Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 265: Break with Lai Pi [Second! 】

"Dream is boundless, you are good, you have a saint to cultivate, the people in this league are in the field! It is your opponent, I am waiting to plant, but since then, we Tianjian League and you ink cloud, do not share the sky! ”

Mudu held a hand in the cloud that had been shocked and stunned, leaving a sentence: "You are waiting for the revenge of the saints! We can't deal with you, naturally there are people who can deal with you." !"

"Go!" Muxi lost his word with resentment and left the body.

To tell the truth, he really wants to be desperate and desperate in this place, even if he knows it is not enough to fight hard.

However, at this moment, the cloud is physically injured, unconscious, and the consequences of slow treatment, no one can afford it. Besides, the people in their own homes are abandoning those who have already died, and those who have survived are also injured. The Moyun Heavenly Soldiers, under the protection of the dreamless endless, have almost no damage. It is never wise to fight the enemy here, or even to find a place to die.

I can only temporarily leave now, and I will count this account later.

Dreams are not in the heart of an eagerness, only to open a point to say one or two, but only feel a blood rush straight up, in front of the Venus is a mess, rushed to stabilize the mind, first put this blood pressure.

However, the raft has already led people to go far.

"We are very interested in this kind of practice. Today, this account, his Japanese cabinet will naturally be liquidated with you." The geocentric pavilion said coldly, striding away: "It's fortunate that we were not friends before, but what is more fortunate is that it will not be in the future. Let's leave!"

The snow fairy didn't say a word, and the snoring snorted, and the sly figure smashed up and turned into a rainbow in the air: "Go!"

Immediately, the people of the major sects left and went clean.

Especially the martial art that carried the corpse, the hateful look in the eyes, made the people of Mo Yuntian feel the heart!

The bodies of the vast majority of the dead have been annihilated with the destruction of the source of the gods. These corpses that have been carried away are lucky enough to escape from the crypt, but because of their injuries, they are too heavy and finally died. This account is still natural. I have to remember it on the people of the ink cloud.

Even more hateful than those who have been buried in the source of the source of God. Because of the birth of the elbow, who is buried in the source of the source, although known to be unfortunate, there is no intuitive view, but these people who have just died , but it is the biggest intuition, how can you not bite your teeth!

At this point, the misunderstanding has been completely cast, and there is no room for change!


One-time break with all the super martial arts in the world!

The world's super martial art, after this campaign, was offended by a clean.

Chu Yang detonated the soul of the town, and did not achieve his expected results. But at the last moment, the dream is boundless, and all the contradictions are completely intensified!

Everyone has gone far, and after a long while, the dream has finally disappeared, and the face brushed like a piece of paper, waving and shouting: "Go! Chasing!"

"Walk? Where to go?" On the other side, Yanshan looked at him with a blank face.

"The generals, how do you want to?" The dream is frowning and looking like a mountain.

The word is like a mountain, but this is the difference between the battle of the source of the gods. Because the mountains are already far from the five thousand people he led, and far from the battle core, and unlike the people in the major sects, · And have the heart of caution, the most timely and prompt.

It’s more like saying that the mountain is full of strength, and it is the cover of its own celestial peak. Although the 5,000 of Donghuangtian’s 5,000 people are injured, there are even a few serious injuries, but none of them are killed. It can be said that it is unfortunate. Great luck.

"After the dream of the generals, the wind was thundering. It was really awe-inspiring, shaking the mountains and the mountains and deterring the world!" The words coughed and faintly said: "But my 5,000 soldiers here, but also Suffered!"

"Although I also understand the practice of General Meng, I understand that the aftermath of this shock is not directed against us. But the result of this incident is that your dream general has injured our innocent army. I am like a mountain. Don't ask for a statement, what do the brothers think of me after going back?"

Words are as sharp as words.

But the dream is boundless, not so much as he wants to discuss, it is better to say that he is delaying time. His original intention is never to ask for compensation. However, his words made the eyes of the soldiers of Donghuangtian bright.

The first place is really a good person!

Dreams have no way to forcibly hold back the chest and blood, and faintly said: "This is what should be, since the army is innocently injured, Meng should be compensated, come!"

Said, with a wave of hand, someone came forward. Holding a few space rings.

Dreams have no place to pick up one and hand it to the mountain: "Here is 200,000 Zixia coins! Dream knows that there is not much, but it is also a bit of a sense. This is a place to go out, but it can not bring many of the property, etc. I will go back to Mo Yuntian and I will make another compensation!"

It’s like a mountain road: "If this is the case, and let me return this to the generals, the generals will make a decision. If there is such a damage, I will also wear a sin. Please don’t make it difficult for me to do it."

Speaking more beautiful, but still continue to delay.

Dreams have no eyes, and said: "The generals? But the generals?"

As the case is like a mountain, he said: "Which general is in the end, it is confidential with us, and the general is so inquiring, what is the intention?"

In order to help Chu Yang delay the time, it is really omnipotent!

What tricks, what words are said, dreams are boundless but just a question, they are raised to the height of spying on military secrets, saying that someone’s level of wisdom is obviously getting closer For someone, do you want to be a brother!

This may be the so-called "near ink black, near pig smell", right? !

The dream looked at him for a long while, and said: "I was a little old man who lost his words. The generals were a large number of adults. If you don't mind, you should ask the generals to go to the newspaper." Then he sat down and he was injured.

He knows that the relationship between Yanshan and Chuyang is in any case delayed; the more he argues with him, the longer he delays: it takes time to talk nonsense!

The East Emperor Tianjun clearly has hostility towards himself.

That being the case, I just want to hear everything about you! But as long as I catch Chu Yang, others, suffer some grievances, and it doesn't matter if I suffer some humiliation. Anyway, as long as I am honest, you Dongfangtian wants to find you, it is quite difficult to find.

You are going to sue your general, I am rushing to heal this time is serious, I am not hurt, but I have less trouble after the early adjustment!

I have to say that this trick of dreamlessness should not be known, but it is the most appropriate response at the moment!

Above the clouds.

General Lan Da listened to the report of the mountain, and his heart could not help but also had some tangles.

This dream has no way to show the implementation of the "do not resist very cooperative" policy! What do you want me to do, how about me! As long as you can let me catch the murderer!

How do you fight with such a person?

I can't beat it at all!

Even if you ignore the big army, he will definitely order no resistance.

Let you be captive, even let you kill.

But can't you really kill someone like this? People are coming to take revenge, and revenge is not wrong. And still come from the king’s life...

It’s definitely not going to fight.

You set up any obstacles for others, block them, and people will fully obey! Let you stop!

Nothing to resist!

You ask for money from others, and people give it without saying anything.

If you want someone to pause, people will be suspended immediately!

How do you still have trouble?

"When this dream is boundless, it has become so ugly? It is so brilliant!" General Lan had only felt that his war was high, but he punched in a group of air.

"His mother's Lara is not long and not a group. It is simply a steamed meat that is not cooked and cooked." Another general was very depressed and waved his fist and looked speechless: "There is still this." Kind of grass, if you change to Laozi, encounter such treatment, he will do it early! What else is it to abolish him?"

"Then you will be buried too early." General Lan Da glanced at him and said: "I still have to think about it, is there a way to let them do it directly with us?"

Everyone frowned, thinking hard, after a long while, shook his head neatly and sighed.

"With a soft egg, how to fight, even if you play, it doesn't mean it is not..." A general said the voice of everyone.

Everyone sighed together.

"Before the Emperor of the East, there was an order, but the people did everything in violation of the prohibition of the East Emperor. What do you want people to do? They can be unreasonable, they can be rogue, we can't do it, at least It’s a good time!” General Lan’s chin touched his chin. Quite a bit of nothing to do.

It’s like a mountain road: “If we don’t want to drag it, we can’t let them catch Chu Yang anyway!”

General Lan Da sighed: "It’s not a way to drag it all the time. There is always a reason to be able to say it! You have to know that this matter is going to be big, that is the emperor’s grudge.

To be small, it is also a dispute between rivers and lakes. We hardly stop people from avenging their revenge, and we use the means of doing so. That is what we are not. ”

The words are like mountains: "But the behavior of their nine princes is to be condemned in Donghuangtian. What face is there to avenge?"

General Lan Da sighed: "Brothers, these little bastards, which one is not lawless... Let's the smallest Prince of the East Emperor, you said you can cure it?"

Yan Rushan looked at the black line and said: "That is, the nature is different!"

"You said that it is different, but what is the difference, but what is the difference?!" General Lan has indulged, saying: "Let's send people to watch closely. In addition, there are several levels, and try to delay the time. As long as they If you don’t do it with the official, don’t harass the ordinary people, just catch a person from Chuyang, then let them go for a while.”

As a matter of urgency, take a step forward: "Blue General, this thing..."

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