Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 405: Ink cloud chaos (1)

"If I say something, it must be based on it..." Chu Yang said: "When the final decision is still in your family's own hands, if you have to move, I can't do anything. But I won't buy it. ···· But after you sell it to others, I will buy it from others."

"I don't want to destroy the feng shui lifeline of your family, but if you really sell it, I will not watch the good wind level fall into the hands of others, and definitely buy it back."

"That would make me spend a lot of money, but the money, buy myself a peace of mind. Because everything, it has nothing to do with me, no cause and effect."

"Of course, I still have to solemnly advise you, don't sell!"

The words of Chu Yang have already been said to be very home, even very explicit.

Tang Jiasan was indulged and said: "This is a different matter. I have to go back and discuss with the Family Presbyterian Church."

Chu Yang beheaded: "This is what it should be; if you choose not to move, and if you don't have enough money to build a Tang family, I can help."

Tang Jiasan’s eyes are bright: “So many thanks to Chu brother.”

Actually, I didn’t wait until after the meal, I waved my hand to Xiao Er, and I closed the account, and then I went home.

It seems that Chu Yang’s words are still quite big for him.

"I said my brother, are you not fooling Tang San?" Tan said with a skeptical look at Chu Yang, it seems that Chu Yang rarely has such a moral thing, is there any post trick? !

"Go and go!" Someone who was unreasonably skeptical did not breathe a sigh of relief: "Eat your sugar!"

A sip of sugar is like a killer, and when you talk about it, you will be embarrassed.

On this side of Chuyang, it is still intensifying training to continue to race against time. Under such an atmosphere, Tianbing Pavilion naturally grows stronger every day. The strength of Russ is hard to conceal. The strong tyrannical Tianbing Pavilion is not because of its rise. The time is short and not known. On the contrary, his name is expanding day by day.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

However, other places are not as calm as here.

For example - Mo Yuntian · The whole world has become a porridge, but also the kind of porridge that burns away!

The rain was late and seriously injured, and it was difficult to load. The road to return could not be bumped. The whole journey took a month to return to the hometown of Mo Yuntian.

The deputy handsome of Mo Yun was late for Yu Yu, and there were a few big dreams of beating the infatuation of Mo Yuntian. It was like a blue sky, shaking all the tops of Mo Yuntian in a very short time!

Both the military and the political parties have felt a strong shock like never before.

After all the high-level executives got this news, the first feeling was unbelief. The two messages were simply ridiculous. In the initial intelligence, Chu Yang was at best a kid who had just been promoted to the level of the Holy Land. How could he do this? Frustration and even the heavy rain of the sage's intermediate level?

Also, let the dream of being a saint endlessly vote for him. Is this a slang?

However, the facts confirm the authenticity of these "ghost words"!

In this way, the high-level, shocking and more dramatic, especially the feeling of the previous point, is really a strong shock.

All the tops of Mo Yuntian clearly recognized the power of this enemy of Chuyang!

Or Chu Yang, this person has not only been able to describe it with strength, Chu Yang, what kind of existence is it, in order to let the rain so slow, such a large army will lose its troops and return to the feathers? Even the rain can delay the death of the person seriously?

The second point is that because of the endless betrayal of the dream, almost all the discerning people have recognized one thing: the rift between the two factions of the Mo Yuntian military has finally become a gap, moving from the dark to the Ming Face, tear off the last bit of fig leaf.

The two major groups that oppose the Mo Yuntian military have finally reached the point of white-bladed, and this break is inevitable! One side is Mo Yuntian's permanent protection of the **** Marshal, and the invincible military **** of Moyuntian.

On the other side is the confidant confidant of the Emperor of the Clouds, and the rain is slow and deputy.

The military generals between the two sides, even before the rain has returned, have already fallen into the edge of being arrogant and ready to go.

Everyone is watching this carefully, no one is willing to say a word, but the spies of the major forces have already flown in the first place.

In the first time, the Yunyun Emperor Yuantian was sent to the Guardian to delay the rain into the palace; ask in detail about the reason. It was because of this incident that even Ms. Shuai’s request for advice was ignored.

The rain was slow, and he said that he was so angry that Yuan Tian was furious.

Mu Shuai, who was waiting outside the temple, heard the roar of the Emperor of Heaven.

Mu Shuai was a meditation, and he immediately went out of the hall and turned back to the military camp.

"Immediately control all the riots that the Nightmare Army belongs to, and then, the immediate transfer of the dreamless family and other people's homes! Hundreds of thousands of fire! Fast!"

Mu Shuai’s soul was only said this sentence, and he returned to the palace again and continued to wait for the call of Yuan Tian.

This time process, only the blink of an eye before and after.

The dream is boundless and the part of the confidant who followed the dream without a word, as early as when the news of the dream of injustice has just come out, Mu Shuai has sent people to protect it in the first time; but now almost It is that the crime of conscience is conclusive, and the original protection manpower is not enough.

Mu Shuai once again made a new response in the first time.

Almost at the same time that Mu Shuai’s soul returned, he heard a roar in the palace: “Wooden, what are you doing? Give me in!”

It is the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian limit that is full of resentment.

In the heart of the wooden sigh, the Emperor of Heaven will never call his name so in general, but once he calls his name directly, it means that the Emperor of Heaven has reached the edge of the upcoming explosion.

Wood Scorpio walked in slowly, only to see that the rain was slowly lying on a chair at this moment, his face was ruddy and his spirit was strong; obviously it was no longer a problem. I received the magical medicine given by the Emperor of the Clouds of Heaven, and the rain slowly recovered.

"The Emperor of Heaven, Mu Tianyu sees the drive." Mu Shuai slightly covered.

"Look at the good soldiers you brought!" Yuan Tian limited his face with a sullen look at Mu Shuai, angry and mad: "Looking at Jun En, colluding with the enemy, setting the blood of the prince to ignore, set my own command for the wind, actually A slap in the face, killing the robes; causing tens of thousands of soldiers to bury their bones; the vengeance of the princes, after the brain..."

Yuan Tianjun said that the anger in the scorpion is getting more and more prosperous, and it has turned into the darkest flame of the two regiments. It seems to burn everything.

"Emperor of Heavenly Emperor!" Mu Tianyan took a deep breath and said loudly: "How can this matter be settled? ······················································································ Moyun Tianting is loyal, and after hundreds of thousands of years of saddle horses, he will not change his mind in his life. How can he be in his later years, when he is in high power, he will not be guaranteed in the evening, and he will be honest, this is not a strange thing!?"

The rain on the side was slow to interpret: "Wooden Shuai’s words are different, but it is biased. If it is not a high-powered person, it is only a small **** when it is a betrayal. What is the value of betrayal?"

Mu Tian was furious: "The rain is late, is the meaning of your words metaphorous? Every high-ranking Tianting official may be attacking the enemy and betraying the country!?"

The rain is slow, but it does not show weakness. Shen Sheng said: "I said this truth, Mu Shuai should know how to knock sideways, Zhang Guan Li Dai."

For a time, the two men debated endlessly, and no one could hold on to the other.

"You two don't quarrel any more!" Yuan Tianjun said with a deep voice: "First of all, when the dream is boundless and the first time with Chu Yang, Chu Yang is only a holy level, and the dream is not bound, so I will take it off immediately. He left room for development, and this is the sin of Tianda."

"The thunder and thunder of the situation, actually can not destroy a cockroach ant, if it is said that there is nothing wrong, Wood Scorpio, do you think this is possible?"

"Secondly, the dream has never been clear and self-sufficient. It is quite whispering to the prince's actions. Now, it is not impossible to neglect your duties, benevolent, sympathetic to the enemy, or even cover up the enemy. This is not the case. ”

"Third, the rain delayed the 80,000 Moyun army, the Thunder fell, and in advance, the Emperor did not hesitate to launch the sky, and reached an agreement with the demon, the end result was still stunned, and suffered a great defeat.

"The same as the Emperor of Heaven, the demon will not lie to me, but also do not bother to lie to me, then, Chu Yang and others in the demon emperor can not really get the official assistance of the demon emperor, since there is no foreign aid, then he is equal to isolation No help, then, but still able to give the army a heavy blow, and until the whole army is overwhelmed, then in addition to the dream of being familiar with the day and the horse, as there is a need for internal defense, and even a slap in the face, there is something else possible!"

Wood Scorpio hurriedly said: "Although the Emperor of Heaven has everything to say, it is still a speculation! There is no evidence! How can I serve everyone?"

"Wooden, you are bold!" Rain delayed and said: "Mu Shuai, I have always respected your ability. It is the first pillar of my military, and everything in the military is your own." Well organized, some things, even the Emperor of Heaven also relies heavily on you... Even your cultivation is not inferior to the Emperor of Heaven. But how can you talk to the Emperor of Heaven? You Is it accusing the Emperor of Heaven, or teaching the Emperor of Heaven to do things? Are you such a kind of act as a duty as a courtier?"

Wood Scorpio was furious: "What is the meaning of your words?"

Over there, the face of the Emperor Yunyun has been somewhat unsatisfactory.

The rain is slow, and the words are full of compliments. In fact, there are ambushes and traps everywhere. In the words, they are all accused of being innocent, and their intentions can be described as vicious!


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