Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 403: Yingming Prince

Huma two humanity: "Oh?!"!

The meaning of this "Oh" word is quite profound. On the one hand, it has doubts about the words of Yao Ningning. On the other hand, it is a surprise to the demon Ningning who can say this. The most unadjusted Prince is actually able to Say such a rational argument? !

"Chuyang himself is like a miracle, a legend, so it rises rapidly from the impossible. And you only pay attention to his current situation, and ignore a very important premise, Chuyang is currently all Growth, all from great pressure!"

The face of Yao Ningning has no more childishness and innocence before it. Instead, it is an indescribable calm thought.

"When he was weak, he always suffered from strong external bullying, and it was because of these bullying that he was forced to keep moving forward and forced him to move forward step by step.

"As he continues to grow stronger and stronger, the pressure from outside is also growing. It seems to be a curse of pressure, always around Chu Yang, but this curse is not a kind of An alternative tonic."

"It’s been until later that I killed the Yuan. I have formed an enemy that is strong enough to the extreme. The pressure has also increased to an almost unbeatable level!"

"If it is said that Chu Yang was not sure that he could escape from birth, I would not believe it. Because as long as he hides it, his strength at that time will not attract people's attention."

"Single escape, the goal is always small, Yuan Shitu is dead, Yuan Tian is certainly angry, but may not be able to find Chu Yang."

"Then his home will be safe and sound."

"But he still chooses to jump out and confront himself; and he has gone all the way to the present; the more he is stressed, the faster he rises, and the faster his strength increases."

Demon Ning smiled: "In summary, Chu Yang is such a person who can't use common sense measures at all. Any pressure on him will become his help in the result!"

"And those who are enemies with him will also form an infinitely powerful enemy!"

"Is it true that Yuan Tian is not right now?!"

"I don't want to have such an enemy that will make me sleepy!"

"So any block of Chu Yang, I don't want to see it!"

"Now that I am already a friend, why do you have to succumb to it?"

"Is it impossible for Jiuzhong Tianzhu to be so broad? Can I not coexist with Chuyang?"

Demon Ningning’s words really shocked Huma!

All along, everyone who knows the demon and Ning has a common understanding, that is, what is the realm of our princes? There is no way to see no city, no matter what the normal Prince should have, but... I never think of it. Now, at this moment, he can say such a thought-provoking statement.

Can you not be shocked? !

These words are far-reaching, obviously after some foresight, the decision is not something that ordinary people can say.

"In the years after the mother, although the health of the body is as good as it was, it is not as good as it was, but the heart is already tired. Her old man has no longer want to manage too much. This is something I can see but I am now I still don't qualify as an emperor. I still have this self-knowledge; so I can only mix the days and delay the succession."

"Chuyang is a very heavy-hearted person. As long as the other party has his approval, he can get his friendship. The friendship of life will never have to worry about the day of betrayal. If Chuyang is really able to rise, he will echo with me. Several of our brothers support each other. I may not be able to take over the burden of the mother. This is also the biggest reason why I am willing to treat each other with sincerity."

Demon Ningning said: "Chuyang talks about my respect for being a brother. It is not a casual talk but a sincere sincerity... They themselves are worthy of my respect."

"There are them in the demon kingdom. In fact, it does not help to encourage the momentum of our demon emperor, and it will never be weakened."

"So, at this point, I don't want you to do anything stupid, affecting our hard-won friendship."

Demon Ningning said: "I am in the name of the demon emperor, and this matter is decided. I will not discuss it in the future."

The tone of the voice is actually very overbearing, faintly revealing a rare look at the king.

Huma and the two also sighed and stopped talking about this. Ma Shushu said: "I hope that Chu Yang and others can understand the intention of the Prince. Don't make some ungrateful things. If it is Prince. Because he believes, he is tired of it. It is too bad..."

"If his day really is like this, then I will blink my eyes." Demon Ning said: "But I believe that I will never blink, at least not this time!"

On this day, Demon Ning dropped the biggest bet in his life.

Moreover, this time the gamble of fate, later confirmed the wiseness of the demon emperor.

He... won!

Just in the city of Luohua, the Tianbing Pavilion of Chuyang officially took root and sprouted.

And, in the gradual growth.

Under the vigorous revolving of the demon Ningning, under the Tang family's acquiescence to the Tang family, the whole fall into the east! The seven hundred miles area centered on the falling flowers and small buildings, all became the base camp of the Tianbing Pavilion.

Mad Knife Hall, Shenjian Hall, Wanli Hall, and Information Hall each occupy a large place, of which the temple is the smallest and the Wanli Hall is the largest. All the recruits and horses are starting from the Wanlitang, which is the endless dream. After training, they will be assigned to each lobby.

There is no land occupation in the devil's devil's hall. According to the statement that the devil is not shameful, it is: "There are all devils under the heavens!"

Wu Qianqian is always wandering between the lobby doors. There are catastrophic souls and tiger brothers as bodyguards. Follow them with one, holding one in the arms and invisible one.

Such a strong bodyguard lineup, no need to boast: even if the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi personally led the army, in a moment, within a moment, can not move Wu Qianqian points!

Chu Yang talks about the purple evil spirits, but he is sitting in a strong and small building.

The place where the Tianbing Pavilion of Tiebutian is also here is also foolproof!

Chu Yang is too busy now, almost busy with the back of his head. In these ten days, he urged Jianling to produce a modified version of the super version of Jiuzhong Dan in large quantities; Essence medicine, in the ten days, those who have matured and can be used, the natural treasures have shrunk by half.

Even the fountain of life has shrunk by almost a third.

The three medicine spirits are so distressed that they will rebel with Chu Yang.

After dealing with these things, Jianling continued to retreat and open up new paths. In order to be quiet, and in order not to add trouble to Chu Yang, Jian Ling silently left the space of nine robberies.

I don't know where to go!

This is the first time that Jianling has left the nine-robbery space for such a long time, and I don’t know when I can come back.

I don't know if I can come back.

At the same time, Chu Yang blessed the sword spirit.

A person's way, always want him to go. Jian Ling will go out of this step sooner or later; Chu Yang can do, only blessing. And, bring some things that he can use for the sword spirit!

This toss, the results are very very significant.

Now, even the Chu, the nine-robbery master of Chuyang, does not know how many Jiu Dan in his own. Anyway, there are so many amethysts and chalcedony on hand, and almost half of the amount is made into a bottle for placing a modified version. Super nine heavy Dan.

Other bottles can't be loaded, Chuyang is simply used to make Shiquandabu soup. It is like training the children in the Chu Family Courtyard to consolidate the existing subordinates and fundamentally enhance the foundation of the Tianbing Pavilion.

These users are all adults, and the meridians in the body have been fixed, so the progress is definitely not as remarkable as those of the children, but it is slowly, subtle, and quiet. Some subtle subtle changes.

Even a slight change, a bit by bit, is also a great improvement for those who have been finalized.

Under the solemn request of Tiebutian, all the lobby entrances began crazy training.

Because, the iron master of the General Court of the Iron and White has ordered the death: within half a year, all these people at the holy level must give me the celestial level!

All heavenly and above intermediate level must be upgraded to the sage level.

All heavenly levels must be rushed to the level of the Holy One!

All prefecture level...

Oh, no more. At present, the Tianbing Pavilion recruits people with extraordinarily strict rules. Without the sanctification, it is simply impossible to enter the Tianbing Pavilion!

Any one of the halls!

I can't get rid of it, I am sorry, the teacher in the face of the entire Tianbing Pavilion after half a year, do the inspection, and also slap in the face, self-defeating!

This punishment is not too heavy!

Only after such an order was issued, several of the church owners almost all whitened their hair overnight.

Others may have the possibility of quick success, but there is no way at all except hard training. The worst thing is that there is no end to dreams. The most people there are hundreds of people up and down, but with the recruitment of people here, there are already 3,000 people!

Almost half of the masters of the Falling Flower City have joined this emerging Tianbing Pavilion!

Dreams look at so many new recruits, each one has to have a large level of promotion, anxious to get angry, full of mouths are blisters; a heart: all training programs, the difficulty is increased ten times!

Then, in the Tianbing Pavilion, the screams of the sky rang, one after another, endless, long-lasting, not cut off.

Under the extreme limitless training of dreams, basically, a master of the saint will reach his own limit within half an hour, and then break through the limit, so that it will cycle back and forth, and then repeat...

At the other lobby, the training of the dreams is endless, and it is natural and varied. Everyone has entered a rhythm of madness.

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