Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 572: Wronged

Late cows sneer: "Since you must find death, then I will fulfill you, and there is also a companion on Huangquan Road, saving you alone!"

The body turned back very quickly. When the "when" sound, the short sword in the hand has become a hand-held hilt, and it collides with the black dragon sword of Gu’s line when it is not allowed to be taken. This is a hard fight. Yu, Gu alone marched a muscle, and eliminated the rest, floating on the opposite side of the late cow, the gas machine re-locked the person in front of him.

The two swords that were just fired were creaking.

If it is Chu Yang here, I will hate my own many things, why should I give the ink tears equipment so high, so full set of equipment!

Including the nine robbery brothers, talks, purple evils and other people, everyone's equipment is not as gorgeous as the tears, so the grade, because her equipment is not only a lot, but each one is the best, Not to mention short-sword short swords and other close-fighting weapons, even the texture of all the dark objects, is the best of heaven, so gorgeous equipment, look at the history of the entire nine-day Scorpio, I am afraid there is no, even if it is not the end, at least unprecedented.

This is not the case. How can a short sword that can be abandoned at any time, how can it be hard to beat the solitary black dragon sword without destroying it? !

Although the texture of the black dragon sword of Gu Zhixing is far better than the short sword of the ink tears, but wants to break it in a collision, it is impossible to do.

In this first collision, the Black Dragon Sword is unscathed, and the short sword is just a gap of rice size, nothing more. Does not affect the next battle at all.

Late cows and white hair Xiaoran, looking at Gu alone, sneer: "Come fast, die fast, rush to die, I will be yours!"

Gu’s habit of absolutely no first talk to the enemy, a cold scream, the sound of the black dragon sword “嗡” re-emerged, mixed with a decisive sweeping of the world, the sword became like a river in the Yangtze River. Come.

In this sturdy and sharp sword, the late cows and cattle clearly felt a sense of sorrow. A solitary taste, it seems that there is only one person between the vast world, dancing in the sword!

This sword, this sword trick, turned out to be emotional.

Spiritual sword!

This sword is the unique sword of Gu Zhixing: life and death wins and loses!

The long sword turned into a long river of time and fell.

The late cow's face showed an unprecedented dignified look, and the short sword in his hand immediately stood up, seeing the move.

Gu’s body has become a shadow of illusion in the rapid movement, and suddenly disappeared in front of the late cow’s body.

The late cows are standing tall, and the short swords in their hands are filled with the sturdy swords. They are like the violent storms, they are rushing out, calmly fighting, and not panic.

Before and after, they only blinked, and the two had already exchanged no less than two hundred strokes.

Gu’s purpose is not to kill the enemy, but to be able to drag the late cattle and cattle, waiting for Dong’s injury to come, and then, together with the ink tears, the three men join hands to gain the grasp of the enemy’s victory, and the offense is the most perfect defense, the sword The situation is like a squally shower, and the air is not airtight. The offensive is connected to the sky.

Before such an offensive, it is only possible to step on the Huangquan Road earlier than to forcibly escape.

The late cow yelled and smiled: "You just have to wait for your companion to come together and join the attack. So the storm attack is fierce, it is difficult to last, and you are not afraid to wait for your companion to come. Do you want to die first?" Don't be so troublesome, since the old man hasn't gone yet, then when your companion comes, you won't even go! Some of you, I will not let go!"

Gu alone did not care about the words of the late cows, but a sneer, the sword dance was even more urgent.

The sneer of the late cows and the cows are constantly snarling, but in the heart they are complaining in succession.

The passage of this passage was really hard to say; but this enemy is really difficult to cope with. Although the late Niu Niu can ask for it if he can ask for it, and it will not fall into the wind or even last for a long time, it is a possibility of resurgence; however, all of this is based on the premise that Gu Zhixing is finally exhausted. Before that, he wanted If you leave without paying the price, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream, not a reality!

The other side of the murderous murder, has already locked himself!

Believe that even if you go to the ends of the earth, this murder will not get rid of it!

Do not talk about loneliness, and the woman who had just missed a hit and once again sneaked into the dark, the strength is strong, the assassination is brilliant, and it is also a big enemy. If there is a little omission, there is a possibility of a life call. In such a situation, it is simply nonsense to want to retreat.

It’s just that Gu’s singularity is clearly waiting for Dong’s injury to come together and collide, but the late Niu Niu is not waiting for the turn of the machine?

As long as the person came before, the difference in strength between the two sides will be more obvious, but the minds of the two people are not as simple as one person. When the other party has just joined forces, there will be a moment of relaxation and uncoordinated generation. The moment to break the lock and then escape, is the most appropriate way to get out of the moment.

Otherwise, even if you leave today, I am afraid that you will face the endless pursuit of the other party. You must know the young people in front of you, but represent the official power of the entire Mo Yuntian.

Even if the cows are confident again, they don’t dare to face the whole killing of the ink cloud!

The late Niu Niu and Gu alone are alone, and they are really struggling. It’s not that Gu Zhixing has occupied an absolute offensive. How fall into the wind, how embarrassing.

But because Gu’s offensive is too sharp, almost every move has a common characteristic: you die, I hurt!

It is a spirit of desperation that goes downright and leaves no room at all.

The late cows have a headache for such a play.

It is like a gentleman, suddenly encountering a group of unreasonable hooligans, no matter what you say, the poems of the poems and clouds say that they just can't help but knock down a stick!

There is no buffer!

Completely savage is unreasonable!

For such an opponent, it is simply unrealistic to be completely unharmed and deal with the past.

Absolutely not the power is not as good as people, but very... grievances, it is very wrong, the other party is completely not playing according to the law of the law; but they are very kind of people who cherish their own lives, encounter a completely no The person who lives, but also a master.

Even if you cultivate yourself higher than the other, there is no good way to do it. !

Therefore, under the violent attack of Gu, the cows and cattle can only be self-protected, waiting for the end of the singularity. However, every time he faced the cold and piercing eyes of Gu, he felt uncomfortable.

This kind of greasy feeling to the extreme makes the cow's heart very unsatisfactory: "Even when I faced the Yuan Tian limit, I didn't feel so uncomfortable in the face of the power of the world! How is this? The nameless **** can actually make me feel so uncomfortable!"

Therefore, the late Niu Niu really angered, and his original intention to come here is to wait for another person to come, but wait for the siege of the three top powers, but it is to collect the vitality of some ants, as for me to live like this?

Originally, Niu Niu was also planning to wait for Gu’s companion to come and look for opportunities to get out, but now he suddenly changed his mind.

Since you want to die like this, recruit and play, then I will fulfill you, just kill this coffin face here!

Then take it easy.

Although the woman is also very good, but the only way to kill is only a moment, she may not be able to react, and at the end of the remedy, her strength is even weaker than the coffin face in front of her, even if she is injured, As long as it is not critical, the injury will not be very heavy, and may even completely lose its strength under the old man’s counterattack.

So, even if another person comes, it won't do much. The true cultivation of the old man is far above them, and it is absolutely impossible for them to leave me.

Let him change his mind, it is the eyes of Gu.

Cold, disdain, contempt, and a kind of disregard!

This kind of eyes completely irritated the late cow: he looked down on me! Actually dare to look down on me? !

This is the case with Jianghu people. You can kill me, but you can't look down on me!

When you kill me, I will say: Good martial arts! Your sword is so fast!

But you look down on me, I will fight with you!

The late cow screamed, and the short sword in his hand suddenly stabbed straight!

This sword carries a sturdy momentum.

Are you not desperate? Just see if you can really fight me!

In the face of the sudden change of the late Niu Niu, Gu Lianxing flashed a heartfelt ridicule, and Jian Feng took the lead and stabbed it along the other's sword tip, but turned it aside.

Your sword, the goal is to pierce my heart, come, I will not dodge, because my sword will pierce your throat while you stab me!

No retreat!


The late cow snorted, and immediately took the sword, and lifted it up quickly, blocking the sword of Gu’s lone side, and then it was a sword stabbing Gu’s throat, Gu’s face was not moving, and the long sword turned around, such as Meteor-like stabbing to the cow's throat.

You stab my throat, I also stab your throat!

Everyone is going to die.

The late cow and the sword are like the wind, and they have already come into contact with Gu’s throat. Even, they have already cut a blood mark, but they have to take the sword and retreat.

Because Gu’s face is always the same, and the long sword is the same, it’s still straight.

If you don't accept the sword, I won't accept the sword. Even if you take the sword, I still don't accept the sword!

The squatting cows are mad.

One of the somersaults turned to seventeen and eighty feet, and angered and shouted: "Who is your kid? Are you still not a person...snoring...have you been so beaten?"

When I say this sentence, the late Niu Niu really is wronged.


After a busy day, I only sent out the second batch of Enshi physical books that everyone bought, which made the update a bit late, sorry.

Today, I signed more than 500 books...just signed, but every first episode is written with a gift...Hey, dear, I have never written so many words since I didn’t go to school. ......

The wrists are sour...

Cough, I continue to code words. By the way, the one-to-five episode of the physical book is really lacking on my side. The brothers and sisters who want to pay attention to me quickly, after finishing the physical book sent by the publisher, the next event will have to wait for a long time. Up...

And at that time, the book did not have the present gifts... the gifts are different. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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