Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 554: Come one, kill one!

Brushing brush...

The two men fell into silence and were no different from fighting the general warriors.

However, the seemingly ordinary sword is actually a courageous force that is attached to the hidden and unobtrusive. Once triggered, it is earth-shattering. As long as you touch the flesh and blood slightly, you can instantly destroy the soul, and you will be devastated.

With 19 swords, Wu Yun has been dodging, but he has discovered that he has retreated to the corner and there is no way to retreat.

The sword in front of him is still like a skeleton, still chasing after him.

When the cold light flashed again, the tip of the sword stopped before the throat.

Wu Yun’s eyes flashed a trace of despair.

I am not an opponent at all!

"Who are you?" Wu Yun said, "I only use a sword at the end of the day, but between the three strokes and the two styles, I can push me to this level. There are only a handful of them. Which one are you? ”

The black youth said coldly: "I am a lonely man; a strange name, I don't think it will be one of those people you think."

Wu Yun's eyes flashed a bit, muttering: "Hey Tianjian Emperor Gu alone, how can the name of Lei Zhener be strange... It turned out to be you... How come you come here? And also participated in the Qionghua defend? Not afraid of others saying that you are self-proclaimed?"

浑天剑帝? Self-identity?

Gu alone does not seem to know, when did he have a nickname for pulling the wind.

It turns out that among the brothers who have the status of "the emperor", it is not Xie Danqiong, but it is himself!

This nickname of pulling the wind to the extreme makes Gu’s feelings uncomfortable.

Even if it is called a solitary swordsman, or a lonely swordsman, in his own opinion, it is much better than this ‘浑天剑帝’.

Gu alone can never forget, the day when Xie Danqiong was named, was played by a group of brothers. As long as Xie Danqiong was replaced by himself, the heart would be chilling and chilling!

The uncomfortable mood in the heart needs a catharsis path. It seems that this Wu Yun is the best props for catharsis. All this unpleasant emotion is caused by him!

"I think, you should have some serious things to say." Gu Duxing's sword pointed at Wu Yun's throat, on the tip of the sword, and a group of ruined swords became a cyan.

As soon as a little spit, this blue-colored sword will immediately enter Wu Yun's body, and his entire internal organs will be turned into powder, let him fly away.

Wu Yun smiled dismally: "In my life, I killed so many people, the innocent home that was destroyed, no less than tens of thousands; how can there be so many words? What can be!"

Gu’s face was colder and his eyes were sharper: “Say, how many people have you come this time?”

Wu Yunxiao laughed: "Sword Emperor adults can ask the wrong person... Among the people who come here, absolutely no one knows how many people come from, because we don't know each other at all; Ask me... Do we guys want to ask the answer to this question, hahaha..."

Gu alone sighed in the heart, the clouds of the black dragon sword generally rise. The blue sword is coming out.

Wu Yun’s throat creaked and muttered: “I’m Wu Yun, there’s no luck today.” ‘

Suddenly a strange smile appeared: "But you can die in the hands of the Swordsman, and you can count it..."

The last words were not exhausted, and the body was already quite straight.

Gu alone acted silently and took the sword away.


At the same time, Chu Yang looked at the black man who was constantly struggling under the attack of Chu Leer's extreme poison. Some people couldn't bear to say: "If you just say a person, I will give you a good time."

The old man sneered: "I really want a happy, but a pity... I really don't even know."

Chu Yang closed his eyes and sighed.


In the middle of the night.

All the brothers were concentrated in the room of Mo Tianji, and everyone looked heavy.

This night, the people you find are basically certain to be messy, and they have all been cleaned up.

But everyone's face is extraordinarily heavy.

"Nothing found out?" Mo Tianji looked up at the roof and asked softly.

Everyone heard the silence and silenced.

Yes, the celestial master who died in the night under the brothers, more than fifty, sage-level masters, and more than ten.

This is only the first day!

If the shooting rate is 100%, there is no escape, and the action should be considered very successful. However, the success of the operation is only the minimum and minimum requirements. Everyone is busy, but only completed. This is the minimum requirement!

In addition to the success of clearing, there is no gain, because the objects being attacked have one thing in common.

That is - nothing knows.

Everything is just a personal action after receiving the order.

Even the line that they contacted their own single line could not say one. It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but I can’t say it, or I don’t know what to say.

I couldn’t help but burn a person with Nirvana’s fire until it became ashes.

However, under such extreme pain, the man’s emotional collapse, crying, tears, squatting, begging for mercy, only in the case of quick death, but still useful and can not be said.

"Maybe, this is the real most terrible place for the other side." Mo Tianji frowned.

"The other person who sneaked in, definitely more than 30 people, there are definitely fish that slip through the net." Mo Tianji whispered: "But...Is it found?"

Chu Yang sat on it, faintly said: "Tonight, I have dealt with eight people in a total of eight people. There is a feeling of faintness to these people, that is... these people really don’t know each other, but they are from the same Local."

When this sentence seems to be contradictory, Ji Mo and others are immediately attached to the seven-mouthed mouth: "Yes, I also have this feeling. I can’t see anything when I look at the appearance, but once I fight, That kind of silence and viciousness are exactly the same."

"It’s like being the same mother."

Mo Tianji sighed with a deep sigh.

"This is the situation I am most worried about." Mo Tianji spit out a breath, quietly said: "It finally happened."

"They naturally cannot be born by the same mother, but their skills are from the same organization. This also proves why they don't know each other, and some deep places are very similar, and these people's The upper heads and even the upper ones are all close together and ordered by the same person. For this reason, the current situation is created. Although these people have the same goal, they are completely unconnected, and they need to do their own things. For war, this is undoubtedly a loose sand; but if it is used in the chaos of the ceremony, it is an excellent trick, even the best move."

"There are their own calculations, each has its own way of doing things. Ten people have the idea of ​​ten people. One hundred people have the idea of ​​one hundred people. You have defended one, and you have won ten, and you can prevent one hundred, one thousand. Or even more? As long as one person is missing, let it succeed, the enthronement will become a joke..."

Chu Yang has already realized this point. It is also a frowning now. Although he is resourceful, he is faced with such chaos, and there is really no better way to deal with it.

"At the moment, only continue to find out these people to clean up; but, while cleaning up, we must pay special attention to the feeling of them... rely on the instincts of the military to find those hidden people, at least Yes... there are no abnormalities in the surface identity."

Mo Tianji said slowly: "Come one, kill one! Come to two, kill one pair! Kill as much as you can kill, rather kill, don't let go."

Chu Yang heard a shock and said: "No, you must not kill innocent people. Although the situation is not good at the moment, you must not give up the principle."

Mo Tianji narrowed his eyes and said: "The enemy can't be sure. For the big picture, occasionally killing one or two is also inevitable. It is a big event, no matter..."

Chu Yang ruined: "Absolutely not! Must have a grasp, in order to target, can not open the kill!"

It seems that this is the first time the two have had a dispute.

Mo Tianji lowered his head and carefully considered it. After a long time, he sighed and said: "Then try not to hurt innocent."

Chu Yang also sighed, Chu Yang understands that Mo Tianji can say so, it has already taken a big step back.

This time, the ceremony was enthroned. For Mo Tianji, the burden was too heavy. Just add a ‘can’t hurt innocent’, you have to increase the workload of Mo Tianji several times.

Because he needs to be more detailed to investigate, to eliminate, the brainpower spent, at least three times before!

The brothers were all faceless, but watching the eyes of Mo Tianji had some gloating. It’s rare to see Mo Tianji eating, everyone is dark and heart--including Gu Zhixing.

Let you be able to see, can you still? !

Not killing innocent people is the bottom line of everyone; although it is a matter of principle to know that Chu Yang and Mo Tianji are arguing, as long as they see Mo Tianji eating, everyone still feels refreshed.

"The poison of the girl is not... I don't know how it is going to be prepared?" The voice of Mo Tianji softened.

"It's almost, you can use it any more in two days." Chu Leer said with a low eyebrow.

Mo Tianji blurted out and praised: "Good job! It is a happy girl who is a cherished heart. If you give it to you, you can rest assured that there is nothing like the four goods. I have to do something to clean up afterwards." ”

Chu Yang looks at the sky. White eyes turn over.

Mo Tianji said that it is directly offensive and indiscriminate, and all the brothers are innocent!


Jimo Rok, the enemy, did not hurt the three people and vomited together.

Mo Tianji wants to murder the general look turned around, the three people smiled and said: "Sorry, before eating, who let us are two goods, forgive me..." (to be continued. Please search for Astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!)

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