Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 533: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [fourteen]

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji are frowning, paying attention to all the movements around them.

The physical destruction of Yuan Tian's limit is only the first step; but his powerful soul is never destroyed so easily.

In this battle, both of them are trying and summing up. However, it is undeniable that both of them have a common concern: the extraterrestrial demon is indeed a bad fight!

If the army meets on the battlefield in the future, with the current team, it is absolutely necessary to suffer a big loss for such a strange enemy!

It is necessary to strengthen the soul attack.

Otherwise, you can't bring such a team to the battlefield!

At this time, a calm air suddenly rises again, a black mist lingers, the black fog rotates and flies, and the more and more urgent, the faster and faster; immediately, a figure is condensed from the black mist.

Yuan Tian limit!

Is it Yuan Yuan? !

Just like before! Just like just now!

Everyone was shocked: Is it already crushed and reborn? Is this day magic really undead? ! How can this fight? !

Some of the masters of insight have sighed: this is not a non-destructive rebirth of Yuan Tian, ​​but the body of Yuan Tian is destroyed and the soul is in the world! The soul of Yuan Tian, ​​has gone to the amazing point of surviving without the help of the flesh!

The soul of Yuan Tian’s soul floated quietly in the air, and a pair of eyes screamed at Chu Yang in disgust. He actually spoke: “Chuyang, you guys are really powerful, you can completely destroy the king’s body, but you can’t think of it. Yes... The soul of the king has gone to the detachment of annihilation! Even if the king’s body is destroyed, as long as the king returns, but in a few years, he will meet again on the battlefield!”

In addition to the bones and grievances, Yuan Tian’s voice has some smugness: “What other means do you have to show them one by one to see if you can intercept my soul?”

All the masters are all right and wrong, I don't know how to act.

Yes, it has come to the level of the masters of these places, the general means, it is really difficult to do it, let alone destroy! Just because he is not afraid of any physical attacks in the world!

However, at this moment, the air suddenly rang with a bang and a bang, and a raging fire burned without warning.

In the midst of the fire, suddenly one person slowly stood up and smirked: "The world is full of laws, there are laws and regulations, others can't take you, but you can't escape anyway." I can't have my palm!"

In the burning of the fire, I was almost beaten into the meat, and the sorrow of the sorrow was completely restored. I stepped out and walked out, smashing the blazing flame, and rushing to the Yuantian limit!

Yuan Tian was shocked and said incredulously: "It turns out that you are the phoenix!"

I can't help laughing! "It's a drop, Laozi is that phoenix! Your mother, what is that? It's that! It's a grass! You are a scorpion, you can't even say a word! You are dead in your hands!"

Yuan Tian’s face of the soul of the soul does not exist on the face, revealing a heartfelt horror look. Suddenly flying fast, obviously wants to escape, the whole body retreat!

I can't help but laugh: "Idiot, a soul, in front of Nie Tianhuo, you still want to run away? You are an idiot!"

The sound of "Boom" suddenly rose into the sky and filled the whole sky. In a blazing flame, Yuan Tian’s soul struggled in the sky and became a long strip, and later became a round group. Shape, but no matter how it changes, it can't escape the burning of the big fire!

Everyone is relieved.

It seems that the king of the demon of the demon is destined to fall here today.

Chu Yang waved his hand, couldn't help but laugh, and reduced the flame of the sky. In the flame, the screams of the gods of Yuan Tian are still screaming and shocking! Nei Tianhuo’s continued burning, even the iron man can’t stand it!

That is the ultimate pain straight into the soul.

Not to mention the direct acceptance of burning in the form of soul?

Chu Yang stepped forward and said: "Yuan Tian is not very painful??"

The soul of Yuan Tian's limit is groaning, and the pain is overwhelming. At one time, one sentence can't be said. But a pair of eyes are full of prayers and look at Chu Yang.

It can be seen that Yuan Tian has been unable to stand it.

Nie Tianhuo is a powerful one, and it is possible to let a demon king reach the point where he is so unhappy.

"As long as you honestly answer a few questions, I can be the master, let you die quickly, no need to suffer from this!" Chu Yang said gently.

He believes that now, ‘a happy death, for the present Yuan Tian limit, is definitely the dream of infinite desire!

Yuan Tianzhi struggled with pain and asked: "What do you want to ask me?"

"I want to ask……"

The words of Chuyang have not been finished yet. Suddenly, the sky is full of sunshine, and the eternal sacred atmosphere is filled with the whole piece of ink cloud sky!

A colorful cloud, suddenly appeared in the air, a voice sighed and said: "Yuan Tian limit, I can not think of you really is ... outside the heavens!"!

Yuan Tian’s face showed a terrified expression on his face and shouted: “You, you want to······”

In the colorful clouds and clouds, there is no big sign in the big hand!

This hand has even a white sleeve.

This hand, even ignoring the Nei Tianhuo of the flammable world, everything, easily reached into it, and grasped the soul of Yuan Tianzhi in his hand, faintly said: "God, you are really courageous, dare to dare Go deep into my nine-day scorpion and fool all sentient beings!"

The remnant of Yuan Yuan’s remnant is obviously struggling fiercely, wanting to say something, but opening his mouth is not a sound.

The owner of the big hand sighed softly and said faintly: "Since you are a demon outside the domain, it is a dead end, and it will not be a disaster!"

The fingers are gently gathered, and the sound of "啪" is like crushing a bubble!

The soul of Yuan Tianzhi is in this big hand, instantly smashed, and a soul energy rises into the sky, and then it becomes the most pure aura between heaven and earth!

The Emperor of the Clouds is the limit of the Yuan Dynasty, the king of the heavens and the devil!

Finally, today, the soul flies, the spirits are gone, completely disappeared between this world!

"It is the hand of the pure world, it is the sacred priest!" The field is the highest raft, full of joy and joy.

The hand of the sacred world is the first person recognized by the Nine Heavens, and the sacred sacred sacred singer, the specific power of this tactic is unknown, because all the people who took the move are dead, this hand is in a flash, the demons bow down, this Take a shot, the end of the evil spirits!

Today, there is no such thing as a reappearance of the dust mites, and it is still free to continue to write the legends of the past. Under this trick, even the gods of the heavens and the earth, the gods of the devils of the heavens and the devils are incapable of being spared, and the tricks are gone!

The big hand did not disappear, but continued to slowly extend, faintly said: "The devil, and so on, since the arrival of the nine heavens, then you can not live!"

It was actually a handful of the moon that was going to escape in the distance, and in the face of the repair of the moon, facing this giant hand, there was no resistance at all, so it was caught by that hand, and then slammed. The whole person instantly became a powder!

Like his master, the soul flies and scatters.

Even a scream did not come out!

Since the beginning of this big hand, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji have stopped all follow-up actions with great tacit understanding.

Just quietly watching the follow-up events happen.

Looking at this big hand, it was easy to destroy the soul of Yuan Tian, ​​and it was easy to destroy the moon, and the remnants of the heavens on the ground were also killed by everyone.

Mo Yuntian, this side of the world, finally clean, no magic enchanted this place.

But somehow, the two looked at the big hand full of sacredness and full of holy glory, and the heart could not help but feel a sense of fear.

Whether it is Chu Yang or Mo Tianji, these two people are daring, but they only have to be in their twenties, but the original experience of more than 20 years has lived for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and hundreds of Ten thousand old monsters, old and undead are still rich and colorful.

In addition to being shocked by the world, not knowing the world, the wisdom of the mind is not weaker than anyone else. They both think about all the opponents they have ever had, or they are shocked, respected, or surprised. Different, whether it is the fifth gentleness of the day, the nine robbers, the fifth law or the nine heavens, even if the strength and power of the opponent is strong, how difficult it is to match, but there has never been a "fear" word!

But at the moment, in the face of a person who has not met before, he has produced a heartfelt feeling of fear from the bottom of his heart, so he can not let the two people startled.

The sacred radiance of the colorful clouds in the cheers of the crowd, a little pause, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji can clearly feel that the people above want to say something, but after all, nothing is said.

In a few moments, the colorful clouds and clouds made a very colorful seven-color rainbow, and it was soaring in the air, leaving an infinite splendour in the air, disappearing at high altitude.

Only a calm on the ground.

"The Holy King is invincible, and the Holy King is long lived!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded and tens of millions of people cheered at the same time.

Chu Yang sighed softly.

This battle has finally come to an end.

The nine robbers against the Emperor, although eventually won, but also paid a considerable price.

Chu Yang Mo light dance Dong no wounds, the only one of the Luo Ke enemy Ji Mo, all serious injuries, the lightest Mo Tianji also paid the price of the two palms.

It’s not even better to be beaten once!

At this time, the demon king, but the strength has fallen to the bottom, and the body is repaired into a bleak state of ten.

If his injury is not so heavy, or his skill is so 20%, then today is likely to be a brother!

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