Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 574: Million

Therefore, if Dong does not hurt, he will be alone with him. Even if he knows that he is stupid, he will force himself to become fangs.

This made the tears especially dissatisfied: this wood did not say so much with me!

The arrival of Dong is not hurt -

Let Gu alone shine in the eyes.

At the same time, it also made the light in the eyes of the late cattle.

What the two thought was actually the same thing that happened to happen - he finally came!

Regardless of the previous situation, there is finally a chance.

The arrival of Dong Wusui made the incident turn for the better. Whether it was a lonely or a late cow, the two felt the same!

Dong Wushou slowly removed the long knife from his shoulder and said slowly: "A late cow, just a battle, you ran faster than a rabbit, not happy! Now when you come here, you can never Run it again? There is a kind, let’s die!”

The late cows laughed and hoarse voices said: "You can rest assured about this. If I can't slaughter these two abominable juniors, it is decided not to leave here."

Gu Suhang suddenly remembered something, and actually said a lot of words: "The fourth, you can't blame me for not reminding you, your wife is specifying the sword in the hands of this scum, deliberately ask me not to damage And, thousands, thousands of levels."

Dong did not hurt and shook his head, and his face showed a bit of bitterness. Zhang opened his mouth and said: "This is a bit difficult..."

Gu alone nodded: "It’s a little difficult, it’s just too difficult, but it’s rare for the younger brother to open the mouth. Since the younger brothers have taken a fancy to the sword, the sword is ours.”

He said so firmly, it seems that the sword is placed there, just waiting to reach out and get it.

Dong Wuzheng really agreed, saying: "Of course, I must get what my wife looks at."

The nose and the nose that heard this conversation on the opposite side were almost exhausted.

I am still a big living person standing still opposite, my sword is still in my hand; where are your two juniors actually starting to red-and-white teeth, how my sword has become you What about it?

I want to start the soil on the head of the old age, pull out the teeth in the tiger's mouth, and grab the sword of my late cow? I missed your heart!

"Ignorant ignorant junior!" The late cow is angry and mad: "Today is your death, go on the road!"

Invisible swords in the hands of a show, late cattle and cattle under the wrath, suddenly incarnation of thousands, it is like swimming countless late cattle and cattle at the same time launched an offensive.

Obviously, the late Niu Niu is also aware of the weakness of his Sabre. Facing the other side as a majestic, a wicked play that does not desperate to the extreme, the only effective response is to use this ethereal offensive: the other side is desperate, one Majestic, the body is definitely not as flexible as you are!

For this, the late cattle are still quite confident.

As for what the two people just said, "The younger brothers have taken a fancy to each other's sabre" and "Don't give it to the damaged". If you don't believe it, you can fool the child. When the soldiers are in danger, how can you add this? A low-level restriction, I believe you have a ghost!

Gu alone and Dong did not hurt one after the other, and shouted at the same time!

Immediately, the Black Dragon Sword and the Ink Knife attacked at the same time!

The Black Dragon Sword rolled up the sky full of frenzy, and it was mixed with the invincible spirit and swordsmanship. It greeted the invisible Jianshan, which was displayed in the air in the late cattle and cattle. Dong’s ink knife also instantaneously made black lightning, in the air. Raging, overbearing.

Two people in tandem, both front and back, are lightning fast, and the power is shocking.

However, the side of the late cow is more ethereal.

It is hard to imagine that the old man who has been late for a hundred years and a thousand years old can be flexibly moved to such a point; in the face of the joint attack of Dong Wuju and Gu Lone, it does not fall into the wind!

Moreover, his sword is invisible, even if he wants to collide with each other's blade, it is almost impossible to collide. Even if it is a special palatability that can't be avoided, Chi Niu Ning can use a very simple palm to meet, also Reluctant to use the blade to harden!

Whether it is the Black Dragon Sword or the Ink Knife, it is a weapon of the gods that Chu Yang has tailored and carefully forged by the two brothers. It is a simple matter to cut iron and mud, but when it comes to the meat of the late cow, it finally sends out It is actually a crisp sound like a gold and iron symphony!

As for the results of the fight, the beef palm of the late cattle will not have a little damage!

That dry buck is almost a skinny palm, and it is hard to pick up the weapon of the gods without any damage!

This reality makes Gu’s independence and Dong’s injury completely shocked!

I really didn't think that with the strength of the two of them nowadays, they still have such a weapon of the gods in their hands, and there is no way for the enemy's flesh!

Gu Zhixing finally knew that the original cows had not made any effort at all.

The two are not even more cautious in their hearts.

I don’t know if the late cows are secretly complaining at the moment.

Don't look at the late cows and cows, but he has already decided to go early, and the whole body has to retreat. When he first played, he planned to use the other party’s unfinished moment to get away. However, when they never thought of it, the two swords would be more than doubled, at least twice as much as the murder of the previous one.

As far as the joint attack in the general sense is concerned, it is absolutely not the case that this situation should have occurred. The initial period of the joint attack will be a little uncoordinated, and the integration of the air machine will be unstable.

However, the two men did not have any problems with the cooperation at all. It was a perfect fusion, as if it was only locked from one's murderousness and became a joint lock of two people.

This result is not simply a question of 壹 plus 壹 equal to two, but equal to the pressure that the late cows face up to five times!

The original wishful thinking of the late Niu Niu has not yet begun to be implemented, and it has already declared a complete bankruptcy.

Moreover, there is another thing that is more unexpected than he expected: he thought that the other party was young, and the skill could be quick, but the body might not be able to reach the level of the saint, at least not to his own level. But after really fighting, I discovered that these two people are like a fish in the water, just like an eagle in the sky, and the body is so happy that it can completely keep up with its own rhythm. Even if there is a slight gap, it is difficult to influence the victory. Negative key!

This situation makes the heart of the late cows complain!

This shouldn't be, even if you judge your mistakes because of your age, even if you use the sword's body to be flexible, this can be considered extenuating, but the one with a heavy knife is like a big stupid cow. Can it be as flexible as a monkey?

It’s incredible to the extreme, it’s just a day of seeing ghosts.

Under the helplessness of the cows and cattle, they had to launch their own ultimate practice - the gods!

Once this method is run, it is like the strongest star iron, and almost nothing can be destroyed. This is the real reason why the late cow can meet the Gu and Dong swords and join hands to attack without any damage; but the more powerful the function The law is often accompanied by a great end, and there is also a great side effect behind this sacred power!

The practice of squandering the gods is actually a special practice that introduces the first to hurt oneself and then hurt the enemy. The beginning of the operation of the exercises is to use their own vitality to become a special power. Every time they perform, they will age because of the consumption of vitality; although they can use the relevant heaven and earth treasures and engulf the vitality of others to make up for it. The vitality of total loss, but the appearance of aging can not be changed.

It can only be more aging than once. This is the main reason why the late Niu Niu Mingming is a high-level, high-ranking sage, but it is a senile to the extreme.

Therefore, since the late development of the cows and cattle, since the time of life and death, it is rare to use this evil principle. But now it is forced to use it out...

In a densely sounded tens of thousands of blacksmiths at the same time in the iron-like sound of Dangdang, the three figure rabbits fell and desperately killed!

The tears hidden in the darkness are dazzling, so you can't find a chance to shoot!

There is nothing wrong with Chuyang’s original calculation: the strength of Dong’s injury and the combination of the three tears and the tears of the three men’s hands, it’s really a good idea to deal with a late cow. At best, you can pay the price of a minor injury. Cattle won!

But there must be a premise: that is, it is possible to use the singularity of the dead cows!

Once used, the outcome is hard to predict.

Now the three people are in a circle, the body moves very fast, constantly changing each other's position, no one has the upper hand, no one has occupied the disadvantage, actually formed a situation that is evenly matched and equal!

The battle is now close to a tea time, this stalemate is still going on; Gu Lone's face is cold, Black Dragon Sword has turned into a dark cloud, continuous attack, attack and defend, and not slow, the law is sure.

However, Dong did not hurt but gradually showed some intolerance.

The fight of Dong Erye, when I was so dragged!

Suddenly, the whole body screamed twice as much as the sky, just like a giant in the sky, and appeared in this world!

The ink knife in his hand was round and slammed down.

A blazing glare, a knife that is more than a dozen feet long, violently out!

The late cows and cows saw a sneer, and the body dribbled and turned, and the moment was already close to Dong’s unharmed body, but the warm snow sword snake in the hand was assaulted!

He is not afraid of Dong's injury to the body of the giant spirit, but he is afraid that Dong will not play such a play!

Once these exercises are applied, they will inevitably turn around. The so-called big and nothing is the reason.

Therefore, he is going to take advantage of this great opportunity of great fortune, and directly venture into the body of Dong without injury, a sword stabbed!

The target is the heart of Dong's injury! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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