Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 556: confusing

The official action of Mo Yuntian did not make people feel horrible, but it made people feel the suspicion.

All the masters of the rivers and lakes that were killed before were listed on the list, and they will be replaced in time. The list will be posted in front of the Imperial City.

The information on the list is very detailed, each person's name, place of origin, cultivation, age, etc... countless detailed information, all listed after the name of the person. Especially in the last sentence, it is more detailed with a black pen, which is twice as big as other words, and it is extremely eye-catching.

"Being alone, no family!"

Almost everyone behind, there is such a sentence!

Nothing else was said, but such a long row and a long row were arranged, so that the slowest people in the rivers and lakes also found the embarrassment.

So many masters, the repair is actually average, the weakest, also reached the level of heaven and man; and the strongest one, but definitely no more than the middle of the saint!

Everyone is in this category!

Almost everyone has a feeling of enlightenment in their hearts: "So many people, the background is the same, the cultivation is similar, it is like a teacher brother from a division."

"Don't it be said that these people are actually ordered by the same person or the same organization? And the upper level of these people is actually a secret force in the rivers and lakes that never appeared?"

"If this is the case... this power is too terrible! Not only does it have such a large number of high-ranking masters, but also because his doors are spread all over the world, all over the entire nine-day sky."

"But there is absolutely no information, information, and information on the rivers and lakes."

"What talents can master such a huge force?"

"What is his attempt?"

"Where is he doing such great strength against Mo Yuntian??"


This kind of problem, in just ten days, is very dusty in the sky.

For a time, everyone felt a burst of chills, and the chilling heart was not the cruel killing of Mo Yuntian, but the existence of this organization. It is like a deadly viper in the shadow, watching it quietly, and may launch a blow at any time.

Everyone feels heartfelt chills.

"All aspects of suspicion have been mobilized." Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, sitting in front of the Mo Tianji: "And, this kind of suspicion is spontaneously spontaneous... We did not do any deliberate guidance, the people can use it. ”

The long-shouldered face of Mo Tianji finally showed a smile, and finally he really breathed a sigh of relief. "In this world, everyone is not a fool, and there are more smart people. Just give them a little hint, you can With their imaginative imagination, we can sort out the real situation one by one; we only need to give them the direction of their imagination at the beginning."

Chu Yang completely agrees: "Yes, isn't this the case now? In fact, let's do this, and the actions arranged by the Holy Judge can be said to be the same; he is the secret cultivation force to use, let personal freedom Play, but the purpose of the final action is the same; and we are guiding the people to a direction of thinking, so that everyone can doubt themselves because of the cause and effect of the incident, and the ultimate goal is always the same."

Mo Tianji nodded deeply and said: "The eyes of the masses have never been bright, because the nature of nature is selfish; the thoughts of the tendency to focus on being deliberately guided by others tend to produce a fairly blind attitude to a certain extent, but After a period of time, after the enthusiasm of blind obedience, it was replaced by uncertainty and doubt about his previous thoughts; even a kind of hostility and even hatred for those who led him to produce such ideas."

"Speaking of this situation is really unfamiliar to us. At the beginning, Muxi announced the identity secret of Yuantian, and guided the thinking of the masses in the initial period of time. The same is to guide the people's thinking, but his evidence is more favorable. A big man like Shengjun proves to him that he naturally overturns the original thinking direction."

"This point was originally his killer, but he didn't know that it was his biggest flaw. When the rumors of their rumors have passed, when we come to an end, we only need a small four or two, so we can turn the limelight again. Come over. It is not that the words of the Holy One can be questioned. The evidence of the big big man should be based on facts. If it is not possible to stand on this point, it will still be defeated."

Chu Yang said: "Yuan Tian is not a fool. Since this flaw is so obvious, how could he implement this strategy on that day!"

Mo Tianji shook his head: "An inertia. In the imagination of Yuan Tian, ​​there is a sacred prince to prove to him that the situation can no longer be shaken. It is based on this thought that emerged from the bottom of my heart that prompted him to The strategy is carried out all the way."

"At this point, whether it is the Emperor or the masses, it is the same."

"Because, this is what I found myself! I speculate, and I think it is very close to the facts. This is a proud work. The masses who have just started to suspect that is the case."

"With this premise, even this person will work very hard to adopt all methods that fit this strategy, to influence other people, to make facts and reason, to make their views recognized, and whenever others gradually recognize him. It will give him an unparalleled sense of accomplishment. So he will not change easily. In fact, if the situation at that time was not our intervention, it would not be hopeless, and the day of the ruin of the raft would not be far behind."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "The human heart is available; when such spontaneous suspicion forms a considerable force, it will have a considerable impact, even if the party is a holy prince, it will not be an exception; The huge power suddenly appeared, and it will always make everyone in this river and lake self-defense."

"Manpower is sometimes poor. No matter how strong that person is, you must face this thorny and difficult problem and solve it. And that time is our turn."

Mo Tianji smiled faintly: "Sometimes, the power that you have is too great, and it is not a good thing. The holy monarch is already recognized as powerful in the world, but this power is recognized from the world. But this way A gray power comes out, and it is so huge, but it creates a suspicion: Since you are already the best in the world, then what do you have to do with such a hidden force?"

"I will let this skeptical force directly face the supreme ruler of the Nine Heavens." Mo Tianji said faintly: "As long as he is slightly shaken, the pressure on our side will be reduced by half in an instant."

Chu Yang nodded and said: "But there are still some strange places in this, which makes me puzzled."

Mo Tianji’s eyes were dignified and said: "You mean..."

"I mean these people, they have no doubts about the original intention of coming here, but after they came here, what they want to do can't be done at all; the only result is to die. What does this mean?" Frowning: "These people are regarded as masters, and there is no shortage of strong people at the sage level, but they are always only split-headed; only one person's strength can't have much impact on the throne."

"But they still have to go to die like this, and they will be broken down by each. In the first few days, it can be understood that it is too late to change the established strategy. However, these days, the wind of ours has not covered the entire nine-day scorpion. Mo Yuntian has always been spread, and he still has to continue here, it is like a special look for death..."

Chu Yang’s words made the face of Mo Tianji look ugly.

"I have thought about this problem too; but... at the moment, there is nothing to be done, at least until I understand the real movement of the other party, I can only wait and see for a moment." Mo Tianji sighed deeply and said: "At this stage In terms of the means that the other party may come out, the first one is that there are other killers in the back. Those who died before are just cannon fodder and smoke. The real killer is always hidden. Only when the time comes, one hit will kill, and then Destroy the entire ceremony."

"The second possible means is to sacrifice these people and have other uses; otherwise, it will not be so easy to sacrifice. Such power, whether it is placed in that organization, is a tyrannical force that cannot be underestimated. It will be very heartbreaking for anyone who will die without any cost and meaninglessness."

"I have thought about whether someone will be in the process of killing... there is ... blocking, but there is always no action."

"These people have sacrificed so easily. It is impossible to say that there is no great attempt. But the mystery of this is that I have not seen it yet."

Mo Tianji frowned deeply: "If there are other flaws in this... then this thing is only going to be great... And, our current murder strategy is destroying their plans, or fulfilling them. The plan is hard to say."

"But in any case, we still can't kill these people!"

Mo Tianji sighed deeply: "In addition, there is a third possible direction, that is... combining the first and second, while taking into account... If this is the case, then the pressure we have to face is It’s too big.”

Chu Yang nodded and felt that the burden on his shoulder was a bit heavier.

At the same time, I also realized the pressure of the Mo Tianji.

He must not only plan for the overall situation, but also conceal certain core secrets. There are some serious and extremely serious things. Mo Tianji did not openly say it. If it is said, I am afraid that it will cause panic.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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