Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 321: Wonderful...

It’s unpredictable to call the elders now, because it really needs him to shout "! The day is still behind!

"A small river and a small river, dare to besieged the Prince of the day, more willing to insult the demon and kneel down! Sin is not awkward!"

This loud noise makes the ghosts and elders immediately messy in the wind, and the whole person is dizzy!

Mrs. too... Prince?

Where is the Prince? One of the two opposites is a prince? !

Prince of the day? Emperor Heavenly Prince!

However, some people still did not hear clearly. They rushed from the sword and made the sword go up. Huma and the two saw it angered. They each carried out their weapons and shouted: "Stop the rebellious! Kill the assassin! Kill the innocent !"

Brushing brush...

A few moments fell.

The sneaky elders will carefully see the two shots, but also a burst of creeps: the assessment just too optimistic, the two people's cultivation is not under their own, clearly higher than themselves, at least there are saints at the beginning The standard of the peak!

Invisible, the identity of the demon prince suddenly added a little credibility!

"Stop! Everyone will give me a hand!"

The sneaky big elders shouted. It’s the people who drink it. If this trip not only did not complete the task, but also offended the words of the demon prince...

Well, our luck in these three major sects is really unruly, and don’t think about what’s going on again, just get rid of it completely...

At this time, suddenly the horns in the city were loud and loud, and they rang through the clouds!

In a very short period of time, countless demon emperors marched around and cheered, and surrounded the last door of the three major sects. The swords and guns shone, and the sword pointed straight.

The two sage-level strongmen, Hu Lao and Ma Lao, stood at the forefront of the team, and their cross-brows were cold, and they were full of frost, and the sense of sorrow did not hide.

The sneaky elders saw this situation, and the last glimmer of fantasy suddenly disappeared. It was stupid on the spot.

Actually, it’s really the devil’s prince’s face?

The seven or eight hundred people left by the three sects were like ducks that were stupid by the thunder, and they couldn’t speak. The only feeling is that there is only a mess in the wind.


seriously? Look at the situation in front of you should be true!

But...but but...but...

Who **** to see such a prince?

Openly smashing the casino, extorting and then, and then it is the blue sky and the street to block the road robbery, but also killing people on the street! Picking up people, it’s called a smooth, it’s quite unreasonable, but it’s got a true biography...·····

Such a... Prince?

His mother's, we thought that our singer-in-law's princely prince was already a wonderful thing, and it was already something that was not enough. Where did he think that the prince of the demon emperor was more powerful than our prince, not? The cow is forced too much!

What is his mother's name! ?

Is God going to play with our three sects? Actually out of such a Prince Edward Hall down? !


The sneaky elders didn't want to explain, but he really didn't know how to explain it. Just now, what people on your side are swearing, what do you say is a misunderstanding? Even if this is a misunderstanding, but how is this misunderstanding?

On the opposite side of the ancestors of the ancestors of the 18th generation, male and female relatives are all taken care of NN times, and it is a misunderstanding can explain!

"I misunderstood you, do you think we are all embarrassing?!" Hu Shushu screamed: "All for me!"

Finally, I found a pumping bag that can be vented by the depressed gas accumulated over the past few days.

The army of the demon emperor was surrounded by wolves, and the three martial artists looked at the sneaky elders with helpless eyes; but everyone was desperate and no longer resisted.

The eyes are also a bit stunned.

I just remembered how to marry someone else, but everyone remembers it very clearly. So ugly, especially the mother of Prince Siren, but it has fallen into the blood of eight generations in the population.

Who is the mother of Prince Sidd, after the demon, is the Emperor of the Emperor!

Under such circumstances, I still want to let people open the net, then it is really crazy.

The sneaky elders still have to talk, trying to make the final effort. There is a cold saying that Ma Lao has said: "If there is a rebel, kill it! Let me grab it all and get into the demon!"

Everyone on the other side of the three sects was poured a cold water like the head, and the heart pulled out the cool drops.

When the officers and men who watched the wolf-like tigers came forward, everyone was helpless: Rebel, the crime was directly settled; don’t resist it. This is caught, it’s also fierce, and it’s a deadly life.······

In the hesitant entanglement, one by one has been turned to the ground, the ropes are added, the tiger is in the cage... It seems that the sick cat should be in the cage.

Looking at the city guards, the three sects of the martial arts and other people have done their best to use the ropes to cover the neck and take them away. Just like the horses, the talks are directly shocked and speechless.

"I said, your kid... you are really a demon king!", looking at the demon-nine with his eyes open, his eyes are a little surprised.

Demon Ningning hurriedly laughed: "In the eyes of outsiders, there is indeed such a heavy identity, hehehe... Of course, in the eyes of the big brother..."

I am going to be humble and a few words, and then I have a lot of expressions. I am afraid that my friends who have been handed over will be scared away by their own identity. Even if they are not scared away, it is very uncomfortable to change their attitude suddenly. Wanted friends······

When the Prince’s heart was squatting up and down, and he was suffering from the loss, he saw that he had come over and screamed at him. “You **** is that the prince is not too early to explain the white? Mom! You are playing with Laozi? So worried!? Why don’t you die?······

The demon prince of the demon, who had just been arrogant, was smashed out by this sudden kick, and the whole man fell to the ground.

Standard shit!

On one side, the city guards who stayed where they stayed were facing each other.

I rely on it, this man is too bold, right?

Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma cover their faces and sigh: I really don't know where this is a lazy goods. When you didn't know the identity of the Prince before, you were rude, but after you knew it, it was still so unkind, and even worse, it was really...······

Demon Ning Ning climbed up from the ground and smiled at her face: "Big brother, younger brother, this is not the meaning of that... It’s not that I haven’t had time yet..."

Talking about my own worries, I worry about it. I seem to be planning to go with Jiuquan with this dishonest younger brother. I still feel sorry for him. I can’t help but think more and more, swearing and punching, such as punching sandbags. Boxing target in general: "Fart! You fart! Put your mother's fart! Are you thinking about loading it? First **** concealed identity, then the **** suddenly exposed, just thinking about your **** one Shocking? Then I want to let Laozi **** come to you with a slap in the face? Your uncle! You fuck! Your grandfather! I will let you force in front of me! Let you force! Let you install! Prince, too a bird! A bird! I killed you and loaded it!"

Hey, hehe...

Talking about this side, the more you are more confident, the more your hands are getting darker, the more you listen to the more you feel, the more you feel that you are really losing money, and you are afraid to use it as a bodyguard. Forgiveness for the first time: "Big brother is angry, big brother, you are angry, it is the fault of the younger brother, thousands of mistakes are the fault of the younger brother...", I treat you, I treat you, give you a charge of sin... ···”

"Welcome? I am so rare, do you treat me!" Talk about it, don't hesitate: "I have money! I care about your treat?"

"Yes, it is..." "Xing Ningning has a charming face; "Is this not to ask the big brother to enjoy a face, to appreciate the face of a younger brother..."

"Then you are not more sincere, you are now in this virtue, I am not in the mood..."

"Right right, yes..."

Everyone around is neatly fainted!

What am I going to drop? What is this about his grandmother's name, is this too wonderful? How can this happen? !

Fucking, how can there be such wonderful things between the heavens and the earth! A river and lake scattered people, screaming and chasing the day of the Prince of God, majesty! The Prince’s grandfather actually did not pay back his hand and did not repay his mouth. He still apologized in that one, and that attitude was called sincerity, it was simply charming...

Also, how can this goods be so ugly? The three-character scriptures of the demon emperor are unlucky for seventeen or eight times...

Although the people of the three major sects have also been embarrassed, it seems that this is not so ridiculous. Seven or eight hundred people have all been arrested and locked into the cell to eat the rice, and this goods······· It’s harder to listen to it more than a few times more than them. Actually, there is no bird thing. Prince’s guest has to ask for a face...·····

It is really a wonder of the world, rare in ancient and modern times!

Talked and screamed and turned away: "Fucking, for a long time mixed with a prince... I feel very shameful."

After forgetting it, I left. ”

Demon Ning Ning’s fart and the bottom up: "Big brother, boss, I am going with you to go to the rivers and lakes..."

"Don't dare, don't dare, you are still your grandfather, I am hungry, don't wait..." Talking about walking forward in front of him.

"I treat you... I am pleased, I have good wine... Hehehe, oh..." Big brother, Boss... Come and come...······· The fart is followed by the instep, nodding, nodding, very incomparable dog legs...···

"Big Brother, what do you say about the people who are arrested?" Demon Ning Ning asked diligently.

"What is the treatment? How do I know how to deal with it?" Tan said, turning his eyes: "They are you who are yelling at you, and it is also yours to play, and most importantly, they also disrupted the steps of your swaying... 'Sin is not sinful, describe it too much?!”

"Not too much, not too much! It is ‘the sin is not sinful, then, have they all been smashed?” The demon Ningda agreed, a little cautiously asked.

Just like the lower level asks for leadership.


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