Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 269: Gold husk

"When you wake up and know how to look back, they are afraid that they have no idea where to go." The dream of a smile without a smile: "Where is there such a stupid enemy in this world? Especially this enemy is still daring to kill." The horrible character of the nine princes is... You are using you, will you use such stupid escape tricks?"

"No! The decision will not!" The leader was shy: "Thanks to the generals for teaching!"

Nothing dreams nodded: "Well, just dig here. Actually, I even suspect that they may not be here, but there must be new clues when they dig!"


A few ink clouds have come forward, in addition, hundreds of ink clouds are surrounded by a large circle, and everyone has repaired 10%! Be ready to attack.

Some people have already shown excitement and cruelty in their eyes; when they think of Chu Yang and others, they have a great chance to be below this. Later, they will be captured by themselves and others, and the strange look of the smashing of the shackles... can’t help but feel in the heart. Very cool!

A large piece of stone was moved out and everyone was chilling.

This big stone is full of hundreds of thousands of pounds! Can it be cut out silently? This battle...···

Then it’s another piece, it’s another piece...···

Another piece······

So reciprocating, slowly has gone down a few dozen feet.

"Chuyang is definitely not here." The dream sighed and sighed: "Even if I went to his evil, this is really true!"

Although the generals of the dream have made a speech, but the soldiers have never been reconciled, the left and right have been moved for so long, in case there are any useful clues underneath, holding this psychology, finally dig this big hole to the bottom, the most Below, it is a flat and smooth stone. It is also engraved with a line of swords and dragons flying and dancing. "After moving the stone for so long, the brothers are tired and tired? Really say, hard work!"

"Mixed!" has been careful to carry the stone before, lest there is any loss, the name of the Mo Yunwei fire that ruined the trail of clues and took a hand, it is necessary to shoot this stone into a powder.

"Slow!" The dream looked at the dozen or twenty words carefully: "The writing of these words is very scribbled. Obviously, when writing, it is very hasty, especially the last word," and even not finished. It’s almost a sum..."

The dream is boundless and frowning: "The situation should be like this. Chu Yang was the first to lead the man to the place, and immediately began to operate the layout here. I even suspected that it was already a confused place that he chose. Otherwise it is really difficult to do so. In one go, immediately after the arrangement, it is covered with shallow layers of soil, it is estimated that it is just a wave of sleeves...."

"General, Chu Yang, this kid really has such a calculation, and sure enough."

"I hope that he pre-determined, if it is only a random response, because the place is accidentally aware that this place is suitable for laying bait and laying this game, then the mind of this child is too terrible to lay out, natural and step by step. Such an enemy is not as powerful as ours. If the strength is only a short distance, I am afraid that I will die without a place to die!"

The generals have heard the analysis of the dreamless endless, all of them are ashamed!

"What the general said is, but the current situation is that I am chasing and fleeing. Our strength has the absolute upper hand. As long as we can eliminate this evil before we are strong, everything is not too late!"

"This is justified, but what direction will he go next?"

The dream is boundless, and the cautious eyes observe the surrounding jungle and even the side that he and others have come to have not let go.

Then, his eyes flashed, and he was hesitant.

Road: "Bai Chen! You have to imitate, try to think about the problem from the perspective of Chu Yang."

Bai Chen, is a general of the silver armor, has been a heaven-and-human level, but also a confidant confidant with a dream, no talent, no dreams, no dreams.

I saw him step back a few times, the meteor usually came in from the outside of the forest, not standing still, the sword in his hand has already become a sword, and brushed, then a large piece of stone has been dug by him. Out, throw it out with a hand, silent.

Then I continually excavated and dug as deep, and then volleyed out. The sword tipped a wave and carved a few words. The body flew out by inertia and added the excavated stones one by one back to the pothole. No longer stay, body turn, volley and fly away, go to the beginning, believe in a palm, wind and dust, sweeping around!

Everyone’s eyes were watching the series of actions he had done.

I concentrated all my attention on the direction in which he left.

If Chu Yang is here, it will be a big surprise: all the actions that this person has done before are almost identical to themselves! Almost exactly the same! Even the final direction of departure, there is no mistake!

The dream is boundless and the hole shrinks, said: "Chasing!"

Three thousand people, the black clouds generally fly, chasing the past to the depths of the jungle.

Only this time, all the ink clouds are really eclipsed: because in all the places nearby, there is absolutely no trace of people walking or even smell. !i This piece of quiet mountain forest, no one has passed through from beginning to end. !

If it is not for everyone, especially the dreamlessness, the white-hearted imitation of Baichen will not be wrong, and I just want to say whether Baichen has the wrong way!

Those people in Chuyang really seem to have evaporated in the big pit, disappeared, and there are no clues to find...

In the past, the person who did not put Chu Yang in his eyes, and even the slogan of Mo Yunwei couldn’t help but sweat a bit at this moment: the opponent’s anti-tracking means obviously went to the level of superb, and he was still looking down. People.

If you have always maintained that mentality, even if it is repaired ten times more than a hundred times higher than the other party, I am afraid that the other party can easily get rid of yourself, and even play with himself between applause...···

The dream closed his eyes and carefully searched for the possibility that the other party might leave behind.

Since the other side is so good at anti-tracking, now, the eyes must be useless, and the other party will not leave any traces that can be traced!

The only thing that can be relied on at the moment is its own other senses. When the vision is no longer reliable, the sense of smell, touch and even intuition may be the opportunity to solve the problem.

No matter how good or bad, there is no perfect anti-tracking technique in the world! As long as you have passed through here, you will definitely leave your mark here, but you can find it, you can't find the difference!

Dreamless has once again served a full life Jindan, this kind of Jindan, which is secretly made by the Emperor Yunyun, has a very high effect and can keep a person's life, and he will continue to live his life; at this juncture, dream No one can believe it, but only on his own, but his injury at the moment is too heavy, not enough to support himself to do such a long search. Had to take this fate of life, and restore his own, and recover in a short time, although this practice is to drink and quench thirst, but has to do.

Dreams are blind and open in front of the eyes, relying on their own intuition, spiritual sense, in a sense that ordinary people can not understand, flying in the dense jungle.

The back of the brigade was solemn and followed closely.

The direction of travel is exactly the same as that of Chu Yang and others!

So I have been advancing for two hundred miles. When Chu Yang and others turned, the dream suddenly wrinkled and stopped. He muttered: "There is something different here."

"A breath has moved forward, and another breath has turned from this. Is it here that the two divisions are divided? But the strength is weak, and the distraction will only make it more resistant to the pursuit. How to make it Unwise choice?!" The dream of the super-sensitive six senses, finally there was a trace of doubt.

Before the dream was boundless, the evaluation of Chuyang was extremely high. After this series of incidents, the war was even more serious. I was afraid that I would not care about this person again, but the facts are in front of me. If I even believe in my own sense of instinct and intuition. What else can you believe? !

Dreams have no place to take the initiative, anyway, their strength is far better, even if the two divisions, the strength of any one way still has an overwhelming advantage, not afraid of the other side has a conspiracy!

"Two soldiers are here! The silver armor follows me, and the ink cloud is folded to the right. After going out to the mountains, try to merge again!"


The dreamless eyes closed and floated forward for about five hundred feet, and suddenly found that it was completely lost before the induction.

Chu Yang's deliberately condensed breath, completely interrupted here, this is the rootless wood, how can it last? !

As strong as a dream, I couldn’t help but be confused. "How can this be?"

On the other side, one thousand five hundred and one hundred inks and clouds are all on the way, but when they reach the road ahead, they only see a mountain in front of them!

In the middle of the two mountains, it is a grand canyon. In the middle of the valley, a earthy river flows, and it is calm and unsettled!

Chu Yang and others, I have no idea where I have gone.

For a time, everyone was a little helpless, chasing after, in the end is chasing...

This is a whole thing.

"How to do?"

This is the voice of all the ink and cloud.

"They go around in the past, go to the front and join the General of the Dream, and then study what the next step!"


"No matter how they escaped from Chuyang, this anti-tracking method that completely hides their own breath is always a kind of behavior that consumes a lot of energy. It must be incapable and lasting. We have left a mark of God in every place we pass. At that time, as soon as they are touched, they will be able to know their whereabouts in the first time! Whether it is going back or in another direction, as long as it appears, we will be aware of it!"

"They can't escape anyway! Even if you can't escape, you can't escape the next one!"

The river is filled with yellow sand and mud, and it is rolling southward.

Chu Yang and others walked quietly under the water.

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