Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 420: The tragedy talks [the sixth! 】

"Roll!" Chu Yang angered: "Is this cognition still used by you? Play nonsense practice now they are already a little eyebrows!"

During this time, Demon Ningning completely died of the purple evil spirits. Once, the purple evil spirits belonged to it, and it was his own boss Chu Yang. How dare Ning Ning would dare to make it? Second, since I saw the violent violent anger, the demon Ning dreaming is a nightmare.

I dreamed that I had smashed the purple evil, and I was playing sandbags every day.·····

This is really a man's nightmare! Who wants to be beaten by his wife every day?

At the same time, the worship of Chu Yang is even more so that the worship of Chu Yang is the highest in the mountains: only the boss can bear it...

So the demon Ning Ning turned to the main attack, there are already some good-looking white poems, and the daily wait for the horses in front of the saddle, the white poems are somewhat unscrupulous, and under the attack of the demon-nine stalking, there is naturally a little girl vanity in the heart. Sense of enjoyment...

So one after the other, there is a tendency to fall slowly...·····

Chu Yang will look at all of this in his eyes. How can he beat this kind of gambling? I also understand why this goods are rushing to bet with myself today, playing this kind of gambling that won't lose, people want to gamble!

"Right, what did you do last night? How to make such a big move!" Chu Yang squinted, full of doubts, full of doubts.

"Nothing, ah, oh..." Talk about it is very rare to tweak.

"Nothing, what did you scream last night? It’s like killing it!" Chu Yang looked like a gossip.

"Roll! If you ask me again, I can turn your face with you!" Talking about the old face, he turned red and turned away. The way to walk is completely like a big crab, a wide eight-step.

Looks like it is weird.

Chu Yang saw a shackle for a long while, suddenly seemed to want to understand something, laughing.

A snowball was smashed into a size of a grinding disc, and he rushed over his head: "You laughed!"

Chu Yang smiled and couldn't breathe; for specific reasons, he would have fully understood that Xie Danfeng had swallowed up and asked for iron to help the matter yesterday morning, and that it should be strictly confidential.

After the iron-filled day, I listened to the scene and smiled and died. I turned to the head and gave it to the "梓潼" Wu Qianqian, and then Wu Qianqian ‘I was careless, and told Chuyang.

The thing is the sauce purple: Tan 昙 consciously had the opportunity to mature the night before, and, for a long time, has been living with Xie Danfeng, there is some meaning to move.

Then I asked Xie Danfeng: "Is there a child? My brother's children can make soy sauce, I can fall behind a lot!"

Xie Danfeng heard the words on the spot: "I don't know."

"How come yet?" Tan said a little impatient: "You said that we all have a total time with the bed, how can we still have a child?"

Xie Danfeng was surprised by what he said: "Yes, this shouldn't be, neither of them should be good."

The two men studied it all night and still had no clue.

That is, two people live together and live together, but they have already started from the time of the nine heavens. How come to the moment?

In the morning, Xie Danfeng black eyes to find people to iron up the sky: how can we not have children?

Tiebu Tian was also asked to be confused. Although she came over, she was still very ignorant about some of the first buddies!

The two women have been studying for a long time and are still unclear.

But in the end, the iron genius accidentally discovered: Xie Danfeng is still a virgin! Dumbfounded on the spot!

Since I have never broken, where are the children?

Such an idiot problem can actually be asked?

Tiebu Tian is puzzled by this suspicion. Is it really unfortunate to talk about it? Can not help asking.

Xie Danfeng said this to his arrogant, and his face was red for a long time.

It turns out that these two idiots always thought that if they slept on a bed, they would be husband and wife... as long as one man and one woman slept in the same bed, there should be children!

Therefore, the two people have been sleeping peacefully on a bed, each playing their own call... Well water does not make river water!

Just have children! ?

Tiebu Tian burst into laughter on the spot, and even tears came out because of laughter.

This kind of wonder is really rare in the world.

Xie Danfeng was uneasily listening to the big laugh, and after understanding the situation, after understanding and understanding, it was like going back to escape. The poor girl now knows that she wants to have children...not to sleep together...

That also requires other "basic" steps...

Ever since, the evening, I was very excited to ask: Did you ask? What the **** is going on?

Xie Danfeng angered from the heart, evil to the gallbladder, and shy to be self-confident, thought that this guy had greatly lost his face, and for a moment of anger to seize the key points of talking, he snarled: " Hey, what do you call yourself a sacred hand? Even the most basic things are not understood, you have never had this thing, where is the child..."

Or Xie Danfeng is too hard, after all, it is still a little girl, it doesn't matter!

Under the circumstance, the spot was a scream of a slap in the face, and then it was smashed into a shrimp and rolled on the bed...

Really hurts...

Even if it is the Big Devil, the place is basically no different from the ordinary man. At most, it is a bit more powerful, but it is definitely not resistant to "pinch" drops! Of course, this twist is even more unbearable...·····

Xie Danfeng couldn’t help but be shocked, but he also knew that he accidentally injured the conversation...

Although the two of them are doing this, although there is nothing serious about talking about it, it is estimated that within a short period of time, there is no such thing as that. In this case, you need to rest and rest...·····

Therefore, although the two people understand how to have children, they are powerless in a short time.

Of course, if you talk about 昙 放 放 放 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚

When Chu Yang really asks: What do you want Jiu Dan to do?

Isn’t it immediately stunned and arrogant?

Losing himself is still a big demon, losing himself has always been smashing the sacred hand, and for a long time, even the most crucial step has not been understood, in fact, it is white to the white little brother...

It’s really a shame...

This person, talking about the big devil is really can not afford to lose.

Fortunately, the younger brother, Ning Ning, is no longer near, and if he is known by him, it is estimated that there will be no face to live!

So at this moment, I heard Chu Yang ask this question, and when I talked about it, it broke out on the spot...·····

Chu Yang has been tired for so long, and finally found such a joke. Where is the willingness to let go, naturally it is a matter of saying, "A younger brother, what is it?"

After one or two visits, Tan Yi even had the urge to leave home.·····

I don't know if the guilt will be contagious. The Mo Yuntian army is fierce, and there is also a guilty happening in the city of Luohua. However, the object of guilt is not the Tianbing Pavilion of Chuyang, but the Tang family!

During this time, the Tang family had three guilts; on the one hand, they were in favor of moving, and on the other hand, they did not want to move. Then there was noisy; but in the end, Tang Jiasan was directly threatened with death, and finally used the most rogue extreme means to prevent the family base from relocating.

This article feels that Chu Yang’s words are too reasonable. The Tang family can develop to the present, and it is completely feng shui!

So at all costs, I will fight with my family, and I will not move if I live!

However, the price he paid for this insistence is: Tang family asked: You can not move, stay in place, but you have to build a new home, located in the south of the city... but to build a How easy is it to talk about the new team? Do not say anything else, where should the basic funds come from?

That is a rather abundance of astronomical figures!

In other words, you Tang Yangwei wants the Tang family to stay still, OK! To build one yourself is, of course, the premise is not to use the family's money!

Tang Jiasan was provoked with anger. On the spot, he took a thin chest and promised: "I will build one myself and build one myself! And I will definitely build it, and I will never let anyone down. For my family of the Tang family." Years flourish and contribute!"

"Who doesn't want to talk loudly? But what if you can't build it?" The Tang family stepped harder.

"I can certainly build it!" Tang Jiasan blushes his neck thick and does not let it.

"I also believe that you can build it up. No matter who you give 10,000 years, anyone can build it up! Even a cat and a dog are fine." Tang Jiada squinted.

"I can build a new hospital in three years!" Tang Jiasan was so angry.

"Three years!? Don't blow, there is no gray here!" The Tang family was scornful: "If you can build it for three years, then the seat of the family leader, I will not fight with you again, let me give up! But you three If the year can't be built?"

"If I can't build it for three years, I will withdraw from the core of the family and I will not fight with you! And, I am not called Tang Yangwei, I changed my name to Zhenyang!" Tang Jiasan blushes thick neck and refers to the curse of heaven and earth. swear!

"A word is fixed!"

"The horse is hard to chase!"

"Clap your swear!"

"Clap your hand and swear to swear!"



If you are in a hurry, you have arrived here all the way. The two brothers have a quarrel like a cockfighting. One sentence follows, and others can’t insert it.

The people around him seem to have no time to persuade. The two people are already embarrassed and have decided everything.

Well, don't want evil. The singularity here is not to say that the Tang family and three brothers and their brothers and brothers are smashed, but the palms of the three brothers of the Tang family are photographed together, stunned... ··

Clap your swear!

The next moment, this vowed gambling is actually recognized by the heavens!

Formally established, no regrets!


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