Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 358: I am handsome, not handsome?

Dreams are boundless and faint: "Chuyang, your luck is really good, you can escape to the present all the way, but now... Now, at this moment, I advise you to let it go."

Chu Yang smiled slightly, and he raised his face slightly.

Talk about this will stand behind him, clearly feel the body of his brother, and now slowly condense a murderous murder.

The setting sun shines on the face of Chu Yang, and it creates a mottled and fascinating feeling out of thin air, so that some parts of his face are bright, and some places are dark.

"Dream General, to tell the truth, I admire you as a good man, can distinguish clearly and right, and adhere to his own principles, do not violate his own heart." Chu Yang looked up and said: "Single On my heart, I really don't want to be an enemy of you. I will try my best to keep you a life!"

"In return for the good intentions of maintaining my sister in the Lonely Bamboo Gate, good people always have good news, isn't it!" Chu Yang took a deep breath, his eyes slowly moved down and looked at the opposite side. Like the vast expanse of the Yunyuntian army, it is like watching a bunch of chickens and dogs, full of ambiguous colors: "But... these people, all stay here. The feng shui is good here. It may be able to benefit future generations.

Talk about it, screaming: "The brothers said this is good. The feng shui is really good here. I have seen it. If you don't say anything else, you can say that the place is spacious enough to bury these people rich and rich, but not on their graves. Can you benefit future generations if you have smoked a cigarette?"

Even if you have no dreams, you can't help but rush to anger. You can't help but rush to anger. "Chuyang, you should have heard a word: You are a singer, you are not mad! You think that under this situation, you What opportunities can you be lucky?"

Chu Yang shook his head and laughed. His body stood tall and said: "At the beginning, Mo Yuntian nine princes robbed my wife. Everyone saw it. I tried to get rid of it. Mo Yuntian didn't recognize it but he was angry and angry.

"Mo Yuntian, one of the heavenly emperors, Yuantian limit; confusion of right and wrong, upside down black and white, only for selfish desires, for the sake of revenge for the sake of the soldiers! Regardless of the axioms, disregard of morality; unwillingness to go. Chumou struggle to resist, fled 137,000 on this road Miles!"

"Mo Yun Tianbing, regardless of right and wrong, regardless of reason, thousands of miles to kill, bullying good, bullying women and children, grass and human life ······ up and down one, all the chickens and dogs, the corrupt officials!

"I think that the official power of Mo Yuntian is no longer necessary. In the years of my life, all the official forces of Mo Yuntian will be extinct to show human justice and justice in the world!"

Chu Yang’s gaze came out and said: “If there is no way, then I will do it for the heavens!”

Some words, righteousness, grief and grief.

The sighs around me are awe-inspiring: Brother, you have finally realized this time! Anyone who puts himself above the moral high ground and places it on the oppressed side, whether it is talking or doing things, is really justified and strong...

The dreamless eyes are deeply stunned by Chu Yang, and I only feel that my heart is silent for a while.

To say that the people who know the most chasing and killing of Chuyang are not dreams of the endless, and the journey of killing and killing thirteen thousand eight hundred and eight hundred miles before and after, Chu Yang’s inability to counterattack from the beginning, fleeing to the later While fleeing and fleeing, and then taking the initiative to attack, looking for trouble, and even later seclusion in the lonely bamboo city, until now, the opposite of the army, no fear.

Even, for the first time in his life, he said, ‘The year of life, all the official forces of Mo Yuntian will be extinct, and these are rhetoric!

This sentence makes the dream tremble in the heart.

In addition to all the dreams of the Mo Yuntian soldiers, all of them think that Chu Yang’s remarks are just dying, and the ridiculous words of the mouth before the death, but the dream is clear, knowing that Chu Yang absolutely It is not a person who speaks empty words, what he can't do, he never says, and even more disdain.

Since this will be said, there must be considerable assurance that it can be done!

But now, Chu Yang, whose power is still meager, has said something like the extinction of Mo Yuntian!

At this moment, the dream is boundless and even thoughtless. It seems that the whole ink cloud is everywhere, and the bones are like mountains.

Between the thoughts and thoughts, I forgot the words for a while.

Behind him, a general is furious: "The arrogant ignorant juniors, seeing the arrival of the soldiers of the day. If you don't have a hand, you will be arrogant, and you will dare to swear in this, and confuse people! Come on! The person gave me the reward!"

"Calling", behind him, a 100-member team led by the team leader, took the lead and whistled.

The general’s voice rang loudly: “Dream General, since you are so afraid of this surname Chu, please quit, this time I will see that I’m a martial artist. In fact, there is nothing to say, the dream general is Chu Yang’s defeat of the army, not everyone has the courage to fight and defeat, so I have to give me Mo Yuntian shame again..."

Between the words, unabashedly sneer at the endless dreams.

The generals behind the dreamless face are angry and will attack.

But the dream sighed a deep sigh, and waved his hand to stop the instigation of his own men. He said: "If this is the case, look at General Qin. I will wait until the generals are fully motivated!"

Under the wave, all the monks of the nightmare army floated like a cloud, revealing a large open space.

Obviously, the dream is boundless this time is to make up your mind to stand on the sidelines.

All along, the dream is boundless. For the siege of Chu Yang, there are quite a few psychological obstacles: because the root cause of this matter is all wrong.

Now, since you are not allowed to do it, you can’t ask for it.

More than 100 people belonging to Tiewei, fiercely rushed toward Chuyang.

Chu Yang 兀 smiled from the face, quiet as constant, after the hand behind, motionless.

Tan 昙 是 是 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙You don't want to grab it!"

Then I couldn’t wait to rush. In midair, the scream of “嗷”: “Wow, haha... you guys, you can have such luck, die under such handsome and handsome, really yours. The graves of the ancestral graves are smoky...·····呔!”

Speaking of the end, a sudden violent drink!

This drink is like an earth-shattering scream that suddenly sounds between heaven and earth!

Directly blasting on the top of this hundred people!

There are more than one hundred people without exception. They all have a body, and several of them are actually unstable.

Tan Yi has already flew in the middle of this team of 100 people, just like a bomb, and said: "呜吼吼~~~·

Suddenly sitting on the horse, one hand went out, and the body was full of black gas, and said: "Open!"


Thousands of black air suddenly shot out of his sword, in all directions.

It is a wide range of indiscriminate attacks!

Brushing brush...

Puff puff……

The hundred people who had just rushed up and screamed in the air, were attacked by this sudden wave of black and white. When it was like a thousand arrows, everyone was shot into a black scorpion!

Every black gas, after running through a person's body, does not dissipate, nor is it through the body, but it is so condensed, and for a time, the screams of mourning are almost one.

Talking about the squatting, the right hand laps, said: "Come back!"

Thousands of black qi, under this order, suddenly came out of the enemy's body like a life, and returned to the hands of Tanah; it was a mourning scream, more than 100 people With an exceptional fall, everyone is slamming dozens of blood arrows!

Seeing that one is not alive.

The people were too late to be surprised, and there was an action on this side. They rushed to the place where the general of Qin was in front of him, and suddenly slammed into a figure, from a rapid advance to a leisurely walk.

Carrying his hands, he took three or four steps in front of the general of Qin. It was very low-pitched and said nothing: "Hey, I am handsome, not handsome?"

General Qin was so stunned and looked at the front in disbelief. The one hundred of his own subordinates fell down so slowly, and the body was extremely shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, watching all the cockroaches fall through and fall. Become a corpse.

Under the sudden changes, there is still a good answer to answer this question.

I only felt that all the blood on my body rushed to the top of my head. I suddenly smashed my eyes, and my eyes were staring at the conversation. If I wanted to eat people, I said: "Ugly ghosts, how are you! Good poison! ”

When he was furious, he couldn’t keep the cloud and lightness that he deliberately made. He was screaming under the anger and sorrow: "Fuck your uncle! I am so good to ask you, what is your embarrassment? Asking you, I am handsome, not handsome? Don’t let his mother blink and don’t talk, you are not dumb, I just heard you talking...”

General Qin was almost angry with his breath.

In front of this ugly ghost, it is clearly a guy who wants to vomit at a glance and can have a nightmare at night. After killing one hundred of his own hands without hesitation, he can still ask himself in front of himself. One sentence: I am handsome and not handsome?

Who is this? Is there a bit of shame? !

"You are handsome!"

General Qin’s nose was discouraged and roared like thunder: “You’ve got a moldy thing with a smashing date! The thunder is not a hateful slaying villain! A **** that doesn’t hurt or love you. Rong, actually have a face to ask others, you are handsome and handsome... you still have no shame!!"

After that, he yelled again: "You are the thundering slayer of the day! The old man wants to swallow you alive!"

Under the rumor, the nose is also instantly discouraged!


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