Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 444: Is this not Wang Laowu?

Since reborn, Chu Yang has developed a very special habit. As long as he is on the road, although he seems to be squinting, he simply walks his own way, but his knowledge is early. It has covered a certain range of his body, no exception, and this range has gradually increased as his cultivation has grown. Today, this has reached a range of five hundred feet.

A radius of five hundred feet!

A radius of five hundred feet!

This detection range is in the Nine Heavens, which is basically the limit range of a holy master's full force detection! And there must be more or less omissions in the margins.

This long-term detection without long-term intermittent constant release, but also to release all the time and anytime. For the average master, even the sage-level powerhouse is a very extravagant move.

But for Chu Yang, it is only a starting point of knowledge; nothing more than the most basic scope of prevention.

Since the birth of the rebirth to the present, Chu Yang’s time of more than six or seven is spent in the battle with the enemy. This constant detection of the gods has almost formed an instinctive defense mechanism, especially now facing the whole The enemy of one side of the world must naturally be more careful.

Second, Chu Yang’s current strength of knowledge exceeds the number of people at the same level by more than ten times. This consumption is not too much load to deal with...

In fact, to tell the truth, the scope of five hundred feet seems to be not small, but if it is really to face the high-level saints, this distance will be enough for Chu Yang to survive and avoid the evil. Injuries are still inevitable. of.

Since such a range of detection is not enough, and Chu Yang itself has spare energy, why not further expand the scope of detection of the gods?

This is not what Chu Yang does not want or can not, but this kind of knowledge detection can no longer be further expanded. If you zoom in again, it will interfere with the limit expansion of the gods who escaped during the crisis. The distance of five hundred feet is just the boundary between detection and extreme expansion!

Just as he went to the auction house of the Tang family, he was suddenly aware of a stir. At the same time, a white light like a rainbow, a thorough space in the nine.

It was almost fleeting.

If you use the naked eye to detect it, even if you know it, you can't find it; but Chu Yang's nine-robbery space can feel the atmosphere of crisis!

Chu Yang is suddenly stunned!

"That white rainbow is actually a high-level peak master of the saint?! How will it appear here? In the end what?!" Chu Yang suddenly shocked.

The masters sent by the demon are basically around the demon, and everyone is familiar with them. After this operation, the demon can never be sent again, even if it is sent, it will not notify itself.

In this way, the sage's senior peak player who appears here has a great chance of being an enemy or a friend!

Is it... Mo Yuntian?

If not, how could it suddenly appear in the city of Falling Flowers?

The alertness in Chu Yang’s heart suddenly mentioned the highest; but the face was quiet, and he turned a corner silently and walked away without hesitation.

When he was getting closer and closer to a certain place, Chu Yang discovered several people.

Chu Yang covert his face in a hidden way, and the moment has become another look. If it is moving in silence, it has already locked a target. It is a middle-aged man dressed in Tsing Yi.

Although the man was a plain and faint, like an ordinary person, Chu Yang was keenly aware of this person’s unattended attitude.

Treating the heavens and the earth, treating life, treating everything, including himself, is an attitude that does not care.

The person in the Tsing Yi also had spotted blood. It seems to have been injured, but it can still be seen that the texture is very good.

In the current Huahua City, such wounded people are everywhere, and they are not noticeable.

Chu Yang’s gaze was just a glimpse of the past, and he immediately felt that this person was injured.

Although he tried his best to cover up his own breath, but after all, the injury was too heavy, and the weakness between the moves was still beyond others. Of course, this ‘other’ can only be a person above the sage level.

The general warrior also decided not to find it.

Chu Yang has a heart.

Suddenly remembered, just some time ago, that earth-shattering battle, the few Changhongs that passed by.

If there is a peak master in this place, it can only be those few.

If it is on the side of the demon emperor, it will not hide the way...

Is it...

Chu Yang was in the heart of the flash, and the person seemed to have noticed that Chu Yang was paying attention to himself and was walking away.

Chu Yang's eyes turned, and suddenly walked over, and immediately rushed to the front of this person, a look of a strange saying: "Hey, you are not Wang Laowu? How is your kid here? You bastard, but a lot I haven't seen you in the year, hahaha..."

In the tone, the surprise of the ‘other town’s ignorance’ is simply coming out.

Chu Yang kissed each other's shoulders with a warm hand, like a brother who had been separated for three million years, and suddenly reunited in the war-torn streets!

The man frowned, and looked at Chu Yang with some impatience: "Who are you? I don't know you! I am not Wang Laowu..."

Chu Yang laughed and pointed at this person, and he couldn’t help it: "Look, look, you are a bastard, it’s really a bastard... I don’t even know the fellows, even if you are afraid of debt collection, don’t you use it? Wang Lao Five, you said that you can do this? The folks can say that you made a fortune, but you can't make a fortune and don't recognize the fellows. You owe me a little money, I don't want it, can't you?"

The man snorted and said: "Unreasonable."

Chu Yang chased after him and said: "Hey, Wang Laowu, can you not look like this? I don’t think that your family didn’t even have the money to eat at the time, but the real money borrowed from my family. At that time, you still have your sister Wang Lao. Sixth, you are honest, you have promised at the time that once you have passed away, you will marry your sister Wang Laoliu as my wife. Later, if your family did not pay back, they will move away. My family did not say anything, but this is Everything the whole village knows... Now you pretend not to know me, you can pass it..."

Chu Yang said indefinitely: "Although I am very poor now, you can't treat me like this... Wang Laowu! Wang Laowu... You wait for me..."

The words shouted out loud, and everyone next to them suddenly caused a strong reaction.

"How can this person be like this?" Someone said: "With money, this is the case... This is ungrateful! It's not as good as a pig!"

"That is, the rich people are now stunned... How can there be such a stink!"

“It’s just a bastard!”

"You stand still! Make your words clear!"

Some people stopped the middle-aged man: "Walk?! Where are you going? People help you when your family is in the most dangerous situation. You are now developed and turned face to face people? How is the character so despicable! I despise You! Are you so embarrassed?"

This middle-aged man is so angry that he has to blow up: "The old man is not a king, he does not know who he is! The old man is so old, how old is he? How can the old man borrow some of his family!"

Chu Yang is a grievance: "Wang Laowu... I didn't think about debts with you. I didn't even think about yelling at your sister. I am also a big man, and I have a wife... just suddenly. I saw you in a strange place, I couldn’t help but have some surprises. I want to find a fellow old man. You have become like this. It’s really like that. If you turn your face, you won’t recognize people...”

More and more people around, have accused: "Yes, how can you be this person? People have not said how to be you, you can not say a word..."

"The rich people are all sick. When they see people, they think that people have to borrow money from him and see a little bit of money bigger than the sky..."


"I also want to have money, but I don't have money like someone..."


The middle-aged man’s chest was completely blown up.

When did you get out of such a fellow? How can his son leave the hometown for 1.3 million years? Even if there is a fellow, it has already become a bone.... Then again. When did I call Wang Laowu? There is actually a sister called Wang Laoliu...

Even if I am mentally disabled, I will not give my daughter a name, Wang Laoliu. How much has it been brain damage? !

Why don’t you call a flower or something like peach?

If it wasn’t for the bad old-fashioned body that was seriously injured before, it’s a last resort to heal the wounds here. I’ve already slapped this guy to death! Where is it that the wretched guy is so embarrassed in front of himself?

What is this about his mother? !

For a long time, the acting artist who has never used "acting skills" Chu Yang has been promoted to another realm, and the performance is perfectly integrated into the image of the sound, tears and tears, a cry of a nose and tears: "Wang Laowu, You said how can you get purple? Do you really know me? I am tall and full, I am really tall, your hair is small... You look back at me, do you tall? Have you forgotten your face? It’s only a few years, I haven’t changed a lot, I know you, you don’t know me...”

The audience is obviously confused by someone’s acting skills, and they are caught in a one-sided situation, and they are accused.

People, when will not forget the nature of watching the fun, and when is the sympathy of the weak.

Even if they don’t know each other, it’s the same.

However, this middle-aged man does not seem to be a warrior, and his temper is still very soft...

Everyone’s days are really not rich, and it’s rare to see such a good bully rich man...

If this is not the opportunity to bully and bully, how can we afford the poverty of our own!

Damn, white is poor!


Today, my friend got married and was dragged to accompany the single night last night. The brothers sat twenty or thirty together and brag, blowing all night and blowing their mouths. In the morning, everyone walked in front of the groom’s officer, everyone After a sigh of relief, he said with deep sorrow: You will be finished, and you will be finished.

Everyone said it again, and it was said that it was twenty-seven times and eight times and eight times. The groom’s official was almost escaping from marriage. The mother squatted and took us out... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, novels) Better updated faster!)

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