Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 447: Red dust is like a dream

Although Mo Qingwu is already the most discerning disciple in the modern disciples, the dream is the most optimistic, and it is recognized by the public that it is the most likely to be rebuilt into the highest realm. However, everyone’s heart is still full of self-confidence and does not think Mo Light dance can really reach the legendary realm

However, it did not even think of it. In fact, the inheritance of the mind and the law has entered a misunderstanding from the very beginning!

Exploring the situation...

It’s not just a heart-locking love!

It is not the prohibition of humanity that prohibits men and women!

If you look at the situation, what is the real meaning is... love to the extreme, love is like the sea, can it be considered a bad thing?

Extremely affectionate, extremely lawful, extremely hearty, and extremely versatile!

Seeing the red dust on Mo Qingwu’s body, such as the dream of the heart, to the highest level, the supremeity of the world, this, this is the first time in a million years, in the red dust like the descendants of the dreams of the descendants!

"It turned out that we have been wrong for many years..." The two ancestors burst into tears.

At this moment, a few to the heart of death!

There is almost an impulse to cross the knife!

The red dust is like Mengxuan. Most of the members are women. But for women who have good qualifications and good quality, they also have cultivation materials. Which one is not a beautiful woman?

So many beautiful women, and which one is not coming from such a dream, like a flower face? Which one has never had a girl's feelings? Which one hasn’t had a loved one, or someone who doesn’t regret it for a long time?

However, due to the limitations of the rules of the door, they can only completely freeze the love in the depths of their hearts.

Resist the heart, face coldly, and ruthlessly refuse the lover. I am alone in bearing this infinite pain and loneliness!

How many beautiful years, great youth, it is so ruthless.

In the end, it is because of a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!

However, it was because the wrong way was made at the beginning and the wrong way was made!

The two ancestors are stunned!

They are also coming over. In the past, they broke the feelings, tried the true feelings, and also sincerely paid for them. They fell in love with each other, and they also "destroyed the feelings," and they broke their hearts and loved them. They used to be honest and open again. No time, at this time, thinking, is actually a tear in my heart.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago... The man with a deep face was so embarrassed and looked at himself with despair, the heartbreak, the powerless resentment.

It seems that the heart is ringing and the heartfelt pleading of the man: "Follow me... Please beg you, let me go..."

What a proud man!

But for the sake of myself, he did not hesitate to put down his body and let go of his dignity.

If it is not for that true love, how can it be so humble for love?

"Don't practice that hard anymore, let me go... I will protect you..."


"Why?! Why is this? What is this for?" At the end, the man who loves himself is also desperate and desperate! Blood and tears!

"What the **** is this!"

The man who screamed at the vastness of the earth, the man whose heart had been broken by himself!

"If Qing does not marry, I will not be jealous! Waiting for life..."

The desperate and powerless vow, the lonely sorrow, the back of the deaf...

How many years later, the man, after a lifetime of infinite loneliness, never had a vow to forget the original vows, but he wanted to see his last side... Before his death, he trembled his lips, dying Looking at myself, I begged myself to say: "The next life... you don't want to practice this... okay?"

I still remember the feeling of a heartbreaking pain when I faced the new grave.

It’s just that God is forever!

I loved my life, lonely for a lifetime, lonely for a lifetime, but never got the man who loved sweet taste from his own... I just stayed in this loess!

The last sentence before dying, turned out to be, no regrets.

I don’t regret it.

If you have an afterlife, can you marry me?


Looking at Mo Qingwu because of the extreme love and the real sense of the red dust like a dream method... The two ancestors are at the same time!

Facts speak louder than words!

It is never a rejection of love.

Yu Jie is clear, and definitely not only a virgin!

Loyal to the people you love, it is also a kind of jade clean ice!

Love and love, love, and love each other, realize the true feelings of each other, is the real breakthrough!

finally, I understand!

But I understand it too late!

It’s a whole integer of 100,000 years late!

Where was the man who once loved me deeply and loved me? where is it?


Mo light dance work is complete, slowly accepting the work, only feel happy in the heart, happy and peaceful!

Chu Yang, I practiced! I am improving! I can follow you now, I can protect you! I can share your pressure!

I can, dance with you nine times!

Since then, I have been as light as a dream, and the red dust is like a dream!

Blood sea bones dance enchanting; swaying the rivers and lakes, accompanying you in the blood sea bone mountain rushing, you can always see my enchanting enchanting!

Sui Jian Qianli Jun Mo asked, I can accompany you from time to time!

Jun Mo wants to ask me to regret not regretting, there is you in the world, there are you around, it is enough!

Life and death come with Jiuyi!

I am with you, life and death, whether it is heaven and hell, whether it is a wind knife and a sword! Whether it is difficult or dangerous! Whether it is...anything...

I only live and die!

Suddenly, the heavenly color cloud disappeared gradually, and the ground lotus was not seen. Mo light dance gently opened his eyes, but it was a blink of an eye, I saw two tears.

"Two ancestors, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the two ancestors who seemed to be a few hundred years old in a very short time, Mo light danced and panicked. How is this going? Before the two ancestors were clearly the beauty of Qi Nian's appearance, how did it become like this now?

Is it... my retreat this time, actually passed hundreds of years?

This... is it impossible?

Mo light dance in the heart of an inexplicable panic!

"We are fine... We are very happy, very happy..." The two ancestors choked: "Congratulations, light dance! You finally practiced the highest level of our dreams... Thank you, you. Let us really know, what is the real red dust like a dream! Originally, the so-called truth of the truth is so simple and simple!"

The two sighed in the sky.

At the same time, we still envy you, you hate you more... You let us know, I am so stupid! How old is it... silly!

At this moment, how regretful our hearts are...

I remembered the red sand as the back mountain of Mengxuan, where there was a piece of graveyard. How many predecessors and younger generations, so lonely to sleep there, life is a small singer alone, life is lonely lonely!

What have you missed? How many missed!

I remembered the tombs of many young women who had seen them, and they were engraved with the tomb of 'Wangmen Liu's Tomb', 'The Tomb of Limen Weishi'; now I think that I was so envious.

In fact, we also think that the surname of a beloved person can be crowned on the tombstone after death. No matter whether it is life or death, there is a destination and a dependence.

Who knows, we seem to be strong, the overbearing woman in the sky, in the face of an ordinary woman's grave, the envy of the heart!

"Since then, the red dust is like Mengxuan, and it is never forbidden to marry! Anyone who dares to obstruct the disciples' free marriage, is sentenced to ... the capital punishment!"

The two ancestors burst into tears and made this order at the same time!

This late decision is long!

"From now on, we both have to go out to travel once; the red dust is like a dream door, and if you want to go out, you can go out and go in and out."

Go and see that person, even though he is already under the loess!

“Recently call the red dust like all the tops of Mengxuan and start the seminar!”


Orders one by one are sent out like water.

The whole red dust, like Mengxuan, suddenly rioted.


A few days later, a wonderful shadow, just flew off the mountain gate, in a different direction, do not want to go to the general speed.

I am going to see your grave. I am going to see you under the loess and tell you that I am wrong. It is really me wrong. I'm sorry! Tell you, if there is an afterlife, I will marry you!

As long as you want me!

I am going to see you now, whether you are already white or pale, I have to ask you, if I am married to you now, would you still want me?

Is it late?

Is it late?

I'm coming……

No matter what you look like now, wait for me, be sure to wait for me.

Every woman's face, eyes, is full of inexplicable endless embarrassment, expectation, shame, but also fear, flawed.

I used to hurt you like that before.

But I know now that it is indeed me wrong.

Will you still want me?

The sentiment that was cut by me that year is still there?

There was only one person, in the speed of speeding, his face was full of intoxicating smiles.

That is the heartfelt satisfaction and pray for a sincere desire to meet as soon as possible.

That is Mo light dance.

Mo light dance finally left the red dust like Mengxuan, all the way to the demon emperor's day galloping, wearing a star wearing a moon, day and night, she is almost no rest, the road to the road, Guanshan Wanli, Jianghu Road!

But she had a clear direction in her heart.

The destination of the dream.

Today, she is flying towards her own happiness!

The end of this journey is the end of her dream!

In addition, everything in the world is not in the eyes, not in the heart!

Chu Yang, I am coming!

From now on, I will be with you in the wind and rain, share the fate, dance nine times, and live forever, never give up!

Before the departure of Mo Qingwu, at the seminar of the Red Dust, such as the Dreams, everyone was very sincere and asked for advice.

How to do it in order to get rid of the situation? !

Mo light dance only left four sentences.

"Lightness is like a dream, and it is also floating.

Blood sea bones dance enchanting!

仗剑千里君莫 ask,

Life and death come with Jiuyi! ”

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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