Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 272: Internal and external changes

I have to say that under the leadership of Chu Yang, everyone has a certain real werewolf temperament - this should be entirely attributed to the Rock enemy.

On the other side, it is completely enclosed and isolated within the nine-robbery space.

Tie Butian and other people almost came in, and immediately fell into the turbulent aura of intense aura, rolling inside and down, like a small boat struggling to survive in the waves.

In the general sense, for the practitioners, the more pure and rich the aura, the more the quantity, the better. However, when this "over" exceeds the limit, and even exceeds the limit, it is best to make up the medicine. Become a huge poison, too late!

At this moment, the aura in the nine robbery space, the distance becomes ‘toxic, only one line apart!

The "two couples" of Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are ranked first in the entry, and they are naturally staying together. However, the two women are under the spur of the strong aura of violent violent, let alone One person can't see it at all, can't touch it, or even think of it, because she can't even think of herself.

At this point in time, the only thing she can think of, or what she wants every moment, is: I will quickly infuse the aura into my body, maybe a little later, I may be filled with this aura. Explosive!

It was originally a land of feng shui that could not be dreamed and could not be imagined, but at this moment it was full of sin in the calm. For the first time, everyone found that the original aura was too much, too thick, and it was deadly.

When it is low, it can blow you up, but when you are high, it is still on the verge of blowing you at any time, you can only be forced to practice and go to the limit. Practice, refining, digesting, and marching to improve your cultivation.

It's like being a person, having been eating, eating without stopping; the mouth is constantly being stuffed into food. Because of eating, you can only continue to digest the extreme sports, because once you relax, you may be eaten. Suddenly dying or directly exploding with excessive food in the stomach...

When I first came in, everyone was like a paradise, and the excitement got the most. Everyone was fighting for time, but this situation lasted for less than a day. Everyone started to scream in their hearts.

If you continue to do this, even if you want to do not race against time, this is not the case. What is this? It is simply another place to be old.

The nine-robbery space, which is in an absolutely closed state, slowly expands unconsciously. It is already a near-perfect space. Because of this accident, it has evolved again and evolved to a more perfect level...

As for the drug king shrine, but because of the evolution of the nine robbery space, it is slowly being dismantled; only the purple pagoda tower is still standing in the middle position.

The ninety-nine sacred crystals and one **** crystal, at this time have reached the layer of the purple scorpion tower, exuding the light of extinction.

In the medicine field.

In the center of the atmosphere full of intense and pure aura, the three medicines breathe in a big mouth and breathe. Although the body is still the original size, it has obvious blood color. If it is white as snow, now it is dyed. A layer of ruddy.

And the surrounding elixir is also growing at a rapid rate of madness.

In the process of mad growth, the elixir has reached the peak of the growth period. If it is under normal circumstances, the herb is extremely difficult to exceed its own limit. Once it reaches its limit of growth, it can only slowly wither.

In the Wangwang Palace, Chuyang and Jianling saw this situation, but in the space of nine robberies, it is another situation. As long as the elixir reaches the limit of its own growth years, its own medicine reaches its peak. The most subtle - the moment of glory and decline, has been waved by the medicine spirit, the instantaneous absorption of the most pure cockroach medicine, and then repeatedly absorb the foreign aura, gradually looking to the peak process, gradually forming some kind A unique cycle.

Such as the power of the eternal medicinal herbs, and the huge infinity of the aura, even if the medicine spirit is gradually unable to fully absorb, only after a period of time, the face is distressed and condensed a grain The white medicinal herbs are placed in front of you.

In a total of only a few days, the medicinal herbs in front of the medicinal body have already exceeded 60, and this number is still increasing.

Jian Ling stood quietly with his eyes closed, quietly accepting the pure and aura of scouring and baptism, and tried hard to open up a new road that the Phoenix family never had before.

The previous practice of the Fenghuang people was only in the middle of the Tianren class, and there was no follow-up. In order to break through, Jianling made the determination to create his own exercises. The previous practice of the Phoenix family was also studied by the predecessors, not only tempered, but also tempered. Since the predecessors can create, why can't I create more far-reaching exercises!

At this point, Jian Ling’s thoughts, but I do not know his intention, what glory for the future Phoenix family!

The world's things, from no absolute, often dare to think, have already succeeded in half, while others may have to make countless efforts to achieve success, but always the first step is the key!

On the other hand, the cat is greasy and the cat is lazy and the face is bitter. Although they are together, they are not even able to say a word for the time. They both have to refine their days. Under the atmosphere of Rues, they are directly Hard to survive!

Xie Danfeng, Hu Yan Aobo and Mrs. Mei, etc., in the same situation, some of them are still under the two cats, not right, even the land level is not, the strength is really shallow, but because of this The breakthrough is relatively quicker and the physical changes are more thorough. In the strict sense, in the short term, the improvement they receive is the biggest, and everyone’s cultivation is in the general growth...

In the third and fourth order, the section of the sky and the king's knife, one left and one right, the body whistling with the aura, the knife is gradually flying in the air, gradually sharp and sharp, extremely sharp.

The next Lightning Snake and others are slightly outside, but the aura of the aura is still very horrible. At this moment of the atmosphere, there is no time to consider anything else.

The aura in this space is directly infinite. The degree of purity and purity of the aura is not treated differently because of the cultivation of each person. The cultivation is low and gradually progressing. The cultivation is high, and it is gradually improving.

It’s like a person who is in the sea. Only those who can drink water can drink. The only ones who can't drink water can drink only the limits that he can bear. It must be said that there must be a difference. In fact, it is just a big belly. People, can drink a few mouthfuls, the stomach is small, naturally can not accommodate more, if the real drink too much, the stomach can not bear, then the cup has.

This is obviously a wonderful phenomenon.

However, among the people who are suffering from the aura, the worst one is Chu Yang.

Others are unscrupulous and do their best to improve, only Chu Yang can't!

In such a tense escape, rushing to promote is the act of finding death!

So Chu Yang can only suppress! Control yourself and force control to control the aura!

However, as the owner of the nine-robbery space, the aura that he bears is still the highest and highest level. This road runs desperately, and it can't vent the aura.

Right now, the nine Dantians are already full, and there are no more omissions.

Jinmu water, fire and earth transform each other, the life and death gas converts each other, the heavens and the earth yin and yang meet, each Dantian will be full of state; therefore, Chuyang can only try, while adjusting the consumption part in the limit running, one side Extreme compression!

The compression of the cockroach, pure and pure, pure to incompetent and then compress the position, do everything possible, all means, squeeze a little bit of space, in order to accommodate the huge amount of aura that seems to have no limit! However, no matter how extreme compression, the ultimate purification, the amount of room is still only a drop in the bucket, and will be filled again in an instant.

It’s terrible!

The power of the nine dantians, repeated again and again, almost madly repeated compression, compressing the space that can accommodate the new aura.

This process is simple and difficult. If it is just hard work, this process is a very dangerous process! There is a danger of ignorance.

This process, originally only carried out in the most quiet environment, there must be no one to disturb, no intention to carry out, but Chu Yang has no such conditions. He can only do it hard in a crazy escape!

Always bear the tremendous pressure of life and death, but also on the one hand to take care of every detail and every decision. Consider all the unexpected situations that you may encounter, and think about what to do next.

A heart is like being divided into eight petals, but it has to be balanced, and there can be no flaws.

On the one hand, you must choose the safest and cautious route to escape, and you cannot make mistakes.

Once something goes wrong, everyone is stepping into Huangquan!

On the other hand, how to use a better anti-tracking method to confuse the enemy. If it is not successful, everyone will die.

On the other hand, we must pay attention to the mental state of our own people, if any dangerous seedlings are found

This is over, what about the next level?

This moment is alive, how can we continue to live strong.

But just at this time, the aura from the nine robbery space is still rushing all the time, unable to squeeze.

Also pay attention to compressing Dantian and delaying the timing of the breakthrough.

After each successful compression, the compressed space will be quickly filled with new aura!

The only thing that can be done is to continue to compress! Continue to recompress ······recompress...·...

Just can't break through!

Chu Yang feels that he is simply suffering from internal and external problems, internal and external suffering, ambush on all sides, hundreds of sorrows, thousands of flavors, all kinds of pains!

However, under such hardships that others could not have imagined, Chu Yang was actually completed one by one.

This cannot but be said to be an incredible miracle!

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