Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 318: Do you know who the Lord is?

Chu Yang took a deep breath and pressed the heart of the swaying, quietly concealing his body.

He has just hidden himself here, and there have been countless crowds in the four rounds, and he has rolled over from him.

Talking to the front, the two of them rushed away!

Killing is awesome!

Are there three martial arts people over there? !

Chu Yang has already recognized it, but some can't believe what he saw.

Because those guys seem to be in a bad situation that will collapse at any time...

Looks like it is too angry? !

One by one, the eyes are red, the blood is smashing, and the anger is rushing to the crown... It is a rhythm that wants to eat people!

What did you say to them in the end? How can we make these people become the virtues of the present?

Chu Yang is a bit strange, because the situation is really too strange to say.

At least this situation is really strange in the eyes of Chu Yang!

Brother killed so many people before, it seems that they did not let them collapse to such a point? !

How can it be done with one talk?

Although the talents are different, the progress of the practice is slightly under the family, but this is already the limit.

I came to the Nine Heavens to have an adventure. The speed of entering the country has gone to the point where ordinary people can hardly imagine. Under the saints, there is no rival. This kind of achievement tells the truth, at least half of it comes from external forces. There is the power of the nine heavens, and so on. In any case, you can't catch up with yourself.

Just now, I was able to confirm that the current revision of the 昙 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 也就 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙As long as it is a master of heaven and earth, talking about it is definitely not its enemy.

As for his partner, although the strength is much stronger than the talk, it has already been the peak of the saint, but it is just like this. This strength is still a master of the heavenly level. It is still not for everyone. I have cultivated the power of the nine heavens and gods!

However, the current situation is that these two people have angered all the big votes in front of them, and they are still irritated to the edge of possible collapse at any time!

What happened?

Of course, Chu Yang is very surprised, but he has no time to go into it. Because the current situation has reached a very bad point.

He frowned froze and thought about the countermeasures quickly, but he thought about it, but he couldn't think of a way to solve the current crisis.

The current situation is that Tan and the other guy have been surrounded by people.

The people of the three major sects are obviously looking for them to settle their accounts, and there are no shortage of masters, and there are not a few masters at the level of light and heaven. The situation can be described as precarious.

It’s obvious that Tan and the guy’s cultivation are not as high as they are.

And if it is really positive, even if you personally shot, there will be only one "dead" word in such a scene.

Don't look at the prestige of Chuyang before. In fact, many of the previous achievements are based on favorable times such as raids and sneak attacks. There are also nine robbery swords and nine robbery swords, which are too sharp, and there are nine heavens. The grand motive power of Shen Gong, if the true strength of Chu Yang, one-on-one, under the saints, there must be no opponents, but the confrontation, but also to an enemy, is still to play!

What should I do?

Chu Yang is in a hurry.

The only certain point is that I can figure it out, and I can't let them think that they are a group of people. Otherwise, they really have to be killed by themselves.

However, in the eyes of this crisis, how to solve it is good?

Chu Yang took a deep breath and turned his eyes to resolute.

What is the crisis, what is the danger, and now I can't manage it!

Chu Yang did not know the identity of the demon Ningning; nor did he know what reliance on them, he only knew that his brother would be in crisis and could finish playing at any time.

Besides, it is too common to say that you are doing this without any confidence.

As for the guy next to it... It’s better to talk about it than to talk about it, but also to talk about the virtue of a cult, and how high its IQ can be imagined.

Can't count on it!

Such a guy, you still expect him to have any move or a strong card...

Chu Yuzuo shook his head subconsciously, hehe, it is really difficult for some strong people...

So Chu Yuzu is ready to fight hard.

At this moment, I heard a sudden and violent scream: "What the **** are you doing, all on, encircle people! A group of waste"

The earth seems to be trembled because of this voice.

This sound is not strange to Chu Yang, that is, the singer and elder who is extremely strong!

"Get it!" The sneaky elders didn't even ask, but now they have been mad at the moment, and ask what strength? Now they have been riding on their heads, and if they are going to come up, it is really stupid.

"Slow!" Two people called the exit together.

The three major sects who are about to approach each other are a glimpse.

It is the talk and the demon Ningning.

I saw the big devil leaning on the nostrils and said to the sneaky elders: "I said the old man, do you know who the man is? Do you know what the identity is? Do you dare to offend the lord, you are not afraid of the door, the chicken Don't stay?!"

Talk about it is not completely unintentional, the old man who has just arrived, the strength is strong, has exceeded the limit that he can cope with, hard to fight is afraid of not a way, simply attack the heart!

Attacking the heart is a heart attack, but still does not want to lose the prestige, lost identity, so I came to such a sentence, a very standard concept!

Only this sentence is full of arrogance, and the overbearing and arrogant speech directly makes the screaming elders who have already violently thundered even more turbulent in the wind.

Rubbing my lips, this moment is really the heart that swallowed the ugly goods.

who are you? Who else can you still be? You are a little bit identifiable, can't you stop the robbery?

The elders are about to talk, but they see one side of the demon, Ningning, learning to talk, and looking up at the face of the sneaky elders: "Let's go! Just come to the old man, do you know who the man is?! You are not afraid of being shackled at the door, will you destroy the Nine?"

The sneaky elders are crazy. They are all people, one or two, what is the big garlic, isn’t it the two? !

Still full of doors, chickens and dogs do not stay? Still full of shackles, the evil of the Nine? !

Do you think you are snow and tears? Still think that you are Yuan Tian limit? Is it not a demon? !

"Get it down and take it down!" The sneaky elders said: "You don't have to take it. Everyone gives me all the power and shoots it directly! Throw it out and feed the dog!"

A face will be so angry that it will be purple.

I haven’t had such a big fire in years, and this time it’s really unbearable.

Hey, the swords are coming out.

At this moment, Chu Yang in the shadows finally slid down and suddenly swept out.

Your brother is in danger! I must save him from trouble!

However, the enemy is gathering, and there are many masters!

I am definitely not an opponent!

But the brothers are in trouble, no matter how much, try their best!

Under the specific circumstances of this desperate rebound, Chu Yang’s mind was violently oppressed to the extreme, and a sword was shot, and there was no me! He is just out of the sword with instinct!

There is only one thought in the heart -

Subconsciously pick the most powerful trick of all your moves!

But in such a desperate situation, it has inexplicably inspired its own unlimited potential!

The total strength of the nine Dantians, all in an instant, all the time, no more.

Between the moments, the sky is full of suffocation!

Why not kill the world!

In the extreme anxiety and worry, Chu Yang succeeded in using the most powerful trick!

So far, the ultimate trick of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship!

The ultimate move to kill the world!

While the sword is still in preparation -

The energy of the whole world suddenly bursts out due to certain conditions!

All the people within a thousand square feet feel that they can no longer breathe at this same time!

An unprecedented silent oppression suddenly enveloped here!

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu, who are about to be dispatched, suddenly stopped!

There was a fascination in the eyes, looking at a certain direction. As the primary peak of the saints, they know the origin of this kind of atmosphere better than anyone else. This kind of breath is because of what can be produced!

That is the ultimate kill!

No humanity, no scruples of killing!

Moreover, this kind of killing and killing can only occur when the saints are leveled and strong, with no reservations.

who is it?

Who is it?

Which saint is actually crazy at this time?

Shun, a magnificent Jianguang, full of madness and destruction, slammed behind the three sects!

At this moment, even the raging sun of the sky has lost its light.

Although it was a big day, everyone really felt that under the brilliance of the brilliant and unrestricted swords, the original blue sky and white days were so dull, and the night was no different!

The speed of the sword is extremely fast, and the speed is more than ten times faster than the streamer, but it gives the human vision a very slow feeling. This completely opposite opposite feeling makes everyone who feels this artistic concept almost mad.

At the same time, there was a sudden, mosquito-like voice in Tan’s ear: “You’re a gang! Don’t go!”

A Jianguang raging dragon generally flies up, and Jinlong is generally mad and galloping. It instantly changes into a galaxy, and it enters the crowd!

The sneaky elder is in the forefront position, suddenly turned around, his repair is the highest among the people present, and only he knows what this is, the moment of anger and screaming, screaming and screaming: "Fast Hide~~~~!"

But the grand sword light has already rushed into the crowd, and exploded!

The living image is that all the crystals in the whole world are concentrated here at this moment and are broken! It’s so colorful, there are so many creases in the space!


The update is a little late, sorry. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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