Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 250: Mo Yunweizhi! [The third! 】

broken? What is wrong?

For a time, everyone thought about it.

Is it a careless splash of a big piece?

Looking at the sound just now, it seems very likely!

Everyone’s face is weird, and they all hold their breath, ready to go and fly...

If it is true, it is still necessary to prepare for this morning...

I saw that Chu Yang "Teng" stood up and strode out.

Everyone was nervous, and the heart said: "Come on, you must hold on to the owner, insist on victory, be sure to stick to the reincarnation of the grain, and then, at least insist on getting out of this room, please!"

Although everyone is an elite, the skill is still high, and finally someone can't help but breathe because of the long breath, but unexpectedly found that this hall is full of exceptionally pure aura!

The man suddenly opened his eyes: I am x! How is this going? The owner of the owner seems to have just put a fart, can actually have such a strong aura? This is this...

Suddenly the master felt his mind confused.

After a while, the people who constantly recovered their breath also found anomalies: Hey, our hall seems to be not stinky... How is it still full of such a strong aura?

What's the matter? The grandfather’s fart actually gathered the aura together?

Immediately, I saw a ray of light coming from the air, and the "brush" sound entered the body of the master of Chuzhuang!

Chu Zhuang main body, suddenly froze! like a statue!

It seems to have been an incredible thing.

"Zhuangzhu!" The people were shocked.

Is there a surprise attack? Just that point is a sharp sword...

I saw Chu Yang slowly turning his head, his face was like a crying smile, muttering to himself: "This is bad... what can I do?"

Everyone is confused: What is worse? There is such a strong aura in this hall. It is a good thing to distinguish. In the remote areas like Zixia City, there is not much pure aura to absorb. Just like the sufficiency, how can it be said?

Others don’t know the beginning and the end of the matter, Chu Yang himself is clear,

Rich and pure aura is a chance for others, but for a certain king, it is no better than poison!

The so-called house leaks are even rainy, and the ship breaks into the wind!

When people are unlucky, drink cold water and stuff their teeth. If you put a fart, you can get your feet to heel!

Isn’t Chu Yang now like this?

The loud noise, a big fart just now; it was the surging aura that suddenly reached its highest value. However, Chuyang’s body is full of vitality, and there is nowhere to vent. In the moment when Chuyang was not ready, he found a relatively unobstructed channel and broke out...

If it is not Chu Yang's sensitive response, the muscles of the whole body can be controlled freely, and it is almost really necessary to spray it out.

But at that moment, Chu Yang had no time to be embarrassed, because he obviously felt that as the seal power became stronger and stronger, the sword that was inserted in the top of the Cangwu Mountain was suddenly disintegrated. !

Turned into a sword, and flew back!

This makes Chu Yang even more unprepared.

The repair of the snow and tears is a sword, and it is completely disintegrated by the power of space!

Chu Yang originally planned to wait until the manpower of Mo Yuntian really came, and then completely detonated the town soul stone, and then fished in troubled waters. But now, the people on the side of the ink cloud have not come yet... The sword of the swordsman’s repression has actually disappeared first...

What is the reason?

Isn’t this nine-day scorpion so incompetent with me that I can’t do anything well!

This change made Chu Yang's overall plan completely empty. At such a critical juncture, it detonated in advance...

In the current situation, all foreign aids are gone, and the life-saving nine-robbery space is gone. The town’s soul stone that was originally planned to be used is now ahead of time... Chuyang inexplicably gave birth to a frustration feeling of 'Day to Die Me' .

If Chu Yang knows, even the snow and tears are not here now, because something has already gone back...

It is estimated that Chu Yang will feel hopeless, even if it does not collapse, it will be even more frustrating...

But when it comes to a certain king, this guy is still very aggressive: the more you force me to have no way to go, the more I will break through!

The more oppressed I am, I am going to resist!

At this moment, facing the desperate situation, isolation and helplessness, and even the biggest defamation has been inexplicably deprived, and his bachelor temperament of ‘human dead birds in the sky’ has been thoroughly stimulated.

"Grass!" Chu Yang狠狠 spit a spit. His face is a little embarrassed: "Mo Yuntian, is it really terrible? Look at the old man alone and stir him up one day!"

The forty people looked at Chu Yang’s sinister eyes at this moment, and they were a bit stunned.

In all fairness, in such a desperate situation, if you can still be so arrogant, even if you don’t know how to live and die, then you don’t know that life and death have reached a certain level...

Just then, suddenly a mid-air savage wind!

Hey, a few small trees were uprooted from far away, and the sound of "嗖" flew into the sky.

In an instant, it was actually a faint day and no darkness!

An unprecedented murderous murder suddenly filled the whole world!

Chu Yang and others are all awkward, and many people's faces are instantly dark. Standing up and above the sky, I saw somewhere in the far south, there are three giants, and they are flying towards this place!

Seems to be slow, but it is almost to the extreme!

Just a blink of an eye, has reached the top of the head.

Then I crossed the Zixia City and landed somewhere outside the city!

"It's the flying boat of Mo Yuntian, they are coming!" The iron-skinned seed player Che Xuchu's steady face suddenly became pale at this moment, and his eyes looked straight at the three giants, and the sound was actually a little trembling.

"This is the special flying boat of the Emperor of the Clouds Emperor's room, and the Emperor of the Clouds, the Emperor of the Clouds, actually directly dispatched the most elite Mo Yunwei! It's so worth watching! Zhuang, this time, I am afraid it is really fierce. Dorje is less..." Che Xuchu took a deep breath and tried to control himself, making himself look calmer, but the voice was already shaking.

Outside, there were accented voices coming and going, and it was the arrival of other people who also discovered the flying clouds. An atmosphere of unprecedented panic and despair suddenly sprang up.

Before the people of Mo Yuntian have not come, everyone is still a little lucky, but now, at this moment, it is completely desperate!

Ink cloud, the world is like ink! Killing the world, the sun and the moon are colorless!

Mo Yunwei, the Emperor of the Clouds and the Emperor of Heaven are directly under the peak force!

"Mo Yunwei? Is it very powerful?" Chu Yang looked at the three flying boats and looked down.

“It’s more powerful!” Che Xuchu smiled bitterly: “To become a Mo Yunwei, the requirement is actually very simple. First, the repair must at least reach the level of the holy level; second, the absolute loyalty to the Emperor Yunyun; Third, everyone must be a dead man, ready to die!"

"The power of Moyunwei is never the best in the whole cloud, but the damage they can cause must be the most terrible!"

Che Xuchu said: "Mo Yunwei, always a black dress, faceless, like a zombie. But between them, there are ways of distinguishing that no one else can understand. No one can mix in No one is recognized by the other party!"

"The army is a huge whole! When one person dies, everyone will feel it!"

"They are scattered all over the corners of the earth, but with a single order, they will be assembled in a designated area with the fastest speed. No one will delay, unless the person who is delayed is dead."

"Mo Yunwei, never talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes, their mission is only to kill!"

"There is no killing of any principle, only obey the command of killing!"

Chu Yang’s face sank bit by bit.

If faced with such an unreasonable opponent, the only way is to stop fighting. There is no room for even mediation. Because they won’t even tell you...

"Mo Yunwei, will not simply come here?" Chu Yang said with a deep heart: "Whether it is the regular army or the ink cloud, as long as the mission, there will always be a unified command? Just like us, we must also There is a leading person who gives orders, isn’t there any Mo Yunwei?”

Che Xuchu said: "This is definitely there, but now it is impossible to determine who is leading the ink cloud to come!"

"Roughly, how many people have they come from? Can you judge it roughly?" Chu Yang looked at the huge flying boat. The eyes are shining. The breath of the body is also getting more and more sharp.

"This kind of flying boat, if it is all full of people... every boat can hold at least 5,000 people! Even more." Che Xuchu looked a little bit of a godless look at the people around him, said with a smirk "This is the authentic royal iron power... With our current strength, at most one enemy can be one. Anyone who faces two or more situations at the same time has a risk of killing..."

Bai Yuchen slowly said: "Unfortunately, we have no retreat now. Even if we don't lose it, we must try our best to fight. We bend our knees and ask for mercy. Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no hope. If you step forward, your feet will be flat. !Definitely!"

Everyone's face turned from perseverance to perseverance, and his eyes became more and more hot.

"Yes, it’s better to fight with the knees than to bend your knees! Even if the strength is disparity, how can it be? Dare to fight, but it is the heart of the man, the soul of the rivers and lakes!"

Chu Yang said: "You guys are not here to move here, I will observe one or two. If someone comes to attack the Chu family compound, then everything will behave according to the previous arrangements!"


"White old, after I went, I will give it to you." Chu Yang said to Bai Yuchen.

Bai Yuchen gently sighed: "Old and do everything you can!"

"Good!" Chuyang did not say a few words, flying up and rushing away from the city.

Going, it is the direction of the three flying boats!


Third more! Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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