Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 507: Little Phoenix, male phoenix

Devil's phoenix beast is going to kill? !

Everyone heard a glimpse of the situation, subconsciously want to take a defensive, in order to cope with the upcoming killings, the offensive naturally involuntarily slowed down.

The beast is going to kill, and this is extraordinary.

A phoenix that has not appeared in millions of years!

It’s enough to think about it!

Can you pick it up? I don’t have the confidence, or I am fully prepared to defend myself! If you die here, then... it’s too embarrassing.

Between the mind and the electric turn, then I saw the phoenix screaming and screaming, and suddenly the blazing flame came out!

According to the "brush" of the moon, the first time I quit the distance of Baizhang, although the face remained unchanged, but my heart was a "砰" jump.

Human beings may not matter, but as a demon, there is still a lot of scruples about the legendary phoenix's fire. Otherwise, it will not set so many plans at the beginning, killing all the beasts and animals...···

In the flames, the phoenix screamed: "The ancestor ah... I am going to kill the squad today..."

The sound is infinite.

It’s just the feeling of being infinitely loaded, but it’s also more intense!

The inexplicable heartbeat that is even more frightened in the hearts of the people, all of them have once again stepped up their alert. The power of the defense has been destroyed from the previous 10% to the limit of 12%, and all the secret defenses have been displayed. Fight the coming annihilation attack.

Then... then I saw a flash of red light...

The timidity could not help but scream, or exclaim.

Everyone blinked in unison.

What is the situation? ! Is it a prelude to a world-class attack?

But seeing that the phoenix was a sham, one of the two huge wings gathered on the back, just like an arrow shot at a very fast speed... The **** went backwards... It’s almost invisible to see the shadow... ··

This goods, the mouth blowing, so that everyone smashed, and then, actually escaped directly!

And escape really fast! When everyone was stunned, it seemed to have disappeared completely.

What the **** is this situation? !

Everyone, including the heavens and the earth, ... all are neatly rounded up!

Millions of people, now in the heart is the same feeling, and then everyone only thought of two words: lying!

"The trough!"

Millions of people spoke up together.

This sound ‘slot, it’s really earth-shattering, and it’s so majestic and powerful that the two words can be said to be so strong and powerful, and the mountains and rivers are pleasing to the mountains, and the mountains and rivers are pleasing to the rocks.

Only one thing, never before!

There is such a beast between heaven and earth!

Those who have gone through the power and exerted many means to defend their defensiveness are all stunned and stunned. I don’t know how to react. Two of them who push their own limits and use secret means to save their lives are shocked. Change, a bite of energy, a large mouthful of blood, this killing power, looks like a huge ah...

On the ground, knowing the inside story, Xie Danqiong’s painful one has covered his face!

Throwing away the dead... It’s too shameful!

Buddy····· I just let you shock and shock others, but it’s not to make you shameful...···

This can be done...

Xie Danqiong immediately raised his head in a positive look, not seeing the slightest panic and fear.

Yes, as long as you don’t expose it, you can’t get through that phoenix, then it’s okay...·····

I don’t know if you are holding others, you must keep this matter strictly.

I am with the phoenix...

Keke·I don’t know at all!

Who is the phoenix, unfamiliar, don't know, don't know, don't know!

Correct! It doesn't matter at all!

Xie Kui first looked around in a majestic manner and said: "Cough, everyone just heard it, even the Phoenix said. ···················································································· The spirit of my martial arts, strengthen myself, that's it!"

Everyone chicks glutinous rice generally nod.

How do you feel that Xie Kui’s main words are a bit lacking in his words? Shouldn’t he be fully emboldened?

The illusion must be an illusion!

"The phoenix adult..." should be a small phoenix that was first involved in the world. Its own power is naturally insufficient. Well, there is a slight deficiency." After thinking about it, there is still something wrong. Xie Danqiong swallows, or is superfluous. Added such an explanation.

"Yes, Xie Kui first!" A guy said in a positive color: "Absolutely a small phoenix that has not yet reached adulthood, or is it being besieged by so many people, can't you run it? When he was flying high, I paid special attention. I saw the lower body of the phoenix... I saw the ······· that 啥; yeah, yes, it is a male phoenix... male! Well, it is not yet fully developed! I really saw it. Really not fully developed!"

Xie Danqiong’s mouth finally couldn’t help but take a moment, then took another shot, and then a whole face twitched. It’s almost like a blood squirting out!

Turning his head, looking at the officer slyly, thanks to the evil eyes, he did not laugh at the exit!

This guy, what else do you want to look at? And you can also observe the detailed commentary, you don’t know it, you can promote what...

Asshole, bastard...

And that **** guilty, it’s a stupid bird! You said that you turned into a phoenix and spread your wings. It is indeed powerful, but you can't think of it. When you were in the mighty, you exposed your naked body nakedly? ......

"Labor and capital are going crazy, even if you are not crazy, you have to vomit blood!" Xie Danqiong returned to the big account, smothered the water bladder, and snorted directly to the water of the entire water bladder, wiped his mouth, and smug himself. Unwilling, swearing out a foul language!

A handsome face has been entangled to the extreme!

The front guards looked at the nose and nose, and stood proudly. They were motionless, but their hearts were infinitely shocked: Xie Kui’s first two days ago, even though he was facing a desperate situation, he never said a swearword. It’s always a demeanor!

However, I don’t know how these two days, but it’s a big abnormality. I can not only claim to be 'labor and capital, but even those who are 'lying troughs,' and they are also catchy. It seems to have developed into a mantra. Signs.

What the **** is this all about? What special reasons can lead to such a huge change in Xie Kui’s first?

It’s confusing! Deep thoughts!

The night was deep, and I couldn’t get back to Xie Danqiong’s independent big account. On the spot, she was captured by Xie Danqiong! I don’t know how to make a scream, I don’t know how to lose money, I don’t even have to fight back, I’m not struggling.

For a time, the violent voices that rushed out of the big accounts, and the kind of resentment that is extremely entangled, are also irresistible arrogance!

"Stupid bird!"

"Stupid bird stupid bird!"

"You are a stupid bird!..."

"I used to know that you were stupid, but I didn't expect you to be stupid!"

"How do I want to let you out? I just blinked!"

"Following you this stupid bird, I am almost fooled by you! You said, you said that you still have some use?"

The guards who are standing outside are jumping in the eyebrows. Listen to this voice, feel the power... sister! - All the guards are no exception, they are all cold and sweaty: If such power hits me, I am afraid that it will become muddy, and the one inside is not tall, thin, and so capable. ......

This is what he is, the goods are really defensive...···

On the second day, the battle continued. The two brothers and Xie Danqiong came to the scene to supervise the war. I can't get through a black coat, my face is cold, and I don't say a word. It's like a real peak expert, standing with a hand and standing on the sidelines.

It’s really prestige and full of mastery!

No one would have thought that this super-master who looks like Yuan Yue is the phoenix phoenix who fled naked in the back of the **** yesterday!

Just in the midst of a fierce battle... Suddenly, there was a huge flying boat on the horizon!

Straight to the side and flew over here.

The two sides who did not participate in the war are all amazed: What is the power of this? Is it for us, or is it for the other? !

The flying boat is getting closer.

The target is gradually becoming clearer, and the trail is slowly coming from the middle of the military camp in the Yuantian limit. There has been a tendency to fall.

A rainy delay, the officer of the army could not help but see some surprises: "Is it that our reinforcements have arrived?"

Someone even asked questions: "Who is coming? Please report your identity quickly, otherwise you will be destroyed!"

On the flying boat, a calm voice said: "I am waiting for the rear reinforcements, come to support the Emperor of Heaven to destroy the rebellion!"

"Take out the relevant tokens! Orders!" Someone yelled, it is obvious that the mind is delicate and delicate, you said that it is the reinforcements, you are the reinforcements, if the enemy is posing? !

The man on the flying boat said faintly: "I naturally have proof of my identity, but I am not able to submit it at this moment. I will submit it immediately after landing."

Seeing that the flying boat had reached the battalion and began to make preparations for landing, everyone was relieved: the other party apparently intended to land in the central position of the battalion. If it was an enemy, it was not rounded up on the spot.

It seems that there are no such stupid enemies. Since it is not an enemy, it should be your own.

Even the Yuan Tian limit in the big account is a bit suspicious. I have drawn several question marks in my heart: Where is the reinforcement from here?

The moon on the battlefield frowned, thinking, heart: Is it the order for the super martial art, they are now coming to help?

Since the three main brains of Yuan Tian, ​​the moon, and the rain have not been obstructed, the relevant generals commanded the central army to withdraw from the surrounding area, and spared enough space for the landing of the flying boat.

In the midst of busy preparations, I saw that the flying boat suddenly accelerated the speed of the decline!

The situation seemed to have suddenly lost control and fell uncontrollably.

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