Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 392: Fierce meet!

A few people spoke, and they had already come to the front of the small building, and the rosette that was very beautiful was almost completely formed.

Talk about squinting and squinting: "Wait for losing!"

"Yes, you must have lost!" Demon Ning snorted, his face was full of dissatisfaction

Talking about laughing and laughing: "I have never lost, this bet, I am winning."

On the one hand, Tang Jiasan’s heart couldn’t help but be curious. In particular, he mentioned the word “gambling”, which made him feel more difficult: “I don’t know what the two are gambling. Is it so interesting? Can I also participate in it?”

The two looked back at the guy at the same time, and actually rushed to gamble? Not bad.

"This big brother said that the Chu brother is the sacred hand of love, and the rumor has reached the peak, and the fire is pure, from the heart of the heart and the high level of the hand, as long as you see the purple girl, you can immediately become a friend of the purple girl, enter the room, even cast I don’t want to worry about it. For the first time, I looked at him with a scornful dream of a daydreaming: "I don't believe it anyway, I bet him."

"Hey? This... I don't believe this!" Tang Jiasan heard a few words and immediately said it.

The aunt, I just said a few words to her, a little talked about two sentences, absolutely not even a play, let me almost ruined for a lifetime, how could it be so easy to get started? Nothing is possible!

"I am quite a demon brother, I don't believe it, so I have to gamble." Tang Yangwei is proud: "What is your bet? Is the Zixia coin still a treasure?"

"Zi Xia Coin? Tiancai Dibao? So what are the low-level things? We are gambling--obedient, whoever listens to the other party after losing!" Opening: "And be loud in public, I am a pig..."

Tang Jiasan frowned and looked at the chat for a moment, sighed: "Talk to the brother, I tell you the truth, if you lose, it is too wronged pigs..."

When I talked about the anger, I was almost angry, but I was almost laughed at by this sentence.

The three people are making trouble, but they listen to Chu Yang and whisper: "Quiet."

The three did not speak at all.

Since I came here, Chu Yang saw this ‘falling flower building, these three words, and I was a little nervous.

Falling flowers and small buildings... Purple girl?

Will it be her?

This thought for a lifetime, it is no longer possible to suppress the feelings of the past, the past things gradually emerged in front of you, for a long time!

For a time, Chu Yang actually had some dry mouth feelings, only felt that the heart was beating more and more intense.

Just talking about the three men's words, the Tang family's three followers have already finished the flower racks quickly, and the above characters have also been formed.

It’s just that Tang Yangwei has lost the pursuit of beauty. Now he has a better solution. This woman is a sinful existence. Where can I dare to provoke?

Don't say that he is himself, even if the whole family behind him is not enough in front of others...

So this time the flower shelf is put up, but it has become a veritable display.

"Hey, you go to invite the purple girl." Demon Ning Ning also has some drums in his heart, said to the Tang family.

"Why is it me?" Tang Yangwei stepped back three steps, and the general body of the bamboo tremble trembled. His face rose red: "Are you not pursuing the purple girl for several years? You should go!"

Demon Ning Ning shook his head if it was a rattle: "No, no, I can't."

"You two go together!" Chu Yang saw that the two people actually lost the chain at this time, could not help but drink.

When they heard the words, they both pulled their heads.

Demon Ning Ning did not dare to refute, Tang Yangwei relied on this Chu Yang to treat the diseases of the widows even more dare not violate. The two men walked to the door with a grin and greasy look. They looked at each other and said, "The purple girl demon Ningning (Tang Yangwei) asks for..."

The sound is very small, just like a mosquito.

When the two think about it, this time it is still not a response. If there is a response, then there is a ghost? !

I did not expect that it was really a ghost!

When the two talents had just finished speaking, they heard a cold voice inside: "Who are you with the two of you?"

Moreover, the faint ambiguity can be heard. In this cold voice, there is an inexplicable eagerness or an eagerness to say that it is a fear that is not sure about the fear of a dream.

However, this voice appeared, Chu Yang's face suddenly changed.

The face of the white cockroach instantly became red, just like the blood on the body, all of which rushed to the top of the head.

How can this sound be unfamiliar!

I have already branded so deep traces in my soul, and I can never be erased!

Purple evil!

Really her!

After waiting for the demon Ningning and Tang Yangwei to answer, Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "It is me."

Demon Ningning and Tang Yangwei simultaneously raised their eyes: this is still the sacred hand of the love field, so plain white opening is also a good idea to say? "It's you"? Where does she know who you are?

But in the next moment, extreme incredible and incredible things happened.

It happened in front of two goods!

"Boom", the door closed all year round, the door closed all year round without any warning, the two sides of the big - separated, hit the wall and bounced back, and bounced back and forth from the whirling .

What am I going to drop? This reaction is too intense, right? The demon Ningning and Tang Yangwei both jumped in the eyebrows, and the neck was also long, and the face was full of incredible strange looks.

The courtyard door is open, and the inside is a quiet path. At the widest point, it can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

There are all kinds of flowers on both sides, and the petals are constantly falling from the flower trees on both sides, falling on the flower path and becoming a "flower road" full of fragrant aroma.

The white shadow flashed, and at the end of the path, there was a sly figure in the air.

Black hair is like a cloud, white clothes wins snow, and the unspeakable style is absolutely perfect, and the endless national color is incense!

At this moment, the peerless woman is looking up and looking to the crowd, but her eyes are looking for something. The faintness reveals urgency and anxiety.

Chu Yang is deeply eyeing.

The two of them looked at each other momentarily, and they both trembled. Although these two people did not speak, but the invisible thousands of words, but have been included in the eye contact.

You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time.

You are really here, I have been looking for you for a long time!

Immediately, the white figure floated like a gust of wind. Chu Yang resisted the mood of the heart, and stepped forward, smiling: "Sure enough, you are really you!"

The white shadow did not answer. It just rushed over.

Talking about it, while watching the mouth stunned and stunned, he added a brow and a dance: "Come here, start to send your arms and hug..."

The four eyeballs of Yao Ningning and Tang Yangwei have already come out, and they have to look out.

Is the charm of the boss really so terrible? Can you really let the beautiful woman vote for it?

He came to see it...! And people are still flying out to meet! And... look at this posture, absolutely must always rush into the arms...

All of them are sent to hug, and it’s natural to go to the room!

But... is this unscientific? !

Just under the eyes of the three people, in the excitement of Chu Yang’s open hands.........···

The purple evil sentiment rushed over like a whirlwind, and then screamed: "You bastard!"

Immediately punch a punch and hit the small belly of Chuyang accurately!

"嗷~~, the poor Chu Yuzu is full of dreams and beautiful people, and the romantic scene of soft jade and warm fragrance, and then enter the room later, and it’s a good thing... but I want to get there and I will wait. So fierce and sharp punches?

On the spot!

There is no trick in the flower!

The whole body was immediately bent into the shape of a prawns, and the back of the back swelled forward. The head stretched forward, the hands stretched forward, and the feet stretched forward... but the whole body was like a slinging shell. · Speeding down and flying out.

"咻", I don’t know where to fly.

"You **** bastard, do you dare to come?!" The purple evil spirits whispered in a red circle: "The murder of the murder! The man of the heart! It took so long to come. It is clear that the aging mother is not in the heart." on!"

Yao Ningning and Tang Yangwei quietly retracted their necks.

I am dropping a mom!

It’s too fierce, but fortunately it’s not catching up, if you’re catching up...·····

My future days...

The two men looked at each other in unison and saw the deep fear in the depths of the other's eyes.

It is too lucky!

On the other side of the talk, this will be stupid. Just after seeing Chu Yang attacked, the subconscious will have to help, but then listen to what the woman said, suddenly realized, this is actually a blind man? !

Can...···What is this going on? Since it’s a scorpion, how can it be upstairs when it meets? It’s still so sloppy... It’s a scorpion that should be sent to the hug, and then the two will enter the room, how can it be like this? !

Is this unscientific? !

Wait, then don’t you say that the bet is that I lost! ?


"You lost! The fact is very obvious, that is, you lost!" Demon Ning and Tang Yangwei immediately turned their heads and looked at him. The two men pointed their fingers at him and gave a conclusion.

Although the goods are ugly, at least not as dangerous as staring at the beauty in front of you.

"I lost? Now I haven't reached the point of winning or losing." Talk about the words of the stern: "I might wait for a while and then I will give it up... Now people are just flirting."

The figure flashed, the purple evil sentiment floated over, and the look was not good: "What are you talking about? What do you want to send and hug?"

"Nothing is nothing, private rooms are just a private room..." The three men laughed together and quickly disguised.

"Say!" The purple evil sentiment was stunned and the power was obvious.

The celestial pole may not be able to make up, my cousin came here, dragging me to drink...·>

Once, finally met, isn't it? So it’s not a dreadful appetite.·····>

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