Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 550: Unreasonable lore!

Therefore, Mo Tianji piled up a smile: "Boss, have you been tired these days?"

Chu Yang sighed, comfortably screaming in the Chu Leer massage: "Yes yeah... tired than you."

Mo Tianji suddenly sighed his nose, almost overturned the table, do you say this is not a loss of heart? Actually dare to say that you are more tired than me? Do you dare to be more shameless?

In the face of such a bad situation, Mo Tianji was extremely depressed.

Since the Mo Tian machine repair has been completed, he has seen such a dumb eating Huanglian, there is a situation that can’t be said, and the current situation is not really impossible to say, but can’t say, dare not say, sometimes Mo The celestial plane even thinks that it is not as dumb as it is. At least people can’t really say that they have thousands of means, and they just dare not make it.

Fortunately, this situation will not last too long. As long as the gate closing period ends after three days, the Chuyang side is really busy, and the torment is over.

But it still takes three days, for three days, the so-called days are like the year, these three days, the Mo Tianji really is like a year!

The consequence of letting Mo Tianji’s day-to-day experience is that during these three days, Mo Tianji used a series of sloppy means to check all the people in the entire Imperial City all over again!

Three days of thunder bombing in general. The means of Mo Tianji made everyone who knew the whole city of the city feel scared.

The people who were interviewed were still not very good, but those responsible for the investigation were almost all sick.

For three days and three nights, a total of more than 300,000 people were directly involved in a single eye.

But, finally... yes, most of the tasks that belong to them are over.

For the rest of the investigation, they only need to be responsible for the assistance, and no need to bear the main responsibility.

It is clear to this point that after the completion of the entire work, all the officials and soldiers involved in the investigation, no one shouted hard, but everyone was relieved.

These three days are simply not the days of people.

The general commander Mo Tianji is directly a metamorphosis, full of metamorphosis, regardless of the mind or the body, are metamorphosis, double metamorphosis!

Although everyone is ashamed in their hearts, everyone knows that the pressure that the commander should face is undoubtedly much bigger than himself!

It’s a long time for Mo Tianji’s behavior to be abnormal, but everyone’s heart still admires this metamorphosis.

Finally, I was relieved. Everyone had a night of sleep. These people almost cheered and celebrated: Mom, this day’s holiday is really rare...


The next day, the city gate opened.

The three days have accumulated, and the number of people waiting outside the city at this moment has already exceeded 100,000.

In the past three days, the people’s livelihood has been made and the sky has turned upside down.

Why not let us enter the city? Let's make a special trip to the new Emperor of Yunyuntian!

But everyone has not gone, it’s about the future of the emperor’s enthronment in the future.

When I finally waited for it to enter, everyone cheered, and it was like a swarm of bees. I swarmed and rushed in. However, when I came to the gate of the city, I found that the Moyun Heavenly Soldiers stood guarded in two rows with sharp armor.

There are ten tables on the side of the city gate, and there is a record officer behind each table; and, behind this record officer, there are two other people sitting and waiting for this, so that it should be a substitute.

"Everyone who wants to enter the city must register before they can enter the city! Someone must pay attention to it. Once the registration information is found to be inconsistent, it will be treated as a spy, and there is no need to justify it. Being killed immediately."

An airy and majestic officer stood up straight and shouted at the rivers and lakes who were about to enter the city.


"I want to register in a city? What is this?"

"Yeah can come to give you face...and register..."

"Let's let us go in!"


A riot, apparently, this very inhuman decision caused public outrage.

However, the officers looked at the people in front of them with no expression, their eyes were calm and sharp, and they did not seem to hear anything about the other party’s screaming.

However, in the next moment, the sound of Kaka counts, the sound of countless bows and slams open, and on the sides, countless shiny arrows are aimed at those who scream.

弑God Arrow!

In addition to the faint radiance of the cold, the stars are blurred and shining, but the light tells everyone that this is the first killer of the Nine Heavens: 弑God!

Only the Imperial City Guards are eligible to use the Arrow of Destruction!

Once the arrow is fired, regardless of whether the arrow eventually hits the target, the target result is still a dead end. Because as long as this arrow has been shot to you, even if you did not die under the arrow, you will become the enemy of the entire ink cloud!

Not dead end!

In the face of the power of the entire cloud, you are a god, you must die!

This is the true meaning of the arrow.

The sacred arrow has never left the bow, but the opposite Jianghu people are already stunned. Some people muttered: "Register and register, what do you do with this thing? Scare people?"

The volume of the person talking is extremely small.

Presumably, in the face of this Mo Yuntian's first lore, he has already surrendered.

Seeing that the overall situation has been set, I heard another person whispering in the air: "What does this mean? Threat us? I don't believe this evil! We have so many people here, how many sacred arrows can you harvest?!"

This sentence is called a sudden burst of noise!

As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public. There are so many people on their own side. If thousands of people here are really making trouble, is it true that the officers and men are really dare to do it? Even if you are a **** arrow, do you really want to really harvest the life of everyone here?

After retiring 10,000 steps, we are all coming to participate in the new Moyun Heavenly Emperor's enrollment ceremony. This is the first happy event of Mo Yuntian. Is it really dare to kill people? Not going to the throne, seeing red, isn’t that unlucky?

The voice of riots is getting bigger and bigger, and the trend is gradually uncontrolled.

The officer frowned and looked at the accident, apparently there was no idea.

At this moment, a sudden hoof sounded suddenly, and a fast horse rushed out of the city gate. A general of the top armored armor rushed out, and a tumbling, had fallen in front of the gatekeeper. There is no hesitation at all, and a slap in the face is self-sufficient!

"Do not mix things, do not know what is the prohibition of the line, the words and the law,! For so many years, do not know the military order is like a mountain? Even killing will not?"

Then there was a command: "Put the arrow! Kill this gang!"

It was so unreasonable to make a lore!

The people have not yet had time to make awe-inspiring movements, and they hear the sound of humming sounds.

Countless bonus arrows are shot from the bowstring!

The first queue released the arrow, immediately kneel down, let out the space, the second team behind the arrow, and then kneel down, another batch of arrows, swaying out...

After the 10th team, the first team stood up again and put the arrows!

The sacred arrow is like a torrential rain, and Ze Yuanguang is covered in all directions.

Mixed with a brilliance like a star, and a smothering smother.

In front of the moment, there have been countless human-type iron thorns!

A burst of mist rises, and a slight squeaking sound in the air turns into nothingness.

On the other side, the people in the rivers and lakes only feel that the back is cold: this is the real power of the arrow: if it is shot by this arrow, even if the arrow is originally practiced, the soul has the ability to escape, but it is also Unavailable, once the arrow, the soul can not escape, can only be transformed into the tonic of that arrow.

Is the legendary sacred arrow power so powerful? !

Everyone was stunned and looked at the corpse hill in front of him, one by one. No one can think of it, these city gates actually dare to do it, and the damage caused is still so horrible!

"What are you doing?" The bearded officer who came out said: "Take all these corpses all over to the side, all burned to me, and I will take back the sacred arrows as soon as possible! These are also taught by me." You? I don’t need to personally demonstrate, use the teachings that I don’t need, I’m stupid.”

Then he screamed again: "There is a fire in there, and if you encounter such a thing later, you will burn it directly and reduce the share of the land!"

After the words were finished, even the squinting eyes did not look at the group of people in front of the gate. They rode on the horse and stabbed them away. The sudden hooves went farther and farther... and finally disappeared.

In the case of the general's cultivation, riding is afraid that it is not as fast as his own body; but it is just riding on horseback and riding away, obviously it is this style.

However, the official power of this person at this moment is undoubtedly earth-shattering.

"Why are you killing?" someone yelled in anger.

This voice is not caused by anger and anger. For those who have already died, the qualifications for 'sorrow and anger' have already gone together.

The anger at the moment is just a pretty unreasonable killing.

"There is life on the peak, the day when the Emperor is enthroned, and there are people who want to swear; but if they don't accept the manager, most of them are the same party, killing innocent!" The gate of the city gate is expressionless: "We just execute the order, if you disobey, You can also try it out."

Give it a try?

Who else dares to try it now! ?

Trying it out may even be a loss for your own life!

No one has a second life; let alone die under the arrow of God, but there is no chance for a reincarnation.

And there is still a crime of traitor, but that... even with the big crime of the Zhulian and the Nine!

"If you still want to enter the city, then line up the team to register the information! Do not want to enter the city, the road to the sky, please go to the other side!" The officer screamed.

Just because hesitated a moment, it was very bad to slap a slap in the face, playing the old man's eyes on Venus, it is the heart of the gas. When will not vent at this moment?

The order of the city gate is instantaneous. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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