was collected by various heavens and used as a material for making coins; but later discovered 沧澜The wooden heart coin is easy to be copied, and the star dream iron is added to make the purple cloud coin, etc....···”

Jian Ling took a deep breath: "The sword master, there are so many coffins here, and they are at least hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years of coffin, absolutely a fortune. ”

Chu Yang snorted, crying and laughing: "Big Brother, you wake up, you think, as long as the news spread, can I occupy?"

Sword Spirit stayed in a hurry and said: "Yes, this stuff is an official resource, and no private person can occupy it.

Chu Yang Tai Ran said: "So I did not think about it, otherwise it will be more lost!"

Suddenly, I squatted on a big tree and shouted: "Fucking, watching so much money! It’s gone! I know that Laozi’s lack of money also makes such a bunch of things to marry me. God, are you playing with me and getting addicted? What about him?······Sword Spirit is stunned: Is this still not lost? Not at ease?

"But the tears of the snow and the **** want to take all of them away from the hands of Lao Tzu, how can I give it a little benefit! Otherwise, I will cut it with a sword! I can't get cheap, others don't think about it. Chu Yang said evilly, suddenly blinked: "Hey? What is that thing?"

How great is Chu Yang’s kicking out?

Which of the coffins in the middle of the foot violently shakes and shakes and suddenly drops a thing from above, and slams into the ground.

"Ganoderma lucidum?!" looked at the snow and white snow in front of himself into a five-petal but turned into a purple-red thing Chu Yang stunned. Is this OK?

Can't help but look up.

"You are stupid!" Sword Spirit has rushed over and smashed Ganoderma lucidum, and his face was distressed: "This is the snow jade purple soul that can grow on the eucalyptus.... How can it fall?" ·····This is the most pure heaven and earth treasure, or a good thing for hundreds of thousands of years...·············································································· ”

"It is also a great fortune in the unfortunate. If this martial art is still there, how can such a snow jade purple soul be preserved to the present?" While the sword spirit complained, there was some luck.

Thanks to this martial art being sealed, or else, where is the current nine-day scorpion going to find such a good thing?

Speaking of it, there is no reason for Sword Ling’s complaints. It’s just a pity that I saw the good things being spoiled. After all, Chu Yang is not intentional.

Although the young master of the Chu family did not understand it, but his experience was shallow, but why is it not the kind of defeat? Is it...

But after this incident, Chu Yang pays more attention to it, all the way to the eyes: "Is it impossible to have this thing on only one tree? There are so many trees here, it is estimated that there should be many, there must be, must have, must have ......"

Simply released the nine robbery sword, let the nine robbery sword to find it.

This is a great deal.

"Wow! Another one!"

"There is a super yellow essence here!"

“There are still red ginseng here, at least hundreds of thousands of years!”

“The exquisite blood ginseng here has already produced the ginseng...···”

"It’s another snow jade purple soul, it seems to be more than the previous year...·····

"Here, there is here..."

The road down the mountain seems to have gone by one-fifth, and the sword spirit is not called. From the beginning of the fuss, Chu Yang became a common indifferent, and later, directly indifferent.

Because, the good things here are really too much! It’s too much to collect, if it’s not a nine-robbery space, it’s estimated that Chu Yang and Jian Ling’s heartache are so good, they both, even the most precious ones can’t take it!

This is a mountain that has not been visited for at least four or five thousand years. How many good things can you imagine?

In the set of words, it is really countless.

What's more, this mountain is not a mountain in the ordinary sense, it is the central mountain of the source of the gods; the place where the super sects gather! The abundance of aura has already reached a horrific level.

Such a mountain is undoubtedly easier to produce a treasure!

Chu Yang constantly thrown into the space of the nine robbery, and the three medicines inside are constantly transplanted with joy.

Only ginseng is treated specially, whether it is blood ginseng, jade ginseng, or ordinary ginseng, or exquisite ginseng, etc., etc., hundreds of ginseng each receive dozens of strains.

Each strain must first absorb a certain amount of essence by the three medicine spirits; once again, it is confirmed that all the ginseng has at least one point in the space, and the others are directly swallowed by the three medicine spirits. Not welcome!

In other words, the harvest is a huge part of ginseng, and in the blink of an eye it has become a dry radish!

At the beginning, the rate of such phagocytosis was somewhat slow, but then, with the constant evolution of the medicinal abilities, what was swallowed up was the blink of an eye.

Of course, although the medicine spirit is full of joy and satisfaction, there are some things that are still unknown: all the elixir that has been searched and selected through the nine robbery swords has actually been sucked the most essential part by the nine robber swords.

In addition, the biggest advantage of the Nine Robbery Sword is: not picky eaters.

For example, when you encounter a large group of ginseng at that time, the nine robbery swords even the ginseng that has just sprouted for a year or two will give you a shot!

Where the nine robbery swords pass, the grass does not stay!

Amount, no, it is... any medicine, don't stay!

Because those who don't take it, or don't take it away, directly **** it out!

Tiancai Dibao instantly becomes a hay.

So it’s not that the grass doesn’t stay, it’s not that it’s more appropriate to use it everywhere.


Brushing brush...

The nine robbery swords are elated, the three medicine spirits are happy, and the sword spirit and Chu Yang have already had some ambiguity: sometimes there are too many good things, too many times to bend over and look up, it seems to be a distress!

Really tired!

Later, the Chu Yuzu, who felt tired, went straight down the mountain, leaving the sword spirit and the nine robbery swords to search for the elixir. The nine robbers were responsible for discovering, devouring, and excavating; and the sword spirit was responsible for transporting to the nine robbery space.

The three medicine spirits wait for the herbs to come in and choose to phagocytize, absorb, and transplant.

In each of the three aspects, they were all mechanized. Later, they were somewhat mechanized.

A mountain is small, it is also a mountain; and, can it be selected as the core mountain of the base camp by the Super Zongmen, and where can it be small?

Even with the swordsmanship and the nine robbery swords, there are two super-human understandings that are extremely speedy to search at the speed of the incredible, and actually searched for more than half of the time, only to clean up the half-mountain.

If you let people in at this time, I am afraid that those who come in will be shocked: this is too clean! The name of the gods in the world, the soul of the town, after opening the seal, even a drug is not even?

Not even ordinary herbs?

There is only dry grass in the eyes, what is this **** thing!

This is a miracle...

Of course, they will still not be able to enter, but Chu Yang, who has already entered, has already discovered a miracle!

"Isn't this a martial art? Isn't it already destroyed? People? Even if no one, the body is always there? Where are you going?"

"Don't you say that there is a catastrophe underneath? Is it a disaster? Where is it?"

"I didn't meet you anymore."

Chu Yang expressed doubts about this.

Sword spirit seems to be puzzling, which is completely incomprehensible.

But it’s lucky to not touch it. If it’s really hit, it’s terrible!

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