Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 316: Extraordinary

In the person who wants to cry and tears, the first step of the demon Ning Ning will take his down and look at it, and swear by the words: "What is the tricky thing, I also like to wear it?!"

I tied it to the sheath and set it into three sections. Then I smashed the storage ring from the hand and looked at it. I went straight into my pocket and flew up and said: "Poor Ghost! Get out of the way, remember to go out and bring more valuable things next time! Nothing to see!"

The man was kicked up like a ball, and he didn't know how to fly there.

"Hurry and open the ring to see, there are good things in it."

Demon Ning opened it and looked at it: "There is a lot of money! I made money again!"

"anything else?"

"There are some medicines... but they are all general goods, and they are barely usable. There are some very high-level spirit beast kernels, the grade is very low, too garbage.······" In the status of demon, Ning Ning, naturally, these things are not seen.

"There is no big gain, forget it. I only need those cores of the beasts, and all others are for you!" said the generous and generous. What is most lacking now is the spirit of the beast, and the other ones are really meaningless.

"That·····Is it not too expensive?" Demon Ning has some hesitation.

"Oh, what are you talking about, who are the brothers, who care about this? Are you taking advantage of what I am suffering from? What is interesting about our friendship?" Tan 昙 took the ring, seventy or eighty souls When I took it out, I threw it back again: "See me with me?"

Demon Ningning was very moved: "Big brother, you are so good, I will follow you."

"Or nonsense, big brother is not good to you, who is good?" Talk about the conversation has swallowed three cores into the belly. During this time, I was busy with the road, and the core I had already had already digested, just in time.

The core of these spirits, in the hands of ordinary people, must be refined by the pharmacist, and then with the corresponding drugs in order to play a certain role.

But when you talk about it here, it is completely and completely absorbed directly!

This is the most useful and effective thing to talk about.

Next, the two used the same means, and successively robbed a dozen people. The richness of the harvest made the devils smile and dream, and the robbery was such a happy and so happy thing.

Looking at the space ring that I got more and more, the money has already piled up into a hill, and the demon Ning is infinitely satisfied.

The value of these things may not be the case, at least not in the eyes of a certain Prince. Not enough of this sense of accomplishment is arrogant!

It’s just that it’s definitely not going to be a good thing, and the troubles that follow are coming soon.

They only robbed the people of the three major sects. They didn’t rob others at all, and they all started to look at them in the light of the day. It’s a strange thing that such behavior is not noticeable.

After learning the information, the people of the three sects did not believe at first: Who is so arrogant, so bold? Actually, such a blatant robbery in Lonely Bamboo City? This is impossible! Is it wrong?

However, as the robbed people come back and cry more and more, they are all going crazy.

Damn, since I came here, everything has been unsatisfactory; firstly, I was robbed and then killed by the catastrophe; now I have encountered another robbery!

This is simply a bad luck, and it’s continually endless. Fucking, can we become a soft persimmon in the three super martial arts? Whoever can see it?

This thing can not be tolerated.

Besides, it seems that this is on our side? !

With one order, dozens of masters suddenly came over in all directions. They would be surrounded by two big and two groups of demon and Ningning, and they could not get through.

"You two bastards, they dare to robbery under the broad daylight, it is really daring! And it is still the people who rob us of the three major gates of Moyuntian. I really don't know how to live and die!" A middle-aged man screamed: "Return Don't worry, when will you wait?"

"What should I do now?" Demon Ning was a little nervous: "The people are looking for it."

Although a certain prince is involved in the robbery, but in the end it is all because of fun. At the very least, there are still some concepts of right and wrong, the awe of the legal system.

Talk about what he said: "What are you afraid of? What are you doing? Is it because we are handsome and handsome, and Yushu Linfeng’s husband can still fear that they will not succeed! How can you not do it without seeing blood? !"

Demon Ningning said: "Yes!" Suddenly, a burst of self-satisfaction: I am also handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng husband!

I immediately looked at it and said, "Myself!"

Suddenly, my heart was full of enthusiasm, striding out and shouting: "Who are you, the world of peace, the grandeur of the world, the public, the people who dare to correct the people, the sword, the sword, do you want to kill?" Can you know that there is 'Wang Fa, two words?'

The person who spoke to the opposite side was instantly ridiculous, a robber, who actually asked to catch the robbers did not know Wang Fa, you are so funny...

"You two people are robbing in the Qingping world, in the dark, and in the broad daylight. Isn't it afraid that Wang Fa will punish?" The man was also caught by people, first asking one. !

"Ha ha ha ······" Demon Ning Ning Yang Tianxiao smiled, the momentum of the Emperor Heavenly Prince was undoubtedly dissipated, and said: "In this demon world, I am Wang Fa!"

This sentence is really overbearing and arrogant!

The other party knows that for others, this is a shit, but for the demon Ningning, this sentence is a big truth: his mother is a demon, in the demon king he is Wang Fa! This sentence is really true.

But they didn't know, suddenly they were filled with anger, and a robber could still say such things. It was clearly that they didn't look at us: "Go! Give it to me! I have to take a closer look at what Wang Fa looks like." !"

Forty or fifty people screamed at the same time.

In the eyes of the smug, Mori’s cold killing suddenly burst into tears and said: “Well, you dare to hurt my brother!”

When the horse took the lead, it rushed forward, blocking the demon Ningning behind him and shouting: "Life and death brothers, life and death!"

A sword slammed out, Jianguang Huohuo.

The sounds that only heard the sounds sounded one after another, and the five or six swords on the opposite side were simultaneously cut off by a sword, and then the blood was scattered.

Talking about this sword is the top soldier of Chu Yang's efforts. Although it is certainly not comparable to the nine-robbery sword, it is not comparable to the average weapon. This pair is no matter how it is repaired, but there is no doubt that the weapon is on the battle!

The other side of the sword was cut off in the first time, everyone is a glimpse, and talk about it with this opportunity, killing the killer! Jianguang is as bright as autumn water. Under his sword, he died three times in the blink of an eye, and two were killed. Injury several.

Immediately, Tan Yi was caught in the encirclement of the other side.

The cultivation of these people, even if someone is weaker than talking, is not much weaker. Moreover, many people are stronger than him! The situation of the talks has suddenly become precarious.

"Big Brother! I will help you!" Demon Ningning flew in, my heart is hot!

Life and death brothers, life and death!

This is a friend! This is the brother! This is the rivers and lakes!

This Prince is coming to the rivers and lakes!

Demon Ningning's shot, it is really a **** fart, extraordinary.

I saw that his hand was raised, that is, a golden light flashed, and countless vellus needles flew out, and the opposite person showed a disdainful look on it. Such a fluttering flying needle, the wind can blow off, you actually use it. Against the enemy? It’s really just a debut!

A wave of sleeves, I want to take the needle that is thinner than the hair directly.

However, these golden needles were completely unaffected by the power. When he shot, he let the golden needles follow his strength and drilled in.


Seven or eight people are so in the middle of the needle; the next moment, the screams are loud.

Even if these men are slammed into the head, they may not scream, but at this moment they are so loud and screaming. After the golden needle broke through the skin, it actually went down the blood, but in a moment, it got into the atrium!

"The soul of the broken heart?!"

The head of the person was shocked, and flew back. Looking at the gold needle that seemed to have no target in front of the air, a burst of shudder.

This inconspicuous little white face has such a baby?

The soul-breaking needle is a legend of the Emperor's Day, and it is also the legend of the entire Nine Heavens.

This kind of needle is not afraid of any force blocking at all. On the contrary, the greater the resistance you release, the faster you die!

Moreover, once the skin is punctured, it is directly inserted into the heart!

Almost the middle is not saved!

Legend has it that this object is from the hands of a generation of demon heads. This magic is based on this weapon, and it has been in the world for many years. In the end, I heard that it was shot by the elite of the demon elite.

However, the name of this broken soul is also shocking the rivers and lakes from that time!

How can such a hegemonic thing suddenly appear on this robber?

What's happening here? If you don't say anything else, then the value of that round of broken souls, even at least the cost, will be more than three times more than being robbed!

This is too much cost, right? !

Take this thing to deal with us, it is too much to see us! !

"You old boy is a bit of a knowledge." Demon Ning Ning sneered, reached out and grabbed, the broken soul pinned his hand in the palm of his hand; under the wave of a hand, a black whip shook hands, up to four or five feet With a bang, two holy masters rolled to the ground, the flesh and blood were blurred, the whip marks were clearly visible, and the bones were deep.

"Lock the soul whip! It is actually the soul whip!" The head of the person is also shrinking.

It is also a legendary baby, and there is no super baby with no resistance at all!

This is something more arrogant than the broken heart!

And not a consumable!

This little boy, where come so many treasures!

With such a net worth, are you robbing? !

Is there any point in this?

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