Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 341: Yu Wangxia

In the afternoon, the sky is getting darker and darker. It is already 20 miles away. This is not an ordinary person. No matter how leisurely, the journey is still coming out.

"More than three thousand and five hundred, more than four thousand miles away, is the flower city." The spirit of the demon Ningning suddenly inexplicably cheered up. There are actually some dreamy feelings.

Chu Yang’s heart is moving: “Down Flower City?”

Suddenly I remembered a long-lost sentence: If the clouds meet, see Jun Jiangnan sweeping the flowers.

Can not help but heart.

Will the Iraqi people’s current place be this falling flower city?

"Between the Lonely Bamboo City and the Falling Flower City, there are eight thousand miles of desolate and uninhabited smoke." Hu Shushu’s eyes have some worries: "According to this speed of travel, either fast or slow, but I am afraid that I will be in the king this evening. Gorge overnight!"

Uncle Ma’s long horse’s face, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled: “You mean...·····”

Uncle Hu said silently, "I wish I guessed wrong."

Chu Yang was a sudden horror in his heart, and he hurriedly asked: "What is the Wangwang Gorge?"

"Yuwang Gorge is an extremely mysterious area of ​​the Emperor's Day. A long time ago, in the Wangwang Gorge, there was an extremely fierce battle. At that time, the participants included five senior saints and more than a dozen intermediate saints; Many junior saints, in addition to these sage-level strongmen, and thousands of masters led by them each, broke out in the Yuwang Gorge."

"It’s ridiculous to say that the cause of this melee is the biggest mystery in this more than a million years, and no one knows it yet."

"But, in that battle, the tens of thousands of top players who participated in the war, including five senior saints, did not even have one person to live out! All of them died in there!"

Even with the calmness of Chu Yang, his face still couldn't help but twitch.

The sage is close to the immortal existence, even for the primary saint. And so many saints who participated in the war actually died there. why?

"That is the battle, so that the sage master of the Nine Heavens suddenly fell by half!" Uncle Hu sighed: "Original, the sage level war. Although not often, but also happens from time to time. But since that war, Among the remaining masters, the saints are basically in the nine heaven and earth officials; the sage-level masters who participated in the rivers and lakes have also become the ancestors of the sects, and they are not easy to come.

"After more than a million years of recuperation, it has only returned to the current situation, but from the heyday of the past, there is still a gap in strength."

"Especially in the rivers and lakes, tens of thousands of years do not necessarily see the saints walking..." Uncle Ma smiled.

Chu Yang ‘oh, one voice.

It turned out to be the case.

When I rushed to the Nine Heavens, I once heard a sentence: How many sage-level masters are there in the whole world?

The reason is actually here?

The masters of the government are all high-powered. Don't use their own shots. There aren't even a few on the rivers and lakes... Has it caused the rivers and lakes to break?

"Why is this king gorge, why is it so mysterious?" Chu Yang walked and said: "Is there any great danger in this gorge, can you bury the saint?"

"This······ is not known." Uncle Hu smiled bitterly.

"Yuwangxia has always been like this since ancient times. Even a stone has never changed. It will not be destroyed! Because it can't be destroyed at all!" Hu Shushu whispered: "As long as you enter the Yuwangxia category, it is like entering the forest. Luo Hepu general, dark days, such a road, there are three hundred miles. Even if it is a bird, you can't cross!"

"In fact, it’s not just the flying birds and the sacred kings. Even if it’s a saint, you can’t fly! This is one of the three mysteries of the nine heavens.” Ma Shushu’s face is gloomy: “It’s also in this world, a few can’t be The mystery of human beings.

"Even the saints will also be there to die and die. The inability to resist the death of the dead; like the local government, is in control of killing life and death. So from that battle, it was named here, "Wang Wangxia!"

Chu Yang smiled: "Is it so terrible?"

Huma and two people laughed at the same time: "The local government, the truth is that it is almost the same level as the nine emperors. Of course, you can't control the life and death of so many saints at the same time.... The so-called Yuwangxia is just a symbolic call."

"It turns out that." Chu Yang blinked, and did not know what he was thinking.

"If the rain is late, there will be ambushes..." The two frowned at the same time. They thought of a possibility that they would not have been established at all.

Chu Yang also frowned.

In this way, this piece of King of the Kings is really an extremely dangerous place!

At the same time, the city of Lonely Bamboo City is over the sky.

"Rain Shuai, the news came over there."


"Reliable news of the day: The demon king demon prince Ningning is the only son of the demon, there is no brothers and sisters, so the princess of the so-called demon family will certainly not exist."

“The dispatched personnel returned the news: There is only one child under the knees of the demon, and there is no daughter.”

At the same time, the two sides came to the news, and the news that the rain has been waiting for a long time!

After listening to the news, the rain has become more and more ugly, and it is not only him. In fact, everyone in the ink cloud is an irresistible anger.

Sure enough, I was being played!

The one who was led by the demon prince demon Ningning was playing, and played a thorough!

The rain took a deep breath and said: "First of all, the order was given to the dream, and he and his people immediately started to move. Then the order was sent to the Imperial Guard, and two thousand people were dispatched. In addition, the order was ambushed in the Wangwang Gorge. Ten thousand bloody, waiting for the signal, ready to move. Ten will!"


"I am going to follow the coach and go out together! It is necessary to take all the traitors out of the net with the thunder and the shackles, and smash the roots, nothing more!"


"Let the left-behind personnel raise the banner of the coach, arrange the shadow troops, disguise you and me and wait for more than a dozen people, so we must make our illusion in the lonely city!"



"Rain Shuai, how do we deal with the demon prince demon Ningning?" Someone asked.

In the rainy late eyes, flashed a bit of hate and murder, frowning for a while, said: "Or open the net, can not kill ... will try not to kill. First control it with the master, wait for completion The task, then release it... Although I have offended me before this son, the anger of the demon is not so good, and there is no need for extravagance, and it is unbeatable.

"If the prince is really dead, the demon must be thunderous and angry, I am afraid that the entire demon emperor and Mo Yuntian will fall into a **** sea corpse, and there is no need to pave the way. As long as it is related to the prince, they will not be spared. I also No exceptions... The consequences of this...····· I am late in the rain... I can’t afford it.”

The rain has been hesitating for a long time, and finally made such a decision.

It is not impossible to kill!

But don't dare to kill!

This is a true statement!

As the demon Ningning once said: You are so many sons of the Emperor Yunyun, and one of them is still so earth-shattering, then the only princess of our demon family······

Now, the only princess naturally does not exist; but the Prince is indeed unique. If the only son of the demon is killed... The reaction after the demon is definitely much bigger than the death of a son by Yuan Tian!

Such a thing, even Yuan Tian limit I dare not do, let alone the rain is late.

The twilight came as expected, and the mist covered the entire land.

Chu Yang and others, as expected by the two old, came to a mountain within the time limit.

Looking at it and seeing it, I saw the black gas filled, and the sky was connected, but it was only a step forward. It was already a hand-finished five-finger, and it was a step backward, but it was also a dull, blurred vision.

It’s amazing to see everyone in such a strange place.

However, as the gust of wind blew out from the canyon, everyone couldn't help but feel a horrible feeling, in which the courage was small and even felt creepy. It feels like it is in hell. Since ancient times, all the souls have nowhere to retreat. The innumerable grievances accumulated over the years have been stored here, thus forming an indescribable grievance.

When you really see God, see Buddha killing Buddha!

No matter it is a demon monster, but if you enter it, you will be affected and eroded!

"This place is really a sinister anomaly. It is not as famous as meeting, and it is more famous to meet!" Chu Yang’s eyes are dignified.

"Yuwangxia, since ancient times, only one way forward! Just rushing past, you can see the light again." Delighting Ningning's eager introduction: "Although the crisis is in the front, it can be said to be a great spectacle."

Chu Yang sighed.

Such a war-torn battle is a dangerous place, and in this mouth of the Prince, it has become a big landscape.

So unintentional, it can be considered a must!

This nerve is too big to say that it is a talk, even if it is Ji Mo, the Rock enemy is here, but also to be willing to go down the wind, self-deprecating.

"Dare to ask the two old people, is there really no other way to do it?" Chu Yang asked.

"There is no such thing, otherwise it is the only way to go from the ancients!"

"So, if you encounter an ambush in the enemy here, you can only rush forward, or go back two strategies, and the other direction is completely absent?" Chu Yang asked again.

"That's it, I didn't say it all right now, 阎王峡, I have only been on the road since ancient times." Demon Ning Ning is somewhat surprised. How did the big boss turn around this time? I said so clearly, how did he still ask questions?

Chu Yang sighed deeply, and for a time the stomach felt the intestines tangled.

This time it really is to kill this second goods.

We have a total of more than 30 people, Bai Yuchen, they have 32 people, plus their own peace talks, music, is 35 people, plus demon Ningning and other three, but only 38 people, full of play Not even forty people.

However, there are 70,000 people in the rain.


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