Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 511: Things must be reversed!

I was really scared to death. I heard that Mo Tianji was carrying thousands of pounds of explosives and traveling with me. I couldn’t help but feel that there was a cool breeze behind my head.

I almost got scared.

As for the idea of ​​dealing with Mo Tianji, it is directly like a stagnation of the sun, and there is nothing left.

"This is awkward, knowing that advancing and retreating is to understand people." Mo Tianji laughed and laughed, and he was full of enthusiasm.

This strategy of his own is still quite effective. It is a major aspect to deal with Yuan Tian, ​​and on the other hand, it is also very effective...

"Of course, Gu alone, they have also been designed and chased by me. When they come, you can contact them." Mo Tianji suggested: "Join me together, I don't mind, really don't Mind, this is not a big deal for me."

I don’t know what’s going on in my mind, I can’t help but blink my eyes: “You, you said you...”

Mo Tianji laughed very harmoniously: "At that time, I will unite them to deal with you, but I don't know, do you want to offend me? Or do you offend you? You said how they would choose?"

Xie Danqiong laughed happily.

Faced with such a choice, I am afraid that several brothers will not make a choice that will not help.

Because among the brothers, the most terrible person is the **** of the gods!

As far as the degree of horror is concerned, even the boss Chu Yang is inferior to the Mo Tianji drop!

Sitting in the handsome account, Mo Tianji is listening carefully to Xie Danqiong to explain the current situation and his own situation.

During this time, Xie Danqiong is in a bleak situation of overall beatings, both in terms of overall strength and public opinion.

Muxi himself has almost been overthrown the ancestors, but in fact it is only the ancestors, it is simply the ancestors of the 18th generation have gone to the blood mold, if the ancestors know, even if you know that the raft is innocent, you have to give him a dream, teach you This dragged down the descendants of the ancestors.

In the face of this incident, Xie Danqiong asked himself nothing to do, and could not do anything about it.

At this moment, the Mo Tianji came, and the ancestors who had this heart-to-heart came, and the problem of this is natural, and it is of course handed over to him.

"However, between the ten days, how can I go to such a terrible situation?" Mo Tianji frowned, and the road he was on was always in a state of high-speed road. It was difficult to receive news on the flying boat. He is currently The news still stayed ten days ago.

Ten days ago, Xie Danqiong was a singer of Gaoge Kay. A grand squad of tens of millions of troops raised the flag and slashed the demon. The military capacity was so strong, but the short ten-day sun was like a ruin, and the existing troops were less than the most prosperous. 30%, the most important thing is that the warrior is seriously under-reported, and the war is not prosperous, but it is only for the external force to force the valley to destroy. Once the air is dispersed, this army may collapse at any time, and the situation is almost back to heaven. Lack of surgery!

I really didn't think that Xie Danqiong was so embarrassed, and it was still in such a short period of time.

"You raise the flag here and destroy the devil, and eliminate the sneak sneak sneak into the sacred scorpion. The sorcerer is standing on the commanding heights of morality. Nowadays it has been forced into this miserable situation. Really..." Mo Tianji sighed deeply, disdain The meaning is hard to hide.

An old face of the hibiscus has also turned into a pig liver color...··

This is really a face...

"Well, this matter will be handed over to me for full treatment." Mo Tianji just thought for a while, and immediately said that the tone was very confident.

"What do you want to do?" Xie Danqiong's eyes lit up.

"Oh, have you heard a sentence, called the extremes of the object?" asked Mo Tianji.

After that, it was a smile, and I went to rest.

The raft looked suspiciously at the back of Mo Tianji's departure: "Now that it has already reached this situation, the battle may collapse at any time. Is there any way he can turn things around?"

"If there is another person in this world who can change this situation, then this person must be him!" Xie Danqiong is full of trust and said: "Let's let go, Mo Tianji can certainly do it, in the eyes, even My boss Chu Yang is not the opponent of this guy."

"This is a peerless yin!" Xie Danqiong did not know if it was awkward and made a conclusion. The look of a face is wide open.

Mudu doubted eyes.

After checking all the information in the current situation, Mo Tianji immediately launched the action: "The first step is to further incite the world's public opinion and continue to arrogantly scream! How to exaggerate how to swear, how to be evil, how exaggerated, more vicious The more ideal!"

The Tianji Intelligence Department quickly passed this order out. The instructions of Mo Tianji are the only way in the Tianji Intelligence Department. Any instruction can be executed 100% accurately. There is absolutely no deviation.

Ever since, it was only in a moment that the various halls of all the celestial intelligence departments of Mo Yuntian received the news. After a while, a condemnation against the rafts began with a vigorous and unprecedented grandeur. !

"The raft is despicable and shameless, has no virtue and no virtue, and has been in high position for many years. Now, conspiring to rebel is to want to be an emperor!"

"The raft once occupied hundreds of thousands of beautiful girls, just for the sake of selfish desires, it is simply a beast, a beast among the beasts..."

"In order to repair the ancestral graves of his own family, Mudu forced the migration of as many as 8 million people... Occupying hundreds of thousands of mu of land...., so that countless homes have been displaced, and their wives are scattered..."

"In that year, in order to occupy a girl, the raft killed a family, and the despicable behavior was simply horrible..."

"In order to please the happiness of a handsome guy, Muxi did not hesitate to kill hundreds of people to laugh at the handsome guy..."

"A thousand sins of Muxi are listed below..."


The raft was originally just an anti-thief's name. Now, just a day's time, it has already changed into a super-heavy person who has no evil, no evil, no evil, no evil, no sorrow, no humanity.

The people who do not know the truth in the world are shocked to see so many truths. Naturally, they are filled with indignation and arrogance.

It turns out that the person who wants to steal the emperor has so many despicable acts, then his previous movements are also reasonable. Everyone must denounce him. It is simply wrong to believe that he is not!

Such a despicable person as Mudu, there are still some things to live between the heavens and the earth, but in the hearts of the people, he is already dead!

One day later, Muxi received this latest news. It was almost a blood spurt and immediately went to find Xie Danqiong: "He just clarified this for me... I am really... I am really ......"

I said seven or eight consecutive sentences, ‘I’m really, I’m getting an old face and I’m finally screaming: “Grass!”

Xie Danqiong grinned and glared at his forehead: "This...this is a strategy...", wait and see..."

The raft was angered and went out.

In the next few days, while fighting, I heard the embarrassment of the outside constantly escalating.

"The hibiscus smashes his compatriots, and the number of Scorpio compatriots who die in his hands every year is as many as ten million!"

"The previous battles of the solid wood were for personal gain, otherwise, with their character and behavior, how can you get the high position of the first person in the ink cloud heaven!"

"Yes, how can he rebel without prestige? How can he gather so many people at the beginning of rebellion!"

"The raft is very vicious, and he has been in the game for millions of years!"

"When it’s true, your heart is not tolerant!"

"The rafts dismissed all the people who were not loyal to him some time ago. The false-rights said that they were all ambitions, but they began to kill them after they left. The atrocities were simply anger!"

"Wood, why don't you die, you hurry to die..."

The whole world is arrogant, and everyone is arrogant - Muxi.

But slowly, gradually, there is a voice of opposition.

"This argument seems to be a bit too much... Muxi rebellion is guilty, this is beyond doubt, but it is not so much to say him? Good women are not enough, not even male color? Can really men and women eat ?"

"Yeah, how suddenly all the sins have become rafts?"

"Others, I don't have a voice. This one is definitely not right... The ancestral grave of Muxi's family is in the Imperial Capital. How can there be hundreds of thousands of acres? I used to take a special amount, at best, only at best. Hundreds of acres of land·························································································· The point is definitely not right!"

"Yeah yeah, this is too much."

"Yes, Mu Shuai is not only a bad male color, but he has never robbed the women. In this section, I believe that everyone in the entire Imperial Beijing can testify! You are rebellious, we have nothing to say, even if it is pretending to be his pretense Gestures, Taoism can also be, but there must be a limit, there can be no dirty water to the wood handsome body. There are hundreds of thousands of women... Is there a man in the world who can satisfy so many women? Even if it is a beast The animals in the middle are not that good, and the speech is too much!"

"And this is even more ridiculous, a whole thousand sins... Even if Muxi hires a think tank every day to help find ways to change the law, but not so many thousand? So spread What kind of mentality is the rumor person? Is it too abnormal?!"

"This killing compatriot... How can you not kill a million people in a year, even if you really let the wood handsome kill, how long does it take for 10 million people to kill?! Too bizarre, wood Shuai has been out for a long time, even if he wants to kill, there are not so many opportunities. How can he still kill 10 million every year? The people of Mo Yuntian have not been killed by Mu Shuai earlier? Brain is broken!"

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