Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 267: Doubtful outside the suspect!

Before the first detonation to destroy the source of the source of God, it is forced to be helpless, but why not dream of a venting anger in the heart of the heart?

Am I really afraid of you?

I also have the same determination!

And everything in all of this is caused by the **** in front of me!

Nowadays, these **** who have been used by Chu Yang have once again delayed the time of this general!

There is no sin!

There is no end to the dream!

"All kill! The rest of your life!"


The blue sky was generally a slap in the face, and those people suddenly stunned, and the result was beyond the expectations of all of them.

What's going on here? We said everything, how can we kill?

But I don't have time to understand that the sword has already arrived.

"Dream General, why are you doing this?" The shock and despair of the head of the person.

"No need to say more, kill innocent!" Do not say a word without a word, directly waved to order the lore!

It was only a very short-lived resistance that had already been slaughtered.

"Mo Yunwei, divide a thousand people, divide into ten teams, go to the west and search first! Be fast!"


A thousand ink clouds were born, and quickly left the brigade, rushing forward, in the fast running, and in different directions, divided into ten teams, such as the arrow from the string, a flash Passed!

"I will take a look at the Chu Family Courtyard to see if there are any clues left behind." Some things, are they true, and they are identifiable at a glance!

"This Chu Yang, the truth is not simple, but the age is light, but it is far-sighted." The dream is not in the empty Chu family compound, watching the facilities, flowers and plants, can not help but sigh.

"Here, here, there is also here... This place should have been set up with rockery gardens and flowers... but these facilities have been leveled up. They are all used to play the battlefield." The dream is boundless and some sigh: "here I can't see a place where I can enjoy it, and some are just boring!"

"General, is there anything that can be surprising?" asked an officer who was puzzled.

"I don't understand yet? There are so many martial arts people in Jiuzhong. There is a place where martial arts is not surprising. It is a boring and boring thing, but even in our military camp, it is almost under the sun. The most monotonous and boring mistakes, but there are still some recreational things, even those who climb high and low, that is also a pastime for the soldiers in the military camp, better than no pastime."

"But here. Nothing." There is nothing in the dream: "Bare ones have nothing, and some have only one day that is harder and harder every day!"

"This is a trace caused purely by practice.

Can you look at the outer land, can it be the same here? ”

"Chuyang is what this person is pursuing..." The dream closed his eyes, and some painful words: "···... is perfect, and the peak!"

After reading the study and bedroom of Chuyang, after reviewing it in various places, there is a bitter and painful sigh of dreams.

"If you can take time, this Chuyang must be another person who can stand on the peak, because he has the tenacity and perseverance that most people don't have! The only thing he lacks, or just the time of growth. Space is over."

The dream is not sighing and sighing: "In my life, I have experienced hundreds of thousands of years. But when I say that this kind of person who completely abandoned all the pleasures to practice, and the goal is always single, I have never seen a few. Personal. Such a person must have been destined to become legendary."

"But today, I am making a special trip to destroy this legend!"

"If it is destroyed by me... then, what is the pity and pain of Chu Yang’s past efforts, but it is a pity that I have to do it. This is what life is helpless!"

Dream nowhere shook his head, said: "Chasing!"

Sigh to sigh, appreciate and appreciate, but the things to do, but still have to do, and do not go back!

"Carry the boat! Catch at full speed!"

When Chu Yang led the crowd through a forest, he issued a command during the run: "Everyone, divided into five teams by about equal numbers, passing through the woods in different directions, there is no stopping in the middle, and the speed is not allowed. There are no changes, no need to have any hidden movements, but be sure to make sure to mix and breathe and apply the leaf juice to yourself!"


More than two hundred people spontaneously divided into five teams.

Quickly enter the woods.

It is like five dragons raging from the woods!

"Twenty miles away, the green mountains! Also arrive at the fastest speed!" Chu Yang shouted.


Like the same whirlwind, Chu Yang took the lead. He now only feels that within the nine-robbery space, the endless aura is still continually scouring himself, the magical world of heaven and earth, the hidden potency originally contained in his body. It is also slowly starting, and my cultivation is in a slow upgrade!

I am now a holy peak!

Only one step, only need an opportunity, you can be promoted to heaven!

But Chu Yang is really not in the mood to consider this, because he is white, even if he is at a loss to the peak of the heavenly people, it is useless, as long as it is chased, the result is still a dead end!

A group of people is like five dragons, such as flying into the green mountains.

At this point, the five teams have once again reunited into one and gathered into one group.

Just after confirming that everyone had turned over the hill, Chu Yang stopped moving without warning, and the long sword flashed out on his hand, slamming, and the ground was instantly excavated with a deep stone.

Brushing brush...

Chu Yang did not stop, the sword gas rushed out, the stones below were cut one by one, thrown up.

There are only a few scenes in front and behind, and there has been a small hole that is as deep as a hundred feet but very narrow.

“Is the owner planning to hide here?”

When everyone looks at the surrounding environment, it is also full of joy: it is a very unobtrusive canyon. Surrounded by dense forests, the trees are up to several dozen feet, desolate and uninhabited.

If it is hidden here for a while... and everyone is now covered with tree juice, it is basically the same as the original atmosphere here. It may not be discovered, it is really a good hidden place worthy of a fight.

I was thinking so, but I saw that Chu Yang’s hands and feet were together. It was actually filled back by the stones that had just been dug up. The movement is gentle. Those stones whose total weight is at least tens of thousands of jins, have not caused any sound or vibration on the ground.


Everyone was stunned: Big Brother, what are you doing? Have you worked hard to get here, just to dig a hole and fill it in? Very fun? Now I am running away.

What do you mean by doing this? Don't know that wasting time now is a waste of life? And it is not a waste of your own life. It is a waste of the lives of all of us!

In a blink of an eye, someone who is wasting his life has completed the work he has to complete, and finally no longer wastes the lives of everyone.

However, he saw his palm, dusty, low-lying, and covered it.

That is to say: "Go!"

Everyone is confused, but they have to keep up. This time, they must not be guilty. It is a waste of a little life. Who let us spread this unconstrained home?

This time, Chuyang led everyone into a dense jungle, and strictly demanded, repeatedly said: "Anyone is not allowed to touch the branches and leaves, not allowed to emit their own smell, no life can be leaked! Everything must be sealed with the strength of the holy level! Do not step on the grass... Do not disturb the birds, etc..."

This series of orders made everyone suffer.

But still dare not disobey.

To be honest, if the people here are not at the level of the holy level, it is really not easy to do what Chu Yang said: more than two hundred living people walk in the woods, not allowed to step on the leaves · Don't touch the branches? Not allowed to disturb the birds?

It can only be like a ghost.

Under such scruples, it must be that the speed is slow to the extreme. Is this not a time to escape? Still wasting my life, just a waste of our lives. Now it is a waste of life and a fate!

To say that everyone does not dislike Chu Yang's practice, that is, no one believes. But before everyone flees, they have already made a blood oath, swearing to obey all the orders of Chu Yang, not allowed to have a half discount.

At this moment, only the part that is obeyed will continue to waste life.

I have been keeping this kind of ghost state in the woods for almost a fragrant time. Chu Yang suddenly has two hands and one hand together, one push and one breath with Chu Yang's unique momentum, silently marching forward straight.

It’s like a big team of people.

However, after Chu Yang issued this palm again, he immediately changed the direction of advancement and drifted eastward.

Everyone followed closely.

Suddenly there was a sound of flowing water in front of you. When everyone just stood out, they saw a river flowing slowly from the foot of the mountain to the south. Because the nearby mountains were all earthy, and it was just raining, it was the river. Very turbid.

Chu Yang did not hesitate, whispered: "Everyone keeps up with me! Temporarily stop breathing, turn to internal breathing!"

Immediately after the body flashed, the horse took the lead, and the volley fell. Behind him, more than two hundred people did not hesitate. At the same time, they fell like a big bird and fell to the river.

It is said that the strength of this group of people led by Chu Yang is quite considerable. So many people have entered the water at the same time, and they are almost silent. Even a single splash of water has not risen. Everyone has already entered the river and has dive. Underwater.

This river is not very deep, the shallowest, even only one and a half depth, Chu Yang will lay himself flat on the bottom of the river, keep the body motionless, completely breathing in the inner circulation, only relying on the soles of the feet With a little movement, let your body flow along the river at the bottom of the water and move forward.

His movements are so gentle, if you look at the surface of the river alone, you can't even see any changes in the current.

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