Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 334: Borrowing

Demon Ningning is a big fight! !

The people of Mo Yuntian stood still, and kept yelling in their hearts. It’s awful... How can this be done!


Can't resist! There is no reason for yourself here, once the rebellion will only be more serious!

In addition to not resisting, do not dare to resist, it seems that the demon Ningning and the other two goods face to face, may be hidden around the number of the demon emperor super master to do the guard, it is estimated that as long as you dare to slightly move the meaning, it is a Dead!

Since you don't resist, you can only smash it!

The news here was quickly spread out, and suddenly it was moving!

The two strong men, Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu, took the lead, and then the whole horn of the Lonely Bamboo City sounded, and the Emperor Tianjun Fangjun immediately dispatched to the side!

The 1,350 people present, without exception, were **** by the five flowers and fell to the ground; everyone's face was extremely speechless.

This time... the innocent disaster is really... looking for it? !

More than a hundred people died before, but they were sent to more than 1,000 people.

The seemingly complete voice is still in the hands of others, and it is still uncertain afterwards!

It’s gonna!

If the light is terrible, it seems to be light...···

The rain is slow and the thunder is facing the dream. "You tell me, why should you let go of the demon girl? Even if you want to block other people, deliberately let the demon girl leave, the dream is boundless, you are not rebelling. No? You tell me clearly, talk!"

At the time of the reprimand, suddenly an officer came in and rushed to report: "Rain Shuai, the big thing is not good! We have many people detained by the Emperor Tiantian······"

"What happened?" The rain was so angry that "what happened, why did the demon emperor detain us? How did they get rid of them?"

The officer's period Ai Ai: "Why?! Yes... Yes, it is..." But who didn't know it at the beginning, no one expected to get it, the woman is actually a demon princess... ...this one..."

"What do you mean by saying that the demon woman who had been let go of the dream before was actually a demon princess?" The rain was shocked.

"Yes..." is exactly." The officer wiped a cold sweat.

He will be watching from the infinitely grateful side that the dream of being trained is endless, and the heart is good. Thanks to the dream general, there will be a kind heart, otherwise, the demon family is really stripped of the clothes. Check, even that...

Then, this time I came to the Emperor’s Day of 50,000 or 60,000 people, and it is estimated that including Rainy Shuai, one also wants to go back...·····

Even have to be investigated to the ink cloud every day, the Emperor Yuantian limit where to go ...·····

This time the rain was a little embarrassed and turned to look at the dream, nowhere, licking his mouth, coughing twice, actually could not speak.

It’s too embarrassing. I’m still blaming my dreams for a long time. Is it true that it’s right to praise him for doing it? !

It’s hard to step down!

The dream is unresolved in the heart, and said: "If the rain deputy coach has nothing to do, he will go down and rest first."

"呃······· Go to it.” Rain is slow and black face. Slightly hesitated, waved

In his heart, he wanted to make the dream endless. How can he say that he can still have some affection? After all, he let go of the demon princess, but he thought about it, but he did not want to bow to the dream, so he had to forget.

The dream is boundless and easy to go out, and there are some doubts in my heart: the little girl, is the demon princess? Really? ......

"Rain Shuai·····················································································

"What can I do?" The rainy anger finally came out: "The bastard, seeing the pretty girl, can't drag the leg, it should have been this retribution! A group of mixed things, men and women can't see it? Actually Also let the little princess stripped off the clothes to check ······Check what? A group of bastards! How could Laozi bring you soldiers like this?”

"But ······but those people always go...take it out...···” The deputy is very low-minded.

"Hey! What are you fishing? Is it necessary for me to stretch my face with old bones to make people mad?" You **** is so embarrassed to say that Laozi is not so thick!" Rain slowly angered: "Those corrupted The military discipline's confession and death are clean, even if the demon emperor does not kill them, Lao Tzu must also prove the pawn, just my military discipline!"

Everyone is ashamed, and they dare not say anything.

Just saying that, this rain has to go.

In the silent sigh all the way, Yu Shuai finally arrived.

He himself knows that this is not the case if he personally goes there. If you change someone, don't say that you will definitely not come out. You have to put yourself in a big chance. Even if you go there personally, the show may not look good!

It was not until the scene that I knew that the people there would have been taken to the door of Lonely Bamboo City.

So Yu Shuai went to the city government. When I arrived at the square, I couldn’t help but be surprised. I saw that I had more than 1,300 of my subordinates, and I was thrown into a pile by the big flowers. Everyone had a bright and bright steel knife holder.

In the middle of the square, there was still a pile of blue flames!

This... looks like a soul flame! ?

After the flame, there was a Tsing Yi robes and an old man, standing with his hands on his face and his face cold. !

The rain is slow in the heart: It seems that the other party is going to kill those people, and then burn a soul? ! Is this posture going to be completely ecstasy?

Is it so serious?

On the high platform, the demon emperor's demon, Ning Ning, held his hand and stood cold, his face was cold and cold, and the demon emperor's storage power was at this moment.

Make a slap in the face, and feel like you are ready to kill.

The rain sighed slowly and flew up. Behind him, the generals of Mo Yuntian also followed.

"His Royal Highness, this thing..." Rain has been so eager to put on an amiable smile.

"This thing? What is this?" Demon Ning Ning interrupted him unceremoniously: "What smile do you laugh? This is a very funny thing, right? You guys are thinking that this thing is funny. Can you smile and enmity?!"

The rainy face suddenly froze.

The rain is also a person with great identities. I have been so unrequited on the spot, and I don’t leave room for reprimands. It’s really speechless!

"Marshal Yu, you will come here, please tell your Highness, what are you in the darkness of the Emperor's Day?" Demon Ningning is furious: "Don't think that my mother will allow you to stay in the Emperor's Day, you Just like the superiors! Do you understand? If we don't want to give you face, you are not a fart! Here is the demon day, not you Mo Yuntian!"

"Before I gave you a few colors, I actually opened the dyehouse. I gave you some face. I dared to lick my nose." Demon Ning Ning sneered: "It’s really naive and childish!"

A face that was late in the rain was a little white.

"If it wasn't for the Emperor of the Clouds, the Emperor Yuantian had been pleading for help from my mother. You thought that with these shrimps and crabs, you would be able to get into the demon king's day?" Demon Ning Ming clearly played the role.

The rain came late, and even after a slang of words was not finished, he was squirted with a full face and a spit.

A face will have turned into purple-black, from white to green, from green to purple, and the layers are clearly changed. The heart is full of grievances, and the temples are smashed with sorrows. But it is a word that cannot be said.

"The demon princess, bullying the demon emperor under the rule of the heavens, disturbing the normal order of the demon emperor... 嘿嘿嘿······" "Xing Ning Ning's eyes are like a knife, watching the rain delay: "Yu deputy handsome, about this You must give me a statement!"

The rain was too late to hold back my heart and anger, saying: "Dare to ask your Royal Highness, I don't know what you want?"

Demon Ning Ning sneered: "What is it? It's very simple. Just follow the example of you, Yunyuntian itself. You didn't die a nine-prince before Mo Yuntian. Isn't it because he died, are you so excited?" It is said that the cause of death is looting of women, and the **** of the woman is killed by the woman’s husband. Is this the case?! We are such a princess in the demon king day. You are so bullied, hey, you say, what is this? ?"

"Our only princess is much more honorable than your nine princes!" Demon Ningning squinted: "The rain is late, you said, what should I do?"

The rain slowly bite his teeth and said: "This is indeed the fault of our people. Please ask the Prince to show it. No matter what the conditions, the rain will be followed!"

Demon Ningning said: "I am so angry! I will give you this face. I will give you a face. I will not pursue your ruthlessness. As long as you personally take it out, you will be severely disciplined and cut all these people! If you kill, you can't surpass it, so as a warning! So, when I am massive, I will not pursue other things!"

The rain is slow and the face is white: "His Royal Highness, it seems that you don't need to be so..." is it harsh?"

Others, especially those who are now tied up, are even more like a thunder.

All killed, but also the spirits of the dead, but also by the rain late!

This condition is too embarrassing, right? !

"After all, these people are not really...what really do." The rain said slowly and hard: "The little princess of your day is unscathed, is this...somewhat too much?"

Demon Ningsen smiled and said: "The little princess is unscathed? Good reason! I really doubt how you ponder, how can you say such a thing! If my sister really has some damage... you think Can you still stand in front of me so safely?"

The rain was late and a black line.

This is not rough, if the little princess has been stripped and examined, and what happened is happening... Even if it is himself, it is absolutely impossible to escape!

I don't even have to use that, even if I touch a little bit of damage, it is not good!

"Prince sir..." I don't look at the face of the Buddha... You still get down from it..." Uncle Hu is close to the demon Ning, seemingly whispering comfort. In my heart, there is a suspicion: We are a demon, and when I saw a little princess? Prince Si... It’s clear that there is no sister...·····

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