Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 535: You are the Emperor Yunyun

This time, even the son-in-law who had been listening to the side of the head and listening to it couldn’t help but laugh.

Xie Danfeng slammed his feet in a sigh of relief, and his mouth whispered and screamed at the disappointment. I can see that after this meal, I would like to suffer from it.

"Since I saw the battle mode of the demon, I found out that those devils seem to be very similar to those recorded in some of the ancient books of our saints..." swearing and frowning: "Moreover, I am also a demon king... ..."

“Does it mean that I am actually related to the demon?” In the past few days, I have been entangled in this problem. I don’t think about tea, how do I feel so evil?

The problem was tossed and I didn’t sleep for a few days.

"Ha ha ha..." This kind of worry about Tan Wei has already been guessed by everyone. I knew that this product is entangled in this problem.

"You are also a demon? You are too whimsical?" Ji Mo squinted and said disdainfully: "The devil has wings, do you have it? The devil has three eyes on his forehead, do you have it?"

Talked with a big eyes: "I don't have it."

"You don't have it, then what do you still call yourself a god? Don't laugh at the dead!" The people despised together.

"So I am not, I am not a demon!?" Tan said with a full of hope.

"Hurry up! You are dead, at most, it's a demon, it's definitely not an extraterrestrial demon!" Mo Tianji laughed and squirted: "Like there are human beings in the world, there are elves and demons; magic, there should be many races. They are very different from each other. Human beings also have good people and bad people. There are all kinds of people, and there are big differences..."

"You don't say anything, I understand, completely understand!" Tan 昙 昙 昙 桌子 桌子 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙It’s a mistake to worry that Laozi has been worried for so long..."

Mo Tianji heard the words as a stunned moment, but he did not react at the moment. Even if he was angry from his heart, he would be guilty of evil: "I enlighten you and still have sin, the old four old five old six old seven old eight old nine! this is the third brother to help smash the goods! "

Mo Tianji’s domineering as the "three brothers" finally revealed, with a "threat" look at Dong’s injury, Xie Danqiong and other 'little brothers'; the people who were still very convinced and did not listen to the orders suddenly felt guilty. Trembling, all the time to fight for the first time, intended to show!

"I beat him! Hell this actually dare I-San, a big dog guts!"

"That is, squatting, smashing into a pig's head, watching him dare not remember!"

"Right, how can you remember it!"

"Just let him know who can offend and who can't offend!"


If it is, a big devil talks about being smashed by a group of people and finally smashed into a big demon king, and his nose and blue face stood up, but he laughed happily.

If there is an unsuspecting one, I must be sure of one thing - the original ugly guy is actually a masochistic mad, and it’s so many people who have joined together to make him happy and happy. How can idle people do it? !

The four brothers Dong smiled without any injury, and patted the shoulders of the talker vigorously: "Brothers, you are relieved, even if you are really a demon, that is my brother!"

I was shocked to hear this, and I was shocked by the heart.

There is not much talk in Dong’s injury, but this sentence is full of twelve points.

When the eye circles were wet, they slammed back to Dong’s wounds and shouted loudly: “Go to yours! You are the devil! You are the great demon, and there is an essential difference between that and the demon. You remembered me clearly, hahahaha..."

But Mo Tianji and others clearly can hear the slight tremor in the laughter of the chatter.

Chu Yang smiled and whispered: "I said that you are talking about your brother, your heart is too much. Especially... in front of the brothers."

Chu Yang looked at him and said meaningfully.

If you say half of it, you won’t go on.

He knows that he will understand that he will understand.

Chu Yang said a word, and Tan talked into a moment of silence, but everyone clearly felt that the breath of his body was gradually changing.

The brothers were drinking quietly, and their hearts were full of joy.

Because, the atmosphere of Tan Yi returned to normal, and more and more seeing pure and powerful, these kinds of signs are all explained. He has completely stepped out of the demons, got rid of the demons, and overcome the demons...

The demons can no longer talk to you!

For a long time, suddenly there was a sudden and awkward air explosion, and everyone turned around and saw that they were dancing and dancing, and the blackness of the body was swaying, a very dark color, suddenly rising. .

Even a pair of eyelids became the purest black.

Immediately, the black and shiny black gas gradually formed a huge cocoon-like thing, and the whole person was wrapped in it, and it was not airtight.

There was a burst of joy in Chu Yang’s heart.

After talking about dispelling his own demons, he talked about making breakthroughs again, and once again leaps and bounds.

In fact, when the road came along, the encounter was extraordinary. On the same day, Chu Yang was in the dark road of Yuwangxia, and he took over the true spirit. The numerology has exceeded the scope of the fixed number, which is even higher than the nine robbers. Among the people, there is only one person who hopes to be with him and Chu Jun. However, in recent days, due to the trouble of the devil, the progress has stagnated, but after the nine robbery, today’s breakthrough, the future entry will be no Limited.

It was said that Xie Danfeng would talk to him and hugged him back to the tent. He solemnly told him not to disturb anyone, and then he sat down again.

"Next, what are we going to do?"

It is Xie Danqiong who asked this sentence.

Fighting with Yuan Tianji, he won a great victory. However, as the owner of this place, he was also about to board Xie Danqiong, who was on the peak of the power of Moyuntian. Instead, he felt that his heart was empty, fearful and uncomfortable.

An inexplicable mood similar to ‘I don’t know what I should do next.’

"What to do? Let it be natural!" Mo Tianji laughed.

"Let it be natural? How to let it go, do you want me to sit on the position of the Emperor of the Clouds?" Xie Danqiong seems to be more at a loss, blurted out.

"That is to go with the flow, the position of the Emperor Yunyun, you have to sit up, but also to sit still, all the way to do it!" Mo Tianji originally turned a little smile to Sen cold, with sound in This moment has become awe-inspiring: "You don't need to control how others are like it, just need to climb the throne of the heavenly emperor; then, use this air and sea to nourish yourself, try to improve your self-cultivation, and collect and cultivate A group of masters, when critical, can pull out and prepare for the future!"

Mo Yuntian Emperor!

Xie Danqiong smiled and made the emperor of the day, how easy it is!

Just now is just a moment of anger, blurt out, his own cultivation, fame, status... seemingly insufficient? !

"Don't think about this one, the reason why Yuan Tianjun will be wiped out by us is that the main reason is always because he is a demon; instead of the people of the Nine Heavens, even if there is a certain air transport, it can not be fully utilized. Mastery; therefore, I dare to conclude that Yuan Tian or combat power is not inferior to the nine emperors, but in some respects, it is certainly far from enough!"

"And you are different, you can, because you are a human race, even if it is not a native of indigenous, just a human race is enough." Mo Tianji said quietly.

"Have you ever thought about my cultivation, fame, status, and merit..." Xie Danqiong shook his head helplessly.

Although it is now equal to the success of rebellion, everyone knows that this time is not really a rebellion.

The main purpose of this incident is to kill the devil, not to rebel. This is where the righteousness is. It must not be changed.

Therefore, it is totally unfeasible for Xie Danqiong to go directly to the position of the Emperor in the name of rebellion.

Xie Danqiong is not stupid. He has at least a self-knowledge; he knows that he can't do it now, and he is not qualified.

"All this is not a problem." Mo Tianji said coldly: "Before I came, I had already instructed the intelligence department to be prepared. As long as I confirmed the death information of Yuan Tian, ​​I would have a big picture. Follow-up actions appear..."

Gossip about this, everyone is completely stunned, even Chu Yang, who has always known the style of Mo Tianji, is no exception!

Is this too embarrassing? !

"In the first time after killing the Yuantian limit, I have already issued an action order." Mo Tianji looked cold and cold: "The rough content is that the reason why you built the Tianbing Pavilion was because you discovered the yuan. The identity of the day, but when you are light, you only have to gather forces to prepare for the unexpected. It turns out that your concerns are correct..."

"The source of the cause of the Seven Kings chaos is also because of your repeated efforts to expose the true identity of Yuan Tian to the Seven Kings. So the seven guards are angry with the Yuan Tian limit. You can rest assured about this. The painting and painting double king will testify for you."

"There is still a dreamless end, and because of your Xie Danqiong's prior planning, I will wait for the opportunity to get rid of Mo Yuntian, accumulate strength, prepare to make a comeback, and he will cooperate to destroy the devil... And now, isn't he really coming back?" Therefore, this is also a genuine evidence of human evidence..."

"As for the raft, thanks to the reason of your Xie Danqiong, he was able to recognize the true face of Yuan Tianjun in time and bring order out of chaos..."

"We also have a key role in the battle against demons, and all of us are because you are worried about the chaos of the devil, so we invite us to help you kill the devil..."

"In the end, Yuan Tian is finally dead under your design. In your battle, in the battle of demons, everyone is hurt, only you, first of all, to reinvent the body of the demon, the key to winning the game. In the end, it is all over the body, unharmed, so strong, and extraordinary.... I said so, you should understand?"


Sorry, the leave is so long. These three days of gimmicks are really not too light, huh, huh.

Today is the birthday of ‘Three Life and Orphan’, let us wish him a happy birthday! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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