Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 200: Absolutely bizarre! [10th! 】

The catastrophe screamed fiercely: "What?"

Chu Yang laughed happily: "I don't think you really believe, really enjoyable wow hahaha... I was deceived by Lao Tzu. Do you really think that the Purple Emperor is dead? Hahahaha... You are a naive bastard."

"He didn't die?" The soul of the catastrophe was like a paste.

"He is not dead, but now is behind you!" Chu Yang said: "Zihao big brother! Quickly kill him! This is the biggest opportunity to kill him!" His eyes, staring straight at the disaster Behind the gods!

A look of surprise, the face of the robbery for the rest of my life!

"Ah~~~" The catastrophe of the catastrophe was fiercely violent, suddenly bursting open: "Where is where and where..."

Suddenly slammed up and ran away.

In the same year, the Purple Emperor Tiandi flattened the sky and the clouds, and the sword’s Hehe Xiongwei directly scared him away, and he still has a lot of embarrassment. Although the heart hates the sky, hate can not be the enemy, but if the Purple Emperor is really there, I am afraid that the soul of this catastrophe will definitely run faster than anyone else!

The long and lonely loneliness of hundreds of thousands of years has already forgotten the human world...

Chu Yang shouted like this, and it was in the midst of spiritual sorrow and extreme anger. It was also used by Chu Yang to use the 100% confusing technique regardless of the consequences. Naturally, he was alert and confused.

In the moment of the catastrophe, the moment was caught in a panic-free moment. It was a space-tight, space-free blockade, and suddenly there was a gap!

Finally there was a gap!

Chu Yang was a desperate earner and said: "Go!"

Stretching the hand and being locked at the beginning, the sword spirit can't move quickly and enters the nine-robbery space!

The catastrophe of the catastrophe rushed back, but found that there was no 霄 霄 霄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The strain of the catastrophe is really fast, and one hand is instantly turned into black smoke, chasing it at an incredible speed!

Actually, immediately behind Chu Yang and Jian Ling, in the moment when the nine-robbery space was too late to close again, the "brush" came in! More tightly grasped the back of Chu Yang!

Chu Yang only felt a strong pull, and he did not have the ability to resist. In shock, he said: "Sword spirit, let's go first!"

He knew that he was caught this time and there was no luck! Stretching his hand and pushing the sword spirit into the space of the nine robbery, he will fly out with the big hand.

Otherwise, if the robbed soul is really chasing the space of the nine robbers, the two people really want to live!

However, at this time, the accident was regenerated, and a terrible noise suddenly sounded outside!

Immediately, the unprecedented powerful pulling force suddenly disappeared. Because Chu Yang had been fully fighting before, this time he was still fighting in full force, and the pulling force disappeared too quickly. "Plop", Chu Yang slammed into Jian Ling. At the same time, the two people turned into a gourd, and they rolled out in the nine-robbery space!

Even on the back of Chu Yang, it seems that there is a **** hand, hugged Chu Yang's waist tightly, but this will slowly turn into black fog!

Somehow, the big hand that was fascinated by the catastrophe was broken!

It’s like being cut by a sword!

Chu Yang is full of surprises. Who saved me? Who can have such a big skill, a sword to break the hand of the soul?

But at this moment, the nine robbery space has been closed again, and Chu Yang does not dare to open it again! I don't even dare to look back at the outside world!

The power of the catastrophe is really terrible. Who knows where his spiritual sensation is so high, even if he is in the space of nine robbing, he may not be able to be safe, now safe!

In fact, it is absolutely a blessing to be able to get to the point where it is now.

Chu Yang subconsciously gasped a few breaths, his mind was slightly fixed, and suddenly the body sweated and screamed out, and the body clothes suddenly drenched. Just this time, it seems calm and calm, and there is no wave in my heart. In fact, why is Chu Yang’s heart not afraid?

It has only been forced to suppress and tolerate it.

Now it’s finally safe for a while, in retrospection, I’m afraid of it, but there’s still a feeling that it’s like a ghost!

Too hanging!

It is too hanging!

On the forehead, the sweat-like beads of the soybeans came out. Chu Yang trembled, and even both hands shook. A face became pale and white, then sallow, then iron, and finally black, and played along the way. Changed face drama... After a long while, I slowly recovered.

The sword spirit is worse than Chu Yang. The soul of the catastrophe is more than a few times in Chu Yang. After all, their traits are closer. Now, after entering the nine-robbery space, in a familiar environment, Finally recovered, the thoughts must be, the sword's inspirational slamming down: "Sword Lord adults..." For a time, it was a choking voice.

Although he was fully mobilized from the beginning, it did not affect visual hearing. Of course, I saw Chu Yang in order to protect himself and even hesitate to abandon his own behavior, the heart is turbulent, and it is difficult to calm down!

Chu Yang has always said that the sword spirit is a brother; the sword spirit has always been very moving, but it is always inevitable to doubt: really? is this real?

The sword masters of all ages are only when I am a sword spirit, a tool.

Are you really so good?

Or, just a way to draw me? !

But at the moment, there is no doubt in the heart of the sword!

A sword master who can use his own life to fight for the soul of the sword and be able to achieve this level, even in the most dangerous, last minute, can only be made by instinct to protect his sword master! What else can be suspected?

Chu Yang's weak road: "Sword Spirit, will you wait until you move? I will not move, even the strength of speaking is not owed, don't touch it, I really have no strength to talk to you, scream... ”

As he spoke, he shed blood in the seven gongs; just outside, the horror of the horrible souls of the dying souls shook the internal organs, and they were continuously wounded. In the end, they were forced to use all the repairs to provoke the power of temptation. Under the powerful reflection, I have been seriously injured with the body plus the soul! It can be said that since Chu Yang’s debut, he has never suffered such a serious injury.

I am able to sit now, and I have done my best. It is not a false statement to say that the strength of speaking is not owed.

" see if there is any way to get this **** hand down on my waist..." Chu Yang coughed: "I am uncomfortable with the card."

"Yes!" Sword Ling hurriedly stood up.

Seeing this **** hand that is gradually dissipating, there is a dazzling light in the eyes of Jian Ling!

The spirit of the sword spirit is certainly a huge tonic for the soul of the catastrophe, but the relative, the soul of the catastrophe is also the biggest tonic of the sword spirit! However, Sword Spirit does not pose a threat to the souls of others!

In essence, the two sides only see who is stronger.

But the world is never absolute, like this at the moment -

The half-arm that is now stuck in Chuyang is already in a state of constant dissipating. It is already equivalent to a truncated super-taste without any intention and resistance. It is this time that the sword can not Excited.

Just swallowed up this arm, the sword's repair can instantly double!

even more!

Where is the sword spirit, he is polite, and he can't wait to rush.

Chu Yang frowned, but he could clearly feel the buckle on his waist becoming more and more relaxed, and his mind kept thinking: What is going on? How could the black hand suddenly break?

Suddenly, the flash of light flashed: Yes, before the Nine Robbery Sword went out to collect the elixir, it was always outside, would it be done by the Nine Robbery Sword?

But thinking about it, but I think it is unlikely. Although Chu Yang also knows that the nine robbers are sharp and unparalleled, but who scores for it, with the power of the current nine robbery sword, it seems that it can't cope with the catastrophe!

Not to mention an arm that breaks the arm of the gods.

So what is this all about?

In the mouth, chewing two Jiuzhong Dan, Chu Yang can't understand the internal and external injuries.

Well, this will still try to recall the nine robbery sword. If the Nine Robbery Sword is lost here, its own losses can be too great...


Just when Chu Yang had just entered the space of nine robberies, a sword light suddenly fell, like a thunder, the soul of the catastrophe has penetrated into the hands of the nine robbery space, and instantly cut off!

The swordsmanship is sharp and sharp, and it is truly unbeatable. It completely destroys all the vitality of that arm!

The soul of the catastrophe screams a terrible scream: "Ah~~~"

Hurry back, one foot back three hundred feet away!

With the eyes of fear, looking at his face, this moment, even dare not re-formed into a black fog. Because this sword will actually swallow!

This is undoubtedly a strange sword, cold and shiny, it seems that there are nine colors, wandering around the sword, it can be said that the sale is excellent!

The horror of the horror is watching the sword with great fear. It can clearly feel that this sword has enormous power! This kind of power, even in his original Ziyan Emperor, did not feel it!

There is no doubt about the catastrophe: this sword can completely destroy yourself! How can there be an Excalibur with a power like Swans in the world? How is this possible?

That sword is the nine robbery sword!

Nine robbery swords flashed with chills, in a gesture full of contempt, swaying in front of the horror of the gods, the tip of the sword slanting, the flight movements are chaotic, all without order, it seems that as long as one reaches out, it can be easily shot down.

But the soul of the catastrophe is not a move! Don't say a move, half-moving is not daring to move, lest you should provoke the sword! The eyeballs followed the sword back and forth.

The swords of the nine robbers swayed, and a vague shadow appeared slowly above them. Although the shadows were vague, but the eyes were filled with unprecedented fierce anger, looking at the soul of the catastrophe, the sinister test said: "Grass! You are a big man who is not awkward!"


Tenth! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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