Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 313: Good man

In the eyes of the public, the collision of the people is not so good. The thin and poor one is a scream, and it flies like a broken kite. Falling far to the ground, the wolf is unbearable, the leaves of the vegetables in the hands and some cold and even hard-boiled steamed buns are scattered all over the floor.

The man who suddenly came out from the corner of the corner was a black man with a skull mark embroidered on his chest. It was a sneaky master. Before he went all the way, searching for enemy trails, he suddenly felt like he was hit by someone, subconscious. It is the palm of your hand that protects your chest.

When I looked at it carefully, I saw that I was hit by a fly and I was actually a sick teenager who looked obviously malnourished. I couldn’t help but scream: "Hey!"

I knew that it was such a guy. I was afraid of what I was doing. What was it? Not from anger, from the heart, evil to the gallbladder, throwing out a purple cloud coin, and said: "Go!"

This time, it seems to be alms, but in reality it is killing!

This purple cloud is flying straight toward the neck of the boy. At this moment, in fact, it should be before he shot, the boy seems to be because of being hit, the pain is slamming, and the biased head, the purple cloud coin is so close to the neck and inserted on the ground, above the purple cloud coin The insidious temper was still cutting a **** mouth around his neck, and the boy couldn’t help but scream and tremble.

"Hey?" The sneaky master frowned and muttered: "The thief's bastard, luck is good, cheaper!"

Turn around and go.

But did not find that a godless thought has already been attached to him.

A good-hearted person saw that this person had gone far, and hurriedly helped the thin young boy to get up. Chu Yang shivered and even thanked him. These people saw Chu Yang's body hurt, but the spirit is still good, finally unfortunate in the great fortune, shaking his head and sighing, stepping away. But did not forget to put that purple cloud coin into the hands of Chu Yang.

So sick and weak teenagers, there are people who are bullied!

Is it true that Heaven has no eyes?

However, as civilians, they will only dare to do this step at best, and they will not dare to speak out.

This is not a weakness but a sorrow for the bottom person.

Screaming, happy and happy, but it may bring death!

What is the life of these people in their hands, and what are they in the hands of those strong men?

You can only swallow your voice, or just, if you see someone who has the same experience as yourself, you can help you with it. In addition, you can't do anything, and you can't do anything.

Chu Yang's eyes flashed and flashed the purple cloud coin tightly in the palm of his hand.

Clearly felt the heat of the purple cloud in the palm of the hand.

Holding the wall, picking up the leaves and chilled hoes, and returning home, tightly closed the door.

Outside, the drug-punk guys who watched all of this couldn’t help but sigh with sympathy.

But the two small family fires, subject to such bullying, did not dare to sigh.

Yeah, don’t you dare to change yourself?

However, in a place that no one had seen, the sneaky master who had hit the Chuyang before had only gone out of the scene for a few hundred feet and suddenly felt that he had difficulty breathing.

There seems to be a pair of cold hands, squatting on his neck, constantly tightening and tightening.

"Who?" he asked with a loud horror.

As far as I can see, there is nothing in the surrounding, but how does it feel to be able to breathe when I’m on my neck? Although illusory, but the feeling is more and more real, more and more real!

The next moment, a black smoke in front of him vacated a gimmick, a sneer: "Miscellaneous things! You are so bold, you know who you offended?"

The sneaky master trembled and suddenly remembered a legendary thing, and could not help but panic: "The **** of catastrophe..."

The words have not been finished yet, and some kind of inexplicable power has broken the neck, leaving only a sinister voice: "The big things, the taste is not bad!"

Immediately, a burst of black smoke quietly dispersed.

In the evening, everyone in this street, inexplicably found that his home is inexplicable - a bag of money, inside, there are water cloud coins, there are purple cloud coins, and even purple Xia coins... ··

Some found it in the place where they cooked, and some opened their bed at night when they slept, found the bag of money, and found it directly on the table where they ate.·····

There is a small note in it without exception: "Good people have good news!"

All who got the money kept the secret tightly. Not because of anything else, but because the money is too big! Once spread out, I am afraid that my family will be the first to suffer disasters and cause unnecessary disasters.

Have too much money, sometimes not luck, but disaster!

It’s just that everyone’s home has quietly set up a long-lived tablet without a name.

It says: "Good people have good news! The benefactor has no life!"

Each of these people is cautious to work as usual, but the quality of life has been faintly improved; even some people have begun to plan, should they send their children to school?

It’s not just these people. For a long time after that, every poor family in Lonely Bamboo City has received such a sum of money as long as it is safe and self-sufficient.

Everyone has been confessed for generations, and it is just that. In fact, on such a day, their parents and grandparents have come over like this. They also think that they will go on like this. Their sons and grandchildren will be true!

However, after this incident, everything that followed was suddenly changed, and the subtle changes were made.

Good people, there are good reports!

Heaven is also eye-catching!

Even if there is no eye in the sky, people still have eyes.

As long as you work hard, there will always be a return.

No one knows, it is such a piece of paper without any sound, a bag of money, but changed the life of many people!

Or as the note says: Good people, there will naturally be good news.

This night, Chu Yang has never returned to meet with Bai Yuchen and others. Just sleeping in this thatched house as a young boy, everything is so appropriate, as if there was such a young man.

This evening, the whole night was always ringing, and the winds and the winds were all over the river. Even though these slums inhabited by the sick and weak teenagers in Chuyang, they could clearly feel the prelude of the wind and rain.

That kind of silence is overshadowed by the whole city!

In the evening, another hundred people suddenly died unexpectedly! Those who lost their lives were unknowingly dying in their sleep, and lost their lives without a word.

Even after death, the expression on the face is still very peaceful, just like still sleeping!

However, it is absolutely impossible for so many people to sleep at the same time!

Especially impossible for so many masters to sleep at the same time! ,

There must be some sort of embarrassment in this.

The leaders of the three major sects got together again in the early hours of the morning.

"This time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

"This time, it is clearly not the executioner of the previous murder. This time, it is another kind of surprise attack!"

"But it can't be explained in any way. People who are close at hand can't find it..."

"Why is this in the end? What is the bizarre means to make this effect?!"

In a period of suspicion, the sneaky elders were gloomy. They didn’t speak from the beginning. When they talked to the end, they lowered their voices and said, “This time, we are afraid that we are facing the right one.”

"How do you say this?" Others are even more puzzled and ask together.

"The former mysterious killer, although cultivated is also extremely advanced, but in the end it may not be the people in Chuyang. As far as I know, no one in those people has such cultivation and swordsmanship! ”

"This sentence is quite good! The group of people who have cultivated the deepest white rain, can't reach this point!"

"As for Chu Yang, who killed the nine princes on the same day, the use of it at that time was a means of exchange of life for tyrannical strength. It could not be used frequently, or even could not be repeated. There is still a small shrimp in the bone, and there is no such thing. Kind of strength!"

"So in the daytime, I have not contacted them in Chuyang. Although there must be some kind of relationship among them, it is definitely not their own shot. This is already certain."

The sneaky elders slowly said: "But the one hundred and eighteen people who died last night died strangely, but reminded me of one thing, a very important thing!"

“What important thing?” Several other people said in unison.

"Remember that the dreamless general has once said that ... that Chu Yang hands, mastered a catastrophe soul! And the dreamless generals, because of the decisive battle of the soul, only led to serious injuries, can no longer be shot, so that let this Yu Yi escaped 88,000 miles and eventually escaped from birth!"

With that said, everyone suddenly realized!

"Yes, it turns out! All that is explained!"

"That said, the one that started last night must be the soul of the catastrophe, and only the sorrowful spirit, can have such a means of ghosts!"

"This, the dream general did not complete the task on the same day. It turned out that I was ignorant and have not heard of it..."

"Hey, we are now the key monitored person. Who will tell us this? If it is not the old man and a friend in the army, this thing is absolutely unknown." The ghost elder sighed.

"makes sense."

"Since the other party is a catastrophe, how can we cope?"

"I heard that the soul of the catastrophe is not dead, the essence is specific, the strength is stronger, and the sage is already at the level of sages. We are incapable of doing such a strong enemy!"

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