Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 440: Gu’s crisis

"This Li Guanyu is really a strong sage. So far, there is no real effort, and now, the one who just went up, there is also a middle-level cultivation of the heavens, but Li Guanyu seems to be Even the repairs of one or two of them are not displayed. If it is a real battle, within three strokes, the victory and defeat are clear, if it is life and death, I am afraid that between the hands, the opposite, the life is gone... ”

Chu Yang sighed: "In the middle of the rivers and lakes, it is really a hidden dragon and a tiger, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside. Just do not know, the rumored in the endless knife Liu Yongxiang will come to participate?"

"The Promise is the person on the side of the East Emperor. I am afraid I will not come." Someone answered.

Chu Yang has some regrets, "Hmm".

The other thousands of downfalls have also started at the same time. Every battle is brilliant and has its own style.

Everyone under the ring was locked in the ring and watched with great tension. Nowadays, in the battle against the ring, almost all of them are leading figures in one region, and their final achievements will directly affect the future glory of the warriors in their entire region.

Who else does not want the warrior on his side to win?

Even knowing that one side of the military is not the opponent of the other party, the situation is already clear, and screaming and cheering, not spurring, I hope that there will be a miracle, and the sound of refueling almost broke through the sky.

Chu Yang sighed quietly. The difficulty of this activity is difficult at the beginning, but as long as you open your head, then you don't have to worry about it in the future; they will naturally fight like this.

Until the final strong is decided.

Everything will be carried out step by step; moreover, there will be Tieqiantian presiding, Wu Qianqian planning; purple evil situation supervision; dream endless referee; and the catastrophe soul stealth in the dark to pay attention to the whole venue; such a combination is almost super The dream combination is foolproof, and it is difficult to say that it is a little unexpected.

At this point, Chu Yang, who has never dared to slack off these days, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. But as the battle continues, the dead can be avoided, but the situation of injury is definitely inevitable; let these people After this war, it will be included in its own subordinates. This medical bill will undoubtedly be a huge number.

Thinking of this, Chu Yang is a headache, the prospects are not optimistic.

Really understand: no matter how rich an individual is, but compared with a combination, a force, or a country, it is still too far away...·····

Or is this also a manifestation of manpower sometimes poor? !

Around the city of Huanhua, the sword shines brightly, the sword is rushing; the hundred blades are mixed and the songs are strong, and Chu Yang provides the Tangjia three less auctions of baby, so it is the one who took the information of the finalists. Then I entered a tent.

Chu Yang sat quietly for a while, feeling that his heart had once again restored the calmness of the past, and then he opened his eyes and took the top information and carefully looked at it.

Internal rape.

Chu Yang absolutely does not believe that in the nine heavens and the vast world, there will be no spies buried by the demon.

This requires his careful reasoning ability, just like the traitor in the Tiantiange of that year.

However, the work of today and today is much more difficult than it was in the past. It is also more complicated and too different. It is completely different from the Japanese--that time, there are a lot of detailed information for the return, and there are always clues to be found. And the scope is not small, but it is not big, but as long as the effort is down, it should be solved naturally. However, the traitors who need to find this time are not mediocre, I am afraid that any one Have a lurking time for countless years? But whoever comes to be a traitor, is there any one who is willing to expose the real information of his own?

Therefore, the investigation work of Chuyang this time has a long way to go, and it is definitely a very difficult and difficult task.

According to Chu’s own estimation, it is already very good to be able to check all the people before going out to the demon. At present, Chu Yang is only a few leading figures.

It is ‘a few, but the real number is absolutely quite a lot.

There are seven or eight thousand people!

"If Mo Tianji is here, he is the big expert in this area." Chu Yang couldn't help but think of it for a long time.

When it comes to such a thing, Mo Tianji is the most suitable candidate.······

Chu Yang sighed and entered the screening work.

The battle outside is still in full swing...···

When Chu Yang was in full swing, Xie Danqiong on the other side of Mo Yuntian was also developing wildly.

The intelligence trading on the side of Mo Tianji is gradually spreading. Regardless of scale and momentum, there is a growing trend, and there is a tendency to gradually sweep across the entire nine-day sky.·····

The Tianbing Pavilion of the proud evil cloud is also currently recruiting at a near-crazy speed.

There are also bandit groups of Ji Mo and Rock Enemy, which are also developing rapidly.

The killer organization of Dong Bingge and Mo Tealin, who has never been hurt, has grown quietly.

It doesn't work, and it's also in the tireless expansion...

Although the brothers are not in one place, they do not know each other's news, but they are developing their own strengths in the same way.

Everyone knows that their own brothers, no one is a leisurely generation. But if they are slightly slack, they will be picked up by them.

So everyone is doing a good job.

There are not only a lot of people who have made great progress, but also the children who have been sent to Chuyang by various places. Although the news between the heavens and the earth of the Nine Heavens is relatively occluded, it is not a problem for the major super-sects.

Everyone in the children is remembering that Chu Yang was being chased and killed, and every day, I am waiting for new news.

This made the major super-speakers have a headache, and they had no choice but to collect some news every day to satisfy the concerns of these little ancestors.

Sometimes there is no new news, so I have to make a paragraph, anyway, Chu Yang is still in the battle...···.

Regardless of the heavens and the earth, what kind of gates, no matter where they are, the reaction of the little guys is surprisingly similar: first, let out a sigh of relief, then it is the same swearing of the Yuantian limit, cursing the ink cloud, and then one by one to practice Improve yourself to be a ······

One by one, each one's progress is leaping forward. Let the major sects turn over one by one...

Only by abandoning Gu’s singularity in the industry, at this time, he unexpectedly encountered the biggest crisis in his life.

Since the day of the thought, to save the victims, I accidentally got a 浑天剑诀, Gu alone has been studying this sword; finally one day, suddenly, completely without warning The tyrannical power of the sword.

The whole process is almost a kind of subtle feelings that come to the fore, and finally come to the fore.

Everything is step by step, and it will eventually become a natural success!

However, at the moment when Hao Tianjian became a great man, Gu’s own self-cultivation was like a stand-up Buddha, and he climbed up in a step. He even broke through three big barriers in a very short time after the Jiancheng Dacheng, and he was promoted to become a saint master. !

This can not be said to be a step into the sky, it is simply a direct super "fan" into the "holy"!

At the moment of the breakthrough, a Pei Pei-ran, the sturdy Qi Tian Jianqi immediately swayed and appeared straight up to Jiuyi. It also caused another resurgence of the dusty sword.

The same is the peerless sword - the sword!

But don't talk about it, you don't know what the sword is, even if you know it, you don't even care; because, first of all, he has to face the impending punishment.

It is enough to make the sage-powerful person also have to be afraid of three points. The fear of seven-point punishment is not more meaningful to Gu’s independence. His life, this life, except the brothers, is only a sword. so what!

A sword, ten swords, hundred swords, thousands of swords, Wan Jian, Shen Jian broken the punishment!

Only after spending his own sage punishment, Gu Zhixing found that the daily punishment is really not a big problem, because the biggest trouble that he needs to face, now really begins!

That vast and endless sturdy sword, almost attracted his place - Da Luotian came to all the masters in this area to see the hunter, and more troublesome, that is, it also includes the official master.

First, some people came forward to recruit, but in the heart, how can only the brothers and swords alone be accepted by others?

Since you don't accept the solicitation, you can only fight in the face of sudden and sudden battles.

Although Gu Loneg has improved, his strength has risen sharply. Although he is a near-invincible sword of the same level, he is also a forgotten sword and a lonely sword. Ability; however, manpower is sometimes poor, and at the same time facing so many masters, Gu alone is absolutely impossible to win.

It’s so hard to even rush out.

After the lucky break through the encirclement, Gu alone exercised all the way to escape, but it has been locked in the enemy's position, all the way to escape all the way, Gu alone this road can be described as extremely miserable, many times die!

You are welcome to say: This time the pursuit of Gu Lianxing, the degree of danger is only on the Chuyang, they are no less inferior.

On the other side of Chuyang, it is because the hateful position is ordered to kill; but Gu alone is here for personal desire: as long as you kill Gu alone, you can get the legendary swordsmanship and repair it into a sword!

This is undoubtedly a great temptation, even the strongest at the sage level can not resist such temptation.

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