Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 437: The world of goods

The white woman sighed silently. !

After the demon did this, it was for the sake of the nine heavens. This is beyond doubt.

However, doing so will inevitably create boundless sins!

In the end, if exposed, no matter what the original intention, the boundless hatred will eventually be brought together in the demon.

Paper is always invincible.

Especially after the nine emperors and one after the class; or at the beginning, they will use these messages to deal with the devil, but once the magic problem is removed, the news will be re-exploded.

Can you have the opportunity to get rid of an opportunity with the same level of strength, how can you let it go? !

For this, the white woman is sure!

It was really time. In the face of the entire nine-pointed Scorpio, how to suffer from the temperament of the demon?

The white woman is worried about her stomach.

After the demon, he said tiredly: "Once this is the time, the devil has been removed, and I can also borrow such an opportunity at that time..." in Ninger,"

The white woman’s heart suddenly burst into an indescribable sourness.

After the demon or a sentence did not say it.

Passed in the demon Ning, but she herself?

When the sin of the day is attributed to one person, her original intention should be arrogant, but the result is a stinking year. Is this historical record meaningful? !

"With the devil as the cause, by the hands of Chu Yang, detonate the entire nine-day scorpio, break the ruined years, turbulent moments, or can avoid the eternal indulgence of his day, endless darkness."

After the demon whispered: "As long as the general situation is 10%, you can start the battle of annihilation of the extraterrestrial demon. However, before the war, the various heavenly troops must be nervous. In today's situation, the combat power will be greatly reduced, and may not dare to win. ”

"Since no one is going to be this wicked person, then let me do it!" After the demon look stunned: "This process, it will take a few years to over-examine the anger completely... This time, let Ninger Let them go and grow up with Chuyang."

The white woman looks stunned and wants to stop.

"No need to worry about me, right and wrong in the heart. No need for future generations to comment; how many years, a few storms, a few frosts, what wind and ice can knock me down?" After the demon laughed and comforted his sister.

"Hey!" The white woman has long sighed, even though she is still worried about how to recognize the demon.

"Everything is still at the beginning! Now, look at the follow-up reaction and action on the side of the Falling City." After the demon said leisurely: "I hope these little guys don't let me down."

Yao Ningning and his party rushed to the city of Falling Flowers.

When I entered the Falling Flower City, I was caught by Chu Yang!

"What to do! What should I do now? You tell me what to do? How do you **** in the end, how do you make such a big move, do you want to give us people to death?" The neck of the demon Ningning: "You are the second! How can you be so two..."

"呃~呃~~呃呃~~, demon Ning was stretched out of the tongue by the "card" and swayed from side to side: "Boss, it’s really not my business... these are all my mother’s out... ····”

"Your uncle!" Tan said: "I have been hurt by you and your mother..."

"嗖" added a heavy "噗通", the prince flies in the air, squatting on the ground, yelling at the scream: "Big brother, forgiveness...···呜~"

At the gate of the city, the princes and guards of the princes looked at each other and did not know what to do.

There are still people in the world who dare to treat our princes like this?

But what is the big brother of his son? ...that are we rushing to desperately? Still not rushing up?

This is the problem!


Still thinking and hesitating between the eyes and eyes, watching the two people flying in the middle of the Chu Yang and talking, catching the devil, ning, ning, kicking, kicking, the moment of kung fu, the original handsome, the handsome man became instantly One pig head.

Then they were so embarrassed to be taken in by two people.

Huma Er Lao stopped the movements of other people, and smiled bitterly: "The two are not outsiders, they are the brothers of the princes, this kind of thing, you have to get used to it later. `····"

Everyone is neat and stunned.

啥米? Prince's wife, brother?

More importantly, it seems to be still behind, and will be used to this kind of thing in the future? In other words, such things may appear in the future or even appear very frequently? !

My god? !

Suddenly, I saw the endless dreams of the sky and other people tidy up and greeted the people to enter the Tianbing Pavilion.

This time, the welcoming ceremony is much more formal; at the very least, the ceremony is full, everyone is polite, absolutely not like the two people, the whole two barbarians, I really don’t know where the Prince’s Highness is looking for such friends. It is also necessary to be small and self-sufficient.

The past of the white poetry jumped together with Tie Butian and others. Hey, haha, and hustle and bustle, and there is no such thing as a score.

For her and the demon Ningning, Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are naturally more concerned. Is Chu Yang not the equivalent of Bai Shizhen’s family? The topic between them naturally leads to that direction. Without a few words, Bai Shizhen couldn’t stand it, and his face turned red and fled into Tianbing Pavilion.

Followed by a burst of laughter.

"I brought a thousand demon this time." Demon Ning said: "The demon will fully assist you in carrying out this matter. The mother said that it is responsible for me. In fact, it is a name. She knows me this girl." What kind of virtue is the son, I can't do these things at all, just drink and drink."

Demon Ningning is in front of the more than a dozen sage leaders he brought, in front of Huma Er Lao, in front of Chu Yang and Tan 昙, with his legs up and straight.

Everyone, the demon is neatly a little dizzy.

Although you know that you are not responsible, although this is the case, how can you do it a little bit? You are not responsible and have reached a new realm, okay?

How can you say so brazenly?

Can you still be more self-deprecating? Can wood? !

"In other words, these demons are from now on, all of them are under your command." Demon Ning naturally said: "I don't want to come to me, there is nothing, of course, don't come to me, yes, Tang Jiasan is now What are you doing? During the time I left, is there any fun, these days are the pains of me?"

Tiebutian said silently: "It’s too busy, there is time to have fun, three young people are now in the auction hall..."

"Auction Hall? You are the new auction hall, but I have been admired for a long time!" Demon Ning Ning eyes turned into a searchlight and generally shiny: "Wow, haha... I must go and see, I am now Going to play, hahahaha·····The auction hall, where is a river and lake, killing people without a knife, not seeing the blood...”

Shi Shiran could not wait to run out.

Huma Er Lao was covered with black lines and shook his head and hurriedly followed.

Only the rest of the people and the demon face each other, half awkward.

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