Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 449: Author of fans

"There were 19 people besieging you, and the 19 super seniors at the senior level. Now they have finished 18 of them..." Chu Yang frowned. "Is it at the time of the Battle of the Kings?" ?"

The book sighed a sigh of relief: "It was even earlier than the battle of the kings. It was only after three years of my attack that the battle of the kings broke out! After the battle, the finals were demarcated for the nine heavens. Ownership."

Chu Yang faintly nodded, some did not mean to say: "Original, Yuan Tian limit this person is still very loyal."

The book madly said: "For me, he really said nothing to me; the eighteen people, he will check them out one by one, and then, I will kill them one by one! If not, he has the help, I believe Even if I have the strength of my life, I may not be able to find a few of them, let alone claiming a great feud!"

"So I am willing to assist him and become the owner of Mo Yuntian!"

The book madly looked up and looked at Chu Yang: "So, I will do my best to avenge his son! Even though his son is not awkward, how to **** it, even if it kills the conscience, I have to do it."

Chu Yang sighed deeply.

Look at the book king in front of you.

For a time, there was a lot of unbearable and pity in my heart.

"The eighteen people, their martial arts are very high?" Chu Yang asked.

"That is of course, the wrong is not the strength of the top, it will not make me hit hard, no more power to fight back." Book mad bite.

"They are not alone in their own fights; but if the 18 people join forces, I will only have to escape, and even the chance to escape is very embarrassing."

Chu Yang sighed: "Is that the case? Then will they not know that you are still alive?! This is very important, it is about the survival of their own people!"

"And they didn't join hands again, didn't even confirm your life and death, do you know what it means?!"

"In my opinion, at the time, confirming your life and death is the most important thing they should do. On the day of your revenge, apart from the first unlucky one, the other 18 people joined forces again and killed. It is the most urgent thing they should do if you never suffer."

"But they let you break through and kill one by one, it's really intriguing!"

"Improved people who can reach that level, I believe there will be no fools, at least not everyone should be a fool?! At the very least, after you kill a few of them, how are the remaining people? They should all know and realize, but they still have not taken action."

"I have waited until you have killed 18 people. The process seems to be clean and neat, but it is really intriguing!"

"At the beginning, I got into the enemy like you. I have a clear stand and I don’t have a common understanding. If you die and reincarnate, you will certainly be revengeful. They will not be sleepless. Instead, they will be able to put their lives and deaths away."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "The strength of these nineteen people is really different."

The book's face suddenly became dangerous. The sharp eyes of the eagle owl stared at Chuyang and looked at it: "What do you mean by these words? What do you want to provoke?"

"I don't mean anything, I don't even want to provoke anything." Chu Yang said calmly: "I am just surprised at the stupidity of these people! Just change the person in their position and provoke you such a strong enemy, the day I haven't confirmed whether I have already scribbled the roots, and I am willing to hide my name."

"Or you can understand that they think that you are dead, there is no aftermath, but after encountering a series of revenge for your revenge, their class did not unite and fight back, but there are a dozen senior saints who are strong. If they are united, the power is quite horrible. Is it because they are too convinced of the invisible land after their incognito? Unfortunately, the secret location is still checked by Yuantian; the ability of Yuantian is It’s really strong, it’s worth it for the strength of this mastery!!”

The book madness heard this seemingly embarrassing, seemingly logical, then Huo Ran got up!

For so many years, every time I think of the scene of my wife’s love and tragic death, my heart is like a knife, and every time I go back to midnight, my heart is broken.

Only in the moment of killing an enemy, the hatred in the heart can have a little channel of catharsis. All along, in addition to revenge, he has never thought of other possibilities.

But today, by the words of Chu Yang Pi Li Yang Qiu, but suddenly feel the big shock of the mind, imagination!

"Can you kill someone who missed it?" Chu Yang asked.

"No, no, no." The book said arrogantly, as if it was answering Chu Yang, but even telling himself.

"Yuantian is really looking for it. It is actually looking for a standard, admire and admire, and it is the master of one heaven and earth!" Chu Yang is sincerely admired, but the listener heard this sincere admiration, but actually felt the words. The words are insincere.

The book was silent and silent, but there was no rebuttal.

"Right, and that murderer...that is, the leader, for hundreds of thousands of years, there has been no news?" Chu Yang asked.

"No." The book mad slowly sat down.

Slamming. Sitting in a chair.

"In this way, Yuan Tian's appearance seems too useless! The first 18 people have found out, and only the last one is left. It can't be found for hundreds of thousands of years."

Chu Yang said: "The first 18 people are looking so smooth, how can this most important one be so difficult!"


"The eighteen people, no one is weak!" The book screamed and sat quietly. His face is ugly.

"What about you?" asked Chu Yang.

"It's better than me, but it's a pity." The book said madly.

"I don't know about this." Chu Yang said faintly: "In fact, I don't seem to say anything about it. I didn't provoke you anything. Everything, I believe that you have a number in your heart, and you are not saying it."

"However, the authorities are fascinated." Chu Yang nodded and smiled very easily.

The book was slow, and nodded heavily, his face was awkward.

After that, the book madness never talked again.

Just drinking a glass of wine, frowning, thinking about something.

After a long while, drink enough.

The book madly stood up and didn't even say hello, so he staggered and snarled.

As soon as I got to the door, one foot had already gone out and suddenly stopped.

Carrying his back, he said lowly: "He will go to see you tomorrow!"

"Await you at all times."

Chu Yang looked at the book mad figure gradually disappeared in the crowd in front of the restaurant, the eyes are particularly complicated.

Chu Yang even hopes that his own speculation is totally wrong. If it is true, then the blow to the book madness will definitely be devastating!

But Chu Yang believes that book madness can fully understand what it means!

And the book madness said, he will go to you on his day.

Absolutely not to talk about it.

His day, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow can be his day!

Chu Yang returned to Tianbing Pavilion with a full stomach, and even went to Tangjia San Shao where he had planned to go and see if the plan progressed there was halfway.

Even if you look at the dreams of the endless Li Guanyu and other people's training.

The brow is always wrinkled, and nothing actually looks into it.

"What's wrong with you? It's lost." Zi Zhe asked, Zi Sister, but a few of these people in Chuyang can ask the words very straightforward.

"A little bit annoyed." Chu Yang smiled bitterly; "Today, I met a person unexpectedly... and then I found out... even if it is a high-level saint, even higher, but as long as others want to It’s not necessarily a difficult thing to deal with you."

The purple evil sentimentally said: "The world is like this. Is there anything strange about this? Is it worth making such a fuss?"

Chu Yang long sighed.

Chu Yang originally thought that the book madness would come to find himself tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but did not expect that he would come so fast.

Just in the evening.

The book madness came to the Tianbing Pavilion.

Named after the surname, claiming to see Chu Yang.

Although he can't use force at the moment, the kind of natural king, the extraordinary temperament of the peak master, has never been retained. The guards were uncommon, and naturally they reported it in the first time.

Chu Yang rushed to welcome.

At the request of the book madness, the two went to the study room of Chuyang, and immediately blocked all the breath.

There are only two of them.

"The magical works of the heavenly books I have cultivated, there is no mystery, it is very useful for Yuantian." The book madness directly enters the topic: "In the scope of the Tianshu field that I released, if Yuan Tian limits the happy god, deriving his practice Can easily break the bottleneck in the field of Tianshu."

Chu Yang nodded.

"In the seven-star guard, only me, can help Yuan Tian limit so unscrupulous practice." Book sighed a sigh of relief.

“How big is the specific utility?” Chu Yang asked cautiously.

"It will be his own ordinary practice to enter the country..." The book madly inhales: "More than five times!"

"This temptation is too good." Chu Yang sighed deeply.

Five times the speed of practice.

What a powerful reason this is! ! !

This is enough for anyone! Enough to do anything because of this!

The book's face muscles were inexplicably stunned and said: "Which... is it right?..."

Chu Yang silently said: "This, I don't count, it is up to you to check it. Feel it with your heart."

The two hands of the book madly slammed the fist: "Unfortunately, I am seriously injured now, and even go back to the ink cloud, but also have powerlessness, power is not caught!"

Chu Yang was silent, Shen Sheng said: "Your injury, I can help solve it; even if you can not fully recover immediately, but half of it is still not a problem. But ... I have some other concerns."

"Another worry? What are you worried about?" asked the book madly.

"I am worried that if you go back this time, I am afraid that you will die in Mo Yuntian!" Chu Yang said bluntly, Shen Sheng said.


This cold completely disrupted my plan. I thought I would write more manuscripts these days, and then save them to the New Year, enough for ten days to update, immediately go to the tenosynovitis surgery, take a break during the Spring Festival, and still refuse to drink with this reason...

Lightly loaded after the Spring Festival...

Oh, the plan is not as big as change. At such a critical moment, I actually caught a cold, and I was like a noodle; the two chapters that I couldn’t easily saved were so exhausted...

I hate a cold! !

(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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