Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 452: Two wounded

"I heard that this place is only seven days away from the city of Luohua where Chuyang is located. With my footsteps, as long as you work harder, you will be able to arrive in three days."

Mo light dance in the heart of a sigh of relief, this way, the end is near.

At this time, suddenly I heard a loud bang in the sky like a landslide, and then I found two Changhong violent flashes, and then disappeared in the sky.

"It’s weird, it’s already in the cold winter season, and there’s still a lot of snow in the sky...” How can there be a rainbow here?·········································································

Although she has been cultivated to a very high level, she has not yet understood the level of the highest level of saints. After the day of repair, I couldn’t wait to come out and travel to the rivers and lakes. Naturally, I have never heard of it.

Although there are doubts in my heart, it is even more important to hurry. Now I went on the road and went hundreds of miles away, but I unexpectedly heard a faint sigh from one side of the forest.

"Is someone injured?" Mo light danced a little, and said: "This cold weather, the injured people are also pitiful."

Mo light dances in nature and kindness, and at this point, I turn to follow the sound.

Entering the jungle, I saw a human head being exposed from the snow. In the snow and the earth, suddenly a black person emerged...·····

Mo light dance suddenly shocked.

No matter how deep the cultivation is, Mo Qing Dance is always a girl who is in the mood for a new year. When I see this situation unexpectedly, how can I be shocked?·····

Looking at it carefully, the person's head looks like he is still attached to his body. He just climbs out and climbs out halfway. He can't climb anymore. Seeing that both hands are stiff, if there is no one. If you save, you will only die completely.

Mo patted the chest and muttered: "Scared me, I thought it was a ghost. It turned out to be a half man and a half ghost..."

This person has already reached such a point, what is the difference between a half man and a half ghost?

However, if Mo Xiaowu’s grandmother doesn’t shoot, then only half of the people will soon become the other half.

Mo lightly danced carefully, patted the man’s cheek and said, “I said, are you okay?”

The man had already stunned in the past, and he was photographed by his own face. His own defense instinct was shocked and suddenly he woke up. In a blink of an eye, two sharp eyes shot, mixed with endless dignity, said low: " you dare to hit me?"

With this sentence, an inviolable momentum is coming out!

However, what is completely inconsistent with this momentum is that... just after saying this sentence, the head stunned and fainted. The momentum also vanished in an instant.

Mo light dance is a glimpse of it. It’s not because of the momentum, but rather wondering, you said that this guy has been bleak to this point. The care is not his own life, but his one. face.

You said that you are dying, can you slap your face to save you?

Besides,······It’s not ‘hitting, ah, I am waking you up.

Mo Qingwu was quite dissatisfied with the rudeness of the stranger. He frowned and stunned for a moment, but he noticed that the goods looked like his eyes and feet were cold. He could be screaming at any time, and finally he moved his heart, and the jade hand waved. On the ground, the sound of the frozen earth was completely blasted. The body of the man slipped out of the soil all at once. But the whole body still had no support, and it instantly fell to the snow.

like a statue.

Mo light dance first explored the aorta at the neck, and confirmed that there was still anger. Only then did he reach out and take a pulse, and he couldn’t help but spit out his tongue: "It hurts to be alive and still, as far as I know, only I can't do it alone, it seems that even Chu Yang can't do it...·····

The hundred veins are completely destroyed, the dantian is broken, and the five internal organs are all cracks. It is possible to develop into a fragmentation at any time.

Although it is like this, there is still a kind of magic in the body - and a powerful force to protect the heart and mind, to preserve vitality, does not make the body of the real soul fly away.

This is simply a miracle of life.

Or the welfare of a deep practitioner!

It is impossible for the practitioners who are extremely advanced, and there is no possibility that they will survive in such circumstances.

"Unfortunately, Chu Yang, who was given to me by Chu Yang, has all run out of it. There is no immediate treatment. This will only be done by general means, and it will not be medical." Mo light dances for a moment and finally takes it out of his arms. A small jade bottle, open the bottle mouth, inside is three white pills, exudes a strong fragrance.

Reaching out the mouth of this person, but unable to open it; then there is nothing to say, naturally it is a slap in the face.


Or the manual effect is obvious, immediate!

The ten-stop man who had already died almost nine stops and nines actually opened his eyes and angered the crown. He said with anger: " hit me again..."

Mo light dance only waited for him to open his mouth, and dumped the three pills into the brain. Crisp, will only finish this sentence, both eyes turned white, and immediately fainted

"It’s amazing." Mo sighs and sighs: "If you don't want to live, you only care about your face. Is this the legendary face of death?... Well, it's a bit like talking to the guy."

Which three medicines given by Mo Qingwu is very unusual, it is the red medicine such as Mengxuan’s unique healing medicine, and the red dust returns to Tiandan.

Red Dust back to Tiandan is the first life-saving medicine for the Red Dust, such as Mengxuan. Although the efficacy of this drug Dan is still far from being comparable to that of Chuyang’s Jiu Dan, it is also the top ranked in this Jiuzhong Tianzhu. The best medicine for healing the holy medicine.

This series of healing holy medicine, even the ordinary senior saints may not be able to have, the use of light dance is three, the end of the big pen!

And just because it was used three times at a time, the situation of this person has improved immediately, and the breath is obviously thicker than before. Although it is still in a state of coma, this little life is definitely saved. .

Mo light dance stood up and frowned.

"I am leaving the mountain this time. This time Tiandan will have two bottles. Now a bottle is gone... I thought I could see Chuyang immediately, and I wouldn’t use anything back to Tiandan. It’s not worth anything. Rare, this is good, if there is another one, the two bottles will be gone...·····

"Against..." saved this person's life, this is a good thing, but this place does not have a shop in front of the village. This person is lying here. If you don't give it a place, I am afraid I will wait a little longer. Maybe you are dead, but how can you take him away?"

Mo light dance biting his fingers and thinking for a long time, he is a big girl's home, it is not appropriate to hold the back.

Although this guy seems to be quite old, it can't be done.

Always a man...

After thinking for a long time, I clap my hands: "With."

Brush a few times, do not lightly dance a few branches, arbitrarily sorted out, quickly made a sled; with a hand, got a live buckle, slammed a big branch, the tree 杈I stuck in the buckle and rubbed the other side of the big branch with my hand and dragged it two steps.

It is extremely smooth in this snowy environment.

"This idea is good." Mo light dance took out from the space ring and was smashed, laid it, put the man on it, and covered it with a thin quilt, muttering: "I can bring two with me." Set of bedding, has already given you a pair, cold you will endure it.····· Don’t freeze to death, wait until the eyes are crowded, I will be comfortable when I get a carriage. ·······”

After talking about the hand, suddenly the snow behind the dust, a red man - figure, dragging the sled all the way, so rolling forward.

A delicate figure, dragging a sled; how to look at this scene is weird, it seems very strange.

What's even more bizarre is that the super sleigh that is built with a few branches seems to be able to fall apart with a touch of it, and it is so fast in the snow!

If anyone sees it, I am afraid that even the eyeballs with the chin will fall to the ground together!

Mo light dance all the way forward, and it seems that it is only a few dozen miles away. Suddenly, he stopped and said with annoyance: "It’s a good spirit that is not good, what is it here?"

Sure enough, just on the side of the road, there was a black man lying on his back, motionless, and only a few days later he saw a little white air in his mouth and nose... Prove that this is still a living person.

Mo lightly looked at the distressed look: "Hey, I have saved one before, then why save another one?"

Stepping forward and looking at it, this person was also seriously injured and dying.

When I reached out and looked at it, the degree of injury of this person was almost the same as that of the person just now. It was also a waste of all the worms. The rupture of Dantian, the creation of the spirits, the cracks everywhere, the horrible virtues of the life.

In addition, the same is to use a powerful force to protect the last element of the heart and maintain vitality.

"How is this like the six that I deliberately toss my back to Heaven, God, you are not playing with me." Mo lightly said sadly.

Nothing to say, like the law, the hand to pinch the man's jaw, ready to pill.

What is depressing is that this person is actually not talking and not cooperating.

Mo light dance frowned, remembered the previous method, waving is a slap in the face.


The slap in the face is loud.

The man suddenly woke up, and his eyes were like a bell: "You..." you dare to hit my face!!"

After that, a girl fainted.

There is a little gap, just a gentle dance has already poured the medicine into it twice.

Twisting his head and looking at the man who was still sleeping on his sled, he said: "The two guys are like a mother's brother... Anything else is ignored, just look at the face. It’s amazing to die to face..."

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