Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 377: Star Soul Liquid [Supplement]

"When you left, you have already left! Everyone is safe!" The crowd had already wept, and together with the Eighty-Wan of the Nightmare Army, they fell to the ground!

For a group of people who used to be their enemies, now they have tried their best to save their lives.

Everyone is pious and falls to the ground, tears!

"Did it go? Are you gone?" Chu Yang confusedly took a sentence, his face showed a relief-looking look, and then, the original scorpion that had already been stunned and stunned, once again burst into an indescribable strong pride: It’s a late battle with the sage’s mid-level peak rain, and it’s me, it’s won!”


Chu Yang even sneered, and said intermittently: "Everyone is a man, there is only one life, you dare to fight... Can I not dare? Haha·····"

He smiled hoarsely, and suddenly the whole body went straight backwards.

It fell in the arms of Chu Leer, who had already had tears on her face.

"The ribs are broken."

"The sternum is broken..."

"The skull is also broken..."

"Neck fractures..."

"Spine breaks..."

"Broken bones have become thousands of pieces..."

Everyone checked the injury of Chu Yang, and Qi Qi was relatively speechless.

No one can imagine how, under such a tragic injury, how did Chu Yang fight? Even if there is a one percent injury in Chu Yang, the average person can't climb anymore, but Chu Yang can not only fight, but also persist in going all the way, and has been supporting the opponent for a long time after admitting defeat, which is down.

What kind of tenacity is this? !

What an amazing willpower this is?

Seeing Chu Yang in a coma, everyone was also caught in a relatively silent speech.

A good man with a good bone.

However, the problem that needs to be faced now is that Chu Yang’s injury is too serious, and it is so serious that everyone does not even seem to move his body! I am afraid that if I move, I will be scattered directly.

This worry is definitely no more than no exaggeration. The bone loss and crushing degree of a certain king has exceeded 40%. One is not careful, the whole person is really no longer human!

Can stay here now, but no drugs can cure!

Seeing that Chu Yang’s breathing is getting weaker and weaker in a coma, everyone is at a loss.

"I have some medicine here, I just don't know if I can make it." Demon Ning said.

"What medicine?"

"Don't talk nonsense, come out quickly." Chu Leer screamed, the little girl is now the six gods, and this will catch any little straw.

Demon Ningning did not even think that he was embarrassed, saying: "This medicine is given to me by my mother... It is a key moment to keep me a life... I don’t know whether it will work for such a serious injury. Use it anyway, it’s the same, it’s better to use it than it’s not...······

Speaking of taking a purple jade bottle from his arms, carefully opened it and put it in the mouth of Chu Yang.

If so, a trace of silvery liquid drops out of the bottle, but only a bottle of mouth, the liquid will then radiate like a ray of stars, the world is suddenly filled with endless fragrance.

As if there is life, it automatically enters the mouth of Chu Yang, and immediately, Chu Yang's body is so full of no signs, suddenly emerges the most embarrassing color of the stars.

It seems that the stars are all over the sky, and at this moment they are gathered in Chuyang, and there is endless light in bloom.

"It's a star-studded soul!" Uncle Hu exclaimed. He turned to look at the demon-nine, as if it was unbelievable.

Demon Ning turned his eyes and said: "What is this? It is worth making a fuss!"

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu both fell together and sighed.

What is this? Worth a big fuss? !

What's too much? It's too worth making a fuss!

This is a real, worthy, and maddened loser.

If the two uncles know that a certain Prince sent this thing, the two will definitely stop it, even if it is a break with the peace talks, the face is also to stop!

Not two uncles are too stingy, it is because this thing is too precious, too rare, too stunned...·····

Stars and souls, no doubt, that is the world's peerless treasures; as long as you take this star to rob the soul of the soul, even if it is a heavy injury, you can always hold a breath and die, can wait indefinitely The treatment needed for the injured.

This drug effect is not only suitable for ordinary people, even if the nine people are suffering from the inability to heal, they can also use the star to win the soul!

Therefore, although the Star Soul Liquid can not make people have an immediate improvement effect, it is definitely a life-saving medicine for the nine-day scorpion!

Once you take this medicine, as long as there is no external interference, the injured person can't die if they want to die!

After the demon, I worked so hard, and even took the risk of being in danger with the other parties. I only got such a bottle.

If this matter is known by the demon, you will definitely be able to play this unfamiliar flower immediately!

After the star was robbed of the soul, the effect was really good. Chu Yang’s face was instantly better, and many of his strengths began to run autonomously. !

Although still in a state of coma, the vitality of the body has begun to heal itself.

This is undoubtedly an excellent plus excellent sign!

Among the Chuyang Dantians that no one can see, the nine little golden men are wilting and wilting at the moment, almost on the verge of collapse.

However, as the star-studded soul liquid quietly entered the body, the nine little people suddenly became as hungry for 30,000 years, and suddenly they saw the sap of the syrup, and they couldn’t help but start to **** up madly. The power of the true spirit in the body began to reconverge, and once again concentrated on the side of Dantian.

Slowly, in the dantian that had been completely dried up before, the golden liquid was slowly appeared again, and the spirit of several small people gradually regained their spirits, with waves of waves. Breathing and reciprocating, a trace of golden mist emerged again from the nose and mouth, flowing through the meridians to all parts of Chuyang.

Wherever this golden airflow passes, the meridians, which were originally damaged to the extreme, began to be repaired. Even the broken bones are re-bonded by an inexplicable mucus, and returned to the original place...

Although the process of this reply is slow, it is scattered and orderly, and the level is clear; although Chu Yang is still unconscious at this moment, his face is getting better and better. After a day that has not been moved, the white face is pale. There was a rare blood color on the top.

Until now, the two talents of Chu Leer and Tan Yi are a little relieved.

During this time, the two have been staying at the side of Chuyang, and they are not going anywhere, and their eyes are not taken care of.

Talking about it is almost to take time out of the ordinary, and to continuously input his own power into the body of Chu Yang. After he has been exhausted, he will be replaced by Chu Leer. Then he will rest for a while. .

The injury of the endless dream is also extremely heavy, and this will be in the same state of coma. But there is no worry about life. The Nightmare Army has nowhere to go, and can only follow the Chuyang and other people to march together.

Not to mention anything else, Chu Yang, the savior of the savior, is still unconscious now, even if the nightmare army is even thicker, I am embarrassed to leave now so quietly.

The first 30 people from Chu Yang and others turned into a thousand marches in the blink of an eye, but the marching speed was slower than a snail.

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that they came out less than a hundred miles away. They camped in a mountain and prepared for rest.

The rain is slower and the injury is almost the same as that of Chuyang. Now it is definitely unable to chase. Even if the problem of the rain is delayed, it is safe to use it only because of the injury. The elixir given by Yuan Tian, ​​it is impossible to reach the level of the star-studded soul, so the situation will never be better than Chu Yang: without the rain, the town is sitting late, they have to worry about the suffering of the gods. There is absolutely no possibility of attacking in reverse.

"The rain is slow, although the character is not very good, but if you say it, the promise you made can still be regarded as a promise." A military officer of the nightmare army said: "Since he promised to withdraw, normal situation The next break will not be fattened.

Set up a good camp, first settled the two super-heavy wounded people of Chu Yang and Meng Wuya, and all the talents began to look around for food. If nothing happened, they would set up a protective array on the outside. Everyone sat and practiced to restore their status.

After visiting the injury of Chu Yang, Yao Ningning returned to his little tent.

In the tent, in addition to Huma Er Lao, there is another person at the moment, the Tsinghua qi is full of people waiting for someone to return. When I see the demon Ningning, I immediately get up: "Lower officials see Prince." ”

"Imperial." Demon Ning Ning waved his hand and sat in a chair lazily: "I’m not looking for you when I’m here, I’m asking you, one day, my brother Chu’s truth with the rain. The situation, after all, you are on a tour of the sky, ruling the outcome, as another party, you must have seen all the process."

This person is the Lord of the Emperor.

After all, the rain has been late to gamble with people like Chu Yang. Although it is not the average person who can witness, the Lord of the Vows is destined to be the only exception.

The conversations of the four people did not deliberately suppress the volume of the voice, so that what is said now, although it is in the tent of the demon prince demon, but everyone can be heard.

At this moment, as soon as I heard the words of Demon Ningning, everyone’s ears suddenly stood up.

Everyone is too interested in this topic!

The change is finished. Hey, on the 13th, I have to go to the annual meeting of the starting point. I am going crazy in the past few days, but I am afraid I still have to owe it. I will give the brothers and sisters a vaccination in advance. If it is really owed, don’t Hey, if it doesn't owe... then reward me... oh...···>

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